USMB Coffee Shop IV

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And this one!


Way back when, when MrG and I and a friend of ours would go to Maui for a week vacay, I would browse the art galleries to help me "get in the mood". See, I can't be a furniture painter or artist full time. I get burned out. It has to be prodded from me. Urged. Inspired. The galleries in Lahaina always did that for me. One year, all I did was paint furniture since I am not much into canvas paintings. I like unique surfaces. So my LAST really NICE painting was on the coffee table I got at a yard sale for a buck. The leather top was all stained with coffee cup circles, the gold inlay rubbed off and in general....fucked up. But the legs were nice, and it was sturdy. So..I pulled the leather top off and painted the koi on it. And it sold and off it went to Russia. Cost more to ship the damn thing than the piece itself, but the gal didn't mind. She wanted it.

That was my best ever painting. Then again...the asian dragons on the sides of two matching pillar shelves were good too but the Koi? My best work. And it made me an "international artist", lol. Then the RA started in my pinky finger. Then decided one was not enough and hit the rest of them. That was the end of that. I can still paint but I can't do the intricate stuff any more.
And this one!


Way back when, when MrG and I and a friend of ours would go to Maui for a week vacay, I would browse the art galleries to help me "get in the mood". See, I can't be a furniture painter or artist full time. I get burned out. It has to be prodded from me. Urged. Inspired. The galleries in Lahaina always did that for me. One year, all I did was paint furniture since I am not much into canvas paintings. I like unique surfaces. So my LAST really NICE painting was on the coffee table I got at a yard sale for a buck. The leather top was all stained with coffee cup circles, the gold inlay rubbed off and in general....fucked up. But the legs were nice, and it was sturdy. So..I pulled the leather top off and painted the koi on it. And it sold and off it went to Russia. Cost more to ship the damn thing than the piece itself, but the gal didn't mind. She wanted it.

That was my best ever painting. Then again...the asian dragons on the sides of two matching pillar shelves were good too but the Koi? My best work. And it made me an "international artist", lol. Then the RA started in my pinky finger. Then decided one was not enough and hit the rest of them. That was the end of that. I can still paint but I can't do the intricate stuff any more.
OMG!! I luv that! The blue helps, that being my favorite color...
Isn't it purdy? LOVE it. I have oodles of turqoise but not sea blue or sky blue or just BLUE. I gotta get some tomorrow.
Good morning everybody. Yet another sunny and unseasonably warm day in Albuquerque. Of course it is now that we start seriously thinking of spring and wonder if it is here. A few brave souls will do an early planting that will most likely be killed when the next hard freeze comes. Or maybe that won't happen this year.
Every now and then I see a photo that is just perfect in every respect in composition and contrast and content that keeps you looking at all the detail. It is a history lesson to boot and makes you feel. This is Brownwood TX in 1939:

My employer got me some multi-vitamins from the store yesterday. She decided to get me the chewy kind, which is great by me; I love gummy candy. However, I noticed something odd about the bottle. The label has a circle on it with 'Actual Size' written underneath. That's not so odd, I'm sure we've all seen actual size pictures on packaging before. The odd thing is that the circle and words are on a semi-transparent part of the label........and the label doesn't even cover the entire transparent bottle. You can already see the vitamins in the bottle, why do you need an actual size label?! :lol:
Taking Mrs. BBD up to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN on Thursday. She has her pre-op work-up on Friday morning and will be admitted on Monday morning for the knee replacement. Saturday and Sunday will be free days for us. Plan to go visit my Aunt in Northfield on Saturday - which is a short distance away from Rochester. Sunday will most likely go to church and then out to see a movie in the afternoon. Mrs. BBD should be in the Methodist Hospital for 3 days and then I will bring her back to Mount Morris where she will be in a local nursing home for a week getting physical therapy. Taco and I will be living the bachelor life style for a week while Mrs. BBD is in the nursing home. Already he is complaining about my cooking and demanding that I take him to see his "Mama" while she is in the nursing home. I tell you, there is just no pleasing some dogs...
Taking Mrs. BBD up to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN on Thursday. She has her pre-op work-up on Friday morning and will be admitted on Monday morning for the knee replacement. Saturday and Sunday will be free days for us. Plan to go visit my Aunt in Northfield on Saturday - which is a short distance away from Rochester. Sunday will most likely go to church and then out to see a movie in the afternoon. Mrs. BBD should be in the Methodist Hospital for 3 days and then I will bring her back to Mount Morris where she will be in a local nursing home for a week getting physical therapy. Taco and I will be living the bachelor life style for a week while Mrs. BBD is in the nursing home. Already he is complaining about my cooking and demanding that I take him to see his "Mama" while she is in the nursing home. I tell you, there is just no pleasing some dogs...

Here's hoping everything goes great with the replacement!
Taking Mrs. BBD up to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN on Thursday. She has her pre-op work-up on Friday morning and will be admitted on Monday morning for the knee replacement. Saturday and Sunday will be free days for us. Plan to go visit my Aunt in Northfield on Saturday - which is a short distance away from Rochester. Sunday will most likely go to church and then out to see a movie in the afternoon. Mrs. BBD should be in the Methodist Hospital for 3 days and then I will bring her back to Mount Morris where she will be in a local nursing home for a week getting physical therapy. Taco and I will be living the bachelor life style for a week while Mrs. BBD is in the nursing home. Already he is complaining about my cooking and demanding that I take him to see his "Mama" while she is in the nursing home. I tell you, there is just no pleasing some dogs...

Hi BBD. I knew that was coming up soon but I had it in my head that it was early March. But she and her knee have been on the list the whole time and shall remain. I have two relatives and three friends currently going through rehab after knee replacements--all doing well. They have it down to a fine science--not painless or pleasant for sure, but all are convinced it is well worth it. The hospital probably won't, but I bet the rehab place will let you bring Taco in for a quick visit if you sweet talk the nurses just a wee bit? And sending extra vibes for safe travels for you.
Taking Mrs. BBD up to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN on Thursday. She has her pre-op work-up on Friday morning and will be admitted on Monday morning for the knee replacement. Saturday and Sunday will be free days for us. Plan to go visit my Aunt in Northfield on Saturday - which is a short distance away from Rochester. Sunday will most likely go to church and then out to see a movie in the afternoon. Mrs. BBD should be in the Methodist Hospital for 3 days and then I will bring her back to Mount Morris where she will be in a local nursing home for a week getting physical therapy. Taco and I will be living the bachelor life style for a week while Mrs. BBD is in the nursing home. Already he is complaining about my cooking and demanding that I take him to see his "Mama" while she is in the nursing home. I tell you, there is just no pleasing some dogs...

You are in our prayers for a safe and speed recovery.
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I just got done vacuuming the living room after using some Resolve carpet cleaner......that was a waste of time and money. :( Our stains are just too ground in I guess. I didn't expect to magically clear it up completely, but I was hoping to see at least a slight improvement. Nope. :(

Well, hopefully the carpet is at least cleaner in the sense of germs having been killed. :lol:
I just got done vacuuming the living room after using some Resolve carpet cleaner......that was a waste of time and money. :( Our stains are just too ground in I guess. I didn't expect to magically clear it up completely, but I was hoping to see at least a slight improvement. Nope. :(

Well, hopefully the carpet is at least cleaner in the sense of germs having been killed. :lol:
We're in the 80s right now, back slider is open and I just woke up. Had 3 1/2 hours last night and went back to bed a 10:30 am when the wife woke up. Been a little busy with projects over the last couple of days and doing so with a handicap. A couple of days ago my left knee got so bad I could only walk with the help of crutches making everything I was doing a little more difficult.
Also when I reverted this laptop back to Windows I used the Win 7 disc for this laptop...... Windows hit me with the "this is not an authentic copy" BS so I'm back to running Ubuntu. Actually reinstalled it 3 times yesterday as I was "experimenting" and kept breaking the operating system or vital applications. Live and learn...... :lol:
The knees feel better today so I have to make a run to Albertsons for some grocery items then hit Wally World later tonight.
I just got done vacuuming the living room after using some Resolve carpet cleaner......that was a waste of time and money. :( Our stains are just too ground in I guess. I didn't expect to magically clear it up completely, but I was hoping to see at least a slight improvement. Nope. :(

Well, hopefully the carpet is at least cleaner in the sense of germs having been killed. :lol:
Well ya might have killed the germs for the next week........ Carpets are such germ and allergen collectors, they're quite efficient at it......
I just got done vacuuming the living room after using some Resolve carpet cleaner......that was a waste of time and money. :( Our stains are just too ground in I guess. I didn't expect to magically clear it up completely, but I was hoping to see at least a slight improvement. Nope. :(

Well, hopefully the carpet is at least cleaner in the sense of germs having been killed. :lol:
We're in the 80s right now, back slider is open and I just woke up. Had 3 1/2 hours last night and went back to bed a 10:30 am when the wife woke up. Been a little busy with projects over the last couple of days and doing so with a handicap. A couple of days ago my left knee got so bad I could only walk with the help of crutches making everything I was doing a little more difficult.
Also when I reverted this laptop back to Windows I used the Win 7 disc for this laptop...... Windows hit me with the "this is not an authentic copy" BS so I'm back to running Ubuntu. Actually reinstalled it 3 times yesterday as I was "experimenting" and kept breaking the operating system or vital applications. Live and learn...... :lol:
The knees feel better today so I have to make a run to Albertsons for some grocery items then hit Wally World later tonight.

I had to enter my key twice both times I installed Win7 on this machine. The first time it didn't accept it.

Still, I've got to have Windows for games......and to stream some sites, it can be a real PITA with Linux because the latest versions of flash aren't supported. I think I was trying to watch an anime on Crackle on my Linux partition and it wouldn't go because I didn't have the latest flash.

I don't know what I'm going to do in 5 or 10 years when they stop supporting Vista and 7. I really don't want to go to 10. I hope either they improve with later Windows or Linux gets more support.
I just got done vacuuming the living room after using some Resolve carpet cleaner......that was a waste of time and money. :( Our stains are just too ground in I guess. I didn't expect to magically clear it up completely, but I was hoping to see at least a slight improvement. Nope. :(

Well, hopefully the carpet is at least cleaner in the sense of germs having been killed. :lol:
We're in the 80s right now, back slider is open and I just woke up. Had 3 1/2 hours last night and went back to bed a 10:30 am when the wife woke up. Been a little busy with projects over the last couple of days and doing so with a handicap. A couple of days ago my left knee got so bad I could only walk with the help of crutches making everything I was doing a little more difficult.
Also when I reverted this laptop back to Windows I used the Win 7 disc for this laptop...... Windows hit me with the "this is not an authentic copy" BS so I'm back to running Ubuntu. Actually reinstalled it 3 times yesterday as I was "experimenting" and kept breaking the operating system or vital applications. Live and learn...... :lol:
The knees feel better today so I have to make a run to Albertsons for some grocery items then hit Wally World later tonight.

I had to enter my key twice both times I installed Win7 on this machine. The first time it didn't accept it.

Still, I've got to have Windows for games......and to stream some sites, it can be a real PITA with Linux because the latest versions of flash aren't supported. I think I was trying to watch an anime on Crackle on my Linux partition and it wouldn't go because I didn't have the latest flash.

I don't know what I'm going to do in 5 or 10 years when they stop supporting Vista and 7. I really don't want to go to 10. I hope either they improve with later Windows or Linux gets more support.

I think they will stop supporting Vista like next year? And Win 7 not long after that. Actually I'm getting along okay with Windows 10. I hate hate HATE using Edge for a Browser though--it has some really unpleasant quirks so I'm back to using Chrome that I don't like a lot but at least it doesn't crash or hang up every few minutes.

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