USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just got done vacuuming the living room after using some Resolve carpet cleaner......that was a waste of time and money. :( Our stains are just too ground in I guess. I didn't expect to magically clear it up completely, but I was hoping to see at least a slight improvement. Nope. :(

Well, hopefully the carpet is at least cleaner in the sense of germs having been killed. :lol:
We're in the 80s right now, back slider is open and I just woke up. Had 3 1/2 hours last night and went back to bed a 10:30 am when the wife woke up. Been a little busy with projects over the last couple of days and doing so with a handicap. A couple of days ago my left knee got so bad I could only walk with the help of crutches making everything I was doing a little more difficult.
Also when I reverted this laptop back to Windows I used the Win 7 disc for this laptop...... Windows hit me with the "this is not an authentic copy" BS so I'm back to running Ubuntu. Actually reinstalled it 3 times yesterday as I was "experimenting" and kept breaking the operating system or vital applications. Live and learn...... :lol:
The knees feel better today so I have to make a run to Albertsons for some grocery items then hit Wally World later tonight.

How to get the latest version of Flash on Firefox for Linux after Adobe's abandonment

I had to enter my key twice both times I installed Win7 on this machine. The first time it didn't accept it.

Still, I've got to have Windows for games......and to stream some sites, it can be a real PITA with Linux because the latest versions of flash aren't supported. I think I was trying to watch an anime on Crackle on my Linux partition and it wouldn't go because I didn't have the latest flash.

I don't know what I'm going to do in 5 or 10 years when they stop supporting Vista and 7. I really don't want to go to 10. I hope either they improve with later Windows or Linux gets more support.

How to get the latest version of Flash on Firefox for Linux after Adobe's abandonment
I just got done vacuuming the living room after using some Resolve carpet cleaner......that was a waste of time and money. :( Our stains are just too ground in I guess. I didn't expect to magically clear it up completely, but I was hoping to see at least a slight improvement. Nope. :(

Well, hopefully the carpet is at least cleaner in the sense of germs having been killed. :lol:
We're in the 80s right now, back slider is open and I just woke up. Had 3 1/2 hours last night and went back to bed a 10:30 am when the wife woke up. Been a little busy with projects over the last couple of days and doing so with a handicap. A couple of days ago my left knee got so bad I could only walk with the help of crutches making everything I was doing a little more difficult.
Also when I reverted this laptop back to Windows I used the Win 7 disc for this laptop...... Windows hit me with the "this is not an authentic copy" BS so I'm back to running Ubuntu. Actually reinstalled it 3 times yesterday as I was "experimenting" and kept breaking the operating system or vital applications. Live and learn...... :lol:
The knees feel better today so I have to make a run to Albertsons for some grocery items then hit Wally World later tonight.

I had to enter my key twice both times I installed Win7 on this machine. The first time it didn't accept it.

Still, I've got to have Windows for games......and to stream some sites, it can be a real PITA with Linux because the latest versions of flash aren't supported. I think I was trying to watch an anime on Crackle on my Linux partition and it wouldn't go because I didn't have the latest flash.

I don't know what I'm going to do in 5 or 10 years when they stop supporting Vista and 7. I really don't want to go to 10. I hope either they improve with later Windows or Linux gets more support.

I think they will stop supporting Vista like next year? And Win 7 not long after that. Actually I'm getting along okay with Windows 10. I hate hate HATE using Edge for a Browser though--it has some really unpleasant quirks so I'm back to using Chrome that I don't like a lot but at least it doesn't crash or hang up every few minutes.
Win 7 will no longer be supported by the middle or end of 2020, as for your IE/Edge problem;

How to open Internet Explorer in Windows 10
Speaking of dogs (I just read BBD's post), Karma is getting all weirded out again. Wanting to graze on grass 24/7. Puked twice but not sucking up water like when she got that case of pancreas probs. So I have been feeding her nothing but white rice cuz its supposed to be soothing on the stomach, mixed with just a smidge of her Hills Rx Diet canned food. No chicken. Night before last, I had just a pan fried breast of chicken and shared it with her so we only each had a few bites. I got sick. So did she. I know i cooked that thing well done but it must have been a bad one although the label said organic. I am slowly coming around and so is she, but all that grass worries me. I might have to block off where it is, so she can still go do her business but not eat so much of it. Hell, I may as well let it all die off. Tomorrow, I will weedeat it down to the nubbins and hurry it along in dying. Most of it already is, but with the rain last month, there is quite a bit trying to stay alive. And more rain coming tomorrow afternoon.

I might take her to the vet in the morning, and have her tested again to see if its her pancreas again or if her liver is still iffy.

Why do things always happen at night or on the weekends when it comes to vet visits? And the closest overnighter one is 30 miles away and they charge you 300 bucks just to walk in the damn door.

No more dogs after she goes to rainbow bridge. I just cant afford it any more, nor have the heart to watch them get sick. I stress too much.
Win 7 will no longer be supported by the middle or end of 2020,

Well that give us some time to play around. I will probably keep using windows 7 even after there are no updates. That is unless my computer goes down and I have to replace it. I am in a quandary because Doom 4 uses win 7 and it comes out in the spring, but I don't think my computer is powerful enough to run it.
I need a faster processor and I am not keen on upgrading just for one game.
Trying unsuccessfully to wake up at the moment, not even the coffee seems to be helping........ Had a rough day yesterday, didn't feel good most of the day so I didn't make it out to do grocery shopping, will have to do that today. Also gave up trying to grow my hair out and shaved it off last night, it was growing too slowly and was so unruly that I doubt Brylcreem would have been able to control it for more that a few minutes before it sprang back in all directions.
One of the things that happened after the doc put me on a daily fiber intake was this acid reflux, GERDS. Come to find out it's possible the fiber breakdown is creating too much acid that my gut may not be as efficient as it once was at breaking down complex carbs. This leads to a conundrum, the fiber intake has kept my vision clear (no more brown haze.......), feeling better overall and a sense of satisfaction almost rivaling the aftermath of a passionate sexual encounter 3 times a day. However it has (possibly) created a potentially damaging and extremely painful condition........
Hey Hossfly, always good when you drop in. And here's your coffee:

Folgers I hope.
Nope, real coffee............ take your pick:


Here's mine:


You know, I have had some great coffee--some of the most expensive gourmet blends, etc.--but for a great morning brew with the newspaper? Folgers (or whatever else is on sale at the grocery store) tastes just fine. And I would venture very few people if given a blind taste test would be able to distinguish between the various blends of unflavored coffees. I could be wrong though I don't think I have all that much unsophisticated palate. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Hey Hossfly, always good when you drop in. And here's your coffee:

Folgers I hope.
Nope, real coffee............ take your pick:


Here's mine:


You know, I have had some great coffee--some of the most expensive gourmet blends, etc.--but for a great morning brew with the newspaper? Folgers (or whatever else is on sale at the grocery store) tastes just fine. And I would venture very few people if given a blind taste test would be able to distinguish between the various blends of unflavored coffees. I could be wrong though I don't think I have all that much unsophisticated palate. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I was just messin' with him, I keep a can of Folgers or Maxwell House on hand for when I'm just to tired or lazy to grind my own. Yes I can taste the difference but it's what I want sometimes.

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