USMB Coffee Shop IV

7 plus 7=14
14 divided by 7=7
7 plus 7=14
7 times 7=28
7 minus 28=21

We've had this discussion before with similar types of problems. There's an order of operations with math, sometimes called PEMDAS. Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. The multiplication and division are interchangeable, so you do them in left to right order. Same with addition and subtraction.

Order of Operations - PEMDAS
I just read on the news that Didcot power station has collapsed. I hope it was not nuclear, but whatever it was we cannot spare it. They keep closing coal burning power stations without replacing them, and the national grid is over stretched. Well, my computer still works but the likelihood of power cuts has just increased.

Edit: I just heard Didcot power station had already closed down a few years ago and it was coal fired, not nuclear. So there is no danger, and no impact on the electricity supply.
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7 plus 7=14
14 divided by 7=7
7 plus 7=14
7 times 7=28
7 minus 28=21

We've had this discussion before with similar types of problems. There's an order of operations with math, sometimes called PEMDAS. Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. The multiplication and division are interchangeable, so you do them in left to right order. Same with addition and subtraction.

Order of Operations - PEMDAS
I have Bones-Stelictitus. Math sucks.

Pardon me. Excuse me. Sorry to elbow anyone. I'll just quietly fill up this corner over here on the patio with my pillows because I'm getting quite frustrated with the idiocy "out there". I have a stack of pillows. Some will go here in CS. Some in When You've Just Had Enough for funny things I find to post, some in Eye Candy. Maybe a few in the TV forum. The rest, I'm taking to Twitter to plop my ass down when there, a few to pinterest, a couple to weheartit.

In short....comfy holes to hide in, thusly:

OK I'm 100 posts behind and am too tired to go back and read everything I missed right now. I opened yesterday at 12:30. Poker started at 6 PM (made $165) About 7, my security guy called in sick. I took the shift and left Doc's at 3:30. Stopped for breakfast and was home about 5.
The school bus was turning around in front of the house by the time I went to bed. I was up at 9:30 with 3 hours sleep. Ran a couple errands, made a few calls and have been mostly relaxing.
I'll be back at Doc's by 8 for a likely interesting night. We are smack dab in the center of a tornado warning area. Add to that, heavy winds with gusts to 70 MPH and flood warnings are in the cards for us here. I'm thinking a slow night, but it'll be at least 3:00 before I get out of there. I plan on sleeping til at least noon tomorrow.
OK I'm 100 posts behind and am too tired to go back and read everything I missed right now. I opened yesterday at 12:30. Poker started at 6 PM (made $165) About 7, my security guy called in sick. I took the shift and left Doc's at 3:30. Stopped for breakfast and was home about 5.
The school bus was turning around in front of the house by the time I went to bed. I was up at 9:30 with 3 hours sleep. Ran a couple errands, made a few calls and have been mostly relaxing.
I'll be back at Doc's by 8 for a likely interesting night. We are smack dab in the center of a tornado warning area. Add to that, heavy winds with gusts to 70 MPH and flood warnings are in the cards for us here. I'm thinking a slow night, but it'll be at least 3:00 before I get out of there. I plan on sleeping til at least noon tomorrow.
Dude!!! Yer gonna kill yerself if you keep doing this, ya know.

Pardon me. Excuse me. Sorry to elbow anyone. I'll just quietly fill up this corner over here on the patio with my pillows because I'm getting quite frustrated with the idiocy "out there". I have a stack of pillows. Some will go here in CS. Some in When You've Just Had Enough for funny things I find to post, some in Eye Candy. Maybe a few in the TV forum. The rest, I'm taking to Twitter to plop my ass down when there, a few to pinterest, a couple to weheartit.

In short....comfy holes to hide in, thusly:


If I have told you once, I've told you a thousand times, take no prisoners on the board.
Just kill 'em (verbally), right? I will as soon as I get back to normal, healthwise. :lol:
And....I am almost there! Over 12 hours since my last pain pill. And, I scrubbed the toilet with a pumice stone, washed dishes after cooking, took the dogs for a walk, went to the store and so good.
Last night/wee hours of the morning was really REALLY bad. That was "it gets the worst before it gets better" thing. I am so glad it is now passing. Whew!

Meanwhile...yeah...youse guys in bad weather....stay safe!
OK I'm 100 posts behind and am too tired to go back and read everything I missed right now. I opened yesterday at 12:30. Poker started at 6 PM (made $165) About 7, my security guy called in sick. I took the shift and left Doc's at 3:30. Stopped for breakfast and was home about 5.
The school bus was turning around in front of the house by the time I went to bed. I was up at 9:30 with 3 hours sleep. Ran a couple errands, made a few calls and have been mostly relaxing.
I'll be back at Doc's by 8 for a likely interesting night. We are smack dab in the center of a tornado warning area. Add to that, heavy winds with gusts to 70 MPH and flood warnings are in the cards for us here. I'm thinking a slow night, but it'll be at least 3:00 before I get out of there. I plan on sleeping til at least noon tomorrow.
You need a couple of day break just to sleep and rest the brain and body. Stay safe!!! :thup:

Pardon me. Excuse me. Sorry to elbow anyone. I'll just quietly fill up this corner over here on the patio with my pillows because I'm getting quite frustrated with the idiocy "out there". I have a stack of pillows. Some will go here in CS. Some in When You've Just Had Enough for funny things I find to post, some in Eye Candy. Maybe a few in the TV forum. The rest, I'm taking to Twitter to plop my ass down when there, a few to pinterest, a couple to weheartit.

In short....comfy holes to hide in, thusly:

Why do you let those people get to ya? What do they mean to us in the long run or short run for that matter? :dunno:
Its not really them, hon. Its me. When I get short tempered due to not feeling well..I say shit I regret saying. And *they* say some pretty stupid shit which makes my Bitch-O-Meter pingpong off the walls. Then I would regret it. So...I try to avoid while in this mode.

But, I already have posted in a few threads out there so...things are better on MY end. And I'm leaving the pillows here anyway. Y'all just don't slop coffee on 'em!

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