USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just got out of a very hot tub and I feel really good. Still have some pain, but as you can see, I can use the left pinky for shift! Its a dull ache now, but doable.

Meanwhile...MrG said "I told you to not fuck with that dresser. You can't do that any more". So I what you get to do?" and he was all :ack-1:. Yep. He gets a lesson in finishing it. I will help, supervise, but he has to do it cuz I can't.

This will be very interesting. :lol:
back to no shift. its starting to ache again. and using 1 hand to type.

mr g is mumblinggrumbling. i said 'dont you want 200 bucks for the dresser? and he stopped
Okay everybody. Let's settle this issue once and for all. Which is the perfectly toasted toast?


Welcome to the Coffee Shop Manonthestreet. We hope you find this little community to your liking and will settle in and add to it. Please read over the OP to get the gist of what we're all about in here, drag up a chair, and join in.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

Can't. Water restriction here. Its just my wrist right now but it hurts really bad now. So...I will soak it in the sink in hot water and pop another damn pain pill and suck down some wine.
Gracie Would a heating pad help? Or these from the microwave? (is moist heat)


Doesn't matter if it says sinus pack. I use them for lots of things. You can use from freezer or microwave.

Sorry you are still in such pain.
i fell asleep soon after that last post. just now woke up. gonna soak in the sink in a few, then wrap up both wrists in ace bandages. I will look into those packs. good idea.
The last couple of days have been hell here. It started snowing Sunday morning but quickly turned to ice rain. The last two days, we've gotten up to the mid-40s during the day, melting lots of ice, but not enough. At night, it gets to just around, or just below freezing and all the melt water from the day freezes. The roads are the worst, of course. I've gotten pretty good at getting around with cleats on my boots but the goats don't have cleats on their hooves and tend to flop and fall all over. It looks like we'll have an early break-up.
I hope y'all are doing well and enjoying life.
Good morning everybody. So we've been having glorious spring weather, yes? Flowers are blooming all over town, yes? Well, currently it is 35 degrees with cold rain or snow showers forecast today and snow tonight. But I tell myself that it is still February.
Good morning everybody. So we've been having glorious spring weather, yes? Flowers are blooming all over town, yes? Well, currently it is 35 degrees with cold rain or snow showers forecast today and snow tonight. But I tell myself that it is still February.
Yup, the cold front moved in last night to remind even us down here the winter wasn't over, currently is a frigid 58 degrees....... :eusa_whistle: I just woke up and am waiting for the coffee which I think just stopped having the drip... uummmm dripping..... uuummmm, well you know what I mean.
Holy cow, it is snowing like crazy in Albuquerque. And though temps are above freezing here on the ground, it is starting to stick a little. Coming straight down--no wind at all.

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