USMB Coffee Shop IV

I ordered a new solid oak bookcase to replace the old particleboard that was starting to fall apart.
Here is what it looks like.
Contemporary 24"x 60" Oak Bookcase, Light - BCC246012L
I ordered it on Friday and got it yesterday afternoon.
It looks great in the hallway, being light oak it makes it look bigger. It's not a very big hallway.

Hubby decided to help and moved the old book shelf outside and promptly stepped off the cement front porch (2 ft. high from the grass ground) with the
bookshelf and then got mad at the bookshelf for falling apart after he landed on top of it. :lmao:
He wasn't hurt and got up and then started cursing at it as he picked up the pieces and threw them into the back of his truck.
Life is never dull here at the old peach homestead. :)

It's so good to know somebody else's love of their life is a calm, cool headed, and rational being at such times. (cough) Mr. Peach and Hombre may have been separated at birth. :)

It scared the bejeebus out of me at first, until I found out he was OK, then it became hilarious. :)
I ordered a new solid oak bookcase to replace the old particleboard that was starting to fall apart.
Here is what it looks like.
Contemporary 24"x 60" Oak Bookcase, Light - BCC246012L
I ordered it on Friday and got it yesterday afternoon.
It looks great in the hallway, being light oak it makes it look bigger. It's not a very big hallway.

Hubby decided to help and moved the old book shelf outside and promptly stepped off the cement front porch (2 ft. high from the grass ground) with the
bookshelf and then got mad at the bookshelf for falling apart after he landed on top of it. :lmao:
He wasn't hurt and got up and then started cursing at it as he picked up the pieces and threw them into the back of his truck.
Life is never dull here at the old peach homestead. :)

Oh by the way, the bookcase is really nice. Our el cheap particle board ones are still holding together though so I have no justification to replace them.

Ours was too and we probably would still have it, but one end got wet a few years back, when our water pipe broke, so it started buckling at that one end.
Once it buckled everything started leaning bad and falling apart.
We decided to get the good solid oak one that will last us for the rest of our lives that we have left. :)
This one was listed for 225.95 on Friday and today it says 249.95, so I got it right before the price hike.
Okay boys and girls, for today's test, how many tigers do you see in the picture?

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

I know that place, very, very well! My partner works at Everts Air Cargo on the night shift. Northwest Airlines had their hangar there until they quit. Looks like the tide is out, too. And, I've done a fair amount of hiking in the mountains in the background.

You mean that isn't where you work? I was hoping you could tell us whose picture is on the tail of that airplane.
The company I work for (and my partner's day job) operates out of the North Terminal. It used to be the International Terminal and still handles overseas charters in the summer.
The Alaska Airlines logo is the image of an Alaskan Native whose specific tribe varies depending on who's telling the tale. If the model had a name, that too has been lost in time. At least he's smiling now, he didn't smile originally.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the concern.
Hubby is not doing so well right now and I have to do everything.
His legs are not working very well and he has a bladder infection. The Doc put him on penicillin for 5 days.
No real time to come in and type, but I am reading off and on when I do have some time outs. :)
That's some rough news, Peach. I hope the penicillin helps your hubby get better soon. Chin up!
Off to the showers and then to school. We started learning about carburetors this week. We've reached the point in the semester where I start worrying whether I'll have time to cover everything I still need to. Next week is spring break and I plan on going to my place in Willow to mark and measure for the fencing I'll need before I move the goats up there full-time. I'd like to get at least part of the barn finished but may have to make do with the smaller shelters I have now for the critters.
Y'all have a good day, best wishes and positive thoughts from me to each of you.
I ordered a new solid oak bookcase to replace the old particleboard that was starting to fall apart.
Here is what it looks like.
Contemporary 24"x 60" Oak Bookcase, Light - BCC246012L
I ordered it on Friday and got it yesterday afternoon.
It looks great in the hallway, being light oak it makes it look bigger. It's not a very big hallway.

Hubby decided to help and moved the old book shelf outside and promptly stepped off the cement front porch (2 ft. high from the grass ground) with the
bookshelf and then got mad at the bookshelf for falling apart after he landed on top of it. :lmao:
He wasn't hurt and got up and then started cursing at it as he picked up the pieces and threw them into the back of his truck.
Life is never dull here at the old peach homestead. :)

It's so good to know somebody else's love of their life is a calm, cool headed, and rational being at such times. (cough) Mr. Peach and Hombre may have been separated at birth. :)

It scared the bejeebus out of me at first, until I found out he was OK, then it became hilarious. :)

Wait, I thought it was 'It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it becomes hilarious'? :p

Or maybe that's just a Faith No More lyric. ;)
The little one doesn't like me cutting any of my hair.

I cut my hair very short a while back after having it long my whole adult life. I did it because we had had issues with lice. The little one has said she wants me to grow it long again. Eventually I said, "OK. I'm not going to cut any of my hair, not on my head and not shaving.". Now I have a fuzzy semi-beard thing going. Maybe it will be better eventually, but with my curly hair, right now I have just hair that goes out from my face rather than down. I told her I wanted to shave it off, and she got upset and said no. I told her I would rub it on her if she wants me to keep it and she was fine with that. So, after she's done eating, I'm going to go rub fuzzy beard on her face and belly to see if I can tickle with it. :) Maybe it will annoy her and she'll change her mind about me shaving. :lol:
Well, they are probably neither saint nor evil, but they are hated by farmers when they raid the chicken house for eggs or baby chicks and they are the scourge of songbirds for the same reason. But in truth, they are just doing what they were born to do.
Found a picture of a snake killed by a spider, but decided we didn't need that here today.
On the other hand, our old Siamese tomcat was such a character he tried to terrorize the mailman every day. But the mailbox was next to the door so he had to sneak up and attack his ankles. The guy was a cat lover though and enjoyed the daily combat.

This cat reminds me of him:

Yesterday at the womens health office, as I was filling out oodles of papers, I murmured to the office girl how I missed the Dr Marcus Welby days. She said "who is that?" and I said nothing..nevermind. Then I asked if she knew of a Dr Ben Casey or a Dr Kildair and it was deer in headlights look.

This is when you know you are old.:lol:

Meanwhile, that woman doc is on the BALL. She called me herself and said "I think you might be diabetic. I want a blood test done TOMORROW. I also want a bone density test. When was your last bloodwork done?" and I said "whenever I remember to ask my general doc for one" and she said "this is ridiculous. Leave this to me. We are Women's Health...we will start doing what needs done. Get yer butt to the blood place. I wanna see what it says". So..I am happily turning everything over to her. She doesn't mess around.

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