USMB Coffee Shop IV

One acre of new fencing installed, weathered/damaged spots all patched up.
Garden soil mixed and cooking until April.
16 lambs ready for the auction.
Filled the first egg carton of the year.
Barn roof wind damage repaired.

Was gonna plant two Apple trees today, but since I slipped another disc in my back, I think I'll head on over to the urgent care clinic in a few hours instead...

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Oh ouch. We better put you in the bad back division on the vigil list. Hope you can get relief quickly.
You've been a busy fellow Six. But filled the first egg carton? It has been so long since we had chickens it never occurred to me that they didn't lay during the winter. Somehow I recall ours did. But can't be sure now as I was a kid at the time.

You can force chickens to lay throughout the winter. All it takes is one light bulb to alter their natural light cycle. :)
Gallantwarrior's birthday sneaking up on us yesterday reminded me. The new USMB software doesn't accommodate posting of birthdays like the old V-bulletin software did--I asked C_K about it. So for the Coffee Shop crowd, I have birthdays (day and month only - no years) for:


Daisy the Mutt
gallantwarrior (just added)
Sfc Ollie
Ernie S.

A couple of you have so far gently declined to provide such important date.

But any of the rest of you who are comfortable doing so, please post your birthdate - day and month only is asked for - or PM it to me so I can get you on the list.

I turned 33 on the 3rd day of the 12th month of the 15th year. All divisible by 3. :afro:
Okay, we have the date for the wife's face to face interview in Gardnersville, 2 weeks away. Setting up a feeding service for the cats, have a car rented for a week and a hotel booked near Gardnersville. Decided to drive as the cost is a fraction of air fare, almost $1800 round trip for both of us flying. It'll take 2 days up and 2 days back. The money they're offering is pretty nice also, hopefully this will work out. :thup:
Gallantwarrior's birthday sneaking up on us yesterday reminded me. The new USMB software doesn't accommodate posting of birthdays like the old V-bulletin software did--I asked C_K about it. So for the Coffee Shop crowd, I have birthdays (day and month only - no years) for:


Daisy the Mutt
gallantwarrior (just added)
Sfc Ollie
Ernie S.

A couple of you have so far gently declined to provide such important date.

But any of the rest of you who are comfortable doing so, please post your birthdate - day and month only is asked for - or PM it to me so I can get you on the list.

I turned 33 on the 3rd day of the 12th month of the 15th year. All divisible by 3. :afro:

Unfortunately we all suck at math here. :) But would that be Dec 3?
This is Doc month I guess. Just got back from eye doctor for my every two years exam. The damn cataract in my right eye is bad enough now for surgery. BUT...Medi-Cal will not pay for all of it, he said. Medicare would, but I am not on that yet...not til I am 65. So..he is sending me to the surgeon anyway, with his report, and said the surgeon will battle Medi-Cal and try to get them to ok paying for all of it. And if they don't and we have to pay a portion of it, MrG said he would sell his truck. Awwww. I said hell..I can wait til I am 65...and he said like hell I will. "You need to SEE. It will be done". So..ok. It will be done then. I guess. Unless this surgeon dude can get the insurace to pay for ALL of it.
OMG!! Who would have thought delivering a pizza would involve such effort. I ordered a small pepperoni pizza, well-done, over two hours ago. It finally arrived but turned out to be a large pizza with PINAPPLE on it!!! I'm a person who believes pineapple has no business on a pizza. Dealing with the pizza place, my sister, and the daughter on Skype, all at once! I am generally good at multi-tasking but this take!

Lol! I love pineapple and bacon pizza.

The combo never occurred to me but I think I might like that too. I wonder if you can get it from Pizza Hut?

Yes! You can get it anywhere, or at least in my area you can. It's delicious! :)
I ordered a new solid oak bookcase to replace the old particleboard that was starting to fall apart.
Here is what it looks like.
Contemporary 24"x 60" Oak Bookcase, Light - BCC246012L
I ordered it on Friday and got it yesterday afternoon.
It looks great in the hallway, being light oak it makes it look bigger. It's not a very big hallway.

Hubby decided to help and moved the old book shelf outside and promptly stepped off the cement front porch (2 ft. high from the grass ground) with the
bookshelf and then got mad at the bookshelf for falling apart after he landed on top of it. :lmao:
He wasn't hurt and got up and then started cursing at it as he picked up the pieces and threw them into the back of his truck.
Life is never dull here at the old peach homestead. :)
I had a much easier snafu yesterday morning. Opened the back slider curtains, as I do every morning, and the adjustable, sliding pole came apart dropping the curtains and curtain rings on the floor. Some bubble gum, paper clips and duck tape aught to do the trick............

Okey dokey McGayvor! :D
Okay boys and girls, for today's test, how many tigers do you see in the picture?


I can find 15 tigers.

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