USMB Coffee Shop IV

In case you've ever wondered what "Tuesday" means:

Tuesday - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The name Tuesday derives from the Old English "Tiwesdæg" and literally means "Tiw's Day".[1] Tiw is the Old English form of the Proto-Germanic god *Tîwaz, or Týr in Norse, a god of war and law.[2][3] *Tîwaz derives from the Proto-Indo-European base *dei-, *deyā-, *dīdyā-, meaning 'to shine', whence comes also such words as "deity".[4]

The Latin name dies Martis ("day of Mars") is equivalent to the Greek ἡμέρα Ἄρεως. In most languages with Latin origins (Italian,[5] French,[6] Spanish,[7] Catalan,[8] Romanian,[9] Galician,[10] Sardinian,[11] Corsican,[12] but not Portuguese[13]), the day is named after Mars, the Ancient Greek Ares Ἄρης .

And in German, although the modern meaning appears to be something else, the original meaning is essentially the same:

The days of the week, in German

Tuesday - Dienstag

The verb dienen means "to serve", so the modern meaning of Dienstag is "day of service", but it appears to have originally come from the Latin dies Martes, simply changing in pronunciation and spelling over time.


So, if you ever feel like you are on the warpath on a Tuesday, now you know why!

:D :D

True --- alone among the Romance languages, Portuguese dropped the weekday pagan names and uses numbers. What's more it names weekdays as 'off' days:

Tuesday is Terça-feira (literally "second 'fair' or off-day) -- abbreviated in fact as "2ª"
Wed: Quarta-feira (third fair) (3ª - etc)
Thurs: Quinta-feira (fourth)
Fri: Sexta-feira (fifth)

Sábado and Domingo retain the religious reference -- and in an indirect way, so do the weekdays:

>>According to a widely accepted explanation, the change from pagan names to the current terms was initiated by Martinho de Dume, a sixth-century bishop of Braga, in what is Portugal today, and based on full observance of an Easter week.

Domingo (Sunday) has its origin in the Latin expression for the Day of the Lord. Saturday was named for the Hebrew word Shabbat. The other days, which mean second to sixth fair literally, would come from the Latin terms for &#8220;second day in which one shouldn&#8217;t work&#8221; (in observance of Easter week). Compare to the Portuguese word for vacation &#8211; férias. <<​

Gotta love a culture that has two days for the weekend and five more for "off days".
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Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Marg’s mom,
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Blackhawk’s mom,
Newby's mom,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Meister and his mom,
Drake's injured friend,
PixieStix's sister,
Hollie's stepdad,
Coyote's father-in-law,
Spoonie, Ringel, Sheila, and 007's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Avg-Joe & furry companion Boo
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana and cousin,
Grandma and family dealing with death of extended family member,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Ollie's daughter Angie and his youngest brother,
Stat's aunt,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and assurance for Ringel
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Where is Sunshine, I wonder

I don't know. With her serious medical condition, I am concerned. She checked in with one post on Becki's quilting thread months ago and nothing since.

It would be nice if members would present updates on the list you've respectfully presented day in, day out.
I've been busy buying groceries this morning. I hate that chore. We only go once a month or maybe once every 6 weeks, but it seems to come around way to fast. We make the 30 mile trek to the Base commissary and buy all the cleaning supplies, and frozen goods, (few I like to buy them right before I'm going to use them). The rest of the time we use the neighborhood grocery store for whatever we're out of.

I use coupons too, a chore to cut and sort....but I usually save about $30 to $40 bucks. Seems like the coupons I use the most are getting rarer and rarer....newspaper full of coupons for hair color, bug sprays and other stuff that I don't need much of. Today I only saved $25 because the Commissary doesn't carry all the "new" brands coming out....

Anyway, I needed to get stuff for the 4th of July....having family over, going to need a lot of food, sodas, toilet paper....argh............

My daughter finally brought me around to the commissary. I've always kind of bought stuff I need as I need it at the local supermarket. But after seeing how much less expensive almost everything is at the commissary, and their incredible selection of "foreign" foodstuffs, I'm sold. It's right on my way home from work, too.

I would shop at the commissary often but unfortunately it is 100 miles from where I live.

About 65 miles for us. We used to go alot, at least once a month, but since Mrs O quit going shopping i haven't felt like making the drive.
Small world Lumpy. I was just thinking about that.

Little brother can probably come off the list last i heard he was learning to eat. Hard to explain since I don't understand it.
Daughter we just don't know. getting information from anyone in her family is like selling ice to Eskimos.
So bored, and my butt hurts from sitting so much. 3 and 1/2 weeks to go. Please don't let there be any complications. I don't think I can stand being off my feet for any longer.

Couldn't you just walk around on you knees, it would just take longer to get there...:lol:

I was going to mention your "butt hurts" but it wouldn't be prudent

Gee, the sympathy around here is astounding...

I've adopted a new theme song for the duration...

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Good morning everybody. Enjoying coffee, waiting for the Naproxen to kick in and then need to wash area rugs, furniture throws and generally clear out the clutter in the great room in advance of the carpet cleaners due to arrive later this morning. Then a week from today we are having a cleaning service in to clean the house top to bottom, inside out. As much as Hombre and I hate to admit it, we just can't do the heavy housework any more. Or maybe we just don't want to. :) Anyhow it will be good to get it done.

Hope everybody is having a good Monday and kicking off a good week. Weather is toasty and windless here but not unbearably hot and quite pleasant. Still waiting for the monsoon to arrive within the next few weeks though.

Okay. . . onward. . . .MUSH!!! (Or whatever would be appropriate there. . . .)
I hear you. I just don't want to do the heavy cleaning anymore. I finally broke down and asked about the house cleaning service available in my building. Found out it wasn't all that much and signed up. They come in once a week for a monthly charge that is about the same as going out to a nice lunch. I'm so happy. Haven't had the heavy cleaning equipment out for a month now. I will do some sweeping (my floors are all tile except for a few area rugs) and 'Swiftering' the kitchen floor, but that's about all. It's wonderful! And it has motivated me to keep things from getting cluttered so they don't have any obstacles when they are cleaning. It's a whole new world! :D

Damn, you all are just getting me all convinced that I should look into some company coming in and doing my cleaning.....I don't do as much as I used to....with just me and Mr. Mertex....we don't make much of a mess...except for the cats...but Mr. Mertex looks after them, cleans their litter boxes and feeds them....

I'm having family over for the 4th, (the whole week), so I've been cleaning all the bedrooms, getting them ready, and I noticed some dust had accumulated in some areas, but it hadn't bothered me nearly as much as it used to when I was younger....I guess I've been doing just enough to get by....oh my....but that idea of having someone come in and do some heavy duty cleaning at least once a month sounds really good.
I've been busy buying groceries this morning. I hate that chore. We only go once a month or maybe once every 6 weeks, but it seems to come around way to fast. We make the 30 mile trek to the Base commissary and buy all the cleaning supplies, and frozen goods, (few I like to buy them right before I'm going to use them). The rest of the time we use the neighborhood grocery store for whatever we're out of.

I use coupons too, a chore to cut and sort....but I usually save about $30 to $40 bucks. Seems like the coupons I use the most are getting rarer and rarer....newspaper full of coupons for hair color, bug sprays and other stuff that I don't need much of. Today I only saved $25 because the Commissary doesn't carry all the "new" brands coming out....

Anyway, I needed to get stuff for the 4th of July....having family over, going to need a lot of food, sodas, toilet paper....argh............

My daughter finally brought me around to the commissary. I've always kind of bought stuff I need as I need it at the local supermarket. But after seeing how much less expensive almost everything is at the commissary, and their incredible selection of "foreign" foodstuffs, I'm sold. It's right on my way home from work, too.

Just the price of cereal at our local supermarket makes me want to take that long dreaded trip. I don't care much for their meat....except for boneless chicken breasts and ground meat....and the vegetables sometimes are not that good looking, but the rest, it's silly for us not to take advantage of the lower prices.
I've been busy buying groceries this morning. I hate that chore. We only go once a month or maybe once every 6 weeks, but it seems to come around way to fast. We make the 30 mile trek to the Base commissary and buy all the cleaning supplies, and frozen goods, (few I like to buy them right before I'm going to use them). The rest of the time we use the neighborhood grocery store for whatever we're out of.

I use coupons too, a chore to cut and sort....but I usually save about $30 to $40 bucks. Seems like the coupons I use the most are getting rarer and rarer....newspaper full of coupons for hair color, bug sprays and other stuff that I don't need much of. Today I only saved $25 because the Commissary doesn't carry all the "new" brands coming out....

Anyway, I needed to get stuff for the 4th of July....having family over, going to need a lot of food, sodas, toilet paper....argh............

My daughter finally brought me around to the commissary. I've always kind of bought stuff I need as I need it at the local supermarket. But after seeing how much less expensive almost everything is at the commissary, and their incredible selection of "foreign" foodstuffs, I'm sold. It's right on my way home from work, too.

I would shop at the commissary often but unfortunately it is 100 miles from where I live.

I guess we're lucky. I used to go all the way to Fort Sam Houston (35 miles away) because Randolph AFB's commissary was old and had all these separate little rooms, didn't have the supermarket feel....but since they remodeled's just like a regular supermarket, and at least 12 miles closer. We also have Lackland AFB, but that is way too far for me.
Sometimes I can be bad. I feel like being bad today. So, unless somebody leaves 12 dog treats in a plain brown paper bag beside the old oak tree in the park, tomorrow morning I am going to chew the plug off of the coffee pot.

You may get a shock..
So bored, and my butt hurts from sitting so much. 3 and 1/2 weeks to go. Please don't let there be any complications. I don't think I can stand being off my feet for any longer.

Couldn't you just walk around on you knees, it would just take longer to get there...:lol:

I was going to mention your "butt hurts" but it wouldn't be prudent

Gee, the sympathy around here is astounding...

I've adopted a new theme song for the duration...

It's just been a silly day around here today. You seem a little better? :D
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So bored, and my butt hurts from sitting so much. 3 and 1/2 weeks to go. Please don't let there be any complications. I don't think I can stand being off my feet for any longer.

Couldn't you just walk around on you knees, it would just take longer to get there...:lol:

I was going to mention your "butt hurts" but it wouldn't be prudent

Gee, the sympathy around here is astounding...

I've adopted a new theme song for the duration...

I have humor mixed with sympathy...I'm odd that way.. :smiliehug:
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Sometimes I can be bad. I feel like being bad today. So, unless somebody leaves 12 dog treats in a plain brown paper bag beside the old oak tree in the park, tomorrow morning I am going to chew the plug off of the coffee pot.

You may get a shock..

Are you ... positive?

I have a French Press. Don't need no plug. :coffee:

Wow a French press. You all are really serious about your coffee. I like that.
Good morning everybody. Enjoying coffee, waiting for the Naproxen to kick in and then need to wash area rugs, furniture throws and generally clear out the clutter in the great room in advance of the carpet cleaners due to arrive later this morning. Then a week from today we are having a cleaning service in to clean the house top to bottom, inside out. As much as Hombre and I hate to admit it, we just can't do the heavy housework any more. Or maybe we just don't want to. :) Anyhow it will be good to get it done.

Hope everybody is having a good Monday and kicking off a good week. Weather is toasty and windless here but not unbearably hot and quite pleasant. Still waiting for the monsoon to arrive within the next few weeks though.

Okay. . . onward. . . .MUSH!!! (Or whatever would be appropriate there. . . .)
I hear you. I just don't want to do the heavy cleaning anymore. I finally broke down and asked about the house cleaning service available in my building. Found out it wasn't all that much and signed up. They come in once a week for a monthly charge that is about the same as going out to a nice lunch. I'm so happy. Haven't had the heavy cleaning equipment out for a month now. I will do some sweeping (my floors are all tile except for a few area rugs) and 'Swiftering' the kitchen floor, but that's about all. It's wonderful! And it has motivated me to keep things from getting cluttered so they don't have any obstacles when they are cleaning. It's a whole new world! :D

Damn, you all are just getting me all convinced that I should look into some company coming in and doing my cleaning.....I don't do as much as I used to....with just me and Mr. Mertex....we don't make much of a mess...except for the cats...but Mr. Mertex looks after them, cleans their litter boxes and feeds them....

I'm having family over for the 4th, (the whole week), so I've been cleaning all the bedrooms, getting them ready, and I noticed some dust had accumulated in some areas, but it hadn't bothered me nearly as much as it used to when I was younger....I guess I've been doing just enough to get by....oh my....but that idea of having someone come in and do some heavy duty cleaning at least once a month sounds really good.

I thought I had done a pretty good job cleaning my place before the daughter arrived. Yesterday, after we had returned from the "country" place, she went to work cleaning like it hadn't been done in forever. I can still remember when she couldn't be bothered to put a food wrapper into the trash when the can was right under the counter where she laid the empty wrapper. I suppose I'll now have to try to keep the place as clean as it is now.

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