USMB Coffee Shop IV

A friend who lives in Ruidoso, NM (about 3 hours south of us) posted this on Facebook this afternoon. This is a couple of days ago just behind Ruidoso high school. It is heart breaking because Ruidoso is just a beautiful little city in some of our most scenic terrain, and it has already been devastated by terrible fires in recent years. At this rate there won't much much there to look at any more.

Where's Hossfly when we need him? A Fort Worth friend just posted this with the caption: "Good news for all my Fort Worth peeps- the interchange at I35W and Loop 820 is near completion!" If the terrain wasn't so flat, I would think that was one of our more famous Albuquerque exchanges.

Where's Hossfly when we need him? A Fort Worth friend just posted this with the caption: "Good news for all my Fort Worth peeps- the interchange at I35W and Loop 820 is near completion!" If the terrain wasn't so flat, I would think that was one of our more famous Albuquerque exchanges.

There must be 42,000 miles of overpasses in DFW. And building more every year.
Howdy, All!
Weather has been fairly normal for this time of year. Melt off continues apace, but there is still ice under some of the ankle-deep puddles. Of course, we have a volcano that has decided to make Spring interesting...last I looked, there was a 4000 mile, 37,000 high plume of ash. Locals have reported lava fountains estimated to be 1/2 mile high.
Old Lady cat had a follow up with Auntie Vet this afternoon. The vet declared my kitty "fabulous"!! Her tumor has become smaller and less infected and (most of all) her eyes are clear and lacking the dull, unfocused look she had before. We'll keep her on antibiotics for a while yet because they do seem to be helping. But the vet still hesitates to surgically remove that tumor because a 21 yr-old kitty stands too much chance of dying due to anesthesia. The tumor is benign and doesn't seem to cause pain, so we've decided to let things go for now.

I thought the volcano was way south of you. Are you getting effects where you are?

Happy to hear your fur friend is doing better though.
Howdy, All!
Weather has been fairly normal for this time of year. Melt off continues apace, but there is still ice under some of the ankle-deep puddles. Of course, we have a volcano that has decided to make Spring interesting...last I looked, there was a 4000 mile, 37,000 high plume of ash. Locals have reported lava fountains estimated to be 1/2 mile high.
Old Lady cat had a follow up with Auntie Vet this afternoon. The vet declared my kitty "fabulous"!! Her tumor has become smaller and less infected and (most of all) her eyes are clear and lacking the dull, unfocused look she had before. We'll keep her on antibiotics for a while yet because they do seem to be helping. But the vet still hesitates to surgically remove that tumor because a 21 yr-old kitty stands too much chance of dying due to anesthesia. The tumor is benign and doesn't seem to cause pain, so we've decided to let things go for now.

I thought the volcano was way south of you. Are you getting effects where you are?

Happy to hear your fur friend is doing better though.
Way south and west, but 400 miles goes a long ways. The ash fell on Fairbanks and as far away as the Canadian border, but we didn't seen any of it. Our air traffic flew south of the Aleutians to avoid the ash but some of the smaller carriers who operate mostly in Alaska had to take a hiatus.

Idunno, looks photoshopped to me, maybe we should send it to the Conspiracy Theory folks......... :D

(I was having "fun" with them all yesterday).

Pavlof Volcano, it's about 700 miles from GW to the southwest.
Definitely not photoshopped, though. Reports say that folks in Cold Bay (30 miles west) were getting some great photos of the lava fountains that were estimated to be rocketing up to a half mile high.
Where's Hossfly when we need him? A Fort Worth friend just posted this with the caption: "Good news for all my Fort Worth peeps- the interchange at I35W and Loop 820 is near completion!" If the terrain wasn't so flat, I would think that was one of our more famous Albuquerque exchanges.

There must be 42,000 miles of overpasses in DFW. And building more every year.
That looks about right...I remember the few times I've had to drive cross country through the DFW interchanges. It seemed like they were stacked a dozen high, at least. If you missed your exit, you were condemned to go miles out of your way to find where you wanted to be.
A friend who lives in Ruidoso, NM (about 3 hours south of us) posted this on Facebook this afternoon. This is a couple of days ago just behind Ruidoso high school. It is heart breaking because Ruidoso is just a beautiful little city in some of our most scenic terrain, and it has already been devastated by terrible fires in recent years. At this rate there won't much much there to look at any more.

HOLY CRAP! I haven't seen anything about this on the national news and it seems like it should be there. Fire is so devastating, and so final. I hope no one loses their lives and this can be contained quickly.
Someone dynamited the tunnel for me this morning. I worked a shift to cover a co-worker who had to attend family issues back East. While preparing to go home, the supervisor asked me whether I knew my partner would be working later, or not. Seems the partner fell off a ladder at his night job and was having x-rays done on his foot/ankle. He hadn't called me so I tried to call him and got no answer. Well, long story, short, it seems his 8 ft ladder fell out from under him, he landed on his feet and probably shattered his ankle. They did an MRI this afternoon and he has an appointment with his doctor tomorrow morning to find out the verdict. He cannot drive any of the manual trucks and the automatic transmission truck is in the shop. He's ensconced on my sofa, ankle crusted in ice, whining like a baby about how much it hurts. He's maxed out his pain meds and I will not let him have more. I've taken the night off from work to help him out.
Just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, someone dynamites the thing...
A friend who lives in Ruidoso, NM (about 3 hours south of us) posted this on Facebook this afternoon. This is a couple of days ago just behind Ruidoso high school. It is heart breaking because Ruidoso is just a beautiful little city in some of our most scenic terrain, and it has already been devastated by terrible fires in recent years. At this rate there won't much much there to look at any more.

HOLY CRAP! I haven't seen anything about this on the national news and it seems like it should be there. Fire is so devastating, and so final. I hope no one loses their lives and this can be contained quickly.

I think they got it contained pretty quickly and have it under control tonight. And as you can see, it looks like it is confined mostly to the underbrush--wasn't really getting into the tree tops. The larger Ponderosa pines will survive a fire like that--chars the trunks a bit but in a few years you can't tell it. It is said that such fires help the forest--clears out the debris and lets it breathe and lets in light for new growth. Sure makes things ugly for awhile though.
A friend who lives in Ruidoso, NM (about 3 hours south of us) posted this on Facebook this afternoon. This is a couple of days ago just behind Ruidoso high school. It is heart breaking because Ruidoso is just a beautiful little city in some of our most scenic terrain, and it has already been devastated by terrible fires in recent years. At this rate there won't much much there to look at any more.

HOLY CRAP! I haven't seen anything about this on the national news and it seems like it should be there. Fire is so devastating, and so final. I hope no one loses their lives and this can be contained quickly.

I think they got it contained pretty quickly and have it under control tonight. And as you can see, it looks like it is confined mostly to the underbrush--wasn't really getting into the tree tops. The larger Ponderosa pines will survive a fire like that--chars the trunks a bit but in a few years you can't tell it. It is said that such fires help the forest--clears out the debris and lets it breathe and lets in light for new growth. Sure makes things ugly for awhile though.
Pretty much the same here. Actually, some types of plants cannot germinate unless they burn first. Wildfires happen here all the time, it's just the ones that burn close to "civilization" that get noticed. They actually let a lot of fires burn their course.
Where's Hossfly when we need him? A Fort Worth friend just posted this with the caption: "Good news for all my Fort Worth peeps- the interchange at I35W and Loop 820 is near completion!" If the terrain wasn't so flat, I would think that was one of our more famous Albuquerque exchanges.

There must be 42,000 miles of overpasses in DFW. And building more every year.
Yeah I know. I remember taxiing under one in a 767 on one trip back to the Land of Entrapment when I was living out there.
Someone dynamited the tunnel for me this morning. I worked a shift to cover a co-worker who had to attend family issues back East. While preparing to go home, the supervisor asked me whether I knew my partner would be working later, or not. Seems the partner fell off a ladder at his night job and was having x-rays done on his foot/ankle. He hadn't called me so I tried to call him and got no answer. Well, long story, short, it seems his 8 ft ladder fell out from under him, he landed on his feet and probably shattered his ankle. They did an MRI this afternoon and he has an appointment with his doctor tomorrow morning to find out the verdict. He cannot drive any of the manual trucks and the automatic transmission truck is in the shop. He's ensconced on my sofa, ankle crusted in ice, whining like a baby about how much it hurts. He's maxed out his pain meds and I will not let him have more. I've taken the night off from work to help him out.
Just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, someone dynamites the thing...
This may be the last Thursday of my blindness! This time next week I'll have had the first of these damnable cataracts burned off my head..

I'm told that when one has two cataracts as I do and one of them is repaired, the brain relies on the newly repaired eye and compensates for the unrepaired one. I don't know that my brain is that limber, but come the 14th, the second lens will be replaced.

I'm asking them for x-ray specs as replacement lenses. I figure 'why not'? If I'm going from Mr. Magoo to the Bionic Man, I may as well take advantage.


Meanwhile I know that dust is building up inside Pimplebutt. I know that windows must be washed, flower beds tended to and the garage could stand a flamethrower to clear away the excess pasteboard box collection I have amassed since Christmas.

The benefit of partial blindness is a convenient excuse to let all those tasks slip by.
Sounds like a recipe for a head ache Nosmo King. Speedy recovery.
They say that I can get replacement lenses that will not only take care of the poor far vision, but let me read without glasses as well. But I have spoken to too many folks who went that route who say that the near (reading) vision portion of the replacement lens either is ineffective or fails within a few months.

I'll have my current frames (that look like Mr. Peabody's glasses)
(Mr. Peabody is on the left)

changed over so they are clear on top and prescription for reading on the bottom. That way I won't have to fumble around looking for reading glasses.
Days like today I'm glad I'm a cat. Been out on the car lot a few times in the rain. Fortunately, I do not smell like a wet dog.

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