USMB Coffee Shop IV

Howdy, All!
Weather has been fairly normal for this time of year. Melt off continues apace, but there is still ice under some of the ankle-deep puddles. Of course, we have a volcano that has decided to make Spring interesting...last I looked, there was a 4000 mile, 37,000 high plume of ash. Locals have reported lava fountains estimated to be 1/2 mile high.
Old Lady cat had a follow up with Auntie Vet this afternoon. The vet declared my kitty "fabulous"!! Her tumor has become smaller and less infected and (most of all) her eyes are clear and lacking the dull, unfocused look she had before. We'll keep her on antibiotics for a while yet because they do seem to be helping. But the vet still hesitates to surgically remove that tumor because a 21 yr-old kitty stands too much chance of dying due to anesthesia. The tumor is benign and doesn't seem to cause pain, so we've decided to let things go for now.

I thought the volcano was way south of you. Are you getting effects where you are?

Happy to hear your fur friend is doing better though.
Dropped one of my Henckel knives, the blade snapped off at the handle...........

Bummer. The last time I priced a Henckel chef's knife that I wanted really bad, the price tag was I think something like $120? Shouldn't break if dropped. :(
Well I can send it to Henckel in the US, they determine if it's due to faulty workmanship and if so will send you a new one.

Idunno, looks photoshopped to me, maybe we should send it to the Conspiracy Theory folks......... :D

(I was having "fun" with them all yesterday).

Pavlof Volcano, it's about 700 miles from GW to the southwest.
Having a rough go lately. So instead of being a debbie downer drama lama, I will just leave it at that.

I can relate Gracie. And I hope you know that those of us who thanked your post were only acknowledging it as C_K has not seen fit to give us a 'sympathy' or 'I understand' button.

But I will wish everybody a good morning though that is still yet to be determined.

Idunno, looks photoshopped to me, maybe we should send it to the Conspiracy Theory folks......... :D

(I was having "fun" with them all yesterday).

Pavlof Volcano, it's about 700 miles from GW to the southwest.

But apparently it did screw up a lot of air traffic though the last I read, it is subsiding and causing less problems now. But they said it could erupt again at any time. What surprised me was that with as much scientific equipment as the USGS has on all the active volcanoes and as closely as they track them these days, this eruption came as a total surprise? With two catastrophic volcanoes here in New Mexico, that isn't really reassuring.

The photo you posted I believe was taken from an airplane?

photo pavlof volcano eruption - Bing video

Idunno, looks photoshopped to me, maybe we should send it to the Conspiracy Theory folks......... :D

(I was having "fun" with them all yesterday).

Pavlof Volcano, it's about 700 miles from GW to the southwest.

But apparently it did screw up a lot of air traffic though the last I read, it is subsiding and causing less problems now. But they said it could erupt again at any time. What surprised me was that with as much scientific equipment as the USGS has on all the active volcanoes and as closely as they track them these days, this eruption came as a total surprise? With two catastrophic volcanoes here in New Mexico, that isn't really reassuring.

The photo you posted I believe was taken from an airplane?

photo pavlof volcano eruption - Bing video
Airplane? No, I was using my Icarus wings........ :D

Idunno, looks photoshopped to me, maybe we should send it to the Conspiracy Theory folks......... :D

(I was having "fun" with them all yesterday).

Pavlof Volcano, it's about 700 miles from GW to the southwest.

But apparently it did screw up a lot of air traffic though the last I read, it is subsiding and causing less problems now. But they said it could erupt again at any time. What surprised me was that with as much scientific equipment as the USGS has on all the active volcanoes and as closely as they track them these days, this eruption came as a total surprise? With two catastrophic volcanoes here in New Mexico, that isn't really reassuring.

The photo you posted I believe was taken from an airplane?

photo pavlof volcano eruption - Bing video
Airplane? No, I was using my Icarus wings........ :D

I have had a lifelong fascination with the more dramatic power of nature, especially when it comes to violent storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, and such. If I had it all to do over, I think I might have focused my formal education on something to do with the earth sciences but I didn't know my interests would turn so strongly in that direction when I was in college. Nor how much I would lose respect for my chosen profession at that time.

Idunno, looks photoshopped to me, maybe we should send it to the Conspiracy Theory folks......... :D

(I was having "fun" with them all yesterday).

Pavlof Volcano, it's about 700 miles from GW to the southwest.

But apparently it did screw up a lot of air traffic though the last I read, it is subsiding and causing less problems now. But they said it could erupt again at any time. What surprised me was that with as much scientific equipment as the USGS has on all the active volcanoes and as closely as they track them these days, this eruption came as a total surprise? With two catastrophic volcanoes here in New Mexico, that isn't really reassuring.

The photo you posted I believe was taken from an airplane?

photo pavlof volcano eruption - Bing video
Airplane? No, I was using my Icarus wings........ :D

I have had a lifelong fascination with the more dramatic power of nature, especially when it comes to violent storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, and such. If I had it all to do over, I think I might have focused my formal education on something to do with the earth sciences but I didn't know my interests would turn so strongly in that direction when I was in college. Nor how much I would lose respect for my chosen profession at that time.
I'll never lose respect for my chosen profession, beach bum........ :thup:
Bad night. Mini meltdown/panic attack. Sorry. Better today.

I have been blessed with not having to endure panic attacks, but I have sure experienced those middle of the night 'my world is going to hell and I'm already there' periods. So as I said, I can relate. But they do pass.
I've had some really cheap knives that have broken off when I've been using them! Lucky I didn't cut a finger off or something. I have some nice knives now where the handle and blade are one piece, kind of like this . . .

Speaking of SFC Ollie, I think it's time for my annual appeal to all folks who fly an American flag at their homes, which is hopefully everybody.

Each year I buy a brand new flag to fly at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. And, each autumn, I take that season's flag to the American Legion Post for proper disposal.

Nothing, in my opinion, is as tasteless as flying a tattered, faded American flag. I think it's disrespectful to the flag itself and those who cherish it and served under it.

A bright new flag is not only appropriate, but beautiful in and of itself.

But where to get a new flag? Why that very same American Legion! They offer American flags that are, get ready for this, MADE IN AMERICA!

And not only are their flags durable and well made, they are a great value. Profits from the American Legion flag sales go toward the fantastic charitable works they conduct throughout the year. From youth baseball to veterans outreach programs, your flag helps the good people at the American Legion do so much for our local communities.

Here's the link:

American Legion Flag & Emblem
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Speaking of SFC Ollie, I think it's time for my annual appeal to all folks who fly an American flag at their homes, which is hopefully everybody.

Each year I buy a brand new flag to fly at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. And, each autumn, I take that season's flag to the American Legion Post for proper disposal.

Nothing, in my opinion, is as tasteless as flying a tattered, faded American flag. I think it's disrespectful to the flag itself and those who cherish it and served under it.

A bright new flag is not only appropriate, but beautiful in and of itself.

But where to get a new flag? Why that very same American Legion! They offer American flags that are, get ready for this, MADE IN AMERICA!

And not only are their flags durable and well made, they are a great value. Profits from the American Legion flag sales go toward the fantastic charitable works they conduct throughout the year. From youth baseball to veterans outreach programs, your flag helps the good people at the American Legion do so much for our local communities.

Here's the link:

American Legion Flag & Emblem

Wonderful post Nosmo. And I am still impressed that I believe you are the one and only member of our special Coffee Shop family who has met SFC Ollie in person. I still hate that C_K deleted our old Coffee Shop threads before I could retrieve the picture of the two of you together plus some other CS historical photos I would love to have personally and for the archives now.
Speaking of SFC Ollie, I think it's time for my annual appeal to all folks who fly an American flag at their homes, which is hopefully everybody.

Each year I buy a brand new flag to fly at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. And, each autumn, I take that season's flag to the American Legion Post for proper disposal.

Nothing, in my opinion, is as tasteless as flying a tattered, faded American flag. I think it's disrespectful to the flag itself and those who cherish it and served under it.

A bright new flag is not only appropriate, but beautiful in and of itself.

But where to get a new flag? Why that very same American Legion! They offer American flags that are, get ready for this, MADE IN AMERICA!

And not only are their flags durable and well made, they are a great value. Profits from the American Legion flag sales go toward the fantastic charitable works they conduct throughout the year. From youth baseball to veterans outreach programs, your flag helps the good people at the American Legion do so much for our local communities.

Here's the link:

American Legion Flag & Emblem

Wonderful post Nosmo. And I am still impressed that I believe you are the one and only member of our special Coffee Shop family who has met SFC Ollie in person. I still hate that C_K deleted our old Coffee Shop threads before I could retrieve the picture of the two of you together plus some other CS historical photos I would love to have personally and for the archives now.
I did meet Ollie at a watering hole close to each of our homes. It was on a Sunday during football season and his Dallas Cowboys were playing.. We sucked down coffee, chit chatted about what was right and wrong about USMB, and cheered at opposite places during the Cowboy's game!.

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