USMB Coffee Shop IV

Couldn't you just walk around on you knees, it would just take longer to get there...:lol:

I was going to mention your "butt hurts" but it wouldn't be prudent

Gee, the sympathy around here is astounding...

I've adopted a new theme song for the duration...

It's just been a silly day around here today. You seem a little better? :D

Except for the big pink cast on my foot, I am feeling better. :)
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Good morning everybody. Life is good though now I'm thinking catfish in a bourbon batter would taste really good. :)
It would indeed. That would go well with some fries and coleslaw.


German Potato-Salad and, of course, German Cole-Slaw or cold Sauerkraut!!!
That all sounds great. All that would go really well at a picnic or a cookout. BBQed hot dogs with sauerkraut and/or coleslaw. Potato salad on the side. Of course we musn't forget the catfish...
I am amazed at the quality available at the commissary here. The selection of frozen fish puts the local fresh markets to shame. The also offer a lot of things that are difficult to find otherwise. I bought a beef femur for my dog for less than $4. That item costs me around $12 at the local pet supply store or super market.

That's true. We save over 20% just shopping there....then considering I use coupons, I really save a lot. They may be slow getting in some newer brands, but I usually find everything I need.

I'm not all into newer brands, so I'm fine with that. Prices are getting so outrageous that I may have to start clipping coupons, though. I cannot believe how much less I get for my money lately.
That's why I grow some of my own. These are a couple of the first Super Roma tomatoes coming... I have Bonnies Best Hybrid and Goliath coming too...


... and the Romaine lettuce is really busting out too... I love my salads, and there's nothing like fresh, home grown veggies. The stuff in the store doesn't even come close as far as flavor...

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Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.
Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.
Hope she had insurance.
Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.
Hope she had insurance.

So does she!
Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

I hate it when people text and (insert a verb).

In Germany, texting and driving is illegal and high fines come with it.
Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

I hate it when people text and (insert a verb).

In Germany, texting and driving is illegal and high fines come with it.
I don't own a cellular telephone and I have never texted ever. I'm not a luddite. I appreciate that some folks like this technology. But I've never understood what the hell they have to talk about so often. I do not appreciate the lack of manners this technology has wrought. I've seen folks take cellular phone calls at funerals while standing before the casket. I've seen folks stop face to face chats just to answer a cellular phone. I asked directions to a wedding reception and was told to use the GPS function on my phone. When I responded that I'm pretty good at reading maps, I was answered with looks of incredulity.

I'm 57 years old an I know how to survive without a cellular telephone. I've been doing it all my life. I wish folks my age could just remember how it was before we became so damned connected and we respected privacy and the face to face encounter with our fellow humans. The young are lost to that etiquette, and thus are doomed.

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