USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

Ooo... very happy to hear that you are OK.
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Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

Ooo... very happy to hear that you a OK.
Nobody was injured, but the girl with the phone instantly broke into tears.

And karma wasn't finished with me today. As I pulled out of my parking spot I heard and ugly noise from the front of the car. There was a bolt meant to attach the parking bumper to the pavement that was sticking up just a bit too high. By simply backing out and being caught on that errant bolt, the front bumper pulled away from my car! I'm now convinced that there is no need to go out tonight for fear of the earth itself opening beneath my feet.

As I said, I've had better days.
Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.
Hope she had insurance.

So does she!
I hope you have uninsured motorist insurance.

Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

I hate it when people text and (insert a verb).

In Germany, texting and driving is illegal and high fines come with it.
I don't own a cellular telephone and I have never texted ever. I'm not a luddite. I appreciate that some folks like this technology. But I've never understood what the hell they have to talk about so often. I do not appreciate the lack of manners this technology has wrought. I've seen folks take cellular phone calls at funerals while standing before the casket. I've seen folks stop face to face chats just to answer a cellular phone. I asked directions to a wedding reception and was told to use the GPS function on my phone. When I responded that I'm pretty good at reading maps, I was answered with looks of incredulity.

I'm 57 years old an I know how to survive without a cellular telephone. I've been doing it all my life. I wish folks my age could just remember how it was before we became so damned connected and we respected privacy and the face to face encounter with our fellow humans. The young are lost to that etiquette, and thus are doomed.
I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 smart phone. I rarely ever carry it on me. It's just too large and cumbersome for my pocket, and with all I do, I don't want to squish it against something and ruin it. So it sits on the desk in the house much of the time just like an old land line did tethered to the house by it's wire. I check it when I come back in or have to make a call. When I take it with me in the car it has a holder that's suctioned to the windshield, and if it rings the radio blue tooth automatically answers it without me ever having to touch it, and I can speak without holding it because there's also a microphone.

I agree with you that so many people are far too into their smart phones. You see teenagers sitting together at the food court in the mall or something, and instead of them all chatting with each other, every one of them has their face buried in their smart phone and not a one of them is talking to each other, VERBALLY. I too think it's absurd, but, what ya gonna do about it?
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Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

Ooo... very happy to hear that you a OK.
Nobody was injured, but the girl with the phone instantly broke into tears.

And karma wasn't finished with me today. As I pulled out of my parking spot I heard and ugly noise from the front of the car. There was a bolt meant to attach the parking bumper to the pavement that was sticking up just a bit too high. By simply backing out and being caught on that errant bolt, the front bumper pulled away from my car! I'm now convinced that there is no need to go out tonight for fear of the earth itself opening beneath my feet.

As I said, I've had better days.

They usually always come in three's. :(
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Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

Ooo... very happy to hear that you a OK.
Nobody was injured, but the girl with the phone instantly broke into tears.

And karma wasn't finished with me today. As I pulled out of my parking spot I heard and ugly noise from the front of the car. There was a bolt meant to attach the parking bumper to the pavement that was sticking up just a bit too high. By simply backing out and being caught on that errant bolt, the front bumper pulled away from my car! I'm now convinced that there is no need to go out tonight for fear of the earth itself opening beneath my feet.

As I said, I've had better days.

Oh, Crap...... wow... :eek:

Stay indoors.
Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

I hate it when people text and (insert a verb).

In Germany, texting and driving is illegal and high fines come with it.
I don't own a cellular telephone and I have never texted ever. I'm not a luddite. I appreciate that some folks like this technology. But I've never understood what the hell they have to talk about so often. I do not appreciate the lack of manners this technology has wrought. I've seen folks take cellular phone calls at funerals while standing before the casket. I've seen folks stop face to face chats just to answer a cellular phone. I asked directions to a wedding reception and was told to use the GPS function on my phone. When I responded that I'm pretty good at reading maps, I was answered with looks of incredulity.

I'm 57 years old an I know how to survive without a cellular telephone. I've been doing it all my life. I wish folks my age could just remember how it was before we became so damned connected and we respected privacy and the face to face encounter with our fellow humans. The young are lost to that etiquette, and thus are doomed.

Glad you're OK my friend. I have a cell phone, maybe 5 people know the number. I pay for 300 minutes a month and use less than 10 minutes most months....If you text me i might get around to seeing it in 3 or 4 days...If you are waiting for me to text you, well, How patient are ya? Chances are it's not going to happen.
Before Mrs. BBD left this morning to go to the church and quilt with the ladies I told her of my plan to hold the Coffee Shop hostage along with the ransom plan for the 12 dog treats. She said if I went through with it she would give me a flea bath using cold water. After careful consideration, the scam has been canceled. No cold flea baths for me. Instead, I will buy every body coffee tomorrow morning and promise to be a good doggie from here out.


Miss Music approves this message (my black lab) :badgrin:

1. bowl of milk


(2) Lice removal comb


(3) Heart worm medicine


4. Doggie brush and spanking equipment:


5. Stowaway dog carrier for back of truck trips:


6. Doggie life jacket for safety in the ocean:


7. Pampered pooch peanut butter Doggie biscuits:


8. A special bone for cleaning teeth:


9. Tickets to the dog show


10. A black doggie quilt:


11. A doggie umbrella for rainy days


'Merica's dog best-tasting doggie food according to a consumer report I read about 20 years ago...


You rock, BBD! :)
Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

Not too many years ago, Mrs. BBD was in a terrible auto accident caused by a teen texting and driving. He was driving 74 mph and texting, crossed the center line and ran into Mrs BBD head-on. Poor boy was instantly killed but Mrs. BBD had some very severe injuries that caused her to be in the hospital for over 30 days, 5 surgeries, and then a local nursing home for 2 1/2 months. Please, please, please people don't text and drive.
Before Mrs. BBD left this morning to go to the church and quilt with the ladies I told her of my plan to hold the Coffee Shop hostage along with the ransom plan for the 12 dog treats. She said if I went through with it she would give me a flea bath using cold water. After careful consideration, the scam has been canceled. No cold flea baths for me. Instead, I will buy every body coffee tomorrow morning and promise to be a good doggie from here out.


Miss Music approves this message (my black lab) :badgrin:

1. bowl of milk


(2) Lice removal comb


(3) Heart worm medicine


4. Doggie brush and spanking equipment:


5. Stowaway dog carrier for back of truck trips:


6. Doggie life jacket for safety in the ocean:


7. Pampered pooch peanut butter Doggie biscuits:


8. A special bone for cleaning teeth:


9. Tickets to the dog show


10. A black doggie quilt:


11. A doggie umbrella for rainy days


'Merica's dog best-tasting doggie food according to a consumer report I read about 20 years ago...


You rock, BBD! :)

I think I'm in love! Want to scratch behind my ears or rub my tummy? *** wagging tail ***
Tomorrow morning I need to go to Rockford for some routine lab work. Driving the RV to Rockford because afterwards I will swing by the dealership that sold it to me and they are going to fix a couple of small gremlins I found upon a close inspection when I got it home. Service guy said to come early because they run out of donuts pretty quickly...
A quick cup of coffee and winks to the ladies .. :coffee: .. :wink_2: .. :wink_2:

..and a walk down memory lane ..

[ame=]A white sport coat and a pink carnation - YouTube[/ame]
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Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

Not too many years ago, Mrs. BBD was in a terrible auto accident caused by a teen texting and driving. He was driving 74 mph and texting, crossed the center line and ran into Mrs BBD head-on. Poor boy was instantly killed but Mrs. BBD had some very severe injuries that caused her to be in the hospital for over 30 days, 5 surgeries, and then a local nursing home for 2 1/2 months. Please, please, please people don't text and drive.
Texting and driving is as dangerous as DUI, perhaps more so since DUI drivers don't have the texting distraction that takes their eyes off the road. The penalty for texting and driving should be equivalent to DUI.
Morning all, hope all is well. :) Was busy yesterday and couldn't get online. :(

Parents have gone to Canberra so I have the house to myself until Monday. Might throw a big party, lol.

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