USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yippee ! I made another step toward doing some big paintings today. I got up early and went to town to a builders shop and purchased two long thin pieces of wood to use as rulers. I cut them down to a four foot length and a six foot length, so now I have rulers long enough to do perspective lines on big canvases.

Tomorrow I am going to the art shop to purchase paint and some blue coloured pencils to draw the outline of my pictures on the canvas. I am going to use colour pencils because if you use black graphite it shows through the oils and discolours the paint.

The next plan is to get a working printer and print out the pictures of cathedrals I want to use as backgrounds, then square them up with a grid of equal sized squares. Then draw the same number of squares on the canvas so it makes it easy to draw the vaults of the ceiling. Its a standard technique I remember from art college.
OMG! The sun is actually making an appearance today, first time all week! :banana:

It has been gloomy, windy, rainy, and raw all week.

We are FINALLY joining the rest of the country in getting with Spring. The forsythia and rhododendrons are blooming, the leaves are beginning to pop on the trees and the rugosas, wrinkled and smooshed like a crumpled hanky in the pocket of your raincoat. All different shades of green this first week or two. With the rhododendron come the hummingbirds, and my cat spending endless hours staring out the dining room window in hopes one will fly over for a sip. It's hit almost 70, gentle breeze, sun.

Love Spring.
OMG! The sun is actually making an appearance today, first time all week! :banana:

It has been gloomy, windy, rainy, and raw all week.

We are FINALLY joining the rest of the country in getting with Spring. The forsythia and rhododendrons are blooming, the leaves are beginning to pop on the trees and the rugosas, wrinkled and smooshed like a crumpled hanky in the pocket of your raincoat. All different shades of green this first week or two. With the rhododendron come the hummingbirds, and my cat spending endless hours staring out the dining room window in hopes one will fly over for a sip. It's hit almost 70, gentle breeze, sun.

Love Spring.

You must be in New England too? :2up:
Literally just got home from our trip up to Albuquerque. Yeah, I'm exhausted...... No clue how the interview went, according to the wife they were pretty tight lipped so we may not know anything for at least a week.
Literally just got home from our trip up to Albuquerque. Yeah, I'm exhausted...... No clue how the interview went, according to the wife they were pretty tight lipped so we may not know anything for at least a week.

Well get a good night's sleep. Was it something she/you think would be a good fit for you?

OMG! The sun is actually making an appearance today, first time all week! :banana:

It has been gloomy, windy, rainy, and raw all week.

We are FINALLY joining the rest of the country in getting with Spring. The forsythia and rhododendrons are blooming, the leaves are beginning to pop on the trees and the rugosas, wrinkled and smooshed like a crumpled hanky in the pocket of your raincoat. All different shades of green this first week or two. With the rhododendron come the hummingbirds, and my cat spending endless hours staring out the dining room window in hopes one will fly over for a sip. It's hit almost 70, gentle breeze, sun.

Love Spring.

You must be in New England too? :2up:
Yes. Our gloomy, windy, rainy and raw week ended two days ago. Hang in there.
Literally just got home from our trip up to Albuquerque. Yeah, I'm exhausted...... No clue how the interview went, according to the wife they were pretty tight lipped so we may not know anything for at least a week.

Well get a good night's sleep. Was it something she/you think would be a good fit for you?
Wow did I get a a good night's sleep, slept for almost 10 hours, the wife slept for 9 hours. Is the job a good fit? The wife hasn't said anything about that one way or the other, all I know is it's a management position related to cancer research and getting grants.
Good morning everybody. Hoping the best for the Ringels.

We delivered our mini dachshund guests back to her human mom last evening, grabbed some tacos at Taco Bell, came home and because our day started so early yesterday, we were both pretty wiped out. To bed early. But today is a new day and upward and onward.

That dachshund may become a semi permanent resident very soon, and frankly I'm a little stressed out about that. Being the first caretakers for elderly relatives we need to be able to be mobile for hours or sometimes days at a time. And Hombre is facing a hip replacement sometime in coming months and that will be hard enough to deal with too.

But the dachshund belongs to a dear friend, in her 50's, who was just evaluated for a heart transplant--the evaluation was and the surgery will be in Salt Lake City and she will need to stay there up to six months until they are sure everything is healed and the heart won't be rejected. So how could we say no?

It seems so unfair. I have the heart of a 20-year-old and here she is so young and having this problem. She got the flu or something 15 years or so ago that caused an infection in her heart and seriously weakened it. She has had a pace maker since but in the last year or two, things have seriously deteriorated. She will get a heart pump first to sustain her until a heart is available. They told her without it, she doesn't have much longer to live.

We should all count our blessings folks.
OMG! The sun is actually making an appearance today, first time all week! :banana:

It has been gloomy, windy, rainy, and raw all week.

We are FINALLY joining the rest of the country in getting with Spring. The forsythia and rhododendrons are blooming, the leaves are beginning to pop on the trees and the rugosas, wrinkled and smooshed like a crumpled hanky in the pocket of your raincoat. All different shades of green this first week or two. With the rhododendron come the hummingbirds, and my cat spending endless hours staring out the dining room window in hopes one will fly over for a sip. It's hit almost 70, gentle breeze, sun.

Love Spring.

You must be in New England too? :2up:
Yes. Our gloomy, windy, rainy and raw week ended two days ago. Hang in there.

Yup! I'm in NE too, and it's been nice all this week. A little overcast today but warm, so I'll take it! :)
Happy Friday all !

I hope you all have a good weekend.

My Mom's funeral on Monday was beautiful.
The flowers around her urn are mine (purple was her favorite color) and the ones hanging on the wire is from my cousin.
The two one either side are the ones from the children and grandchildren of her 2nd marriage.

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I'm so sorry for your loss.
Un - Bloody Believable; I just saw an unbelievable sight in my next door neighbours garden. I just glanced out of the window and I saw a mother fox with six cubs feeding under her, and a male fox standing guard. If only I had a film in my camera and a telephoto lens fitted, I could have taken a really great picture. They seem to be living under the neighbours patio, so I am going to load my camera and hope for another chance.
Damn and blast it. I am all twitchy, going to the window every few minutes to see if the foxes are back. But the probability is I will never get a chance at a picture like that again. I could have taken an award winning photo of the six fox cubs under their mother, and the male fox standing guard in front. But I don't suppose it will ever happen again.

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