USMB Coffee Shop IV

Trying to start some new paintings, but I have forgotten all the rules of perspective. I have not done any paintings for over five years so it's not surprising. I want to do a five foot high picture of the inside of a cathedral with tiled flooring. But I cannot remember how to get the position of the vanishing points to make the tiles. I used to know how to do it as the picture below shows.
View attachment 74355 I photographed it before it was finished. In the finished picture all the windows had stained glass in them.


Thanks, I can do single point and two point perspective. But I cannot remember how to do the spacing for tiled flooring in perspective. As far as I recall, the vanishing points are outside the frame of the picture. but I can't remember how to do it.
Another problem has also occurred to me, which is that I am planning to paint the inside of a cathedral on a four foot wide canvas, but I only have a three foot ruler. I will have to go to a wood shop and find some straight piece of wood about six feet long, so that I can use that as a ruler.


Thanks a lot Foxy, I may be able to work it out from that. Then all I have to do is work out how to draw ceiling arches in perspective.
Trying to start some new paintings, but I have forgotten all the rules of perspective. I have not done any paintings for over five years so it's not surprising. I want to do a five foot high picture of the inside of a cathedral with tiled flooring. But I cannot remember how to get the position of the vanishing points to make the tiles. I used to know how to do it as the picture below shows.
View attachment 74355 I photographed it before it was finished. In the finished picture all the windows had stained glass in them.


Thanks, I can do single point and two point perspective. But I cannot remember how to do the spacing for tiled flooring in perspective. As far as I recall, the vanishing points are outside the frame of the picture. but I can't remember how to do it.
Another problem has also occurred to me, which is that I am planning to paint the inside of a cathedral on a four foot wide canvas, but I only have a three foot ruler. I will have to go to a wood shop and find some straight piece of wood about six feet long, so that I can use that as a ruler.


Thanks a lot Foxy, I may be able to work it out from that. Then all I have to do is work out how to draw ceiling arches in perspective.
It's pretty much the same.

Side view;


For receding arches come from the V.P in an upside down U pattern, use a "rounded" upside down V if there a point at the top of the arch.
Trying to start some new paintings, but I have forgotten all the rules of perspective. I have not done any paintings for over five years so it's not surprising. I want to do a five foot high picture of the inside of a cathedral with tiled flooring. But I cannot remember how to get the position of the vanishing points to make the tiles. I used to know how to do it as the picture below shows.
View attachment 74355 I photographed it before it was finished. In the finished picture all the windows had stained glass in them.

Very nice! You are a very talented person! :)
It's been a long while since I commented here last, so I'll update you. Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with high cholesterol, and am currently waiting to discuss dietary options with my General Physician. Perhaps people have noticed a change in my behavior on this board since then, well it kinda hit me hard. But I know it was due to my negligence and no other. Some of my behavior has been... inexcusable.

On the upside, I have dropped 10 pounds since then. I'm taking something called "Apple Cider Vinegar" pills in an effort to help cut the weight. I'm starting dead lifts beginning at 40 lbs and working my way up to hopefully 150 in six months. I'm about to start taking 1 mile walks at least twice weekly.

Well, I hope all of you had a good day today. See ya.

Good on you! Keep up the good work. :thup:
Whenever I've tried to paint or draw, it comes out looking like a 3rd grader did it! :lol: I tried doing several craft projects in the past that involved painting on glass. Oh boy! Lol. Needless to say, I never displayed THOSE pieces. :D
One of these days I am going to start drawing again.
The last time I have drawn/painted was my daughters bedroom...when she was 7 or 8. (26 now)
I drew, then painted her room with Disney princess characters.
Whenever I've tried to paint or draw, it comes out looking like a 3rd grader did it! :lol: I tried doing several craft projects in the past that involved painting on glass. Oh boy! Lol. Needless to say, I never displayed THOSE pieces. :D

You are probably too self critical, and you should get other peoples input to see what they think of your work.
I feel the same way about most of my stuff. Which is why I have not bothered to paint for years. I did not want to do any more unfinished third rate pictures that someone will throw into a skip when I die. But I recently had a picture flash into my head, and wanted to realise it as a finished painting. I thought if I finish a few large pictures and donate them to the 'art in hospitals project' they will be on display in public buildings, and they won't get thrown away. I just think I may have left it too late because I am 70 years old next month, and I lack the energy I used to have. Painting several large sized pictures (four feet to six feet wide) will be a bit of an undertaking.
I have seven large canvases, two of which I will finish and keep (they are abstracts) then I have three unfinished pictures I am going to paint over, and I have two pieces of blank canvas four feet by five feet. So my aim is to finish seven pictures and give them to the hospitals.
If that ever happens it will be the work of years, and if I finish them I could stretch some more canvas. I made my own stretcher frames and I could do it again if I can find a wood shop, because the one I used closed down.
One of these days I am going to start drawing again.
The last time I have drawn/painted was my daughters bedroom...when she was 7 or 8. (26 now)
I drew, then painted her room with Disney princess characters.

An artist did that for a member of the royal family's children's bedroom., but Disney sued him under copyright, and as far as I recall he had to paint over it.
Whenever I've tried to paint or draw, it comes out looking like a 3rd grader did it! :lol: I tried doing several craft projects in the past that involved painting on glass. Oh boy! Lol. Needless to say, I never displayed THOSE pieces. :D

We are all our worst critics of our own work though. So if it gives you pleasure, do it even if you don't like the results and even if they don't look like Monets or Rembrandts or Van Goghs to you. I always look at Grandma Moses stuff and just shake my head at how simple and childish looking they are--things not carefully drawn, little or no perspective to speak of, primary colors--and yet they are all compelling. She didn't start painting seriously until she was 78 years old but her paintings are now worth hundreds of thousands. I think one sold for something like $1.2 million.

One of her paintings:

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One of these days I am going to start drawing again.
The last time I have drawn/painted was my daughters bedroom...when she was 7 or 8. (26 now)
I drew, then painted her room with Disney princess characters.

An artist did that for a member of the royal family's children's bedroom., but Disney sued him under copyright, and as far as I recall he had to paint over it.

When my daughter turned 15 or 16 she of course wanted it painted over. WHich was OK, I knew that time would come. What is dumb...we didn't take any pictures of it before we did. :(
One of these days I am going to start drawing again.
The last time I have drawn/painted was my daughters bedroom...when she was 7 or 8. (26 now)
I drew, then painted her room with Disney princess characters.

An artist did that for a member of the royal family's children's bedroom., but Disney sued him under copyright, and as far as I recall he had to paint over it.

When my daughter turned 15 or 16 she of course wanted it painted over. WHich was OK, I knew that time would come. What is dumb...we didn't take any pictures of it before we did. :(

Aw. That would be a pretty big 'only if. . .' but alas. Those 'only ifs. . ." can only teach us. Not fix it for us.
One of these days I am going to start drawing again.
The last time I have drawn/painted was my daughters bedroom...when she was 7 or 8. (26 now)
I drew, then painted her room with Disney princess characters.

An artist did that for a member of the royal family's children's bedroom., but Disney sued him under copyright, and as far as I recall he had to paint over it.

When my daughter turned 15 or 16 she of course wanted it painted over. WHich was OK, I knew that time would come. What is dumb...we didn't take any pictures of it before we did. :(

I had a habit of taking photos of my paintings before they were finished then selling them without taking a picture of the finished painting. I must remember not to do that in future. I do not know who has my paintings, and there are a few scattered in my wake that I will never see again.
One of these days I am going to start drawing again.
The last time I have drawn/painted was my daughters bedroom...when she was 7 or 8. (26 now)
I drew, then painted her room with Disney princess characters.

An artist did that for a member of the royal family's children's bedroom., but Disney sued him under copyright, and as far as I recall he had to paint over it.

Iam's stuff probably wasn't made as public as the Royal family's stuff would be though. :)
She didn't start painting seriously until she was 78 years old but her paintings are now worth hundreds of thousands

Yes, I am a negative thinker, and may yet have a couple of decades to do some good paintings. I am warming to the idea, and even thinking of doing some exercise to keep myself alive for a bit longer.
For the last few years pretty well all I have done is watch TV without getting out of a chair.
She didn't start painting seriously until she was 78 years old but her paintings are now worth hundreds of thousands

Yes, I am a negative thinker, and may yet have a couple of decades to do some good paintings. I am warming to the idea, and even thinking of doing some exercise to keep myself alive for a bit longer.
For the last few years pretty well all I have done is watch TV without getting out of a chair.

Then paint my friend. You do some good stuff whether you like or not. And even if you don't produce what you hope for, if it gives you pleasure, do it.
She didn't start painting seriously until she was 78 years old but her paintings are now worth hundreds of thousands

Yes, I am a negative thinker, and may yet have a couple of decades to do some good paintings. I am warming to the idea, and even thinking of doing some exercise to keep myself alive for a bit longer.
For the last few years pretty well all I have done is watch TV without getting out of a chair.

Then paint my friend. You do some good stuff whether you like or not. And even if you don't produce what you hope for, if it gives you pleasure, do it.

That's one of the problems, it doesn't give me pleasure, its a struggle. Added to that I cannot reach the quality I desire. I see everything I have done as third rate. Never the less I am warming to the idea of trying to paint some final works worthy of the trouble before kicking off this mortal coil. I just spent ten minutes on my exercise bike for the first time in years, and I plan to try to get fitter by doing a small amount of exercise several times a day.

Tomorrow I am going in search of some wood long and straight enough to draw perspective lines on a five foot canvas. It may entail a long walk as I can get a bus into town , but I probably will have to walk back because of not being able to get the wood on a bus. So that will kill two birds with one stone, as I will get some exercise as well as some wood.
I am trying to put another plan in action. NO MORE ROOMIES. MrG and I are going to have to pay rent when we get the low income housing...and we are paying now here too. We just have to pay a bit more to make up for the empty room. But that is what I want. Keep the one roomie we have left BUT NO MORE. Just us 3.

I hope it happens!
Speaking of painting...boy, am I paying for yesterdays dresser! This is awful. Can't bend my left thumb at all and it all swollen and throbbing. The joint is having a major cow. Sigh.

But...I am going to try a new hobby for extra cash! DOG SITTING! People who board their dogs while they are at work can bring them to my house. And I am beating the competition price wise! Contacted the local vets to let them know, and now I wait. House full of dogs and/or cats during the day..they all go home at night and I get paid to spoil them rotten! If they need me to dog sit while they go on vacay...I will do that too.

Plus..NO MORE ROOMIES! Just critters!

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