USMB Coffee Shop IV

Doc called me today and said my cholesterol was WAY over the limit and said he was going to put me on a statin. I said hell no he isn't. So he said put a teaspoon of cinnamon in some yogurt...the cinnamon whacks the bad stuff in half. He said eat cheerios or oatmeal too, with another teaspoon of cinnamon...and there is my pill. I said sure! Anything besides a damn statin!

Adding to Foxfyre's great list of things to do...don't forget NO GLUTEN. That is a major culprit. If you want to snack....munch on Doritos Cool Ranch chips (they are already gluten free), Snyders pretzels in GF packages (I love the honey mustard!) and do at least an hour per day of exercise...even if it means walking around the block.
I take Co-Q 10 and Red Yeast Rice after my doc wanted to put me on statins 3 years ago, quickly dropped my cholesterol down to low normal levels.

Yes, that is a good thing too. Whatever works holistically is going to be so much better for us than taking a bunch of medicine. I am of the opinion that all medicine contains some poison and there no such thing as meds with no side effects. But then again, if there is no holistic remedy and the meds help us to function more normally and live better, then the meds too are God's gifts.
Red yeast rice is a natural statin, Co-Q 10 helps the body fully absorb it. The one side effect is muscle soreness that goes away once the body gets used to the supplement. In a study only 7% of the participants developed muscle soreness from taking red yeast rice. The other supplement I take to help with that is fish oil.
Hey guys, we've been talking about healthier food diets/supplements and high fiber foods:

And meanwhile at the Foxfyre/Hombre household:

EDIT: I had posted a graphic that didn't take. So you were supposed to see a green frog lying on its back here with the caption: SO MUCH TO DO. SO LITTLE DESIRE TO DO IT.
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And meanwhile at the Foxfyre/Hombre household:

I don't see anything here. Was there supposed to be something, or is that there is "nothing" going on at your house today? ;)

Oh my it's gone. Hmmm. Anyhow it was a graphic of a frog lying on it's back with the caption: SO MUCH TO DO. SO LITTLE DESIRE TO DO IT.
Some Birds can be mean...

View attachment 74494

The swans hate the geese. They will beat the crap out of a full grown goose, so I would hate to see one get ahold of a little gosling. :( The goslings are defenseless.

The swans can be mean for sure. We used to live across the street from a city park with a small lake stocked with bass and home to several families of ducks and 3 or 4 swans including one very large black one. The big black one would sometimes come over to our front yard to forage and I would try to shoo him back to the park. He would swell up twice his normal size, crook his neck in a mean way, and hiss menacingly. He was scary.

I don't know how they would relate to geese. They didn't seem to ever give the ducks any grief.
Trying to start some new paintings, but I have forgotten all the rules of perspective. I have not done any paintings for over five years so it's not surprising. I want to do a five foot high picture of the inside of a cathedral with tiled flooring. But I cannot remember how to get the position of the vanishing points to make the tiles. I used to know how to do it as the picture below shows.
View attachment 74355 I photographed it before it was finished. In the finished picture all the windows had stained glass in them.


Thanks, I can do single point and two point perspective. But I cannot remember how to do the spacing for tiled flooring in perspective. As far as I recall, the vanishing points are outside the frame of the picture. but I can't remember how to do it.
Another problem has also occurred to me, which is that I am planning to paint the inside of a cathedral on a four foot wide canvas, but I only have a three foot ruler. I will have to go to a wood shop and find some straight piece of wood about six feet long, so that I can use that as a ruler.
I just had to chase a HUGE swan away. He was chasing the poor little goslings!!! He would probably kill them if he got ahold of them. I love swans, but they are very territorial and can be very mean.
Speaking of birds for the first time since we've been down here I noticed cave swallows dive bombing my pool to get a drink of water. Their primary location was around Carlsbad NM and south central Texas but they appear to be moving west and northwest.

Some Birds can be mean...

View attachment 74494

The swans hate the geese. They will beat the crap out of a full grown goose, so I would hate to see one get ahold of a little gosling. :( The goslings are defenseless.

I feed the pigeons every time I go to the town for my food, and the seagulls brush the pigeons aside. So I drop the bread close to my feet and the pigeons come up and eat it but the seagulls are too scared to get that close.
So I throw the seagulls some bread while the pigeons feed at my feet.
Some Birds can be mean...

View attachment 74494

The swans hate the geese. They will beat the crap out of a full grown goose, so I would hate to see one get ahold of a little gosling. :( The goslings are defenseless.

The swans can be mean for sure. We used to live across the street from a city park with a small lake stocked with bass and home to several families of ducks and 3 or 4 swans including one very large black one. The big black one would sometimes come over to our front yard to forage and I would try to shoo him back to the park. He would swell up twice his normal size, crook his neck in a mean way, and hiss menacingly. He was scary.

I don't know how they would relate to geese. They didn't seem to ever give the ducks any grief.

The ducks on our pond avoid the swans and the geese for the most part. The geese come up to cut through or to eat bird seeds that fall on the ground, and the one really big male swan is a real bully to them! Every spring and summer, he does this. I imagine he thinks he's just defending his territory, but I can't sit back and watch him kill a gosling.
Trying to start some new paintings, but I have forgotten all the rules of perspective. I have not done any paintings for over five years so it's not surprising. I want to do a five foot high picture of the inside of a cathedral with tiled flooring. But I cannot remember how to get the position of the vanishing points to make the tiles. I used to know how to do it as the picture below shows.
View attachment 74355 I photographed it before it was finished. In the finished picture all the windows had stained glass in them.


Thanks, I can do single point and two point perspective. But I cannot remember how to do the spacing for tiled flooring in perspective. As far as I recall, the vanishing points are outside the frame of the picture. but I can't remember how to do it.
Another problem has also occurred to me, which is that I am planning to paint the inside of a cathedral on a four foot wide canvas, but I only have a three foot ruler. I will have to go to a wood shop and find some straight piece of wood about six feet long, so that I can use that as a ruler.
Look at the cross (horizontal and vertical) lines in the second picture and extrapolate from there to determine vanishing size and shape.
Send me some reinforcing vibes today

I cannna do no vibes no more
My vibes are busted ! I used to do vibes, but they seem to have drained away as part of the ageing process.

Dajjal put his vibes in his mattress... :up:

What a talent you have sir... Your paintings are beautiful... Hopefully you feel blessed to have such a marvelous eye and steady hand.

I used to get vibes, and I was told by a medium once, that the spirit world inspired some of my paintings.
In fact my recent desire to paint new pictures was because a beautiful picture of angels flashed into my head.
But catching a quick glimpse of angels does not give you a complete composition, and I will have to work on that.
Trying to start some new paintings, but I have forgotten all the rules of perspective. I have not done any paintings for over five years so it's not surprising. I want to do a five foot high picture of the inside of a cathedral with tiled flooring. But I cannot remember how to get the position of the vanishing points to make the tiles. I used to know how to do it as the picture below shows.
View attachment 74355 I photographed it before it was finished. In the finished picture all the windows had stained glass in them.


Thanks, I can do single point and two point perspective. But I cannot remember how to do the spacing for tiled flooring in perspective. As far as I recall, the vanishing points are outside the frame of the picture. but I can't remember how to do it.
Another problem has also occurred to me, which is that I am planning to paint the inside of a cathedral on a four foot wide canvas, but I only have a three foot ruler. I will have to go to a wood shop and find some straight piece of wood about six feet long, so that I can use that as a ruler.


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