USMB Coffee Shop IV

I am looking at an advert for a Nikon D3300 , but I am out of my depth. I do not know if it has software that runs on windows. I take it you have to fit a memory card. There is some talk of it needing a wifi adaptor. But I don't know what that is. I just want to be able to plug it into my computer and load down JPeg pictures.
You don't need camera specific software, all you need is a photo viewer software.

Three impressive alternatives to Photo Viewer in Windows 10

You hook up the camera via a USB port, your computer recognizes what it is and asks you what do do if you don't already have a default action set up. Windows should ask you if you want to upload to the computer, if it doesn't look in Windows Explorer, find your camera, and start opening directories till you find DCIM file. That's where the images are stored on the camera.

Thanks, I am now planning on loading my cheap vivitar camera on my old computer running windows xp, which is expendable. I do not intend to risk my new computer on software that warns you it could damage your hardware. My old computer has lots of software like photoshop on it, and a scanner. So I might as well fire it up.
With any luck I will get it up and running tomorrow, and get some digital pics of the fox cubs.
It may not be your software per se, most likely it's your AV warning you simply because it's an old program (the camera software) and that the AV (anti virus) sees it as potential malware.
Well another neighbor moved. Next door. Knew this was coming. Told me they were only there for a yr when they moved in. Moved 45 min away to get a "lake" house as they described it cept its not, its across the the street with limited view. Gonna regret that if gas goes back up. Anyway been waiting to see who moves in next. Noticed this week there finally was a car in the drive. Next day a different car ands so it goes. May start taking pics of the cars and plates, then go ask the association what the hell is going on. Windows are all covered. One I can see has a Halloween type throw that seems to billow a lot like there is a fan running in close proximity.

Hmmm. That sounds rather intriguing . Of course it is more intriguing being your neighbor than it would be if it was mine. Let us know who or what moved in.

It reminded me of this movie.:shock:

The little one's team won their last soccer game. :) She didn't score, but it was nice to end the season with a W.

Everyone got a medal for being part of the team after the game. She's already signed up for the fall season, there was a discount for signing up by today. I got her a small soccer net for her birthday (4' by 6') so hopefully we'll do some practicing this summer.
Thinking about Peach tonight. She hasn't posted in awhile and I'm hoping everything is okay.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
IamwhatIseem's bad hip,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.



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I am getting a stiff neck looking out of the window every couple of minutes for fox cubs. They made a brief appearance today but I am still waiting for the ideal shot. The neighbours were out earlier looking down the fox hole and I am hoping they are not going to do anything about it. It must be a nuisance for them to be over run with foxes. But I don't want them to be driven out until I get a classic picture.
I got one of the adult foxes on my digital camera, and loaded it onto my old computer as a test. I am still waiting for a good shot of the cubs.
Mornin'........ For some reason I couldn't sleep last night, finally went to be about 3:30AM and saw 4AM before I finally dropped off. During the time I was awake I replaced the wifi card in my laptop which I discovered was the problem, not Windows as I first thought so I also tossed the Win 8.1 disc in that came with the laptop then immediately upgraded to windows 10 again. We'll see how it goes this time. Busy loading my usual programs, blocking Windows telemetry, uninstalling the Windows bloatware that I can safely uninstall.
The wifi card replacement took all of 5 minutes including rebooting the computer which includes the OS discovering the new hardware and configuring it.
For some reason I couldn't sleep last night, finally went to be about 3:30AM
Me too, my brain was buzzing about foxes. I am tired now and have been getting up to look out the window every few minutes, all day. But the fox cubs have not come out yet today. I have two cameras ready on the window ledge, and still hope I will get a clear shot of the cubs feeding.
I am still learning how to use my digital camera and one thing I don't want is a date stamp on the photos, especially when its wrong. I also have not yet figured out how to set it to high definition or low light.
But at least I have found out how to take a photo and load it onto my computer.
Damn and blast it. I am all twitchy, going to the window every few minutes to see if the foxes are back. But the probability is I will never get a chance at a picture like that again. I could have taken an award winning photo of the six fox cubs under their mother, and the male fox standing guard in front. But I don't suppose it will ever happen again.
Paint a picture of it for us with words. Mother nature sent you a special gift; treasure it.
Damn and blast it. I am all twitchy, going to the window every few minutes to see if the foxes are back. But the probability is I will never get a chance at a picture like that again. I could have taken an award winning photo of the six fox cubs under their mother, and the male fox standing guard in front. But I don't suppose it will ever happen again.
Paint a picture of it for us with words. Mother nature sent you a special gift; treasure it.

After eight hours of looking out of the window every couple of minutes, the fox cubs and their mother fed out in the open where I could see them. But unfortunately it was dusk and there was not enough light. I took two pictures with my film camera but I doubt they are any good.. I took five with my digital camera, and the are too dark to be worth posting. Bummer !.
Basically we've decided, regardless as to whether or not the wife gets this job, we will be moving to New Mexico. Albuquerque offers the best opportunities for jobs but we'd both honestly prefer the Alamogordo/Tularosa area.
Funny, last week I check my vehicle/property insurance online..... Amount due; $0....... Today I get an email, account past due........ which I pay.
Yup, I called and told them there's a notification problem they need to fix.........

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