USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning everybody. I won't be a happy camper until after some uncomfortable tests are completed in an hour or so. No, there's nothing wrong and nothing suspected. My doctor is still on definitive search to find something wrong with me.
How do ya'll like our new camping trailer? (Not really, but this one did catch my eye.)

Un - Bloody Believable; I just saw an unbelievable sight in my next door neighbours garden. I just glanced out of the window and I saw a mother fox with six cubs feeding under her, and a male fox standing guard. If only I had a film in my camera and a telephoto lens fitted, I could have taken a really great picture. They seem to be living under the neighbours patio, so I am going to load my camera and hope for another chance.
SIX kits! That's quite a brood, indeed. Large families usually indicate decent nutritional resources. I wonder what the survival rate for those babies will be?
Welp the wife did not get the UNM job, kinda figured that would happen as universities tend to hire people with Masters or Doctorates for manager positions, she only has a Bachlors. I have my SSDI hearing set for the end of August, in the mean time we now have to make a couple decisions concerning accessing some money we don't want to touch and whether to move and where to move to.
Un - Bloody Believable; I just saw an unbelievable sight in my next door neighbours garden. I just glanced out of the window and I saw a mother fox with six cubs feeding under her, and a male fox standing guard. If only I had a film in my camera and a telephoto lens fitted, I could have taken a really great picture. They seem to be living under the neighbours patio, so I am going to load my camera and hope for another chance.
SIX kits! That's quite a brood, indeed. Large families usually indicate decent nutritional resources. I wonder what the survival rate for those babies will be?

I later counted seven. Since then they have not appeared much. They came out briefly at dusk last night. and once again there was not enough light for a picture. I took a couple with my Pentax with the shutter speed set to one second. But I doubt it will be any good as for one thing, at that speed I will probably get camera shake.

Its wearing me down waiting for them to come out again in daylight, which is when I first saw them. I spend most of my time going the window to see if they are there, as they make no sound so I have to hope I will look out and see them at the right time.
Damn and blast it. I am all twitchy, going to the window every few minutes to see if the foxes are back. But the probability is I will never get a chance at a picture like that again. I could have taken an award winning photo of the six fox cubs under their mother, and the male fox standing guard in front. But I don't suppose it will ever happen again.
Paint a picture of it for us with words. Mother nature sent you a special gift; treasure it.

After eight hours of looking out of the window every couple of minutes, the fox cubs and their mother fed out in the open where I could see them. But unfortunately it was dusk and there was not enough light. I took two pictures with my film camera but I doubt they are any good.. I took five with my digital camera, and the are too dark to be worth posting. Bummer !.
I recall the pair of fox that raised a litter each year at my place in Eagle River. They bunked under the trailer in the yard and ate a lot of my strawberries. I loved to watch them romp and play. They were also the bane of any cat that got outside. One evening I heard the fight between foxes and one of my escaped cats. It did not end well for the cat. Eagles were a problem for both fox and cat, and I suspect many a fox kit ended up splattered on the windscreen of my car.
Un - Bloody Believable; I just saw an unbelievable sight in my next door neighbours garden. I just glanced out of the window and I saw a mother fox with six cubs feeding under her, and a male fox standing guard. If only I had a film in my camera and a telephoto lens fitted, I could have taken a really great picture. They seem to be living under the neighbours patio, so I am going to load my camera and hope for another chance.
SIX kits! That's quite a brood, indeed. Large families usually indicate decent nutritional resources. I wonder what the survival rate for those babies will be?

I later counted seven. Since then they have not appeared much. They came out briefly at dusk last night. and once again there was not enough light for a picture. I took a couple with my Pentax with the shutter speed set to one second. But I doubt it will be any good as for one thing, at that speed I will probably get camera shake.

Its wearing me down waiting for them to come out again in daylight, which is when I first saw them. I spend most of my time going the window to see if they are there, as they make no sound so I have to hope I will look out and see them at the right time.
Diligence will pay off, stick with it. I find photographing wildlife most perplexing and suspect that those award-winning pics come at a great investment of time and effort.
Daisy the Mutt and I took our daily walk in the park yesterday. I wore a long sleeve sweatshirt. I should have worn more! Mid-May and we endured a sleet storm as we walked. It felt more like mid-October.

The lawn needs to be mowed again. But I reason if I have to bundle up just to cut the grass, the grass can wait.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...
Diligence will pay off, stick with it. I find photographing wildlife most perplexing and suspect that those award-winning pics come at a great investment of time and effort.

The frustrating thing is that when I first saw them they were in the perfect position, in perfect lighting and the perfect composition. But I had no film in my camera and I did not have the telephoto lens fitted. So by the time I had done that they had gone. I doubt I will ever get another chance at that perfect shot.
Basically we've decided, regardless as to whether or not the wife gets this job, we will be moving to New Mexico. Albuquerque offers the best opportunities for jobs but we'd both honestly prefer the Alamogordo/Tularosa area.
Stay away from Alamogordo the giant ants might still be there. Not sure if you will get the movie reference .
One of my favorite movies when I was a kid. :thup:

"Them!"...and "The Crawling Eye"
Diligence will pay off, stick with it. I find photographing wildlife most perplexing and suspect that those award-winning pics come at a great investment of time and effort.

The frustrating thing is that when I first saw them they were in the perfect position, in perfect lighting and the perfect composition. But I had no film in my camera and I did not have the telephoto lens fitted. So by the time I had done that they had gone. I doubt I will ever get another chance at that perfect shot.
That seems to be the story of our lives, doesn't it? That perfect moment and something so simple causes us to miss the opportunity. Good luck with the efforts, though. I'd love to see any pics you get. I always liked foxes, even if they did eat some of my cats.
Diligence will pay off, stick with it. I find photographing wildlife most perplexing and suspect that those award-winning pics come at a great investment of time and effort.

The frustrating thing is that when I first saw them they were in the perfect position, in perfect lighting and the perfect composition. But I had no film in my camera and I did not have the telephoto lens fitted. So by the time I had done that they had gone. I doubt I will ever get another chance at that perfect shot.
That seems to be the story of our lives, doesn't it? That perfect moment and something so simple causes us to miss the opportunity. Good luck with the efforts, though. I'd love to see any pics you get. I always liked foxes, even if they did eat some of my cats.

There was a cat hanging around the fox hole last night. I was wondering if it would get more than it bargained for.
If it turns into a fight I would love to get it on video, and my digital camera has video capability. But I have never used it so I am not sure how well I would do in video mode. Added to that I have no tripod so I would get camera shake holding the camera and doing video by hand.
The light is already against me at 6.30 pm as the sun sets behind the scene, and it is now backlit. In another couple of hours it will be dusk and then the lighting will be too poor for a decent pic. That is when they usually come out.
Caught up, again.
Hope your tests go well, Foxy. Maybe I'll meet Sheila and Mr. Sheila in a couple of weeks. May the Ringels finally find the Shangri-La of their dreams. Hopefully everyone will have a great week with beautiful Spring weather, like we've been having (kinda).
The daughter and I have settled on a good time for my visit next year. She wants to spend a week in Hong Kong for Chinese New Year, so I'll plan on going over for 2-3 weeks, spending some time at home with the family and a week travelling to Hong Kong. It's a slow time for the company I work at, most of our customers are from that part of the world and the boss begs us to take time off then. I can also dry off my milking does so that all they need is a daily feeding and fresh water. Seems like a win-win for everyone. I'm not the traveler I used to be, but I have some solid contacts with Cathay Pacific who can at least give me the skinny on best flights, etc. Hong Kong....?
I went to a friend's wedding Saturday...proving that I clean up pretty nicely. I even stuffed the partner into a suit, including a clean shirt and tie!!! I ditched the partner with another buddy for the reception and got home to care for the critters and grab a nap before work. It was nice and I think this buddy who got married will be happy. He's been kinda lonely and this gal has been good to him for a pretty long time. Good luck to Tony and Marcia!
I'm ready to kill my partner. With his shattered ankle on the mend, he's spending more time at his place, but still too much time at mine. It wouldn't be so bad, but his opinions are valid, mine are not and I'm getting tired of being told how useless military people are, among other shithead ideas. I've also been told to shut up often enough that I only speak to him on those occasions when it's absolutely necessary to do so. Today's damp and a bit rainy, so he'll be holding down the sofa instead of the yard swing. Puts a cramp in my housecleaning program, having him spread his mess around. (I still wish there were some way to get "married" so I could file for divorce and officially split the properties!)
Welp the wife did not get the UNM job, kinda figured that would happen as universities tend to hire people with Masters or Doctorates for manager positions, she only has a Bachlors. I have my SSDI hearing set for the end of August, in the mean time we now have to make a couple decisions concerning accessing some money we don't want to touch and whether to move and where to move to.

Sorry Ringel. Was hoping this was the one.
Diligence will pay off, stick with it. I find photographing wildlife most perplexing and suspect that those award-winning pics come at a great investment of time and effort.

The frustrating thing is that when I first saw them they were in the perfect position, in perfect lighting and the perfect composition. But I had no film in my camera and I did not have the telephoto lens fitted. So by the time I had done that they had gone. I doubt I will ever get another chance at that perfect shot.
That seems to be the story of our lives, doesn't it? That perfect moment and something so simple causes us to miss the opportunity. Good luck with the efforts, though. I'd love to see any pics you get. I always liked foxes, even if they did eat some of my cats.

There was a cat hanging around the fox hole last night. I was wondering if it would get more than it bargained for.
If it turns into a fight I would love to get it on video, and my digital camera has video capability. But I have never used it so I am not sure how well I would do in video mode. Added to that I have no tripod so I would get camera shake holding the camera and doing video by hand.
Practice getting things going before you need the ability. I have missed so much trying to figure out how things work as the desired subject passes before my eyes.
And, yes, the cat may be interested in the kits, but foxes find cat to be a tasty treat, at least in this neck of the woods.
Daisy the Mutt and I took our daily walk in the park yesterday. I wore a long sleeve sweatshirt. I should have worn more! Mid-May and we endured a sleet storm as we walked. It felt more like mid-October.

The lawn needs to be mowed again. But I reason if I have to bundle up just to cut the grass, the grass can wait.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...

Not really. 70F by 9:30 would be unusually warm for us.
I believe I mentioned that last week the kitchen sinks backed up, ended up tossing 2 bottles of Drano in to clear the clog, or so I thought. Saturday night ran some food down the disposal and it backed up even worse. Yesterday afternoon the management company approved a plumber who showed up today, finally it's cleared and working properly, now I can clean the pile of dishes and the counters/stovetop........ :thup:

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