USMB Coffee Shop IV

The light is already against me at 6.30 pm as the sun sets behind the scene, and it is now backlit. In another couple of hours it will be dusk and then the lighting will be too poor for a decent pic. That is when they usually come out.
OK, this is seriously funny to me. Right not, dusk happens around midnight, dawn at around 4 am. By the third week in June, when the Solstice occurs, we won't really have dusk-dawn, just a graying of the sky as the sun dips below the horizon for a few brief moments around three in the morning.
Daisy the Mutt and I took our daily walk in the park yesterday. I wore a long sleeve sweatshirt. I should have worn more! Mid-May and we endured a sleet storm as we walked. It felt more like mid-October.

The lawn needs to be mowed again. But I reason if I have to bundle up just to cut the grass, the grass can wait.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...

Not really. 70F by 9:30 would be unusually warm for us.
It would be unusually cool for us........ :eusa_whistle: :D
Daisy the Mutt and I took our daily walk in the park yesterday. I wore a long sleeve sweatshirt. I should have worn more! Mid-May and we endured a sleet storm as we walked. It felt more like mid-October.

The lawn needs to be mowed again. But I reason if I have to bundle up just to cut the grass, the grass can wait.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...

Not really. 70F by 9:30 would be unusually warm for us.
Ah, yes, but that's about as warm as it gets all day for us. Fairbanks gets the 90s, we find 70 to be over-the-top, way-too-hot...
Daisy the Mutt and I took our daily walk in the park yesterday. I wore a long sleeve sweatshirt. I should have worn more! Mid-May and we endured a sleet storm as we walked. It felt more like mid-October.

The lawn needs to be mowed again. But I reason if I have to bundle up just to cut the grass, the grass can wait.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...

Not really. 70F by 9:30 would be unusually warm for us.
Ah, yes, but that's about as warm as it gets all day for us. Fairbanks gets the 90s, we find 70 to be over-the-top, way-too-hot...
It still feels like mid October weather out there. A light Spring drizzle makes it feel as if it's raining inside a refrigerator.

This unseasonable weather has delayed the flower planting, and that's quite upsetting. I take pride in the annual flower display. The window boxes are mounted, but the beds have not yet been cultivated. The tulip bulbs did there thing and now the vacant stems need to be pruned back. I have to clear out last year's dead flowers from around the flag pole and the Eastern Red Bud.

Mom's planters are done and looking good, despite the nightly frost and freeze warnings. But her stuff is up close to the Big House and that shelters the plants from the cold.
Daisy the Mutt and I took our daily walk in the park yesterday. I wore a long sleeve sweatshirt. I should have worn more! Mid-May and we endured a sleet storm as we walked. It felt more like mid-October.

The lawn needs to be mowed again. But I reason if I have to bundle up just to cut the grass, the grass can wait.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...

Not really. 70F by 9:30 would be unusually warm for us.
Ah, yes, but that's about as warm as it gets all day for us. Fairbanks gets the 90s, we find 70 to be over-the-top, way-too-hot...

But isn't Fairbanks 350 miles or so north of you as the crow flies? And it is warmer there? Weird.
Daisy the Mutt and I took our daily walk in the park yesterday. I wore a long sleeve sweatshirt. I should have worn more! Mid-May and we endured a sleet storm as we walked. It felt more like mid-October.

The lawn needs to be mowed again. But I reason if I have to bundle up just to cut the grass, the grass can wait.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...

Not really. 70F by 9:30 would be unusually warm for us.
Ah, yes, but that's about as warm as it gets all day for us. Fairbanks gets the 90s, we find 70 to be over-the-top, way-too-hot...
It still feels like mid October weather out there. A light Spring drizzle makes it feel as if it's raining inside a refrigerator.

This unseasonable weather has delayed the flower planting, and that's quite upsetting. I take pride in the annual flower display. The window boxes are mounted, but the beds have not yet been cultivated. The tulip bulbs did there thing and now the vacant stems need to be pruned back. I have to clear out last year's dead flowers from around the flag pole and the Eastern Red Bud.

Mom's planters are done and looking good, despite the nightly frost and freeze warnings. But her stuff is up close to the Big House and that shelters the plants from the cold.
I recall your beautiful gardens every year. Weather seems screwed up all over. It's been so dry here, with so little snow this past winter, we already have a burn ban. Some vagrants tried to start Anchorage on fire, burning a couple of acres of a city greenbelt last week. I had to drag the stuff I usually burn in the Spring to the dump and am going to shred and chip the slash from processing firewood. (The upside there is, I am going to bag the stuff up and see if I can sell it as mulch on Craigslist. If it doesn't sell, well, it was going to the dump anyways.) I hope the Borough posts signs at a popular trailhead adjacent to my place that tells campers not to light open fires. If we thought last year was bad for wildfires...whewee, boy!, this year is gonna take the cake, I think.
Daisy the Mutt and I took our daily walk in the park yesterday. I wore a long sleeve sweatshirt. I should have worn more! Mid-May and we endured a sleet storm as we walked. It felt more like mid-October.

The lawn needs to be mowed again. But I reason if I have to bundle up just to cut the grass, the grass can wait.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...

Not really. 70F by 9:30 would be unusually warm for us.
Ah, yes, but that's about as warm as it gets all day for us. Fairbanks gets the 90s, we find 70 to be over-the-top, way-too-hot...

But isn't Fairbanks 350 miles or so north of you as the crow flies? And it is warmer there? Weird.
It's a geological thing. That, and Anchorage is on the water, which tends to moderate the climate. Fairbanks also features daily rain showers (normally) that you can set your watch by. Usually around six in the evening to 10 or 11. They also get thunder and lightening, which is relatively rare in Anchorage.
Picture 014.jpg
I am afraid that is the best I can do at the moment. I got some shots of the cubs in failing light on my digital camera. I also took some close ups with my Pentax using a zoom lens so I am hoping for something better.
But I am still a long way off from getting the money shot.

If only they would come out half an hour earlier there would be more light. Also they are feeding behind a fence and I had to stand on the widow ledge to clear it. Added to that I was using the default setting for definition and that is low. I should have used highest definition. I am learning by my mistakes and may do better tomorrow.
Caught up, again.
Hope your tests go well, Foxy. Maybe I'll meet Sheila and Mr. Sheila in a couple of weeks. May the Ringels finally find the Shangri-La of their dreams. Hopefully everyone will have a great week with beautiful Spring weather, like we've been having (kinda).
The daughter and I have settled on a good time for my visit next year. She wants to spend a week in Hong Kong for Chinese New Year, so I'll plan on going over for 2-3 weeks, spending some time at home with the family and a week travelling to Hong Kong. It's a slow time for the company I work at, most of our customers are from that part of the world and the boss begs us to take time off then. I can also dry off my milking does so that all they need is a daily feeding and fresh water. Seems like a win-win for everyone. I'm not the traveler I used to be, but I have some solid contacts with Cathay Pacific who can at least give me the skinny on best flights, etc. Hong Kong....?
I went to a friend's wedding Saturday...proving that I clean up pretty nicely. I even stuffed the partner into a suit, including a clean shirt and tie!!! I ditched the partner with another buddy for the reception and got home to care for the critters and grab a nap before work. It was nice and I think this buddy who got married will be happy. He's been kinda lonely and this gal has been good to him for a pretty long time. Good luck to Tony and Marcia!
I'm ready to kill my partner. With his shattered ankle on the mend, he's spending more time at his place, but still too much time at mine. It wouldn't be so bad, but his opinions are valid, mine are not and I'm getting tired of being told how useless military people are, among other shithead ideas. I've also been told to shut up often enough that I only speak to him on those occasions when it's absolutely necessary to do so. Today's damp and a bit rainy, so he'll be holding down the sofa instead of the yard swing. Puts a cramp in my housecleaning program, having him spread his mess around. (I still wish there were some way to get "married" so I could file for divorce and officially split the properties!)
Sometimes, this is the only conversation you should have with some people:

Daisy the Mutt and I took our daily walk in the park yesterday. I wore a long sleeve sweatshirt. I should have worn more! Mid-May and we endured a sleet storm as we walked. It felt more like mid-October.

The lawn needs to be mowed again. But I reason if I have to bundle up just to cut the grass, the grass can wait.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...

Not really. 70F by 9:30 would be unusually warm for us.
Ah, yes, but that's about as warm as it gets all day for us. Fairbanks gets the 90s, we find 70 to be over-the-top, way-too-hot...

But isn't Fairbanks 350 miles or so north of you as the crow flies? And it is warmer there? Weird.
It's a geological thing. That, and Anchorage is on the water, which tends to moderate the climate. Fairbanks also features daily rain showers (normally) that you can set your watch by. Usually around six in the evening to 10 or 11. They also get thunder and lightening, which is relatively rare in Anchorage.
It seems that every other night I'm awakened by rain pelting the roof. A steady, soaking rain falling at night. I think it's the remnants of the severe thunderstorms plaguing the Midwest.

By the time they march east to the Crotch of the Tri-State area, the danger has been wrung out of them but the rain remains. Such is our little geographic advantage.

I'm quite sure that denizens of our valley would be clueless about how to handle a true drought. High Summers here always feature a 'dry spell' when the lawns turn brown, but a drought of Biblical proportions is unknown in these parts. Mist rises each warm morning from the river and the valleys where creeks and springs flow. The hardwood forests are verdant, except when plagued by an infestation of insects like the notorious gypsy moth or a 17 year locust. There are some underground springs that pour out of the steep ravine sides and I've seen folks armed with gallon jugs gathering unchlorinated drinking water.

Winters can be harsh, as we saw in 2014-15. But this winter passed was amazingly mild and relatively snow free (at least the occurrences of the Big Snows totaling 14, 16, 18 inches at one time). Instead last winter we got six inches at a time every other day for weeks. There are hard facts that must be faced every Winter.

But this Spring has been a head scratcher. It started out warm and pleasant only to devolve into a damp and cool spell that has gone on since late April, or just about the time greenhouses opened up offering annuals and perennials. The only safe purchase at most of the farmstead stores has been asparagus. Buying flowers, especially at the rate I buy flowers, id a fool's game.

Meanwhile Daisy the Mutt will vacuum out my wallet this Saturday as it's time again to have her vaccinated against rabies, distemper and Lyme disease. The vet, who must have a boat payment due this month, also recommends that she have blood drawn to assure the heartworm medicine prescribed is doing its thing.
there is no Obamacare for dogs.

mom is still quarantining us from the Big House as the cat she stole from someone else was spade last week. Mom insists that the cat rest easy for at least another week. Anyway, the cat is doing what a cat supposedly does; sleep 18 hours a day and lounge around in feline luxury.
Hell, mid-May here and by eight in the morning, I'm running sweat and have my sleeves rolled up. Yesterday, it was almost 70F by 0930!!! Oh, wait...I suppose this is all relative...

Not really. 70F by 9:30 would be unusually warm for us.
Ah, yes, but that's about as warm as it gets all day for us. Fairbanks gets the 90s, we find 70 to be over-the-top, way-too-hot...

But isn't Fairbanks 350 miles or so north of you as the crow flies? And it is warmer there? Weird.
It's a geological thing. That, and Anchorage is on the water, which tends to moderate the climate. Fairbanks also features daily rain showers (normally) that you can set your watch by. Usually around six in the evening to 10 or 11. They also get thunder and lightening, which is relatively rare in Anchorage.
It seems that every other night I'm awakened by rain pelting the roof. A steady, soaking rain falling at night. I think it's the remnants of the severe thunderstorms plaguing the Midwest.

By the time they march east to the Crotch of the Tri-State area, the danger has been wrung out of them but the rain remains. Such is our little geographic advantage.

I'm quite sure that denizens of our valley would be clueless about how to handle a true drought. High Summers here always feature a 'dry spell' when the lawns turn brown, but a drought of Biblical proportions is unknown in these parts. Mist rises each warm morning from the river and the valleys where creeks and springs flow. The hardwood forests are verdant, except when plagued by an infestation of insects like the notorious gypsy moth or a 17 year locust. There are some underground springs that pour out of the steep ravine sides and I've seen folks armed with gallon jugs gathering unchlorinated drinking water.

Winters can be harsh, as we saw in 2014-15. But this winter passed was amazingly mild and relatively snow free (at least the occurrences of the Big Snows totaling 14, 16, 18 inches at one time). Instead last winter we got six inches at a time every other day for weeks. There are hard facts that must be faced every Winter.

But this Spring has been a head scratcher. It started out warm and pleasant only to devolve into a damp and cool spell that has gone on since late April, or just about the time greenhouses opened up offering annuals and perennials. The only safe purchase at most of the farmstead stores has been asparagus. Buying flowers, especially at the rate I buy flowers, id a fool's game.

Meanwhile Daisy the Mutt will vacuum out my wallet this Saturday as it's time again to have her vaccinated against rabies, distemper and Lyme disease. The vet, who must have a boat payment due this month, also recommends that she have blood drawn to assure the heartworm medicine prescribed is doing its thing.
there is no Obamacare for dogs.

mom is still quarantining us from the Big House as the cat she stole from someone else was spade last week. Mom insists that the cat rest easy for at least another week. Anyway, the cat is doing what a cat supposedly does; sleep 18 hours a day and lounge around in feline luxury.
but the vet is still a lot less expensive than people care, mostly. I only vaccinate my "outside" animals. The cats stay inside and the vet did assure me that as long as they did not mingle with the local ferals, they were probably OK. With the five cats remaining, vet bills cat get pretty pricey. The dogs are kept up because they do go outside and have contact with other dogs. I vaccinate the goats myself. Heartworm and fleas are not a problem around here, thank goodness. I haven't had problems with lice, either. I suppose that's an upside to living in these climes. I sure hope that doesn't change.
We had a storm front move through a couple of hours ago, dropped the temps from the upper 80s down into the low 70s, feels good.
A few sprinkles here and lots of verga right overhead, most of it went north and northwest of us.
Was watching the season finale of NCIS New Orleans and a question came to me granted this is a silly and irrelevant one but still why can't bad guys on these shows worth a dam? There firing automatic weapons with 30 round magazines and can't hit anything I don't expect the bad guys to win but come on at least some of them should know how to aim and shoot. Ok this concludes my pointless and slightly beer induced rant for the night.
Good Morning all !

Today marks the passing of my Mom for one month.
The Time has gone by very quickly, especially when you are very busy with everything that needs to be done and taken care of.
I was rather in a fog for the first 2 weeks but I snapped out of it. It's hard when it has been me and my Mom against the world since my Dad had died when I was 15. :)
I will miss her, but I know some day when it's my time, I will see her and be with her again.

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