USMB Coffee Shop IV

I didn't read it, just posted it. There are also the interlocking blocks that don't require mortar to hold them in place saving you some extra work and money, the key to a long lasting, well constructed retaining wall is the base and proper drainage behind the wall as well as some form of buried reinforcement if the wall is high enough.


With a slightly back leaning short wall, buried reinforcement (deadmen) are redundant.

Do tell? :eusa_whistle:

Should bury the first course too....
Duh, I already knew you would know that.
QUESTION: Does anybody else ever have trouble getting this site to work? Every now and then, especially if I use the quote function, it is like trying to type in molasses--it takes forever for each letter to show up on the page and there are periods nothing shows up. Every function is slow or non working.

I post occasionally on four other message boards, on Twitter, Facebook, and other sites and don't have this problem on any of those. Any ideas?

Note: typing this post, however, all is working as it should.
Only on rare occasions, I think it's when the site is doing upgrades and or backups.
3.5' x 60' = 210; translates to 287 concrete landscape block. Good ones run about $6/block.
It's one of those days where it might rain at any minute. There's a col breeze from the west and the Norwegian Maples are showing the silver underside of their leaves. Grandpa always said that portended rain. Cows laying in a group, his trick knee and leaves fluttering upside down were all good barometers for Grandpa.

It would be a great day to blow some of the stink out of the house, had I had the chance to scrub the window screens and wash the windows before I installed them. Fantastic weather Monday through Friday to be followed by steady rain from Saturday morning until Sunday night kind of cramps my style. But the rain is making the corn grow, making for a bumper crop of apples and causing lawns all around town to practically glow in green.

Muddy paw prints have decorated my car upholstery. Bird poop speckles the paint. Mud splatters highlight the wheel wells and fenders. The windows are open here at the office and the diesel trucks are farting as they slow down to make the curve on the highway just outside.

Next weekend is the 49th annual Tri-State Pottery Festival. 49 years. I clearly remember the first one. There were displays of ceramic ware from the four major potteries here in town. Commemorative plates, tea cups, saucers and ash trays were made. Yeah. Ash trays.

There were displays from local vendors offering home improvements, personal services and restaurants. The first ever Pottery Olympics were held. A big parade topped off Saturday night followed by fireworks. An amusement ride contractor set up a Ferris Wheel and a carrousel and a Tilt-A-Whirl. Lemon shakes and French fries and hot sausage sandwiches were served. Ed and Wendy King, Pittsburgh radio personalities from KDKA were there.

The Pottery Festival still has the rides and the food and the Pottery Olympics. But today rather than four local potteries, there are only two. We'll see the new Fiestaware color options from Homer Laughlin China and some commercial ware from Hall China. But Taylor Smith and Taylor (TS&T) and Sterling China are only distant memories now. How ya gonna make 'em eat from china once they have seen Correl?
Against my better judgment, and experience during decades of marriage to him, I'm going shopping with Hombre. :)


Catch ya'll later.
Against my better judgment, and experience during decades of marriage to him, I'm going shopping with Hombre. :)

View attachment 77256

Catch ya'll later.
This dog's eyes betray his emotions. Resentment and humiliation.

I'm not anthropomorphizing this poor dog, but a lot can be gleaned by his woeful expression.

The dog groomer who has trimmed the wool from Daisy for the passed seven years knows not to gild the lily. No bows, not even a bandana. Just a wash, cut and pedicure followed by a ten and a twenty from my wallet.
QUESTION: Does anybody else ever have trouble getting this site to work? Every now and then, especially if I use the quote function, it is like trying to type in molasses--it takes forever for each letter to show up on the page and there are periods nothing shows up. Every function is slow or non working.

I post occasionally on four other message boards, on Twitter, Facebook, and other sites and don't have this problem on any of those. Any ideas?

Note: typing this post, however, all is working as it should.
I didn't have trouble today, but it has happened frequently.
Against my better judgment, and experience during decades of marriage to him, I'm going shopping with Hombre. :)

View attachment 77256

Catch ya'll later.
This dog's eyes betray his emotions. Resentment and humiliation.

I'm not anthropomorphizing this poor dog, but a lot can be gleaned by his woeful expression.

The dog groomer who has trimmed the wool from Daisy for the passed seven years knows not to gild the lily. No bows, not even a bandana. Just a wash, cut and pedicure followed by a ten and a twenty from my wallet.
Against my better judgment, and experience during decades of marriage to him, I'm going shopping with Hombre. :)

View attachment 77256

Catch ya'll later.
This dog's eyes betray his emotions. Resentment and humiliation.

I'm not anthropomorphizing this poor dog, but a lot can be gleaned by his woeful expression.

The dog groomer who has trimmed the wool from Daisy for the passed seven years knows not to gild the lily. No bows, not even a bandana. Just a wash, cut and pedicure followed by a ten and a twenty from my wallet.

I'm pretty sure that photo consisted of a wiglet or something placed on the dog's head or it may be photo shopped. He obviously doesn't have enough hair to wrap around those big curlers like that.
Back from Walmart. We started out to buy Hombre a shirt and summer house slippers (for Father's Day and our upcoming trip) and a box of 22 ammo. We came home with no slippers or ammo but we did get him a beautiful red Wrangler shirt plus four tee shirts, a bath mat for the guest bathroom, exercise weights, four small bowls we'll use for nuts and fruit, and a new Panasonic wireless telephone system for the house.
QUESTION: Does anybody else ever have trouble getting this site to work? Every now and then, especially if I use the quote function, it is like trying to type in molasses--it takes forever for each letter to show up on the page and there are periods nothing shows up. Every function is slow or non working.

I post occasionally on four other message boards, on Twitter, Facebook, and other sites and don't have this problem on any of those. Any ideas?

Note: typing this post, however, all is working as it should.
[waving hand vigorously]
I was just checking the weather and yikes: Ernie S. , Sherry and WelfareQueen and anybody else near the Florida gulf coast, especially the Tampa area, looks like tropical storm Colin will be a direct hit. Lots and LOTS of rain and coastal flooding from the storm surge. Ya'll get out your waders and water wings.

Hi Foxy.....

Yep.....It's hitting now (about 9am EDT). The main force of the storm is hitting just south of Tampa Bay. Sarasota is right in the epicenter. We're about 30 miles north of Tampa and we're expected to get about half the rain of those further south.

Right now for us 3-4 inches of rain and winds gusting to 25mph. The folks further south are supposed to get it much worse.

Oh good. Sound like you won't get totally flooded out. Stay dry.

Yeah, so far only a few isolated areas with some flooding. It looks like our area will escape any significant consequences from the storm. The ground certainly did need a good soaking, so thankful for that. I hope everyone else stays safe.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
IamwhatIseem's bad hip,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, BBD, Spoonman, 007, BigBlackDog, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.



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I MIGHT...and I mean MIGHT...have some good news. Maybe.
We have to hook up the house to the city sewer system. It's gonna cost 3 to 6 thousand to do it. Now, the roof that was just put on and cost 8K is when the landlord said he wanted his house back. He was pissed. Not at life in general due to illness and money coming out of his wallet at his old age and in general...wanting his house back. So...having to tell him today that the contractor dude needed to appraise the cost of hooking this house up, bypassing the septic tank, tearing up the front yard, knocking down the fence to do it, etc AND the estimate of 3 to 6K....kinda freaked me out. Well, not kinda. DID freak me out. So I have been on pins and needles all day...worrying. Not including that and the crap going on "out there" in usmb, it's been a BAD day. However....I did tell him not long ago. And I told him if we could dig the ditch ourselves to save him money, we would, but we can't. Too damn old. And then there is the septic tank to figure out what to do with. And the money involved. And if we can..we can help him in any way we possibly can because yes, it IS his house...but it's been our house too for 11 can we do to help? I said I had 3 pieces of furniture I am trying to get painted once my flare up settles down and I might be able to dig up 500 bucks but if he wants his house back I have to have that 500 bucks to find something else so...what does he want us to do? We want to stay...we love this house. We love this town. It's home. How can we help him AND us? And he said "You offer to help, although you are struggling even now to stay in my house, means more to me than anything else you could have said. You continue to do what you have always done for my home. I will take care of the sewer thing and IF I need extra help, I will tell you. Until then, IF it ever is needed, then I know where you are. Sleep well. Don't worry".

I think 2 tons have been lifted off my shoulders. I THINK we are going to be able to stay! Well, at least until he dies, anyway. Then his family will tell us to get out. But until then......whew! But I stay paranoid so....I won't know until the sewer is done and silence from him.

Fox photo'ing has taken a new turn. Now the mother plays with the cubs instead of suckling them. Here is a shot I got at 5am this morning. I am wondering what will happen when the cubs get older. With eight cubs and two adults I am thinking they will start fighting for space. Should get some good shots of that.
Good morning everybody. A beautiful day here despite unusual tornadic weather in the area last evening--not in Albuquerque however. We're still in vacation anticipation mode here--Hombre is off to get the car checked over (it's six-month checkup), go to the bank, buy some socket extenders to accommodate a couple of the new phone sets, etc. I'm deciding whether to do the final laundry today or wait until tomorrow. Still need to mop the kitchen floor.

Our phone rings four times before it goes to voice mail, so it is handy to be able to get to the phone before that fourth ring. Our old hand sets--16 years old--no longer hold a charge and to get to the good phones in the office sometimes took more than four rings. So anyway we are enjoying our new toy.

Hope everybody is having a good Tuesday. Today is one of those days that so far, all is well.


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