USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning CS! I'm enjoying my coffee and will be here for a while. Then I have to clean, drop off my keys to my cousin (she will be taking care of bunny), and then start packing for my trip! :thup: Hope everyone is having a pleasant and relaxing Sunday! :)
I'll try to get a recording of it next time, but Moo-Moo clearly wants to play with Gypsy Also. Right now, it still ends with a hiss the moment they start, but he's coming out of his shell pleasantly quickly. I'd say another week, tops, and they'll be good friends.
Found this online........ Those of us in the desert can appreciate the humor. :thup:

You know you're in the Desert in the summer when -----

1. You no longer associate bridges (or rivers) with water.
2. You can say 110 degrees without fainting.
3. You eat chilies to cool off your mouth.
4. You can make instant sun tea.
5. You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.
6. The temperature drops below 95, you feel a bit chilly.
7. You discover that in July, you can drive with only 2 fingers on the steering wheel.
8. You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car's window.
9. You notice the best parking places are determined by shade, not distance.
10. Hot water now comes out of both taps.
11. It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation, and not one person is out on the street.
12. You can get 3rd degree burns opening your car door.
13. No one would dream of not having air-conditioning.
14. Your biggest fear when having a bicycle wreck is - "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death."
15. You realize that asphalt has a liquid state

Good morning CS! I'm enjoying my coffee and will be here for a while. Then I have to clean, drop off my keys to my cousin (she will be taking care of bunny), and then start packing for my trip! :thup: Hope everyone is having a pleasant and relaxing Sunday! :)
Safe and Happy Trails!
Good morning CS! I'm enjoying my coffee and will be here for a while. Then I have to clean, drop off my keys to my cousin (she will be taking care of bunny), and then start packing for my trip! :thup: Hope everyone is having a pleasant and relaxing Sunday! :)

Chris have a great time on vaca and don't forget the music...:dance:

Thanks! Never would I forget the music! :)
Well, I finished all my chores and my packing. I'm done WAAAAY too early. Now I don't have anything to do until 8:00 - 8:30. That's when we're leaving. My friend works as a CNA and she had to work today and then has to take care of couple of her own chores and then she will be picking me up at my place and off we go! I don't have anything to do until then.
Well, I finished all my chores and my packing. I'm done WAAAAY too early. Now I don't have anything to do until 8:00 - 8:30. That's when we're leaving. My friend works as a CNA and she had to work today and then has to take care of couple of her own chores and then she will be picking me up at my place and off we go! I don't have anything to do until then.

Well you can always kill time on Facebook or USMB. :)

CNA Financial (insurance company) or the nurse certification agency? The former used to be one of our primary clients and I loved working for them.
Well, I finished all my chores and my packing. I'm done WAAAAY too early. Now I don't have anything to do until 8:00 - 8:30. That's when we're leaving. My friend works as a CNA and she had to work today and then has to take care of couple of her own chores and then she will be picking me up at my place and off we go! I don't have anything to do until then.

Well you can always kill time on Facebook or USMB. :)

CNA Financial (insurance company) or the nurse certification agency? The former used to be one of our primary clients and I loved working for them.

She's a certified nurses aid and works at a nursing home. :)
It just hit 90 degrees, turned the swamp coolers on and only because there isn't much of a breeze outside. Last year we would turn them on when it hit the low 80s........ with a breeze......
hello everyone hope your weekend was good

Hi michigan22 and welcome to USMB and the Coffee Shop. Hope you are finding the experience here relatively satisfying, and we're happy you found the Coffee Shop. One of your fellow Michiganers is a frequent member of the CS family here. Hope you'll enjoy a refuge here often from the sometimes chaotic environment out there on the rest of the board.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage for a warm summer day. (Summer doesn't technically begin until June 21, but it definitely is summer here on the high desert.)

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Beautiful, beautiful Save.

Just out of curiosity, what is your best off the top of your head estimate for a 3' high concrete block (or reasonably similar material) retaining wall, 60 feet long? It would be replacing vertical railroad ties that are slowly disintegrating? The raised flower bed extends the full length of our lot.

Beautiful, beautiful Save.

Just out of curiosity, what is your best off the top of your head estimate for a 3' high concrete block (or reasonably similar material) retaining wall, 60 feet long? It would be replacing vertical railroad ties that are slowly disintegrating? The raised flower bed extends the full length of our lot.

$2,200 for materials and then $1,500 labor.
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