USMB Coffee Shop IV

And for your observation quiz this morning:


I feel like there might be more if I had a bigger copy of the picture, but at this size I see 8. Elephant, donkey, dog, cat, mouse, turtle (elephant's ear), dolphin (elephant's trunk), and snake (elephant's tail).

According to the diagram I have, there are 16 animals there. Admittedly some of those are a real stretch.
And for your observation quiz this morning:


I feel like there might be more if I had a bigger copy of the picture, but at this size I see 8. Elephant, donkey, dog, cat, mouse, turtle (elephant's ear), dolphin (elephant's trunk), and snake (elephant's tail).

According to the diagram I have, there are 16 animals there. Admittedly some of those are a real stretch.

I think there might be another one at the elephant's mouth, the eye could be an animal, the front legs of the elephant might be the legs of a person or other primate....but like I said, it's hard to tell with this picture. Increasing the size doesn't help with the detail, either. :p

I'll be happy I got half of them! :lol:
Okay here's the solution that I have. As I said, a real stretch on some. But I need to go get ready to go out to a birthday dinner--not mine, a cousins.

Slept well but only for about 6 hours, it's been much more pleasant since I put the AC unit in the bedroom window. It's been almost two hours and I'm still trying to wake up.........
Same here Ringel. Though we haven't put an a/c in the bedroom window. I do my best sleeping in the later morning hours and then it is hard to wake up.
Tuesday morning Daisy ruined sleep in time. I set the alarm for 6:30 am. Then I hit the snooze button three times (sleep in time) and try to relive the best parts of my dreams. But Tuesday, Daisy awoke and started to scratch a developing hot spot. That little furry leg thumped away in a regular pattern. I gathered her close and rubbed her itch myself, hoping that would satisfy her and I could get back to my dreams.

Thump thump thump thump. It was as if I had a miniature paint shaker in bed with me. No point in trying to get back to dreamland.

This morning, at 4:00, we had a sudden thunderstorm. Rain pelted the roof, lightening flashed and was followed by the low rumble of thunder. I was awake.

So, I staggered into the kitchen and poured a bowl of Rice Krispies and milk. I went into the Great Hall and turned on the TV to check on the House of Representatives sit-in. That brought Daisy out of the bedroom, blinking and squinting. I called her over and rubbed her belly and ears. I offered her a treat. That perked her up.

I finished the cereal and climbed back into bed. at 4:15, Daisy crawled up with me and fell asleep. When the alarm sounded a couple hours later, Daisy was still sleeping. I hit the snooze bar and resumed dreaming It was glorious!
I finally went back to bed and slept for another hour and forty five minutes. The wife who had just arisen when I went back to bed was coming back to bed when I got up, apparently she went to sleep sometime in the wee hours of the morning and didn't get enough.
In the mean time it's still hot, low 100s again today of course we're acclimating so it's not that bad.
I finally went back to bed and slept for another hour and forty five minutes. The wife who had just arisen when I went back to bed was coming back to bed when I got up, apparently she went to sleep sometime in the wee hours of the morning and didn't get enough.
In the mean time it's still hot, low 100s again today of course we're acclimating so it's not that bad.

Low 100's?!? How on earth are humans expected to live in such conditions? With my Scottish genes, anything warmer than 85 is bordering the uncomfortable.

I've heard that it's a 'dry heat'. Well, heat is heat, wet, dry, moist, arid, damp or otherwise.

Of course here in the upper Ohio River valley, humidity in the summer months is a constant. It's raining right now! Couple that with high (relatively) temperatures and it becomes nature's sauna.

Every morning I watch the mist rise from the hardwood forests. Every summer there is a going concern renting canoes to paddle down the many creeks and runs that drain those forests. The mighty Ohio is always open for business. Pleasure boats, large arrays of tow boat and barges spilling over with coal and coke or covered with dry cargo inside ply the river.

But, dude. Low 100's? As Edwin Starr once said, "Good God y'all!"
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I finally went back to bed and slept for another hour and forty five minutes. The wife who had just arisen when I went back to bed was coming back to bed when I got up, apparently she went to sleep sometime in the wee hours of the morning and didn't get enough.
In the mean time it's still hot, low 100s again today of course we're acclimating so it's not that bad.

Low 100's?!? How on earth are humans expected to live in such conditions? With my Scottish genes, anything warmer than 85 is bordering the uncomfortable.

I've heard that it's a 'dry heat'. Well, heat is heat, wet, dry, moist, arid, damp or otherwise.

Of course here in the upper Ohio River valley, humidity in the summer months is a constant. It's raining right now! Couple that with high (relatively) temperatures and it becomes nature's sauna.

Every morning I watch the mist rise from the hardwood forests. Every summer there is a going concern renting canoes to paddle down the many creeks and runs that drain those forests. The mighty Ohio is always open for business. Pleasure boats, large arrays of tow boat and barges spilling over with coal and coke or covered with dry cargo inside ply the river.

But, dude. Low 100's? As Edwin Starr once said, "Good God y'all!"
Heck back in Northern Virginia it would get up to the upper 90s with humidity percentages in the low to mid 90s, give me the dry oven heat any day!!!!
Last year when the temps hit the mid 80s we had the AC running, now the only time we turn on the AC units is when we go to bed other than that the swamp coolers get fired up when it hits the mid to high 80s. The highest it's been down here this year is 104, Phoenix had a rash of 118 degree days recently.
Gosh I hope it doesn't get that hot down here, but it has been known to...and it's humid here. Hard to catch your breath when it's like that. Right now it is just 87 degrees, plus I am inside with the air running...and running...and running....$$$$$$$$$$$ to the power bill.

87 is plenty toasty especially with the humidity you have there. We experienced some of that in Arkansas and it was tough.
87 is brutally hot in these parts. We've been up in the 70's almost every day for the past few weeks. Even the goats lie about panting! It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?
Gosh I hope it doesn't get that hot down here, but it has been known to...and it's humid here. Hard to catch your breath when it's like that. Right now it is just 87 degrees, plus I am inside with the air running...and running...and running....$$$$$$$$$$$ to the power bill.

87 is plenty toasty especially with the humidity you have there. We experienced some of that in Arkansas and it was tough.
87 is brutally hot in these parts. We've been up in the 70's almost every day for the past few weeks. Even the goats lie about panting! It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?
87 is brutally hot! We call a 'heat wave' three consecutive days of 90 or better. This describes a cool snap for those poor souls living in the southwest.

I like it here. The summers are appropriately warm, the winters bring hard facts to the table. Autumn and spring are both glorious seasons and most people's favorites.

But when summer means scorchers in the low 100s or winters clamp down everything under minus zero temperatures there's something wrong. Humans should be able to not only survive extremes, but be at least able to find comfort. Pop said he preferred winter to summer because one can always don more clothing. There's only so much you can take off and maintain a degree of modesty.
Gosh I hope it doesn't get that hot down here, but it has been known to...and it's humid here. Hard to catch your breath when it's like that. Right now it is just 87 degrees, plus I am inside with the air running...and running...and running....$$$$$$$$$$$ to the power bill.

87 is plenty toasty especially with the humidity you have there. We experienced some of that in Arkansas and it was tough.
87 is brutally hot in these parts. We've been up in the 70's almost every day for the past few weeks. Even the goats lie about panting! It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?
87 is brutally hot! We call a 'heat wave' three consecutive days of 90 or better. This describes a cool snap for those poor souls living in the southwest.

I like it here. The summers are appropriately warm, the winters bring hard facts to the table. Autumn and spring are both glorious seasons and most people's favorites.

But when summer means scorchers in the low 100s or winters clamp down everything under minus zero temperatures there's something wrong. Humans should be able to not only survive extremes, but be at least able to find comfort. Pop said he preferred winter to summer because one can always don more clothing. There's only so much you can take off and maintain a degree of modesty.
Around here, heat like this brings out the shorts, "wife-beaters", and spandex. Somehow, I wish they could declare a weight limit on the spandex. And you get used to wearing sunglasses to cut the reflective glare from our fish-belly tinted legs and arms.

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