USMB Coffee Shop IV

Not even sure I could get that past my eyesight, just the thought of what it looks like gives me serious pause as I don't like purees simply because of the "grainy" texture and how they look.

By the way, the quark (cottage cheese blended with the flaxseed oil) works as a dish on its own if you prefer to eat it instead of drink it. Here is a demonstration of how it is done:

When I eat cottage cheese I prefer it with crushed pineapple.
I hate shakes of any kind, just the thought of drinking one makes me want to puke and that's not a joke. :dunno:
I hate anything with what I consider a gritty texture so those foods are out for me. I make a mean cornbread but I won't eat it, too dry and gritty, everyone else loves it when I make it.

I think you will find the above recipe not at all gritty especially as demonstrated in the You Tube video. (I put all sorts of stuff in my breakfast shake as previously described, but the recipe she is demonstrating is the classic one.) The flaxseed is ground to a fine fluff approximating dryer lint. Nothing else is gritty at all unless you consider berry seeds or broken up nuts gritty. With your RA, I would think it might be worth a try. It sure has relieved all my arthritis symptoms for the most part.

I'd have to get it past my mindset first, that is the greatest challenge which I'm not sure I can overcome or even want to.

Well I wish you would try it. I think you'll find it a whole lot less offensive than you imagine, and the health benefits are huge. Here's what Lifescripts has to say about it.


Probably not but thanks anyway.
Speaking of rice wild rice is and always has been the staple food of my grandfather's people, the Anishinaabeg (Ojibwa/Chippewa), it's 10 times more healthy than even brown rice and I hate the taste of wild rice....... :lol:
Speaking of rice wild rice is and always has been the staple food of my grandfather's people, the Anishinaabeg (Ojibwa/Chippewa), it's 10 times more healthy than even brown rice and I hate the taste of wild rice....... :lol:

Yes, I haven't been able to develop a taste for wild rice either. But we adjusted to brown rice quite easily.
A little mayo with sriracha is better.

I don't actually know what sriracha is, but nothing is better for having mayo on it. :lol:

Gotta have mayo, preferably Miracle Whip, on my sandwich, except that I will let Subway substitute sweet onion sauce on their sandwiches.
Miracle Whip is not mayo by any stretch of the imagination. To me using Miracle Whip would be the same as eating processed cheese food or worse, Velveeta, plastic cheese.........

I know a lot of folks feel that way about it. But what can I say? I love the taste of it. It is about the last concession I've made to processed foods though. So I figure a couple of guilty pleasures won't kill me.

Miracle Whip is a staple in our house...tuna and deviled eggs couldn't exist without it.:thup:

Same here. It has just that little extra zing that you can't get from plain mayonnaise. But we don't use just a huge amount of it.
Speaking of rice wild rice is and always has been the staple food of my grandfather's people, the Anishinaabeg (Ojibwa/Chippewa), it's 10 times more healthy than even brown rice and I hate the taste of wild rice....... :lol:

Yes, I haven't been able to develop a taste for wild rice either. But we adjusted to brown rice quite easily.
Brown rice is good and I can even handle long grain and wild rice mix. Be careful with brown rice, read the label as some is nothing more than dyed white rice. Another I have had that is wonderful is black or Emperor's rice but it ain't cheap....... not by a long shot.
Speaking of rice wild rice is and always has been the staple food of my grandfather's people, the Anishinaabeg (Ojibwa/Chippewa), it's 10 times more healthy than even brown rice and I hate the taste of wild rice....... :lol:

Yes, I haven't been able to develop a taste for wild rice either. But we adjusted to brown rice quite easily.
Brown rice is good and I can even handle long grain and wild rice mix. Be careful with brown rice, read the label as some is nothing more than dyed white rice. Another I have had that is wonderful is black or Emperor's rice but it ain't cheap....... not by a long shot.

Brown rice is good with mushrooms, onions and pork. Better than white actually.
You don't seem like the Minute Rice type...I was at least hoping not that

I won't use Minute Rice but I have succumbed to the 'boil in the bag' rice -- it comes packaged in a pourous bag--you drop it into boiling water for 10 minutes or so and then pull the bag out--squish it a little to expel the excess water and voila--perfect rice every time in just the right quantity for the two of us with virtually no clean up and no waste. You can get it in white, brown, or flavored.

We don't make rice very often, but use a Zojirushi cooker when we do. The rice comes out perfect. They're a bit pricey (we got one for a wedding present), but if one eats a lot of rice, it's the way to go.

We live in a rice and beans state, but neither of us like Spanish rice all that much. About the only time we have rice is when I prepare something Asian that screams for rice. We do like Asian cuisine but not enough that the rice becomes an issue. Hombre and I are both misplaced Texans and the potato still reigns supreme.

We're surrounded by Cal-Mex, and I can completely forego the rice. I generally don't eat much carbs; mr. boe is a bread fiend, so it's easy just to have some sourdough on hand for him.
I can eat bread and butter till the cows come home but I don't. While the vast majority consists of whole grain breads my favorites are hot white rolls, french and italian breads so those are reserved for an occasional treat. Heck I'd rather eat that for "desert" than desert. :lol:

I enjoy baking bread. A piece of fresh baked bread with butter is heavenly - and I'd rather have that than desert! I make dinner rolls with half white bread flour and half whole wheat - very yummy.
You don't seem like the Minute Rice type...I was at least hoping not that

I won't use Minute Rice but I have succumbed to the 'boil in the bag' rice -- it comes packaged in a pourous bag--you drop it into boiling water for 10 minutes or so and then pull the bag out--squish it a little to expel the excess water and voila--perfect rice every time in just the right quantity for the two of us with virtually no clean up and no waste. You can get it in white, brown, or flavored.

We don't make rice very often, but use a Zojirushi cooker when we do. The rice comes out perfect. They're a bit pricey (we got one for a wedding present), but if one eats a lot of rice, it's the way to go.

We live in a rice and beans state, but neither of us like Spanish rice all that much. About the only time we have rice is when I prepare something Asian that screams for rice. We do like Asian cuisine but not enough that the rice becomes an issue. Hombre and I are both misplaced Texans and the potato still reigns supreme.

We're surrounded by Cal-Mex, and I can completely forego the rice. I generally don't eat much carbs; mr. boe is a bread fiend, so it's easy just to have some sourdough on hand for him.

Yup. Hombre thinks a meal without some sort of bread is only half a meal. :)

The only time mr. boe has dinner without bread is when he has white flour tortillas to roll up and eat like bread.
Peach pie is wonderful if the peaches are tart

The crust is what makes or breaks a good pie in my book...

Pie crust should be sweet, but almost never is. It doesn't have to be all sugar, but a bit of sweetness rather than the usual dry, bland bread-like crust makes a huge difference IMO. People too often seem to just use the crust as a way to hold the filling together and don't think of it as an integral part of the pie. :)

I disagree. Pie crust is best when it is slightly savor and salty.
Peach pie is wonderful if the peaches are tart

The crust is what makes or breaks a good pie in my book...

Pie crust should be sweet, but almost never is. It doesn't have to be all sugar, but a bit of sweetness rather than the usual dry, bland bread-like crust makes a huge difference IMO. People too often seem to just use the crust as a way to hold the filling together and don't think of it as an integral part of the pie. :)

I disagree. Pie crust is best when it is slightly savor and salty.

Ack, not salty! I'm eating dessert, not dinner. :)
Peach pie is wonderful if the peaches are tart

The crust is what makes or breaks a good pie in my book...

Pie crust should be sweet, but almost never is. It doesn't have to be all sugar, but a bit of sweetness rather than the usual dry, bland bread-like crust makes a huge difference IMO. People too often seem to just use the crust as a way to hold the filling together and don't think of it as an integral part of the pie. :)
The wife would make what is called a "biscuit" crust, no sugar at all, I've become lazy in my old age and just use the store bought crusts.

The rolled up Pillsbury crusts are so frightfully convenient that I generally use those, too. They are about 85% as good as homemade, and the extra mess and time just isn't worth mixing up a crust from scratch....unless it's a special occasion.
Yep, that was our generation. Salt was pretty much everything. I bet when you was a kid you put sugar in your cereal too. Frosted flakes...with a teaspoon of sugar added in. Good Lord.
Not so much the sugar for me, the salt and the fat, hell yeah!!!! :lol:
Granted we would toast and butter bread sprinkle it with cinnamon and sugar but i tended to use more cinnamon. With pancakes and french toast I rarely used syrup but would drown them in margarine.
Ya have to realize our parents were depression era kids, most everything was still being salted to preserve it so it's what they knew.

BINGO. There was a British cook book writer, Elisabeth David who had a mission to teach British women how to cook again after the Depression and War Years. The lack of ingredients and rationing had caused a full generation to not learn proper ways to cook. Her baking book "English Bread and Yeast Cookery" is a classic.
In the 1800s, specifically in the south the primary foods were meat, meal and molasses, scurvy was an ever present problem.

With plentiful citrus around these days, you don't hear much about scurvy any more.

Our breakfast consists of

One serving:
6 tablespoons low fat cottage cheese and 3 tablespoons of unprocessed organic flaxseed oil blended with an immersion blender until no more oil is visible--about one minute. 2 tablespoons organic flaxseed ground to a fluff in the coffee grinder. (The flaxseed loses its punch after 20 minutes or so of being ground so it is necessary to make it fresh for each serving.)

Dump that with some crushed ice, a whole orange (peeled), a whole apple (peeled or unpeeled), some raw honey, and cinnamon in the blender and mix. If too thick, the mixture can be thinned down with cold water. Puree into a smoothie that is nutritious, filling, and over time usually remedies a whole host of autoimmune issues like allergies, arthritis, and other uglies.

Once my system adjusted, this recipe is extremely filling and lasts me pretty much all day until dinner. I might have something really light for lunch or a snack in between.

You can use other fresh fruit or even veggies instead of the apple and orange if you have them too.
Not even sure I could get that past my eyesight, just the thought of what it looks like gives me serious pause as I don't like purees simply because of the "grainy" texture and how they look.

Speaking of GRAINY, I am reminded of this article on Soylent. A poor dweeb I used to work with actually buys and consumes this stuff.

Two Months of Soylent
Peach pie is wonderful if the peaches are tart

The crust is what makes or breaks a good pie in my book...

Pie crust should be sweet, but almost never is. It doesn't have to be all sugar, but a bit of sweetness rather than the usual dry, bland bread-like crust makes a huge difference IMO. People too often seem to just use the crust as a way to hold the filling together and don't think of it as an integral part of the pie. :)

I disagree. Pie crust is best when it is slightly savor and salty.

Ack, not salty! I'm eating dessert, not dinner. :)

Yes, salty. Haven't you ever had a sea salt caramel dipped in dark chocolate? Heavenly!
The crust is what makes or breaks a good pie in my book...

Pie crust should be sweet, but almost never is. It doesn't have to be all sugar, but a bit of sweetness rather than the usual dry, bland bread-like crust makes a huge difference IMO. People too often seem to just use the crust as a way to hold the filling together and don't think of it as an integral part of the pie. :)
The wife would make what is called a "biscuit" crust, no sugar at all, I've become lazy in my old age and just use the store bought crusts.

I'm a much bigger fan of sugar than you are. I hate having a yummy sweet pie filling surrounded by a bland, dry, crust. When I put whipped cream on pie, it's usually to mask the taste of the crust. :p
The vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch my deserts as they would find them terribly bland, waaaaay too much sweetener in our American cultural foods.

Because it's delicious! :D

I try not to overdo the junk food nowadays because of health concerns, but I still want my sweets to be sweet. ;)

I really don't have that much of a sweat tooth. I like bittersweet chocolate and fruit that is tart.
Speaking of rice wild rice is and always has been the staple food of my grandfather's people, the Anishinaabeg (Ojibwa/Chippewa), it's 10 times more healthy than even brown rice and I hate the taste of wild rice....... :lol:

Yes, I haven't been able to develop a taste for wild rice either. But we adjusted to brown rice quite easily.
Brown rice is good and I can even handle long grain and wild rice mix. Be careful with brown rice, read the label as some is nothing more than dyed white rice. Another I have had that is wonderful is black or Emperor's rice but it ain't cheap....... not by a long shot.

Brown rice is good with mushrooms, onions and pork. Better than white actually.
Mushrooms is another thing I like but the wife won't eat.
Not so much the sugar for me, the salt and the fat, hell yeah!!!! :lol:
Granted we would toast and butter bread sprinkle it with cinnamon and sugar but i tended to use more cinnamon. With pancakes and french toast I rarely used syrup but would drown them in margarine.
Ya have to realize our parents were depression era kids, most everything was still being salted to preserve it so it's what they knew.

BINGO. There was a British cook book writer, Elisabeth David who had a mission to teach British women how to cook again after the Depression and War Years. The lack of ingredients and rationing had caused a full generation to not learn proper ways to cook. Her baking book "English Bread and Yeast Cookery" is a classic.
In the 1800s, specifically in the south the primary foods were meat, meal and molasses, scurvy was an ever present problem.

With plentiful citrus around these days, you don't hear much about scurvy any more.

Our breakfast consists of

One serving:
6 tablespoons low fat cottage cheese and 3 tablespoons of unprocessed organic flaxseed oil blended with an immersion blender until no more oil is visible--about one minute. 2 tablespoons organic flaxseed ground to a fluff in the coffee grinder. (The flaxseed loses its punch after 20 minutes or so of being ground so it is necessary to make it fresh for each serving.)

Dump that with some crushed ice, a whole orange (peeled), a whole apple (peeled or unpeeled), some raw honey, and cinnamon in the blender and mix. If too thick, the mixture can be thinned down with cold water. Puree into a smoothie that is nutritious, filling, and over time usually remedies a whole host of autoimmune issues like allergies, arthritis, and other uglies.

Once my system adjusted, this recipe is extremely filling and lasts me pretty much all day until dinner. I might have something really light for lunch or a snack in between.

You can use other fresh fruit or even veggies instead of the apple and orange if you have them too.
Not even sure I could get that past my eyesight, just the thought of what it looks like gives me serious pause as I don't like purees simply because of the "grainy" texture and how they look.

Speaking of GRAINY, I am reminded of this article on Soylent. A poor dweeb I used to work with actually buys and consumes this stuff.

Two Months of Soylent
BINGO. There was a British cook book writer, Elisabeth David who had a mission to teach British women how to cook again after the Depression and War Years. The lack of ingredients and rationing had caused a full generation to not learn proper ways to cook. Her baking book "English Bread and Yeast Cookery" is a classic.
In the 1800s, specifically in the south the primary foods were meat, meal and molasses, scurvy was an ever present problem.

With plentiful citrus around these days, you don't hear much about scurvy any more.

Our breakfast consists of

One serving:
6 tablespoons low fat cottage cheese and 3 tablespoons of unprocessed organic flaxseed oil blended with an immersion blender until no more oil is visible--about one minute. 2 tablespoons organic flaxseed ground to a fluff in the coffee grinder. (The flaxseed loses its punch after 20 minutes or so of being ground so it is necessary to make it fresh for each serving.)

Dump that with some crushed ice, a whole orange (peeled), a whole apple (peeled or unpeeled), some raw honey, and cinnamon in the blender and mix. If too thick, the mixture can be thinned down with cold water. Puree into a smoothie that is nutritious, filling, and over time usually remedies a whole host of autoimmune issues like allergies, arthritis, and other uglies.

Once my system adjusted, this recipe is extremely filling and lasts me pretty much all day until dinner. I might have something really light for lunch or a snack in between.

You can use other fresh fruit or even veggies instead of the apple and orange if you have them too.
Not even sure I could get that past my eyesight, just the thought of what it looks like gives me serious pause as I don't like purees simply because of the "grainy" texture and how they look.

Speaking of GRAINY, I am reminded of this article on Soylent. A poor dweeb I used to work with actually buys and consumes this stuff.

Two Months of Soylent

If you have the time, reading the saga of Soylent is pretty interesting, although I'm not interested in giving up real food in favor of tasteless pancake batter.
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In the 1800s, specifically in the south the primary foods were meat, meal and molasses, scurvy was an ever present problem.

With plentiful citrus around these days, you don't hear much about scurvy any more.

Our breakfast consists of

One serving:
6 tablespoons low fat cottage cheese and 3 tablespoons of unprocessed organic flaxseed oil blended with an immersion blender until no more oil is visible--about one minute. 2 tablespoons organic flaxseed ground to a fluff in the coffee grinder. (The flaxseed loses its punch after 20 minutes or so of being ground so it is necessary to make it fresh for each serving.)

Dump that with some crushed ice, a whole orange (peeled), a whole apple (peeled or unpeeled), some raw honey, and cinnamon in the blender and mix. If too thick, the mixture can be thinned down with cold water. Puree into a smoothie that is nutritious, filling, and over time usually remedies a whole host of autoimmune issues like allergies, arthritis, and other uglies.

Once my system adjusted, this recipe is extremely filling and lasts me pretty much all day until dinner. I might have something really light for lunch or a snack in between.

You can use other fresh fruit or even veggies instead of the apple and orange if you have them too.
Not even sure I could get that past my eyesight, just the thought of what it looks like gives me serious pause as I don't like purees simply because of the "grainy" texture and how they look.

Speaking of GRAINY, I am reminded of this article on Soylent. A poor dweeb I used to work with actually buys and consumes this stuff.

Two Months of Soylent

If you have the time, reading the saga of Soylent is pretty intresting, although I'm not interested in giving up real food in favor of tasteless pancake batter.

I've considered trying Soylent. I'd hate to give up tasty food, but I have some digestive issues and I've wondered if they might be fixed with a diet that regular. Between worry about how much I'd 'cheat' and the price, I decided against it.

If I lived in a higher cost of living area, and maybe only as a 1 meal a day thing, it might be worthwhile. :dunno:
Peach pie is wonderful if the peaches are tart

The crust is what makes or breaks a good pie in my book...

Pie crust should be sweet, but almost never is. It doesn't have to be all sugar, but a bit of sweetness rather than the usual dry, bland bread-like crust makes a huge difference IMO. People too often seem to just use the crust as a way to hold the filling together and don't think of it as an integral part of the pie. :)

I disagree. Pie crust is best when it is slightly savor and salty.

Ack, not salty! I'm eating dessert, not dinner. :)

Yes, salty. Haven't you ever had a sea salt caramel dipped in dark chocolate? Heavenly!

Nope, never had that that I'm aware of. I wouldn't choose one, either.

Of course, these days I don't eat a lot of chocolate, as it's supposed to be bad for reflux.

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