USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hi Foxy and Coffee Shoppers! :bye1:

And while I'm talking about putting non-dessert foods into dessert, what's with carrot cake? Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good cake by making it with carrots? I like carrots as a snack, or in salad, but cake? :p

So I am going to go out on a limb and say you don't like zucchini bread either?

I've never had (or heard of) zucchini bread.....but I'm guessing that no, I wouldn't like it. :lol:

I bet you would. It does not taste like zucchini at all. And it is super moist.


I've never had zucchini bread before. It looks good!
I really don't have that much of a sweat tooth. I like bittersweet chocolate and fruit that is tart.

I prefer dark bittersweet also.
I have a definite weakness for a good cheesecake though. And cake doughnuts. And good pie. I think I will place an internet order for one of Ringels...cause I never bake. I can cook just about anything, but never baked.

Cheesecake is one of my special desserts. I have a fabulous old family recipe. It's not overly sweet, either - the cheese makes it a tad savory. It also has a sour cream layer.

I hope I never happen to find myself relying on you for dessert! :lol:

I don't eat cheesecake at all. Yuck. I'm not a fan of cheese most of the time with dinner, certainly not as part of dessert. I also don't like sour cream.

And while I'm talking about putting non-dessert foods into dessert, what's with carrot cake? Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good cake by making it with carrots? I like carrots as a snack, or in salad, but cake? :p

The only reason to eat carrot cake is for the delicious cream cheese frosting!

I agree. I love raw carrots, carrot juice, properly seasoned cooked carrots, carrot soufflé, but have never found carrot cake to be anything I would intentionally order. But I do love the cream cheese frosting so I just use that on other things.

Try that on brownies! :D Yummy!
I prefer dark bittersweet also.
I have a definite weakness for a good cheesecake though. And cake doughnuts. And good pie. I think I will place an internet order for one of Ringels...cause I never bake. I can cook just about anything, but never baked.

Cheesecake is one of my special desserts. I have a fabulous old family recipe. It's not overly sweet, either - the cheese makes it a tad savory. It also has a sour cream layer.

I hope I never happen to find myself relying on you for dessert! :lol:

I don't eat cheesecake at all. Yuck. I'm not a fan of cheese most of the time with dinner, certainly not as part of dessert. I also don't like sour cream.

And while I'm talking about putting non-dessert foods into dessert, what's with carrot cake? Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good cake by making it with carrots? I like carrots as a snack, or in salad, but cake? :p

The only reason to eat carrot cake is for the delicious cream cheese frosting!

I agree. I love raw carrots, carrot juice, properly seasoned cooked carrots, carrot soufflé, but have never found carrot cake to be anything I would intentionally order. But I do love the cream cheese frosting so I just use that on other things.

Try that on brownies! :D Yummy!

Or just skip the extra calories from the brownie and eat the frosting with a spoon!
I really don't have that much of a sweat tooth. I like bittersweet chocolate and fruit that is tart.

I prefer dark bittersweet also.
I have a definite weakness for a good cheesecake though. And cake doughnuts. And good pie. I think I will place an internet order for one of Ringels...cause I never bake. I can cook just about anything, but never baked.

Cheesecake is one of my special desserts. I have a fabulous old family recipe. It's not overly sweet, either - the cheese makes it a tad savory. It also has a sour cream layer.

I hope I never happen to find myself relying on you for dessert! :lol:

I don't eat cheesecake at all. Yuck. I'm not a fan of cheese most of the time with dinner, certainly not as part of dessert. I also don't like sour cream.

And while I'm talking about putting non-dessert foods into dessert, what's with carrot cake? Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good cake by making it with carrots? I like carrots as a snack, or in salad, but cake? :p

Yuck? That's crazy talk! :p
I really don't have that much of a sweat tooth. I like bittersweet chocolate and fruit that is tart.

I prefer dark bittersweet also.
I have a definite weakness for a good cheesecake though. And cake doughnuts. And good pie. I think I will place an internet order for one of Ringels...cause I never bake. I can cook just about anything, but never baked.

Cheesecake is one of my special desserts. I have a fabulous old family recipe. It's not overly sweet, either - the cheese makes it a tad savory. It also has a sour cream layer.

I hope I never happen to find myself relying on you for dessert! :lol:

I don't eat cheesecake at all. Yuck. I'm not a fan of cheese most of the time with dinner, certainly not as part of dessert. I also don't like sour cream.

And while I'm talking about putting non-dessert foods into dessert, what's with carrot cake? Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good cake by making it with carrots? I like carrots as a snack, or in salad, but cake? :p

I don't like carrot cake either. It tastes okay (a lot sweeter than you would think), but I don't care for the texture.
Cheesecake is one of my special desserts. I have a fabulous old family recipe. It's not overly sweet, either - the cheese makes it a tad savory. It also has a sour cream layer.

I hope I never happen to find myself relying on you for dessert! :lol:

I don't eat cheesecake at all. Yuck. I'm not a fan of cheese most of the time with dinner, certainly not as part of dessert. I also don't like sour cream.

And while I'm talking about putting non-dessert foods into dessert, what's with carrot cake? Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good cake by making it with carrots? I like carrots as a snack, or in salad, but cake? :p

The only reason to eat carrot cake is for the delicious cream cheese frosting!

I agree. I love raw carrots, carrot juice, properly seasoned cooked carrots, carrot soufflé, but have never found carrot cake to be anything I would intentionally order. But I do love the cream cheese frosting so I just use that on other things.

Try that on brownies! :D Yummy!

Or just skip the extra calories from the brownie and eat the frosting with a spoon!

I like eating the brownie batter. :D
I can't believe I use to do this...when I was a teenager I use to buy those pillsbury cookie dough that came in a roll...and I would sit and scarf down half of one of those things.
I can't believe I use to do this...when I was a teenager I use to buy those pillsbury cookie dough that came in a roll...and I would sit and scarf down half of one of those things.

Eww. You guys ate some strange things. Lol. One of my friends used to eat sticks of butter. That is nasty. Not to mention, really bad for you.

Hey I was a kid. I grew 5 inches in 16 months. I ate everything.
I can't believe I use to do this...when I was a teenager I use to buy those pillsbury cookie dough that came in a roll...and I would sit and scarf down half of one of those things.

Eww. You guys ate some strange things. Lol. One of my friends used to eat sticks of butter. That is nasty. Not to mention, really bad for you.

Hey I was a kid. I grew 5 inches in 16 months. I ate everything.

Would you do that now? :razz:
I can't believe I use to do this...when I was a teenager I use to buy those pillsbury cookie dough that came in a roll...and I would sit and scarf down half of one of those things.

Eww. You guys ate some strange things. Lol. One of my friends used to eat sticks of butter. That is nasty. Not to mention, really bad for you.

Hey I was a kid. I grew 5 inches in 16 months. I ate everything.

Would you do that now? :razz:

Absolutely not...ugh.
Have some leftover pork chops, thin sliced em, added chipotle seasoning, garlic, sliced onion and cabbage and sauteed in a little light oil. Might heat up some tortillas and use the pork mix as filling.
Made my Poor Man's Fried Rice for dinner. :thup:

1 pound breakfast sausage
1 12 oz bag frozen cut green beans
Cooked rice (about 3 cups)
Onion powder, garlic powder and ginger to taste
Soy sauce to taste.
Jasmine rice...hmmmm?
Basmati, not sticky like Jasmine.

You don't seem like the Minute Rice type...I was at least hoping not that
No, was raised on that kind of crap, margarine, Miracle Whip, Velveeta, etc. When I discovered real food I never went back. The primary reason I use the powdered forms is when I'm cooking for the wife, she likes the flavor but onions and garlic don't like her in their normal state, she will bur them all night long. Frozen veggies means I don't have to make a trip to the store every day to buy fresh and considering I was raised on over cooked, mushy canned vegetables frozen is a huge step up. Don't get me wrong I prefer fresh veggies but I don't have a problem with frozen either.

Sounds like my childhood to the T.
My mother was, and still is, a terrible cook. Her idea of Sunday dinner was those "Banquet Salisbury Steaks" ...canned corn and boxed mash potato mix.
Her entire spice collection was salt. pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and chili powder...that's about it. EVerything was canned and boxed, that was the 60's and 70's.
Same as you, I discovered real food in my early 20's...and learned to cook..and never went back. I buy so little processed foods, almost zero. Ketchup, mustard and Hellman's mayo is pretty much the only prepared things I eat.
And one other thing...canned carrots...why in all that is holy do these things exist? They taste absolutely dreadful, and it's not like slicing real carrots is that hard.
I'll up the ante...I make my own ketchup and mayo. It's not that hard and you can leave out the sugar, extra salt, and all those unpronounceable preservatives. Just make small batches, more often. I have a new batch of home-made Worcestershire on the stove right now, too. Again, no additional salt or sugar in the mix and it tastes so good!

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