USMB Coffee Shop IV

A few days ago I turned 23 :)
This was my birthday cake....nothing was left :badgrin:


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Hope you had a great birthday and it is a year you long remember for its joys and accomplishments.
Thank you OldLady! kissyp.gif
I am about to embark on retirement. I've been to the circus, I saw the elephant and I contacted my retirement service (OPERS) today. What a relief!

For the past three years my health has become a concern. My energy levels are low and climbing stairs into an attic or crawling through a crawl space has become a source of exhaustio. I'm not complaining nor am I seeking sympathy. It's a fact of life that after suffering through diabetes and a sluggish thyroid, Father Time is sending me signals that my line of work was cut out for a much fitter, younger man.

So, there it is. Money is not a worry as I am single and, with the exception of groomers and vet bills, I have no dependents. I have travelled extensively with my work visiting Europe on a few occasions as well as becoming intimately familiar with every major city on the east coast. I had a project in Puerto Rico where I lived for a year and a half. I'm ready to settle down.

Settle down and write. Compile the stories I have unraveled here for you, write memoirs of my adventures, embellishing them with love and laughter. That's something I've wanted to do for quite some time.

Remember the old TV show The Waltons? John Boy wanted to be a writer and I shared his ambitions long before I ever saw Richard Thomas and Ralph Waite play out those ambitions on Tuesday nights.

Now I have the time and means and motivation to pursue those latent ambitions.
I am about to embark on retirement. I've been to the circus, I saw the elephant and I contacted my retirement service (OPERS) today. What a relief!

For the past three years my health has become a concern. My energy levels are low and climbing stairs into an attic or crawling through a crawl space has become a source of exhaustio. I'm not complaining nor am I seeking sympathy. It's a fact of life that after suffering through diabetes and a sluggish thyroid, Father Time is sending me signals that my line of work was cut out for a much fitter, younger man.

So, there it is. Money is not a worry as I am single and, with the exception of groomers and vet bills, I have no dependents. I have travelled extensively with my work visiting Europe on a few occasions as well as becoming intimately familiar with every major city on the east coast. I had a project in Puerto Rico where I lived for a year and a half. I'm ready to settle down.

Settle down and write. Compile the stories I have unraveled here for you, write memoirs of my adventures, embellishing them with love and laughter. That's something I've wanted to do for quite some time.

Remember the old TV show The Waltons? John Boy wanted to be a writer and I shared his ambitions long before I ever saw Richard Thomas and Ralph Waite play out those ambitions on Tuesday nights.

Now I have the time and means and motivation to pursue those latent ambitions.

I hear that Nosmo. Our decision was based partly on the economy--reduced profits just made it less attractive to do and others needed the work more than we did. But if we were really honest, it was time. Hombre had no business climbing ladders and getting on roofs and much of our work was similar to what you describe--climbing lots of stairs and getting into other situations better suited to the younger and more agile.

I suspect you will find retirement much the same as we have. We are as busy as ever, but busy doing different things. I have long hoped you would prepare some kind of anthology out of your writings, and should you be published, I would be honored to be your first customer.

I hope you will continue to give us glimpses here and there too. :)
Its about 5 thousand degrees out there today so I am hunkered in our room. Took Karma out so she could wade in the creek, which will be drying out this summer...unless the snow pack keeps a trickle going. Next couple of days will be "warm" (kinda like the doc saying "this won't hurt" ), then another cold front is coming in.

Living in the mountains means never put your winter gear away.
Happy belated birthday Esther!!

Happy birthday CeeCee!! Yer 88 years old???? Noooo! You "sound" 50ish! :lol:
I kinda liked 50. Too old to be messed with, too young to be old.;)

Well they say that 60 is the new 40. And I do believe that for many people. Even my 90-yr-old aunt is still going strong, drives herself to where she needs to go if the route isn't too demanding, and lives alone with her little Shih tzu who will be staying with us next week. She is more limber and agile than I am in some ways, handles stairs easily, and looks more like 60 than 90. I should be so lucky.
I thought you said you turned 88 today?
Sorry..kinda confusing day here, lol. Did you edit?
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Here are the foxes after I zoomed in on them
What are they doing?

Foxes typically chase each other around and spar with one another as part of their mating rituals. I got up at 5.30 am again today looking for them but none turned up so I went back to bed at 7am
No kits yet, then?

No sign of new cubs, I check every day. Cubs come out during the day looking for their mother to feed them, but adult foxes usually only come out at dusk and go to ground at dawn, making it hard to get enough light to photograph them.
I had a pair of foxes that raised families for a couple of years on my old place. They made a den under a large car-hauler trailer. Adults and kits would be out during the day, and I was surprised when they cleaned out my strawberry patch the first year they were there. I did my best to keep the cats inside, but one did get out and I heard the fox-cat fight a couple of days later. The cat lost. I just could not persuade her to come back inside, though. I hope she enjoyed her brief adventure.
Here's a bit of foxy trivia: what is the proper name for a fox tail?

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