USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sorry....had to post some pics in my group forum. Karma decided to go crick wadin'. Thats arkansaian speak for creek wading. :lol:

Might talk about the interesting news in there too, instead of in here. I seem to fascinate folks with my troubles although this is not trouble. Its...interesting. To me, anyway.;)
Meh, fuck it. I will tell y'all here. Hell, its not like its a secret or anything.

Hang on. Gotta get my tea.
Ok......yesterday, a friend of mine that I met almost 3 months ago (tomorrow it will be 3 months since we moved here), and I went to another friends that originally offered us a place in her home but I declined because she had the two pitties, remember? Well, she only has one pit now, locked in the back yard, so I feel comfy visiting her every couple of weeks (without Karma. I will never take her there as long as that pit is there). I wanted her to meet my other friend, so we both called and asked if she wanted some company. Angie said yes...she really wanted to meet Denise, so off we went. While there, Angie again broached the subject of MrG and I moving in with her. She also said our rent would be lower. She showed us the apartment underneath her house...which felt like a hobbit hole to me, and that I dearly loved the idea of. She also has cable. And a wood burning franklin stove and a full kitchen down there. BIG bathroom, and a small bedroom. I would finally have my privacy if we took her up on her offer. Less rent, my own room, my own kitchen, in a hobbit hole. She also got a new puppy, named Dot due to the dots on her fur. So adorable, but I neglected to take pics. I will next time I go. 8 weeks old, half pomeranian, half yorkie. So friggin cute!!! But the pit is still there and we don't want to move twice, and the neighborhood is not the best. Think Deliverance with 3 wheelers and loose pits running up and down the street and duck dynasty guys blasting country western music across the street and you get the drift. I declined but it was hard to do. She has such lovely home...just in a really shitty area with icky neighbors whooping and hollering. I was expecting to see a rebel flag or two waving from the 3 wheelers blasting up and down the street, but alas...none were seen.

Anyway..I come home and housemate asks me if Angie again tried to tempt us. I said yes, and told him all that I posted above. So, he surprises me and says "I'm going to get cable. And I am paying for the air conditioner you just bought. I will knock it off the rent. And for everything you do in the yard, keep track of the hours. I will knock that off the rent too". I told him he didn't need to do that...we are not going. MrG is already bonded with him and thinks of him as a brother, Karma loves the creek, and our neighborhood is quiet. Yes, I am stuck in the same room with MrG, but I have the creek to escape to and no...we are not going anywhere except home when they call. He said thats great, but he is still going to pay for the air conditioner so we can leave it behind for the next housemate he gets when we go, and he is still getting cable cuz he misses it too.

Overall, I found it a great day because it was all unexpected. Except Angie is quite disappointed. :lol:
(He misses cable cuz I told him about Cutthroat Kitchen that he wants to see cuz he thought it was just another cooking show. It isn't on hulu or slingtv or cable it is).
(He misses cable cuz I told him about Cutthroat Kitchen that he wants to see cuz he thought it was just another cooking show. It isn't on hulu or slingtv or cable it is).

Cutthroat Kitchen is a fun program though I don't watch but every once in awhile.
Watching them have to cook eggs benedict on an upside down wok is hilarious :lol:.

Watching that show is what gave me the recipe I LOVE to have for brunch or even dinner.

1 flour tortilla.
Handful of hash browns.
1 egg.

Brown taters till crispy on outside, soft inside. Cook egg over medium so yellow is still liquid. Warm tortilla by nuking it. Put taters in first, then the egg laying flat on top, add salsa. Fold like a taco or a burrito. Bite in, and the yellow of the egg spurts everywhere....inside the tort AND inside your mouth. The judges loved it on the show..and I love to eat it at home!
Yesterday's episode obviously wiped me out, ended up going back to bed at 3 PM and sleeping for four hours......... The foot/heel feels much better, still sore but at least I'm no longer writhing in pain. :thup:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Hombre for wellness.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, Ernie S. and all others we hope will return.

The spring flowers survived our late freeze and it is beautiful. I pray that we all will survive our own winters as well and more beautiful days are ahead.
Just wondering if these are peyote buttons ?!

Hi yiosthey. No, peyote buttons are a smaller cactus though they can grow in fairly large clumps. Not sure what these are called but they are popular as decorative landscape plants.
Barrel cactuses (cactii)?
Ok......yesterday, a friend of mine that I met almost 3 months ago (tomorrow it will be 3 months since we moved here), and I went to another friends that originally offered us a place in her home but I declined because she had the two pitties, remember? Well, she only has one pit now, locked in the back yard, so I feel comfy visiting her every couple of weeks (without Karma. I will never take her there as long as that pit is there). I wanted her to meet my other friend, so we both called and asked if she wanted some company. Angie said yes...she really wanted to meet Denise, so off we went. While there, Angie again broached the subject of MrG and I moving in with her. She also said our rent would be lower. She showed us the apartment underneath her house...which felt like a hobbit hole to me, and that I dearly loved the idea of. She also has cable. And a wood burning franklin stove and a full kitchen down there. BIG bathroom, and a small bedroom. I would finally have my privacy if we took her up on her offer. Less rent, my own room, my own kitchen, in a hobbit hole. She also got a new puppy, named Dot due to the dots on her fur. So adorable, but I neglected to take pics. I will next time I go. 8 weeks old, half pomeranian, half yorkie. So friggin cute!!! But the pit is still there and we don't want to move twice, and the neighborhood is not the best. Think Deliverance with 3 wheelers and loose pits running up and down the street and duck dynasty guys blasting country western music across the street and you get the drift. I declined but it was hard to do. She has such lovely home...just in a really shitty area with icky neighbors whooping and hollering. I was expecting to see a rebel flag or two waving from the 3 wheelers blasting up and down the street, but alas...none were seen.

Anyway..I come home and housemate asks me if Angie again tried to tempt us. I said yes, and told him all that I posted above. So, he surprises me and says "I'm going to get cable. And I am paying for the air conditioner you just bought. I will knock it off the rent. And for everything you do in the yard, keep track of the hours. I will knock that off the rent too". I told him he didn't need to do that...we are not going. MrG is already bonded with him and thinks of him as a brother, Karma loves the creek, and our neighborhood is quiet. Yes, I am stuck in the same room with MrG, but I have the creek to escape to and no...we are not going anywhere except home when they call. He said thats great, but he is still going to pay for the air conditioner so we can leave it behind for the next housemate he gets when we go, and he is still getting cable cuz he misses it too.

Overall, I found it a great day because it was all unexpected. Except Angie is quite disappointed. :lol:
The free market does work, then? It would appear that you and Mr.G are worth competing for as roomies. That's pretty cool!
Hot, cold. Mountains here seem to not be able to make up their mind and its making my joints a tad pissy. :lol:

I got more interesting news too....but I gotta have a cig first.
That's the mountains for ya. Couldn't tell ya the number of times camping in the mountains that it would drop into the 20s, dump 6 inches of snow on us then clear up, hit the 60s melting most of the snow then doing it all over the next day and that was in May.
Ok......yesterday, a friend of mine that I met almost 3 months ago (tomorrow it will be 3 months since we moved here), and I went to another friends that originally offered us a place in her home but I declined because she had the two pitties, remember? Well, she only has one pit now, locked in the back yard, so I feel comfy visiting her every couple of weeks (without Karma. I will never take her there as long as that pit is there). I wanted her to meet my other friend, so we both called and asked if she wanted some company. Angie said yes...she really wanted to meet Denise, so off we went. While there, Angie again broached the subject of MrG and I moving in with her. She also said our rent would be lower. She showed us the apartment underneath her house...which felt like a hobbit hole to me, and that I dearly loved the idea of. She also has cable. And a wood burning franklin stove and a full kitchen down there. BIG bathroom, and a small bedroom. I would finally have my privacy if we took her up on her offer. Less rent, my own room, my own kitchen, in a hobbit hole. She also got a new puppy, named Dot due to the dots on her fur. So adorable, but I neglected to take pics. I will next time I go. 8 weeks old, half pomeranian, half yorkie. So friggin cute!!! But the pit is still there and we don't want to move twice, and the neighborhood is not the best. Think Deliverance with 3 wheelers and loose pits running up and down the street and duck dynasty guys blasting country western music across the street and you get the drift. I declined but it was hard to do. She has such lovely home...just in a really shitty area with icky neighbors whooping and hollering. I was expecting to see a rebel flag or two waving from the 3 wheelers blasting up and down the street, but alas...none were seen.

Anyway..I come home and housemate asks me if Angie again tried to tempt us. I said yes, and told him all that I posted above. So, he surprises me and says "I'm going to get cable. And I am paying for the air conditioner you just bought. I will knock it off the rent. And for everything you do in the yard, keep track of the hours. I will knock that off the rent too". I told him he didn't need to do that...we are not going. MrG is already bonded with him and thinks of him as a brother, Karma loves the creek, and our neighborhood is quiet. Yes, I am stuck in the same room with MrG, but I have the creek to escape to and no...we are not going anywhere except home when they call. He said thats great, but he is still going to pay for the air conditioner so we can leave it behind for the next housemate he gets when we go, and he is still getting cable cuz he misses it too.

Overall, I found it a great day because it was all unexpected. Except Angie is quite disappointed. :lol:
The free market does work, then? It would appear that you and Mr.G are worth competing for as roomies. That's pretty cool!
It feels nice to be wanted, thats fer sure, lol.
It's 2 a.m. and I'm finally headed for bed. The vigil list hasn't changed so I'm going to skip posting it tonight. Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
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Here are the foxes after I zoomed in on them
What are they doing?

Foxes typically chase each other around and spar with one another as part of their mating rituals. I got up at 5.30 am again today looking for them but none turned up so I went back to bed at 7am
No kits yet, then?

No sign of new cubs, I check every day. Cubs come out during the day looking for their mother to feed them, but adult foxes usually only come out at dusk and go to ground at dawn, making it hard to get enough light to photograph them.
This is "Waffles", the fur friend of a friend of ours. She is fascinated by critters on TV and, for whatever reason, is especially attentive when it is horses. Yesterday she was watching the Derby with interest, occasionally checking the screen more closely and going behind the TV to look for the horses. She was barking excitedly the entire time the horses were running. :)

My cat does that when birds are on the air.

Come to think of it, so did our cats. Were very interested when there were birds flittering around on the screen.

Our last dog, RIP, sometimes watched stuff on TV. There was one science program about the California elephant seals. I don't know what it was but when the bulls were making their thumping kind of sounds, suddenly I found a 40-lb dog on my lap. He didn't like that at all. :)

They're a lot louder than this video suggests:

My son had a guinea pig that had a big rabbit cage in the living room. He would squeal in terror when he heard the growls and calls of other critters on the nature shows. We had to take him upstairs when we watched Wild Kingdom.

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