USMB Coffee Shop IV

My knee replacement surgery is being arranged. Will go to my civilian orthopedic doctor on June 8 in Ft. Worth to start the process. Approved by VA to use my Veterans Choice program. Uncle Sam ain't so bad after all.

The surgery is on June 8? Or the initial consultation?
The consultation. I just received an E-mail from the nurse with an attachment to download about 2 minutes ago. I'll do it later today.
About feeling better........ Been coming on and off in waves, not feeling too bad to feeling terrible again. Kinda expected it as that's the typical run of the flu after the worst is over, at least with me it is. A few more days and I should be over this.
Tomorrow I start scheduling everything, Pack Rats and shutting off the utilities. The wife has been feeling much better so she's packing up what we don't use all the time in the kitchen and other items.
The stress of moving doesn't speed recovery, either.
Pretty cool today--it finally made it up to 70. Our 42 game is at our house tomorrow and they're projecting 67 for a high tomorrow. I just called our guests to tell them to dress warmly. We've already had our heat shut down for the summer.
Hee-hee...dress warmly? For 67 degrees. I'm a bucket of sweat at 67, barely able to move out of the shade! Today is a reasonable 55F, or so. Gotta love the differences to which people become acclimated.

67 in the sun here is very pleasant. In the shade though or inside the house, unless you're up and moving, I want a sweater.
Supposed to get in the triple digits today. Was just outside and it feels like it is in the low 70s IN THE SUN. In the shade, I want my coat. But, its not even 11am yet. This afternoon should be interesting.
Good morning, coffee shop!


Unfortunately, my day is starting with a bad belly. :mad:

I'm hoping you are feeling better by now! The puppies MUST have helped a little! :D
Pretty cool today--it finally made it up to 70. Our 42 game is at our house tomorrow and they're projecting 67 for a high tomorrow. I just called our guests to tell them to dress warmly. We've already had our heat shut down for the summer.
Hee-hee...dress warmly? For 67 degrees. I'm a bucket of sweat at 67, barely able to move out of the shade! Today is a reasonable 55F, or so. Gotta love the differences to which people become acclimated.

67 in the sun here is very pleasant. In the shade though or inside the house, unless you're up and moving, I want a sweater.
Supposed to get in the triple digits today. Was just outside and it feels like it is in the low 70s IN THE SUN. In the shade, I want my coat. But, its not even 11am yet. This afternoon should be interesting.

It was 97 degrees here today the last time I checked. Really hot. It's supposed to be cooler tomorrow and over the weekend, 60s and 70s. It's definitely too soon for 90s.
I just got back from walking Karma near the dog park. There are trails leading everywhere, but....I lost my trekking poles. I didn't dare go too far. I'd never make it back!
I took pics..will post them in a few. And these pics are standing in one spot and turning in a circle. Surrounded by trees. Paths going everywhere. And me without a trek pole so I didn't wander far.




Last one is the horse arena and back behind it is the many trails leading up the mountain. The whole town looks like this. Hard to find stores....can't see the forest for the trees sort of thing.
Called the VA nurse earlier, she sent me to Beaumont ER. Left the house around 1:30pm and finally got home at 7:30. First checking me out for pneumonia, did an EKG then did a chest X-ray and drew lab work also did a urinalysis after I poured out my bladder. No pneumonia but I have bronchitis and a sever UTI......... Told the VA about the UTI months ago but they never followed up....... In the ER they hit me with steroids and a IV bag of antibiotics, came home with lots of antibiotics....... Hopefully by Monday we'll be much better when the Pack Rat trailer arrives.
Called the VA nurse earlier, she sent me to Beaumont ER. Left the house around 1:30pm and finally got home at 7:30. First checking me out for pneumonia, did an EKG then did a chest X-ray and drew lab work also did a urinalysis after I poured out my bladder. No pneumonia but I have bronchitis and a sever UTI......... Told the VA about the UTI months ago but they never followed up....... In the ER they hit me with steroids and a IV bag of antibiotics, came home with lots of antibiotics....... Hopefully by Monday we'll be much better when the Pack Rat trailer arrives.
Take it easy, man. Rest up and don't take any unnecessary chances.
I've had a tune ricocheting around in my skull all day. The Doxology. In my Presbyterian faith, just as the church elders start passing around the collection plates, the edge is taken off by the congregation singing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above the heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost."

Why that simple, yet beautiful hymn? I,think it is because a commercial for Lyrica, a prescription drug, has music that sounds similar, particularly the last three notes of each line. It used to be the programs I watched were sponsored by soda pop or "My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R". But now, the shows I watch are sponsored by Big Pharma or investment houses concerned about security in my dotage.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. My bologna has a second name it's M-A-Y-E-R.

I,planted the window boxes yesterday and today. I failed to buy enough flowers to complete all four, especially after I planted the first two which are larger and ate up the plants like someone staggering out of the desert eats up cheese steaks. I was two million belles, two ornamental grasses and four vinca vines shy. You need thrillers (the grasses) fillers (a flat of begonias did the trick) and spillers (vincas and million belles)

Of course I had too many begonias, so the excess went to Mom at the Big House. I still have half a dozen sweet potato vines to plant, but they are garden bullies. They get their own containers so,as,not to crowd out the other flowers.

I love to eat it everyday and if you ask me why I'll say... Praise Him all creatures here below.
My knee replacement surgery is being arranged. Will go to my civilian orthopedic doctor on June 8 in Ft. Worth to start the process. Approved by VA to use my Veterans Choice program. Uncle Sam ain't so bad after all.

My Dad was 4 years active duty in war time and two years in the reserves after that. The VA has treated him very well despite my Dad having a serious medical issue.

Hoss....I hope you get the care you deserve. :thup:
Called the VA nurse earlier, she sent me to Beaumont ER. Left the house around 1:30pm and finally got home at 7:30. First checking me out for pneumonia, did an EKG then did a chest X-ray and drew lab work also did a urinalysis after I poured out my bladder. No pneumonia but I have bronchitis and a sever UTI......... Told the VA about the UTI months ago but they never followed up....... In the ER they hit me with steroids and a IV bag of antibiotics, came home with lots of antibiotics....... Hopefully by Monday we'll be much better when the Pack Rat trailer arrives.

Next time you better listen to Mama Fox's diagnosis. :) Seriously, glad you got looked at. You would have survived the bronchitis, but will get over it much more quickly with the antibiotics. The UTI is really wicked for you guys. Hombre's last one put him in the hospital for 5 days.
I've had a tune ricocheting around in my skull all day. The Doxology. In my Presbyterian faith, just as the church elders start passing around the collection plates, the edge is taken off by the congregation singing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above the heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost."

Why that simple, yet beautiful hymn? I,think it is because a commercial for Lyrica, a prescription drug, has music that sounds similar, particularly the last three notes of each line. It used to be the programs I watched were sponsored by soda pop or "My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R". But now, the shows I watch are sponsored by Big Pharma or investment houses concerned about security in my dotage.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. My bologna has a second name it's M-A-Y-E-R.

I,planted the window boxes yesterday and today. I failed to buy enough flowers to complete all four, especially after I planted the first two which are larger and ate up the plants like someone staggering out of the desert eats up cheese steaks. I was two million belles, two ornamental grasses and four vinca vines shy. You need thrillers (the grasses) fillers (a flat of begonias did the trick) and spillers (vincas and million belles)

Of course I had too many begonias, so the excess went to Mom at the Big House. I still have half a dozen sweet potato vines to plant, but they are garden bullies. They get their own containers so,as,not to crowd out the other flowers.

I love to eat it everyday and if you ask me why I'll say... Praise Him all creatures here below.

Dang it Nosmo. Now you've got it in my head and I can't bellow it out at this hour because I'll wake the entire household. So I'll just listen to my favorite version of it:

Your sweet potato vines are the kind sweet potatoes actually grow on or some ornamental variety I don't know about?
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope will return.


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