USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've had a tune ricocheting around in my skull all day. The Doxology. In my Presbyterian faith, just as the church elders start passing around the collection plates, the edge is taken off by the congregation singing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above the heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost."

Why that simple, yet beautiful hymn? I,think it is because a commercial for Lyrica, a prescription drug, has music that sounds similar, particularly the last three notes of each line. It used to be the programs I watched were sponsored by soda pop or "My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R". But now, the shows I watch are sponsored by Big Pharma or investment houses concerned about security in my dotage.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. My bologna has a second name it's M-A-Y-E-R.

I,planted the window boxes yesterday and today. I failed to buy enough flowers to complete all four, especially after I planted the first two which are larger and ate up the plants like someone staggering out of the desert eats up cheese steaks. I was two million belles, two ornamental grasses and four vinca vines shy. You need thrillers (the grasses) fillers (a flat of begonias did the trick) and spillers (vincas and million belles)

Of course I had too many begonias, so the excess went to Mom at the Big House. I still have half a dozen sweet potato vines to plant, but they are garden bullies. They get their own containers so,as,not to crowd out the other flowers.

I love to eat it everyday and if you ask me why I'll say... Praise Him all creatures here below.

Dang it Nosmo. Now you've got it in my head and I can't bellow it out at this hour because I'll wake the entire household. So I'll just listen to my favorite version of it:

Your sweet potato vines are the kind sweet potatoes actually grow on or some ornamental variety I don't know about?

They are ornamental, yet they do.yeild an actual,sweet potato. But it's the foliage we're after.
Called the VA nurse earlier, she sent me to Beaumont ER. Left the house around 1:30pm and finally got home at 7:30. First checking me out for pneumonia, did an EKG then did a chest X-ray and drew lab work also did a urinalysis after I poured out my bladder. No pneumonia but I have bronchitis and a sever UTI......... Told the VA about the UTI months ago but they never followed up....... In the ER they hit me with steroids and a IV bag of antibiotics, came home with lots of antibiotics....... Hopefully by Monday we'll be much better when the Pack Rat trailer arrives.

Next time you better listen to Mama Fox's diagnosis. :) Seriously, glad you got looked at. You would have survived the bronchitis, but will get over it much more quickly with the antibiotics. The UTI is really wicked for you guys. Hombre's last one put him in the hospital for 5 days.
I have a history of UTIs and prostatitis, much worse than a UTI but have never been hospitalized due to either.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope will return.

Love the pic. Dandelions are actually quit a natural powerhouse. The roots can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute. Greens make a nice salad and a tea brewed from them is cleansing. The petals can be used to make some pretty kick-ass home brew!
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope will return.

Love the pic. Dandelions are actually quit a natural powerhouse. The roots can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute. Greens make a nice salad and a tea brewed from them is cleansing. The petals can be used to make some pretty kick-ass home brew!

There was a thread recently about dandelions.

Don't kill dandelions | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope will return.

Love the pic. Dandelions are actually quit a natural powerhouse. The roots can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute. Greens make a nice salad and a tea brewed from them is cleansing. The petals can be used to make some pretty kick-ass home brew!
Mom always called dandelions nature's gift to children because they can make a simple, loving bouquet to give to mothers and, when they turn into 'snowballs' the delight of blowing on them and watching the little white seed bearing filaments drift through the air is pure joy.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, 007, and all others we hope will return.

Every Friday night this time of year includes thoughts of spring cleaning on Saturday. But by Saturday most of us get past that and on to other things.
Its not even midnight yet and I am musing on whether to go to bed. Tuckered out today. Did a shitload of weedeating in the back yard getting rid of foxtails everywhere. I don't want them in Karmas ears or eyes or whacking it all down to bare earth is what I did today and I am paying for it. It was HOT today too. Tomorrow..its going to be even hotter, but housemate wants to plant tomatoes and squash and I want some scallions so..gotta get the garden patch prepped.
Its not even midnight yet and I am musing on whether to go to bed. Tuckered out today. Did a shitload of weedeating in the back yard getting rid of foxtails everywhere. I don't want them in Karmas ears or eyes or whacking it all down to bare earth is what I did today and I am paying for it. It was HOT today too. Tomorrow..its going to be even hotter, but housemate wants to plant tomatoes and squash and I want some scallions so..gotta get the garden patch prepped.
I went partying with friends right after work, got drunk on tequila, came home, passed out right away, slept 6 hours, then woke up in the middle of the night.

That was a really good Friday evening !!

Finally the fox cubs came out in enough light to photograph them. It was at a quarter to nine pm. By 9 pm it is too dark to get a decent picture. They are not with an adult so there is no scale, but they are about a third of the size of an adult.
Problem with bronchitis? I thought you told me you had problems with large lunged women Ringel? I might have misunderstood that.
Its not even midnight yet and I am musing on whether to go to bed. Tuckered out today. Did a shitload of weedeating in the back yard getting rid of foxtails everywhere. I don't want them in Karmas ears or eyes or whacking it all down to bare earth is what I did today and I am paying for it. It was HOT today too. Tomorrow..its going to be even hotter, but housemate wants to plant tomatoes and squash and I want some scallions so..gotta get the garden patch prepped.
Foxtail can also get lodged in the throat, too. I took my doxie in for dental work once and the doctor ended up picking infected foxtails out of her gums and throat.
Its not even midnight yet and I am musing on whether to go to bed. Tuckered out today. Did a shitload of weedeating in the back yard getting rid of foxtails everywhere. I don't want them in Karmas ears or eyes or whacking it all down to bare earth is what I did today and I am paying for it. It was HOT today too. Tomorrow..its going to be even hotter, but housemate wants to plant tomatoes and squash and I want some scallions so..gotta get the garden patch prepped.
Foxtail can also get lodged in the throat, too. I took my doxie in for dental work once and the doctor ended up picking infected foxtails out of her gums and throat.

That's something important to know.
Beautiful day in Albuquerque and we are hoping for a high around 70. It is supposed to get progressively warmer from now through June but with temps in the high 70's and low 80's. They aren't predicting any 90's until July and then only low 90's. This may be the coolest summer ever in our part or the world.

Did better tonight. The fox cubs came out at 8.30 pm and there was more light than last night. I took 35 pictures and this was the best of them. It shows two cubs and the mother in the background. She is looking at me but does not seem afraid. Maybe she knows me from last year as I watched them for hours.
DSCN0338 (2).JPG

The mother fox checking me out. I have cropped and processed the original and it came out ok.

I am glad I am using digital as I can take as many shots as I like and if they don't work out I just delete them. If I was using 35 mm film I would only be getting about one good pic in ten shots. There is also the benefit of being able to load them onto my computer instantly and work on them with windows 10 photographic processing software.
It is midnight and 80 degrees in our bedroom. :ack-1:

I can imagine what its going to feel like in july and august.

I miss my beach weather. :(

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