USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sherry went with her Mom to an oncologist today. About a week ago a tumor was found in her Mom's right lung. The oncologist confirmed today she has small cell lung cancer. The prognosis is two months with no treatment...with treatment there is about a 20% probability of remission. She decided to start chemo and radiation immediately at the doctor's recommendation.

Sherry's Mom is an amazing person. I know the cliche that you're not supposed to like your Mother-in-Law, but I am truly blessed to have a relationship with such a wonderful person.

I know Gracie has been open regarding her battle with cancer.....I am sure many of you have family members or people close to you who have confronted the disease. Any good thoughts and prayers you can send to Sherry's Mom would be appreciated.


Sherry's Mom has been on the vigil list for a long time now but will update. I lost my Mom to lung cancer but Hombre is a cancer survivor. I would recommend reading up on the Budwig Protocol too as I have a friend who had amazing results with it. Of course she has my prayers.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope will return.

Sherry went with her Mom to an oncologist today. About a week ago a tumor was found in her Mom's right lung. The oncologist confirmed today she has small cell lung cancer. The prognosis is two months with no treatment...with treatment there is about a 20% probability of remission. She decided to start chemo and radiation immediately at the doctor's recommendation.

Sherry's Mom is an amazing person. I know the cliche that you're not supposed to like your Mother-in-Law, but I am truly blessed to have a relationship with such a wonderful person.

I know Gracie has been open regarding her battle with cancer.....I am sure many of you have family members or people close to you who have confronted the disease. Any good thoughts and prayers you can send to Sherry's Mom would be appreciated.


Sherry's Mom has been on the vigil list for a long time now but will update. I lost my Mom to lung cancer but Hombre is a cancer survivor. I would recommend reading up on the Budwig Protocol too as I have a friend who had amazing results with it. Of course she has my prayers.

Thanks Foxy.
Mine is ending with a big bee in my room...I don't know what to do :mad:
I told her to go away but she didn't go :D

Can you open a window to let it out? If it is lighter outside than inside, they usually will take that opportunity. Or turn off the light in your bedroom but leave a light on elsewhere in the house so that the bee can see it. Then others will have to deal with it. :)
If I have a bee in the house, I open fire. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate bees and I'm not particularly afraid of them as long as I can get to an epi pen in 5 minutes, I'll likely survive a bee sting.
Well, the swelling is finally gone and I'm essentially back where I was a week ago. Therapy again tomorrow.
I decided to hire a cleaning service. She is on her way now. I have a lot of things "out" where I can reach them from the chair. This should be interesting.
Good morning, coffee shop!


Unfortunately, my day is starting with a bad belly. :mad:

So sorry Montro. I recommend a little honey and a little apple cider vinegar mixed in hot water and sipped.

Wrong kind of belly trouble. ;) I'm not having reflux issues.

Luckily it mostly settled down while I went and took my driving test. I put it off for 26 years, but I'm finally a licensed driver.

I still plan to avoid owning a car for at least another year, though! I don't need that expense yet. :p
Good morning, coffee shop!


Unfortunately, my day is starting with a bad belly. :mad:

So sorry Montro. I recommend a little honey and a little apple cider vinegar mixed in hot water and sipped.

Wrong kind of belly trouble. ;) I'm not having reflux issues.

Luckily it mostly settled down while I went and took my driving test. I put it off for 26 years, but I'm finally a licensed driver.

I still plan to avoid owning a car for at least another year, though! I don't need that expense yet. :p

Ah okay. I recommend a couple of Rolaids or Tums for a tummy upset or perhaps some dry toast and a cup of hot tea--more pleasant to throw up than some other things. And an Immodium if you're having 'dire rear' issues.

And it has been interesting traveling with you on your journey to re-enter the world that most of us know. Preparing for a new career and relearning skills you will need out there is truly an adventure. We're all pulling for you that as you very gradually make the transition, it is truly wonderful for you.
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Mine is ending with a big bee in my room...I don't know what to do :mad:
I told her to go away but she didn't go :D

Can you open a window to let it out? If it is lighter outside than inside, they usually will take that opportunity. Or turn off the light in your bedroom but leave a light on elsewhere in the house so that the bee can see it. Then others will have to deal with it. :)

Write something on the bottom of some flip flops. Bees love to read stuff on the bottom of flip flops. Get it close though, they are near sighted.
What's even worse is paying for 200 channels and not watching anything except reruns of Big Bang Theory to fall asleep on...I record them.

My contract with them should be over soon..I think and then I'm cancelling TV...that was my plan before the current contact I have with Direct TV.

I was paying $188 a month for the AT&T Uverse bundle...was going to cancel the tv part but they talked me into switching to Direct for my for two years I'm paying about $135 for the same thing I paid $188 for and that's even too much.
If that's all you're watching, you should cancel. Our wireless is one bill and the internet and cable are bundled. I watch more cable than you do so I keep all of it. Netflix, cable, internet, phones.

Now you can get some Network channels for like $12. Look into that.
Couldn't agree more. I signed up for DirecTV bundled with my AT&T bill...for the partner. He wants access to sports channels so a buddy of his will go to the cabin instead of staying in town to watch sports (dumbest reason EVAH!!!) I tried to log us in this weekend....ended up calling both DirecTV and AT&T with no satisfactory results to log on to the streaming website. Both kept trying to sell us what we've already purchased. A-holes. I'll be visiting the AT&T store where I usually do business...
Wow. Looks like anything that was posted from just before 10 am MDT yesterday to 4 am MDT today was completely wiped out. Whatever they did to fix the board must have been pretty extreme--vigil list is gone and a lot of our posts.

But oh well. If most of the stuff on our hard drives aren't worth saving, I imagine we can replace whatever important we posted yesterday too. Good morning all. We're just getting our day started here and all is well.

And hope everybody else is looking forward to a good day and a good week.
I always thought (for no specific reason) that you were a female. Loved your Mother's Day story. Good son, you are!
Yup, pretty sure Foxy's a Mom/granny.
I bought some bass strings to toss into an amazon order a while back, and they arrived yesterday. Today I decided to replace one of my bass strings which has had an annoying bump in it for years. I haven't replaced my strings in probably close to 2 decades, since I stopped playing in bands, but being bass strings, they are tough. Still, although I rarely pick up my bass anymore, that bump in the last string always annoys me when I do, hence buying the new strings. I'll get around to replacing all the strings at some point probably, but I'm too lazy at the moment. :lol:

Anyway, I don't remember many songs or even just riffs that I wrote in my playing days. There was one small riff, that I created as a break in a song someone else wrote the music for, that I've always liked. After I put the new string on, I decided to mess around for a few minutes playing....and I completely forgot that riff. I kept getting part of another song in my head, instead. I tried to remember it for 10 minutes or so, but it would not come to mind. It's one of those things I always play when I pick my bass up, which goes to show how infrequently I do that nowadays. Luckily, after I gave up and went back downstairs to make myself some tea, I remembered the riff and went back upstairs to play it. :) Of course, I can't play it correctly as fast as I wrote it, but at least I remember how it goes. :lol:

The only way I know to get a song out of your head is to sing it out loud loudly. People look at you funny if you aren't careful where you do that though.
I am daily thankful at work because I work on open ramps with lots of really noisy machines. No one notices when I sing or talk to myself.

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