USMB Coffee Shop IV

There would be money in rats that could actually pack, just saying.
There is money in rats in China.

A delicacy there.

I used to date this Chinese babe and she told me about it.

She said Americans are just too finicky eaters !!

Yah that's you and me !!

I never thought myself as finicky eaters, but yes, I'll pass on the rat cuisine.
Rats are food here too. You can find them in many markets. :)
I've never eaten them because I don't think rats are food :D
It would depend on how hungry I am and what else might be offered. I might consider rat before eating a cat, or dog.

The Chinese eat dogs, they even boil them alive. As for rats, you would need more than one to make a decent meal. I wonder how they are served. Do they have rat on a stick, or rat tart?
There would be money in rats that could actually pack, just saying.
There is money in rats in China.

A delicacy there.

I used to date this Chinese babe and she told me about it.

She said Americans are just too finicky eaters !!

Yah that's you and me !!

I never thought myself as finicky eaters, but yes, I'll pass on the rat cuisine.
Rats are food here too. You can find them in many markets. :)
I've never eaten them because I don't think rats are food :D
It would depend on how hungry I am and what else might be offered. I might consider rat before eating a cat, or dog.

The Chinese eat dogs, they even boil them alive. As for rats, you would need more than one to make a decent meal. I wonder how they are served. Do they have rat on a stick, or rat tart?

These are from Vietnam

Rat meat
The rat here is paddy rat, and they eat mostly grass, sweet potatoes, cassava and rice. So its meat is said to be healthy and delicious. It can be cooked in different ways -- grilled, fried or stir-fried.
Paddy rats are widely consumed across Vietnam, from the Red River Delta in the north to the country's rice basket, the Mekong Delta, in the south.
Grilled rats

Part of my platoon in Vietnam,1965

Rats on ice, famous Mekong Delta rat market


Eat up!
There is money in rats in China.

A delicacy there.

I used to date this Chinese babe and she told me about it.

She said Americans are just too finicky eaters !!

Yah that's you and me !!

I never thought myself as finicky eaters, but yes, I'll pass on the rat cuisine.
Rats are food here too. You can find them in many markets. :)
I've never eaten them because I don't think rats are food :D
It would depend on how hungry I am and what else might be offered. I might consider rat before eating a cat, or dog.

The Chinese eat dogs, they even boil them alive. As for rats, you would need more than one to make a decent meal. I wonder how they are served. Do they have rat on a stick, or rat tart?

These are from Vietnam

Rat meat
The rat here is paddy rat, and they eat mostly grass, sweet potatoes, cassava and rice. So its meat is said to be healthy and delicious. It can be cooked in different ways -- grilled, fried or stir-fried.
Paddy rats are widely consumed across Vietnam, from the Red River Delta in the north to the country's rice basket, the Mekong Delta, in the south.

Grilled rats

Part of my platoon in Vietnam,1965

Rats on ice, famous Mekong Delta rat market


Eat up!

I suppose I could eat one if there was nothing else on the menu, but I am very VERY grateful that is not part of the American culture. :)

And thank you too for your service Hossfly. Is that you giving the orders there? I have friends and relatives who served in Vietnam and they all do tell tales of the cuisine over there and that they ate some very strange (to them) things.

I actually do like a lot of Vietnamese food, Thai food, general Asian cuisine. I believe Albuquerque may have more Asian restaurants than San Francisco, and several of them specialize in Vietnamese cuisine. I doubt any feature rat of any kind on the menu though. :)

The best of tonight's photos. I hope for better, but the buggers mostly wait until dusk before showing up.
The closest I have ever been to food from the far east is when I went to a Chinese restaurant in China town in London. I had chopped duck and vegetables. The duck was still bleeding, and I did not recognize any of the vegetables. They looked like they found them in a swamp.
The restaurants in China town do not serve food designed for western taste, like ordinary Chinese takeaways.
The closest I have ever been to food from the far east is when I went to a Chinese restaurant in China town in London. I had chopped duck and vegetables. The duck was still bleeding, and I did not recognize any of the vegetables. They looked like they found them in a swamp.
The restaurants in China town do not serve food designed for western taste, like ordinary Chinese takeaways.

I suppose it varies from restaurant to restaurant. But I love a lot of Asian food and enjoy several Asian cuisine restaurants in our state and Asian is one of our favorite take out meals.
I could have done without reading the details of how they prep dog meat.

Now I have to go bleach my eyes.

Thank goodness for ebay! I had to get a code for my algebra class, it was sold by the school bookstore for $126. I got it on ebay for $55. :) I also need to get a code for my A&P class. It sells for $144 at the school bookstore, but I see it listed on ebay for $60.

I hate the scam that is college book prices, it's nice to be able to save a bunch buying elsewhere.
These last few days have been bad, coughing so bad anytime I recline that I can't lay down to sleep so I've taken to sleeping in my office chair sitting almost straight up. I'll sleep for a few hours, get up to drink some water then sit down and go back to sleep for an hour or two at a time. Slept in my chair half the night and most of the day, woke up actually feeling better so God willing this flu is starting to break.
Had to take the wife in for a crown this morning, she chipped a tooth while flossing of all things and she needs a new bite guard so $2300 later.........
I have to get better because the Pack Rat trailer shows up Wednesday and there's still lots to do even though the wife has stepped up and taken on most of the final packing that's left. We have until Tuesday because of the three day weekend to fill the trailer so that's a good thing, we'll also see if we can get some labor on Monday to finish loading the big and heavy items.
Thank goodness for ebay! I had to get a code for my algebra class, it was sold by the school bookstore for $126. I got it on ebay for $55. :) I also need to get a code for my A&P class. It sells for $144 at the school bookstore, but I see it listed on ebay for $60.

I hate the scam that is college book prices, it's nice to be able to save a bunch buying elsewhere.

Even better news.....the code I used for my A&P I class last semester is for the same site I'm using in A&P II, and that code is good through August. I don't have to buy a new one at all. :D
These last few days have been bad, coughing so bad anytime I recline that I can't lay down to sleep so I've taken to sleeping in my office chair sitting almost straight up. I'll sleep for a few hours, get up to drink some water then sit down and go back to sleep for an hour or two at a time. Slept in my chair half the night and most of the day, woke up actually feeling better so God willing this flu is starting to break.
Had to take the wife in for a crown this morning, she chipped a tooth while flossing of all things and she needs a new bite guard so $2300 later.........
I have to get better because the Pack Rat trailer shows up Wednesday and there's still lots to do even though the wife has stepped up and taken on most of the final packing that's left. We have until Tuesday because of the three day weekend to fill the trailer so that's a good thing, we'll also see if we can get some labor on Monday to finish loading the big and heavy items.

I don't envy you. Moving always sucks. Evenmoreso when you aren't feeling good to begin with.
Well Boys and Girls, Ladies and Germs and Friend & Foes I have not forsaken the coffee shop... I just have been busier than a cat covering up do-do... I have joined a Concierge Medical Group, and so far I am quite pleased with the care I have bee receiving. I have a dedicated PCP with a limited number of Patients, generally 1/2 of the number of GP's patients in Private practice. Of coarse this is paid for with yearly dues, but I really like the hands on approach I have received so far. In the last month I have seen my PCP 3 times, a Podiatrist, a Gastro-dude and have appointments scheduled with a Cardio-guy and an Oncologist. Having an Upper Endoscopy this Sat and a Abdomen Ultrasound on the 31st... Also going to a Liver Clinic to see how bad my liver has gotten...
Doesn't leave a whole lot of time or energy for having fun, but this is how my ex talked me into coming back to Hawaii... I love Indiana but I was not receiving the best of medical care there... I had not seen a Dr. in almost 7 years, it was always Nurse Practitioners. God Bless them and all they do but I was at a point I needed more in-depth care...
I am keeping up on my reading here at the coffee shop, but have not been posting much... I have never said to much about my medical problems because real men don't eat quiche... I just have to recognize the fact that the first thing I read is my old home towns obits every morning and accept I am getting old...

Good morning everybody. We are finally at long last I believe having summer which normally arrives in May in New Mexico. Beautiful day. Nothing pressing today--no place we have to go--a day off as it were. Life is good today.
Well Boys and Girls, Ladies and Germs and Friend & Foes I have not forsaken the coffee shop... I just have been busier than a cat covering up do-do... I have joined a Concierge Medical Group, and so far I am quite pleased with the care I have bee receiving. I have a dedicated PCP with a limited number of Patients, generally 1/2 of the number of GP's patients in Private practice. Of coarse this is paid for with yearly dues, but I really like the hands on approach I have received so far. In the last month I have seen my PCP 3 times, a Podiatrist, a Gastro-dude and have appointments scheduled with a Cardio-guy and an Oncologist. Having an Upper Endoscopy this Sat and a Abdomen Ultrasound on the 31st... Also going to a Liver Clinic to see how bad my liver has gotten...
Doesn't leave a whole lot of time or energy for having fun, but this is how my ex talked me into coming back to Hawaii... I love Indiana but I was not receiving the best of medical care there... I had not seen a Dr. in almost 7 years, it was always Nurse Practitioners. God Bless them and all they do but I was at a point I needed more in-depth care...
I am keeping up on my reading here at the coffee shop, but have not been posting much... I have never said to much about my medical problems because real men don't eat quiche... I just have to recognize the fact that the first thing I read is my old home towns obits every morning and accept I am getting old...


Glad its working out for you. And I for one am happy you checked in. And yes we do encounter more medical stuff as we age. There is always that old saw that if we had known we would live this long we would have taken better care of ourselves.

But then there are those who have lived prudent, careful lives, eaten only healthy stuff, no alcohol, never smoked, etc. etc. etc. and find themselves one day dying of nothing at all.
Well Boys and Girls, Ladies and Germs and Friend & Foes I have not forsaken the coffee shop... I just have been busier than a cat covering up do-do... I have joined a Concierge Medical Group, and so far I am quite pleased with the care I have bee receiving. I have a dedicated PCP with a limited number of Patients, generally 1/2 of the number of GP's patients in Private practice. Of coarse this is paid for with yearly dues, but I really like the hands on approach I have received so far. In the last month I have seen my PCP 3 times, a Podiatrist, a Gastro-dude and have appointments scheduled with a Cardio-guy and an Oncologist. Having an Upper Endoscopy this Sat and a Abdomen Ultrasound on the 31st... Also going to a Liver Clinic to see how bad my liver has gotten...
Doesn't leave a whole lot of time or energy for having fun, but this is how my ex talked me into coming back to Hawaii... I love Indiana but I was not receiving the best of medical care there... I had not seen a Dr. in almost 7 years, it was always Nurse Practitioners. God Bless them and all they do but I was at a point I needed more in-depth care...
I am keeping up on my reading here at the coffee shop, but have not been posting much... I have never said to much about my medical problems because real men don't eat quiche... I just have to recognize the fact that the first thing I read is my old home towns obits every morning and accept I am getting old...


A cat covering up do-do you say? save says he bakes quiche. Despite the slights, get as well as possible. :)
I dreamed it was the mid 1970s. Jerry and Betty Ford's America. Mary Tyler Moore's America. A time racked with inflation and clever WIN (whip inflation now) buttons to combat it. A time when we waited for gasoline and butcher shops played footsie with selling us horse meat rather than take a loss on expensive beef. A time when people loved to see John Travolta strut down 86th Avenue in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn swinging paint cans and eating two slices of pizza at a time.

It was very much my time. A freshman at The Ohio State University with my whole life before me. We were a generation caught between Vietnam and Calvin Klein. Girls were divided between those dressed in bell bottom jeans or a whale embroidered on their skirt. We drank beer and smoked marijuana with gusto. We shunned fraternities and sororities until John Belushi showed us an earlier era when they were 'fun'.

We drove Chevies and Fords and giggled at the flimsy Japanese cars suddenly showing up on the streets. The more affluent among us had FM car radios and 8 track tape decks installed in the dashboards of those American cars. Others were content with a Sparkomatic FM converter wired to our AM radios. We listened to Jetho Tull and Jefferson Starship whenever we we lucky enough to have a girl in the front seat. Life was good.

The specifics of my dream are unimportant. The era my dream took place in was essential. Patty Hearst, the last of the rebels, was on the run so that provided enough romance for the sixties we college kids could still at least feel relevant, but we could tell the times were changing. Tanya could shoot up banks for us. We were never tear gassed.

The Steelers were winning while the steel workers were losing. The valley had giant mills spewing rust colored dust on everything. Whole towns adapted by painting homes and businesses the same rusty orange-brown so the stains were not so apparent. But gradually those mills shut down, along with the towns abutting them. Grand Fourth of July celebrations with parades and fireworks that went on and on into the night eroded to more private affairs with a modest picnic and a few sparklers.

The Bicentennial came and that red, white and blue star logo adorned everything from water towers to taverns. Jerry Ford clumsily danced to Lady is a Tramp with Queen Elizabeth in the East Room. I was 19 and could not fathom the world I would live in by the time our nation's 250th birthday would happen.

I could not imagine a world where a telephone would be in your pocket. And that telephone could provide all the information in the world. I could not imagine televisions the size of billboards in the living room or movies on a silver disc. I could not imagine a person going by my name as an older man with aches and pains and absolutely no need to provide identification to a clerk at a store selling beer and wine.

And again, life is good.
I dreamed it was the mid 1970s. Jerry and Betty Ford's America. Mary Tyler Moore's America. A time racked with inflation and clever WIN (whip inflation now) buttons to combat it. A time when we waited for gasoline and butcher shops played footsie with selling us horse meat rather than take a loss on expensive beef. A time when people loved to see John Travolta strut down 86th Avenue in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn swinging paint cans and eating two slices of pizza at a time.

It was very much my time. A freshman at The Ohio State University with my whole life before me. We were a generation caught between Vietnam and Calvin Klein. Girls were divided between those dressed in bell bottom jeans or a whale embroidered on their skirt. We drank beer and smoked marijuana with gusto. We shunned fraternities and sororities until John Belushi showed us an earlier era when they were 'fun'.

We drove Chevies and Fords and giggled at the flimsy Japanese cars suddenly showing up on the streets. The more affluent among us had FM car radios and 8 track tape decks installed in the dashboards of those American cars. Others were content with a Sparkomatic FM converter wired to our AM radios. We listened to Jetho Tull and Jefferson Starship whenever we we lucky enough to have a girl in the front seat. Life was good.

The specifics of my dream are unimportant. The era my dream took place in was essential. Patty Hearst, the last of the rebels, was on the run so that provided enough romance for the sixties we college kids could still at least feel relevant, but we could tell the times were changing. Tanya could shoot up banks for us. We were never tear gassed.

The Steelers were winning while the steel workers were losing. The valley had giant mills spewing rust colored dust on everything. Whole towns adapted by painting homes and businesses the same rusty orange-brown so the stains were not so apparent. But gradually those mills shut down, along with the towns abutting them. Grand Fourth of July celebrations with parades and fireworks that went on and on into the night eroded to more private affairs with a modest picnic and a few sparklers.

The Bicentennial came and that red, white and blue star logo adorned everything from water towers to taverns. Jerry Ford clumsily danced to Lady is a Tramp with Queen Elizabeth in the East Room. I was 19 and could not fathom the world I would live in by the time our nation's 250th birthday would happen.

I could not imagine a world where a telephone would be in your pocket. And that telephone could provide all the information in the world. I could not imagine televisions the size of billboards in the living room or movies on a silver disc. I could not imagine a person going by my name as an older man with aches and pains and absolutely no need to provide identification to a clerk at a store selling beer and wine.

And again, life is good.

It is flattering to be carded these days isn't it. :) I once did a safety inspection on the beer and wine concession at the State Fair when the insurance company was especially concerned how the beer concession was making sure they weren't selling to minors. I couldn't resist deviating a bit from my usual impersonal and very professional stodgy matter of fact report by commenting that the management in the beer garden was not allowing beer or wine to be carried off the premises, and they were carding everybody including little old ladies who were tickled to death.

Best photo so far tonight. The mother spotted me and they left, but there is still some light for another quarter of an hour so they might come back. Unfortunately I could not edit out the washing line with windows software. But I could do in photo shop

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