USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have done five of the following six things. Guess which one is not true.

1- Driven a motorcycle at 120 miles an hour
2- Jumped from an airplane at 2500 feet
3- Stolen a piece of marble from the roman forum
4-Stoned a police station breaking windows.
5-Punched a vicar
6-Smoked pot
I've only done 2.

I am guessing you have driven a motorcycle at 120 mph or more, and smoked pot.
Good guess!
I have done five of the following six things. Guess which one is not true.

1- Driven a motorcycle at 120 miles an hour
2- Jumped from an airplane at 2500 feet
3- Stolen a piece of marble from the roman forum
4-Stoned a police station breaking windows.
5-Punched a vicar
6-Smoked pot
I've only done 2.

I am guessing you have driven a motorcycle at 120 mph or more, and smoked pot.
Good guess!
Ain't nobody gonna jump from 2500'! I have accumulated 68 minutes of free fall time and never EVER from any lower than 3,200'. You ought to be under a deployed canopy by 2,800'.

But that was years ago. I think if I jumped again, I'd opt for a 5,00' jump. Enough time to make sure everything is copacetic.
It's August and the Back-to-School season I still beginning. The Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is within a city block of East Liverpool High School and I can hear the marching band and the football team hard at practice.

If chanting in unison is any indication of a team's ability, the 2017 Potters will be the strongest team in The Ohio Valley Athletic Conference. The team seems to gather together every fifteen minutes or so and sounds off like a marching squad of recruits at Paris Island.

The marching band has a formidable drum section whose practice begins at 9:00 am. The Tom-toms begin clattering then followed by a blast from the brass section. I can hear the wood winds chime in around 9:45 as the band marches around on the outfield of the baseball diamond.

The grocery stores have...get ready for this...Halloween candy on the shelves already. Now, everyone knows that Halloween is October 31st. How much candy bought on August 1st will actually last in a household until the end of October! They ain't foolin' anyone. Those Reese Cups and miniature Snickers bars are going to be packed in lunch boxes at best, snuck out of the pantry and eaten while watching television every night at worst.

I took the battery operated weed eater out to Pop's grave this morning to trim around the headstone. The cemetery Pop is buried in has flat bronze markers flush with the ground rather than upright stones commonly found in other cemeteries. It's easier to mow that way, but without personal maintenance it could be just a few years until the marker becomes obscured by over growing turf.

I took Daisy the Mutt with me. I figured she could roll on the grass and chase the occasional rabbit while I trimmed around the marker. She rolled alright. She presented herself at the car door wearing a smear of deer poop down her neck and side. Dog perfume. She seemed pleased with the addition of this fragrance. What she actually did was roll herself right into a bath. We stopped at the park before coming home. And. I wanted to run some of that energy off of her before she got a bath. So, between her run of a mile or so at the park and her antics after her bath, I now have one exhausted, but clean miniature poodle on my hands.
I never considered it prudent or logical to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.
It's the perfectly good ones that provide enough room between you and the ground!

Skydiving is first, the most fun you can have with your trousers on and second, The ruination of roller coasters forever. No coaster can compare.

Skydiving will open your sinuses!
I never considered it prudent or logical to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.
It's the perfectly good ones that provide enough room between you and the ground!

Skydiving is first, the most fun you can have with your trousers on and second, The ruination of roller coasters forever. No coaster can compare.

Skydiving will open your sinuses!
I've always wanted to buzz around on a kite...hanglider sorta thing with a fan on the back to keep me going for as long as I could. Over fields of flowers, rivers, streams, above tall trees like my avie...what a raven would see during a leisurely flight. THAT would be awesome.

Exactly! Dreams of running...and wind lifting you up and you are flying. LOVE those dreams. But this thing is a real no dreams needed! ^

5:35 mark...he flies thru the canyon and river. Awesome!^
I hear ya about phone calls and not getting them. Lady that is manager of the apts at home called a week ago and said she had good news. My phone was off, but I got her message and called her back...and got her message machine. So I left one, and am still waiting. Its been a week. Which resulted in us declining on going back home. I don't want to live at her apartments. She is an awful manager. Office hours are from 10am to 5pm. She NEVER answers the phone. She NEVER returns calls. I can imagine what it would be like under her rule. We are going to stay here and wait for the apartments in the town we came from. Its 61 degrees there. Its the REAL home. Its also a 2 year wait. So..wait we will.
Mor'naan everyone.

OK, so it turns out I'm a bit of a prodigy when it comes to Algebra and all of its glorious operations.

However... Calculus is hard, and my grades in that class are consistently the Median score (86% GPA), in spite of my best efforts. The Calc-based Physics professor has agreed to tutor me and one other classmate for the remaining 3 weeks of this session.

On the positive side, I can now identify every derivative, logarithm, quadratic, and even give the equation for that symmetrical function wrt/ Origin now..... :cuckoo:


Hey glad you checked in Sixfoot. I have been wondering about you.

My son, a successful professional engineer for quite some time now, breezed through algebra in high school and college but he had a terrible time with Calculus and flunked Calculus I twice before he agreed to listen to his mom and got a tutor. Third time he scored a B+ and by that time had mastered the concepts so that he had no problem with the upper level Calculus courses.

Sounds like you're going to get it the first time through though.

Awhile back we had a discussion on calculus and whether anybody really uses it any more--programmers do according to the experts--and I texted him to ask him whether he still uses his calculus. And he said almost never but the guys who write their software do use it. Shortly after he posted this photo of a problem he just solved as evidence he still could if he had to.

He captioned it that the answer was 6


Thank you for reminding me why I bought this whiteboard. lol

If he has a minute, can you ask him if I got this right? I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing here. :eek:

Edit to add: original pic was too large to upload.View attachment 141552

If I remember I'll send it to him but he may not answer very quickly. He's on vacation.

Never mind! I already know I got the right answer on the paper, but I used the wrong method in getting it. In short, lucky guess it would seem! LOL I'm gonna lose a couple of points on that one.

I should've led with tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ

tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ

tan²θ + 1 = 1 / cos²θ (I mean, come on! Everyone knows one over cosine squared theta is secant squared theta's inverse, right?? :cuckoo:)

tan²θ + 1 = 1 / cos²θ

tan²θ = (1 / cos²θ) - 1

tan²θ = √( [1 / cos²θ] - 1)

tanθ = √( [1 / cos²θ] - 1)

Back to the books I go! :)
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I have done five of the following six things. Guess which one is not true.

1- Driven a motorcycle at 120 miles an hour
2- Jumped from an airplane at 2500 feet
3- Stolen a piece of marble from the roman forum
4-Stoned a police station breaking windows.
5-Punched a vicar
6-Smoked pot
I've only done 2.

I am guessing you have driven a motorcycle at 120 mph or more, and smoked pot.
Good guess!
Ain't nobody gonna jump from 2500'! I have accumulated 68 minutes of free fall time and never EVER from any lower than 3,200'. You ought to be under a deployed canopy by 2,800'.

But that was years ago. I think if I jumped again, I'd opt for a 5,00' jump. Enough time to make sure everything is copacetic.

No really! I did jump from 2500 feet and I have a certificate to prove it. But it was using a static line that opened the Shute as soon as l left the plane. I did not do any free fall.
Just wandering by to say hello.

So. Hello. :)

Gracie!!!! Hello! Where are you? Did you move?
I am living in...cough...Paradise Ca. Google it. Very pretty...VERY HOT. It is 101 today and at "home" it is 61. Which is why I miss my beach. But..that life is over. Time to get over it, I tell myself. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

Been in a deep dark hole but a very kind friend tossed me a rope ladder. I am about 1/4th of the way up. Gonna take awhile to get back to where I used to be.

Inlaws are on their way to Pearce Az tomorrow for a permanent move. They wanted us to come with. I said not only hell no, but HAYELL no. However, I learned recently that one should never say never. For now...we are surviving ok. Can't beat the medical and dental offered here..which is why Northern Calif is better than central calif.....minus the awful weather. I don't know how people survive here. Summers are horrid. I am eager for fall..and yes....winter.

So the apartment fell through? Or you decided to stay in Paradise? Are you still with the hoarder or did you move in with the lady with the dogs?

Oh I just now saw your other post re the apartment. But am hoping your circumstances in Paradise have improved.
Mor'naan everyone.

OK, so it turns out I'm a bit of a prodigy when it comes to Algebra and all of its glorious operations.

However... Calculus is hard, and my grades in that class are consistently the Median score (86% GPA), in spite of my best efforts. The Calc-based Physics professor has agreed to tutor me and one other classmate for the remaining 3 weeks of this session.

On the positive side, I can now identify every derivative, logarithm, quadratic, and even give the equation for that symmetrical function wrt/ Origin now..... :cuckoo:


Hey glad you checked in Sixfoot. I have been wondering about you.

My son, a successful professional engineer for quite some time now, breezed through algebra in high school and college but he had a terrible time with Calculus and flunked Calculus I twice before he agreed to listen to his mom and got a tutor. Third time he scored a B+ and by that time had mastered the concepts so that he had no problem with the upper level Calculus courses.

Sounds like you're going to get it the first time through though.

Awhile back we had a discussion on calculus and whether anybody really uses it any more--programmers do according to the experts--and I texted him to ask him whether he still uses his calculus. And he said almost never but the guys who write their software do use it. Shortly after he posted this photo of a problem he just solved as evidence he still could if he had to.

He captioned it that the answer was 6


Thank you for reminding me why I bought this whiteboard. lol

If he has a minute, can you ask him if I got this right? I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing here. :eek:

Edit to add: original pic was too large to upload.View attachment 141552

If I remember I'll send it to him but he may not answer very quickly. He's on vacation.

Never mind! I already know I got the right answer on the paper, but I used the wrong method in getting it. In short, lucky guess it would seem! LOL I'm gonna lose a couple of points on that one.

I should've led with tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ

tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ

tan²θ + 1 = 1 / cos²θ (I mean, come on! Everyone knows one over cosine squared theta is secant squared theta's inverse, right?? :cuckoo:)

tan²θ + 1 = 1 / cos²θ

tan²θ = (1 / cos²θ) - 1

tan²θ = √( [1 / cos²θ] - 1)

tanθ = √( [1 / cos²θ] - 1)

Back to the books I go! :)

Well I don't understand a word of it but I'm sure it's a lovely language. :)
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Sherry and daughter and family,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
ricechickie and BBD for continued wellness,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

Sunset over Rockford IL

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