USMB Coffee Shop IV

In the Flame Zone they are discussing dreams and here, people are recounting pet stories. Well, I can mix the two.

I don't dream often about my husband (at least not that I remember) but he has showed up on two dreams that I really remember, accompanied by pets we had together that are no longer living. One was a dog, and the most recent one was a pet rat, if you can believe it. I enjoy those dreams. During the dream, I don't necessarily feel like it's anything special, but when I wake up, I feel like I didn't get enough dream to suit me.
Don't know if you believe in it or not, but your husband and your pets communicated with you just to let you know they are still with you. Karma jumps on my bed every night to sleep with me. I feel the bed jiggle and it only happens when I am between awake and asleep..that one milisecond before dropping off. WIGGLE. Its karma. And I still make room for her next to me and pat the mattress telling her its night night sleepy time and that I love her. And she comes just as she always did.

Honestly, I don't know if I believe it or not, but I like those dreams. So, even if it's my brain playing games with memory, I am grateful for it.

I regularly have long and complicated dreams, but I soon forget them when I wake up.

I recently had a dream in which I had to get the little one out of a house because an alien (from the Alien franchise movies) was after us, and another one where a green, squid-like creature made of some sort of gummi candy was trying to suffocate me, and I had to start eating it to survive. Both dreams took place in my father's old house, the last place I lived with him before moving out.

Who wants to try to interpret them? Ready, go! :lol:

I used to have a repeated dream when I was in my middle teens, that me and my Grandma was being hunted by Aliens from space.
The weird part was that there was a hedge in the front yard, separating us from the neighbors.
That's what we were hiding behind and I was protecting her.
We never had a hedge. :)
I think it was just a weird dream is all, we all get them from time to time and it's normal. :)
In the Flame Zone they are discussing dreams and here, people are recounting pet stories. Well, I can mix the two.

I don't dream often about my husband (at least not that I remember) but he has showed up on two dreams that I really remember, accompanied by pets we had together that are no longer living. One was a dog, and the most recent one was a pet rat, if you can believe it. I enjoy those dreams. During the dream, I don't necessarily feel like it's anything special, but when I wake up, I feel like I didn't get enough dream to suit me.
Don't know if you believe in it or not, but your husband and your pets communicated with you just to let you know they are still with you. Karma jumps on my bed every night to sleep with me. I feel the bed jiggle and it only happens when I am between awake and asleep..that one milisecond before dropping off. WIGGLE. Its karma. And I still make room for her next to me and pat the mattress telling her its night night sleepy time and that I love her. And she comes just as she always did.

Honestly, I don't know if I believe it or not, but I like those dreams. So, even if it's my brain playing games with memory, I am grateful for it.

I regularly have long and complicated dreams, but I soon forget them when I wake up.

I recently had a dream in which I had to get the little one out of a house because an alien (from the Alien franchise movies) was after us, and another one where a green, squid-like creature made of some sort of gummi candy was trying to suffocate me, and I had to start eating it to survive. Both dreams took place in my father's old house, the last place I lived with him before moving out.

Who wants to try to interpret them? Ready, go! :lol:

I used to have a repeated dream when I was in my middle teens, that me and my Grandma was being hunted by Aliens from space.
The weird part was that there was a hedge in the front yard, separating us from the neighbors.
That's what we were hiding behind and I was protecting her.
We never had a hedge. :)
I think it was just a weird dream is all, we all get them from time to time and it's normal. :)

The earliest dream I can remember having is one in which a frog, wearing a sombrero, hopped away from me, basically moving somewhere else. I woke up with tears. :rofl:
Don't know if you believe in it or not, but your husband and your pets communicated with you just to let you know they are still with you. Karma jumps on my bed every night to sleep with me. I feel the bed jiggle and it only happens when I am between awake and asleep..that one milisecond before dropping off. WIGGLE. Its karma. And I still make room for her next to me and pat the mattress telling her its night night sleepy time and that I love her. And she comes just as she always did.

Honestly, I don't know if I believe it or not, but I like those dreams. So, even if it's my brain playing games with memory, I am grateful for it.

I regularly have long and complicated dreams, but I soon forget them when I wake up.

I recently had a dream in which I had to get the little one out of a house because an alien (from the Alien franchise movies) was after us, and another one where a green, squid-like creature made of some sort of gummi candy was trying to suffocate me, and I had to start eating it to survive. Both dreams took place in my father's old house, the last place I lived with him before moving out.

Who wants to try to interpret them? Ready, go! :lol:

I used to have a repeated dream when I was in my middle teens, that me and my Grandma was being hunted by Aliens from space.
The weird part was that there was a hedge in the front yard, separating us from the neighbors.
That's what we were hiding behind and I was protecting her.
We never had a hedge. :)
I think it was just a weird dream is all, we all get them from time to time and it's normal. :)

The earliest dream I can remember having is one in which a frog, wearing a sombrero, hopped away from me, basically moving somewhere else. I woke up with tears. :rofl:

To much Warner Brothers Cartoons. :)
Foxfyre , you can take me off the list since I had the bandage and dressing taken off my knee this afternoon. 30 staples were removed, the wound cleaned up and smeared with Vitamin E oil. I still have 2 weeks of in-home therapy and 2 weeks of outpatient therapy. I'm way ahead of schedule with therapy and I hope they will cancel the outpatient therapy. Don't want to add more cost for Obamacare. My thanks to everyone for the well wishes and kind thoughts. Mrs. Hoss took the photo and the healing looks pretty good.

Caution: Graphic photo of a naked knee.


Foxfyre , you can take me off the list since I had the bandage and dressing taken off my knee this afternoon. 30 staples were removed, the wound cleaned up and smeared with Vitamin E oil. I still have 2 weeks of in-home therapy and 2 weeks of outpatient therapy. I'm way ahead of schedule with therapy and I hope they will cancel the outpatient therapy. Don't want to add more cost for Obamacare. My thanks to everyone for the well wishes and kind thoughts. Mrs. Hoss took the photo and the healing looks pretty good.

Caution: Graphic photo of a naked knee.

View attachment 145865

Oh wow. It really does. I've seen a number of surgical scars in my day and that is absolutely beautiful!!! So happy its going well. If there is any question about the OP therapy benefit though, I would recommend you do it. Those who complete the entire course generally report a knee pretty much as good as the original. I'll take you off the list, but if there is any setback, we'll put you right back on.
Mr. P just got back from Docs office.
His scar is healing very nicely too. :)
His readings are excellent! :biggrin:
Now he's off on the Cam Am to the Eagles, to gossip and put his quarter in. :)
He is thoroughly enjoying his full freedom right now.
11:30 Friday interview with the post office and looks like baking bread may be an option too. I am ready to have a regular job with benefits any day now.
I have mowed for years at the home of my former high school vocal teacher. He had passed away by the tie I started, but today was monthly pay day and she invited me in to pick a water color painting he had done. Water color was his favorite medium and Wyoming countryside is subject. There was one in the group and I was thrilled to receive it! Her health is failing and I think she wanted the painting to have a good home. It will.
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
007's brother-in-law for a full recovery,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, , SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Beauty in the storm
In the Flame Zone they are discussing dreams and here, people are recounting pet stories. Well, I can mix the two.

I don't dream often about my husband (at least not that I remember) but he has showed up on two dreams that I really remember, accompanied by pets we had together that are no longer living. One was a dog, and the most recent one was a pet rat, if you can believe it. I enjoy those dreams. During the dream, I don't necessarily feel like it's anything special, but when I wake up, I feel like I didn't get enough dream to suit me.
Don't know if you believe in it or not, but your husband and your pets communicated with you just to let you know they are still with you. Karma jumps on my bed every night to sleep with me. I feel the bed jiggle and it only happens when I am between awake and asleep..that one milisecond before dropping off. WIGGLE. Its karma. And I still make room for her next to me and pat the mattress telling her its night night sleepy time and that I love her. And she comes just as she always did.

Honestly, I don't know if I believe it or not, but I like those dreams. So, even if it's my brain playing games with memory, I am grateful for it.

I regularly have long and complicated dreams, but I soon forget them when I wake up.

I recently had a dream in which I had to get the little one out of a house because an alien (from the Alien franchise movies) was after us, and another one where a green, squid-like creature made of some sort of gummi candy was trying to suffocate me, and I had to start eating it to survive. Both dreams took place in my father's old house, the last place I lived with him before moving out.

Who wants to try to interpret them? Ready, go! :lol:

Hmmm. Doesn't ring any bells at all Montro. Sorry. Unless you ate something weird watching a sci fi movie just before bedtime.
Sounds like green sauce and tequila to me.
Hi, all!!!

Who's already started to watch 7th season of "Game of Thrones"? How many series? :)))

I want to perform small investigation. Heroes in this movie speak with different accent, and which associations you, native Americans, have, hearing speech of every hero? I need to know it to discuss on another forum... My opponent says, accents of heroes are mapping on Britain territory and culture and people from US couldn't have any local associations with them - is he right or wrong? And, for example, did the Tywin Lannister associated with Churchill or another Britain gentlemen, or maybe you have another associations?
The wife's laptop is an older 17" Dell (well a few years older than my Dell) and has been running slower almost daily despite any maintenance I perform. She wants Windows and doesn't care about Microsoft's spying so I took my laptop, had to reinstall Windows 8 then upgrade to Windows 10 then do a complete refresh which wiped out the saved Win 8 backup that was making my (now her) laptop run slow.
Copy all of her files/links/browser preferences off the old laptop, transfer them to what was mine, install all the apps we use, finally finished that last night.
I'll have to run a diagnostic on her old one to see if any components are failing then do a full refresh if all looks good.
Still no word on my BIL. Course things are different in MT. Modern technology isn't that prevalent, or people that care to use it, so it seems. My sister has no cell phone, so if she's still at the hospital, I suppose she doesn't want to make a long distance land line call to WI to give us an update, so, I'm going to have to hunt them down today and find out what I can. My 88 year old mother is very concerned and I don't like her sitting around worrying.
Hi, all!!!

Who's already started to watch 7th season of "Game of Thrones"? How many series? :)))

I want to perform small investigation. Heroes in this movie speak with different accent, and which associations you, native Americans, have, hearing speech of every hero? I need to know it to discuss on another forum... My opponent says, accents of heroes are mapping on Britain territory and culture and people from US couldn't have any local associations with them - is he right or wrong? And, for example, did the Tywin Lannister associated with Churchill or another Britain gentlemen, or maybe you have another associations?

There are definitely some British-sounding accents in the show.

On the other hand, I've heard a number of those actors speaking in their normal voices, and some of them have fairly strong British accents in daily life that they are changing for the show.

I never connected Tywin with Churchill or any other famous Brits.
Just talked with the big sister. She's home finally but the BIL is still in the hospital. Word is he has multiple blood clots in his left leg between his ankle and his knee, and has several near his lungs, apparently nothing by his heart as first thought. But they have him hooked up to IV's pumping him full of blood thinners and they're holding their breath none of them move. Course my first question is, how the hell did he get full of blood clots. Well, they don't know, yet. But, being the good guy he is, even feeling under weather and being in the hospital, he said to tell me NOT to cancel my vacation out there, that it's been far too long and I've tried too many times and failed to not go out there now. So the vacation is ON. Been almost 30 since I was out there last, and that's just a crying shame. I like Montana.
They might also have him on an IV of blood clot dissolving drugs and that usually takes a little time for them to shrink.
That's what they did for Mr. P when he got two in his leg. One near his ankle and the other near the groin.
He used a wheelchair for a little bit of time.
Once they are dissolved, they can regulate his blood thinner.
Hubby has been on his for over 25 years and still continuing. :)
Just talked with the big sister. She's home finally but the BIL is still in the hospital. Word is he has multiple blood clots in his left leg between his ankle and his knee, and has several near his lungs, apparently nothing by his heart as first thought. But they have him hooked up to IV's pumping him full of blood thinners and they're holding their breath none of them move. Course my first question is, how the hell did he get full of blood clots. Well, they don't know, yet. But, being the good guy he is, even feeling under weather and being in the hospital, he said to tell me NOT to cancel my vacation out there, that it's been far too long and I've tried too many times and failed to not go out there now. So the vacation is ON. Been almost 30 since I was out there last, and that's just a crying shame. I like Montana.

Make sure you have plenty of insect repellent spray. :)
It's bad there this time of year.
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