USMB Coffee Shop IV

I want a juicer but don't know what kind would be best and easiest to clean. Does anyone use juicers?

I have a shirttail cousin who juices religiously and swears by it for good nutrition, good health, and all that. Based on her recommendation I bought one but I confess I haven't yet had it out of its box. I'll get up the nerve to figure it all out sooner or later though.
Welcome to the Coffee Shop MacTheKnife. Please read over the OP to get the gist of what we are all about in here and pull up a chair or bar stool and join right in.

Do you use that juicer you posted? Good results?

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage and since it is now into the witching hour at USMB, I'll make it a night cap:

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R for strength and confidence as she awaits impending surgery.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

Christmas Train at Walt Disney World
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Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.
Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.

Maple syrup, Gracie. 1 Tablespoon every morning. Stops confusion and sharpens the mind. I learned it on the world wide web. :) It said it was a preventative to dementia.
It's good also to sweeten oatmeal, pancakes, French toast, and waffles. I know it's expensive, but it's cheaper than prescriptions that have who knows what all in side effects. Big hug going your way. :huddle:
Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.

Me and my boyfriend but blacked him out :lol:
I want a juicer but don't know what kind would be best and easiest to clean. Does anyone use juicers?

Check Consumer Reports.

Thanks, I will. I just wondered if anyone has used them personally and what they liked. But definitely will check out your link.
When my sister got a juicer, she wound up looking like a Miss America. Tell Santa. :)

I want it for the vitamins and health benefits. I'm trying to make some changes to get more energy. I gave up pot too but still support its legalization.
Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.

So glad you are ok Gracie. I haven't heard back from any dealership except the one I sent you. I hate driving at night too. I don't like driving period but nights the worst.
I want a juicer but don't know what kind would be best and easiest to clean. Does anyone use juicers?

Check Consumer Reports.

Thanks, I will. I just wondered if anyone has used them personally and what they liked. But definitely will check out your link.
We have an Oster that came from Kohls. Easy to clean and no mess.

Can you do celery juice in it?
Yes. I like carrot juice the best and wife uses the pulp for carrot cake.

I ordered it off amazon can't wait!
Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.

Me and my boyfriend but blacked him out :lol:

Hey, I'm supposed to be the young one in here! :p

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