USMB Coffee Shop IV

Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.

Me and my boyfriend but blacked him out :lol:

Hey, I'm supposed to be the young one in here! :p

I'm late 40's. But thanks. :)
I gave up pot too but still support its legalization.


Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.

Me and my boyfriend but blacked him out :lol:

Hey, I'm supposed to be the young one in here! :p

I'm late 40's. But thanks. :)

You are a young-looking late 40s. :D
Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.

Me and my boyfriend but blacked him out :lol:

Hey, I'm supposed to be the young one in here! :p

I'm late 40's. But thanks. :)

You are a young-looking late 40s. :D

Secret edibles and Kratom recipe. :lol: Now I'll age a thousand being sober.
Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.

Me and my boyfriend but blacked him out :lol:

Hey, I'm supposed to be the young one in here! :p

I'm late 40's. But thanks. :)

You are a young-looking late 40s. :D

She's also really pretty. :)
I will never show my face again, lol. I have aged big time in the past two years and worse since Nov 8th.
I will never show my face again, lol. I have aged big time in the past two years and worse since Nov 8th.

In my opinion, a few experience and character lines are also beautiful. :) (Not to mention we both probably looked a little better in our late 40's than now. :) )
Thanks, I will. I just wondered if anyone has used them personally and what they liked. But definitely will check out your link.

Juicers, I think that often involves vegetables or fruit. Stay away from any of them with a green drink on the box.
I will never show my face again, lol. I have aged big time in the past two years and worse since Nov 8th.

I think you are beautiful. But I get it on the aging. I have other photos from when I was depressed where I just put my ratted tangled hair in a ponytail and have a sagging frown face. I looked really haggard and also frowny all the time. Plus I go up n down in my weight so if I am working out I look better but when I let myself go I look like shit. :lol:
I will never show my face again, lol. I have aged big time in the past two years and worse since Nov 8th.

In my opinion, a few experience and character lines are also beautiful. :) (Not to mention we both probably looked a little better in our late 40's than now. :) )

I looked like I was 60 after my sister killed herself. I think stress really affected me. But I am feeling better now that I have a job.
I finalized the Wednesday Movie Night schedule for January. Fliers are being printed now.

We’ll start with Singin’ in the Rain on the 2nd.

Ringing up Baby on the 9th. How Green was my alley on the 16th and Harold & Maude on the 23rd.

Finally on the 30th it’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Light fun, romantic fare for the New Year.
I finalized the Wednesday Movie Night schedule for January. Fliers are being printed now.

We’ll start with Singin’ in the Rain on the 2nd.

Ringing up Baby on the 9th. How Green was my alley on the 16th and Harold & Maude on the 23rd.

Finally on the 30th it’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Light fun, romantic fare for the New Year.
Bringing up Baby and my alley is not as green as my valley. Damn this wee keyboard!
Drove through a neighborhood with my mother and her husband last night in which nearly every house had draped Christmas lights from the trees. It was a somewhat surreal experience and very cool. The lights just hung down from 20-30 feet up in the trees in single strings, sometimes with balls/snowflakes of lights at the ends. Then the individual house owners put other lights on their homes/properties as they wanted to. There were at least 30-40 homes that participated, and a bunch of cars were driving through the neighborhood with their lights dim or off to allow for better viewing. I wish the little one had been with me to see it.
Drove through a neighborhood with my mother and her husband last night in which nearly every house had draped Christmas lights from the trees. It was a somewhat surreal experience and very cool. The lights just hung down from 20-30 feet up in the trees in single strings, sometimes with balls/snowflakes of lights at the ends. Then the individual house owners put other lights on their homes/properties as they wanted to. There were at least 30-40 homes that participated, and a bunch of cars were driving through the neighborhood with their lights dim or off to allow for better viewing. I wish the little one had been with me to see it.

That sounds awesome. I would love it.

On the other hand. . .

Anybody ever watch "The Great Christmas Light Fight" on ABC during December each year? Families spend weeks/months setting up the most incredible amazing light displays--no telling what it costs them--though if their home is chosen as a winner for the week, they do get $50,000 prize money.

But seeing those displays, it would be fun to drive or walk by and just look, but I would hate to live across the street from one of them. It is all just a bit much for a steady diet. :)

Watch The Great Christmas Light Fight TV Show -
Spent the last two days doing no painting because I did not know how to paint the human aura. But I have decided on a transparent wash of rainbow colours. I have almost finished my current pic and am keen to start another, hopefully better painting. I plan to paint a cathedral rose window, with light rays streaming down on an angel that is praying beneath it. I have learned how to do light rays on my present picture. You paint the background and let it dry. Then you paint the light rays over it with a thin wash of white streaks.

I had another vision trip earlier. When I close my eyes I see a stream of images that appear to be a few feet in front of my eyes. Lately they have been of angels and cathedrals. I don't know if the spirit world is trying to inspire me, or if its my subconscious mind. Those of you who do not believe in the spirit world will assume the latter. But what ever is causing it, I like it, and its better that television, or drink or drugs.
Those are some difficult things to paint, auras and light. You don't stint on the challenge, I'll give you that.
I want a juicer but don't know what kind would be best and easiest to clean. Does anyone use juicers?

Check Consumer Reports.

Thanks, I will. I just wondered if anyone has used them personally and what they liked. But definitely will check out your link.
I used one briefly and found that 1) they are the pits to clean, although my goats and chickens loved the stuff that got cleaned off the shredder thingy, and 2) juicing is a very expensive proposition. I found that the commercial juices of high quality were cheaper than making my own. Now, I don't even have the electricity to run one, so I don't really miss it that much.

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