USMB Coffee Shop IV

Does anyone know fun games you can play with a group of little kids that doesn't cost money? We've exhausted hide n seek. It's snowing so an indoor activity. Age ranges 5-9.
Duck-duck-goose, musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey all come to mind.

Musical chair too hard it's an apartment and don't have pin the tail donkey game but duck duck cold be fun.
Winter finally arrived. Normal temps and about 8-10 inches of snow this past week.II finally broke down and went to my GP. He wrote a couple of consults and I now have 3 appointments with different specialists and am waiting for a fourth. Damned, I hate getting worn out.
Does anyone know fun games you can play with a group of little kids that doesn't cost money? We've exhausted hide n seek. It's snowing so an indoor activity. Age ranges 5-9.
Duck-duck-goose, musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey all come to mind.

Musical chair too hard it's an apartment and don't have pin the tail donkey game but duck duck cold be fun.
Make your own donkey game. Kids aren't that picky. How about kid charades?
Does anyone know fun games you can play with a group of little kids that doesn't cost money? We've exhausted hide n seek. It's snowing so an indoor activity. Age ranges 5-9.
Duck-duck-goose, musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey all come to mind.

Musical chair too hard it's an apartment and don't have pin the tail donkey game but duck duck cold be fun.
Make your own donkey game. Kids aren't that picky. How about kid charades?

Charades should be fun.
We found out today that if surgery is required we'll be going to the Sarcoma Center at MD Anderson in Houston TX, one of the three top Sarcoma hospitals in the nation. We should get a call in a couple of days. In the mean time we'll be heading back up to Albuquerque for the oncology OB appointment on the 20th. Apparently when they had the tumor board (MDs meeting) for the wife the doc said there were around 30 different docs (in person and via conference call) in attendance....... sarcomas are rare.......

You seem to be doing a lot of travelling about the country concerning this issue? Must be stressful too?

Mindful, is that you in your avatar?
Does anyone know fun games you can play with a group of little kids that doesn't cost money? We've exhausted hide n seek. It's snowing so an indoor activity. Age ranges 5-9.
Duck-duck-goose, musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey all come to mind.

Musical chair too hard it's an apartment and don't have pin the tail donkey game but duck duck cold be fun.

I don't know what it's called or if there is a name for it...…...but start a story of some kind and have each kid take a turn adding something to it.
Okay, my turn...... No it's not cancer, saw my urologist today and he says I need a peter rooter...... Normal prostate is the size of a walnut, mine is the size of a lemon and I'm already on max drugs and still have urination issues. So my next step is to get VA authorization which means I have to go up to Albuquerque to see my primary for a consult, get an authorization number and if everything works out have my surgery next month. I'm looking forward to being able to pee normally again.

Glad its not cancer, I am sure you are very relieved.
Never thought it was cancer.
Winter finally arrived. Normal temps and about 8-10 inches of snow this past week.II finally broke down and went to my GP. He wrote a couple of consults and I now have 3 appointments with different specialists and am waiting for a fourth. Damned, I hate getting worn out.

The older we get, the more doctor visits are deemed necessary (by the doctors) and the more annoying they become. :)

Seriously though, hope you check out in good condition. My doctor has been on a definitive search mission to find something wrong with me for going on three years now. She orders so many tests and consults that I finally just started resisting. It gets ridiculous after awhile.
We found out today that if surgery is required we'll be going to the Sarcoma Center at MD Anderson in Houston TX, one of the three top Sarcoma hospitals in the nation. We should get a call in a couple of days. In the mean time we'll be heading back up to Albuquerque for the oncology OB appointment on the 20th. Apparently when they had the tumor board (MDs meeting) for the wife the doc said there were around 30 different docs (in person and via conference call) in attendance....... sarcomas are rare.......
Rare? Just your luck. Are they relatively easy to treat and what do they think the prognosis will be. Good luck to your wife and you too.
Ten years ago a sarcoma was a death sentence now it's better than average with the advent of immunotherapy in conjunction with chemo. That said the best treatment is supposedly to cut out all the tumors then follow up with immuno/chemo to simply keep it in check, sarcomas are the least studied, hardest to treat. We're also getting some docs saying the surgery may not be necessary at this stage but we really don't know yet, the masses on the spleen and kidney are huge and the fact that it has spread to these areas and the lungs (metastasized) means it's basically stage four (advanced).
Okay, my turn...... No it's not cancer, saw my urologist today and he says I need a peter rooter...... Normal prostate is the size of a walnut, mine is the size of a lemon and I'm already on max drugs and still have urination issues. So my next step is to get VA authorization which means I have to go up to Albuquerque to see my primary for a consult, get an authorization number and if everything works out have my surgery next month. I'm looking forward to being able to pee normally again.

Glad its not cancer, I am sure you are very relieved.
Never thought it was cancer.

Hombre didn't think so either but it was, resulting in major surgery. Fortunately they caught it early enough that the surgery was 100% successful with no follow up treatment required and he is well past the five year period now.

All you guys over 40 really do need regular checkups as prostate cancer is the most common among men and also the most curable if caught early.
Okay, my turn...... No it's not cancer, saw my urologist today and he says I need a peter rooter...... Normal prostate is the size of a walnut, mine is the size of a lemon and I'm already on max drugs and still have urination issues. So my next step is to get VA authorization which means I have to go up to Albuquerque to see my primary for a consult, get an authorization number and if everything works out have my surgery next month. I'm looking forward to being able to pee normally again.

Glad its not cancer, I am sure you are very relieved.
Never thought it was cancer.

Hombre didn't think so either but it was, resulting in major surgery. Fortunately they caught it early enough that the surgery was 100% successful with no follow up treatment required and he is well past the five year period now.

All you guys over 40 really do need regular checkups as prostate cancer is the most common among men and also the most curable if caught early.
I've had prostate problems since I was in my early 20s and I never had any cancers of any sort.
Oh and keep a close eye on it, the wife was told they got it all and that she was "cured" 4 years ago...... Come to find out the vast majority actually do return (show up somewhere else) sometimes decades later.
Next month we're headed to the MD Anderson Center in Houston for a "second opinion". They say we will be there from 3 to 5 days.......

I need to rob a bank........ or win the lottery......
We found out today that if surgery is required we'll be going to the Sarcoma Center at MD Anderson in Houston TX, one of the three top Sarcoma hospitals in the nation. We should get a call in a couple of days. In the mean time we'll be heading back up to Albuquerque for the oncology OB appointment on the 20th. Apparently when they had the tumor board (MDs meeting) for the wife the doc said there were around 30 different docs (in person and via conference call) in attendance....... sarcomas are rare.......

You seem to be doing a lot of travelling about the country concerning this issue? Must be stressful too?

Mindful, is that you in your avatar?

That's Taraji P. Henson from the tv show Empire, she plays the character Cookie.
Next month we're headed to the MD Anderson Center in Houston for a "second opinion". They say we will be there from 3 to 5 days.......

I need to rob a bank........ or win the lottery......

I can tell you how to win the lottery, you can do what I did. You tune yourself in to the spirit world and when you are picking the lottery numbers you try to feel which are the right numbers. Some beings in the spirit world can see into the future and they may give you the winning number by telepathy to help you. But do not expect more money than you need, as the spirits will probably not give it to you, because its bad karma.

I bet you don't believe a word of that, but its absolutely true. I did this in 1998, and got enough money to buy a computer. I got five numbers out of six. A win of £1182 , just enough to buy a computer and pay off my credit card. As I see it the spirits wanted me to have a computer so that I could spread their message on the internet, which I have duly tried to do.

Of course in my case I must be slightly psychic, as I heard a voice saying it would help me, and one hour before the draw the same voice said "you won". Since then I got some inheritance money from an uncle, so the spirit world have not helped me win any more money.
We found out today that if surgery is required we'll be going to the Sarcoma Center at MD Anderson in Houston TX, one of the three top Sarcoma hospitals in the nation. We should get a call in a couple of days. In the mean time we'll be heading back up to Albuquerque for the oncology OB appointment on the 20th. Apparently when they had the tumor board (MDs meeting) for the wife the doc said there were around 30 different docs (in person and via conference call) in attendance....... sarcomas are rare.......

You seem to be doing a lot of travelling about the country concerning this issue? Must be stressful too?

Mindful, is that you in your avatar?

That's Taraji P. Henson from the tv show Empire, she plays the character Cookie.

Don't know that one. I like her as Carter in Person of Interest.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R as both await impending surgery.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

One of the world's tallest (at 278 ft) Christmas trees and one of the most unusual at Rio de Janeiro


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