USMB Coffee Shop IV

Next month we're headed to the MD Anderson Center in Houston for a "second opinion". They say we will be there from 3 to 5 days.......

I need to rob a bank........ or win the lottery......

There are usually affordable housing arrangements for families of patients in large research facilities Be sure to check out all the options here:
Traveling to Houston
Next month we're headed to the MD Anderson Center in Houston for a "second opinion". They say we will be there from 3 to 5 days.......

I need to rob a bank........ or win the lottery......

There are usually affordable housing arrangements for families of patients in large research facilities Be sure to check out all the options here:
Traveling to Houston
Basically until the wife becomes an "official" patient there's not much the MD Anderson Social Workers can do to help us out other than point us towards groups/orgs that I'm already in contact with. Have a reservation with a place that's minutes away (with the medical discount) and it's $69 a night (the cheapest room). They also provide a shuttle to the hospital. In the mean time the American Cancer Society is working on finding a room that is cheaper or even free.
We're even checking with Angel Flight South about free(?) round trip flights but you're talking small 4 to 8 person prop planes otherwise it's a 10 1/2 hour trip driving.
Okay, my turn...... No it's not cancer, saw my urologist today and he says I need a peter rooter...... Normal prostate is the size of a walnut, mine is the size of a lemon and I'm already on max drugs and still have urination issues. So my next step is to get VA authorization which means I have to go up to Albuquerque to see my primary for a consult, get an authorization number and if everything works out have my surgery next month. I'm looking forward to being able to pee normally again.

Glad its not cancer, I am sure you are very relieved.
Never thought it was cancer. :wink:
We found out today that if surgery is required we'll be going to the Sarcoma Center at MD Anderson in Houston TX, one of the three top Sarcoma hospitals in the nation. We should get a call in a couple of days. In the mean time we'll be heading back up to Albuquerque for the oncology OB appointment on the 20th. Apparently when they had the tumor board (MDs meeting) for the wife the doc said there were around 30 different docs (in person and via conference call) in attendance....... sarcomas are rare.......
Rare? Just your luck. Are they relatively easy to treat and what do they think the prognosis will be. Good luck to your wife and you too.
Ten years ago a sarcoma was a death sentence now it's better than average with the advent of immunotherapy in conjunction with chemo. That said the best treatment is supposedly to cut out all the tumors then follow up with immuno/chemo to simply keep it in check, sarcomas are the least studied, hardest to treat. We're also getting some docs saying the surgery may not be necessary at this stage but we really don't know yet, the masses on the spleen and kidney are huge and the fact that it has spread to these areas and the lungs (metastasized) means it's basically stage four (advanced).
That's a pretty tough prognosis but I hope that aggressive and thorough treatment will drive the cancer into remission or even eliminate it altogether.
Saturday morning cartoon time!

The thing is, I wonder how many of our younger Coffee Shoppers remember Saturday morning cartoons as being one of the highlights of the weekend? I love them though. :)

I think I may be the youngest (somewhat) regular poster in here, and I certainly watched Saturday morning cartoons. :D
Saturday morning cartoon time!

The thing is, I wonder how many of our younger Coffee Shoppers remember Saturday morning cartoons as being one of the highlights of the weekend? I love them though. :)

I think I may be the youngest (somewhat) regular poster in here, and I certainly watched Saturday morning cartoons. :D

I'm one of the oldest posters here and I've been watching cartoons for over 70 years. The old cartoons from the 30s, 40s and 50s are my favorites.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R as both await impending surgery.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

Great Britain's tallest Christmas tree goes up in Cheshire

I know I have mentioned I have schizophrenia but a couple of months ago I stopped medication. I went through hell for a month and ended up back on the drugs. I wanted to get off them because I thought they were stopping me being able to contact the spirit world. Because I used to feel presences and stuff. But now I am back on the drugs I have started having visions. I may have said something about that, I can't remember. But I now sometimes see pictures with my eyes shut. It started a couple of weeks ago, although I have had it before, but not like now. I saw a stream of pictures of angels in sunlight.

I started a new painting today, of one of my visions, and I am happy with the underpainting I have done so far.
I have another idea in mind which I also had a vision of, and I will start that painting soon.

When I shut my eyes I sometimes see a stream of images which change every second and seem to be a couple of feet in front of me. One strange thing I have noticed is that if I turn my head the pictures stay in front of me and if I lean forward the pictures get larger. It is as if there is actually a screen in front of me, and it is really there.

I suppose for somebody paying $1,600 rent plus utilities and maintenance, that would be savings. For people like us it would be extremely expensive plus I like having space for us both to pursue our interests, room to entertain family and friends that we do a lot, space for overnight guests--we have a LOT of those--and we also run a sick ward for family members during times they really should not be alone. But with all of that, our cost of living is less than what she describes with that extended stay hotel room.

Evenso, we have pared down quite a bit, getting rid of lots of stuff. I agree with her that excess clutter is not good for somebody.
What a great picture. After years observing a feral cat colony, I'd wager the two adults are either mother and daughter or sisters. The males rarely stay around.

You're probably right BUT our Siamese tomcat that we had for 17 years we got as a kitten when our female Siamese was about 3 years old was as loving with the kittens as she was. They produced a lot of offspring before we decided she had had enough and had her spayed and him neutered. But they definitely loved each other and us and they took care of the kittens together. Amazing cats, both of them.

When I was a kid though, the tomcats were not so loving and were a danger for the occasional litter of kittens produced in the garage. We had a little mixed breed dog then though who had been raised with cats and absolutely adored them. Many times we witnessed a mama cat going to him and saying something that got him to follow her to the kitten box. He dutifully waited with the kittens, protecting them from feral toms, while mama cat would go hunting for awhile. Also amazing to watch..
Hey. It's been a while since I stopped by. I bring good news.

I was approved for SSDI last week. Meaning, that for at least the next two years I will have a reliable income. Guess that beats being unemployed, though. Not a solution to my problem by any means, but at least I can get the people I care about Christmas gifts this year.

Fox, some hot cocoa for me here in the corner here.

Merry Christmas!

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