USMB Coffee Shop IV


Lurch Germany Green Power Manual Juicer, Green and Cream White

Delicious, refreshing and healthy

  • Make cold pressed juice from fruit and vegetables
  • Even hard types like carrots with the Lurch Green Power Juicer.
  • The core piece of the juicer is a auger press with additional metal reinforcement at the front.
  • The juicer is extremely efficient, as the long crank produces plenty of lever force.
  • The cold press process keeps vitamins and secondary metabolites intact for longer.
Now that might be just the ticket for me. Thanks!
Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.
Dang, Gracie! It seems like the fun just never ends for you, does it? Anything I can do to help?
Winter is finally here, or is it? We got a little snow, maybe 3-4 inches this past week. But it also thawed out, temps reaching the high 30's and low 40's. We're still getting the occasional aftershock, but nothing out of the ordinary. One of my co-workers had to pay upwards of $70,000 to have his house jacked, cribbed and the foundation rebuilt. At least he has earthquake insurance!
Here's hoping that all y'all are having a decent time of life. I know some are not doing as well as I would hope, but I'm still rooting for you.
Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.
Dang, Gracie! It seems like the fun just never ends for you, does it? Anything I can do to help?
Y'all have done enough and I am every so thankful. We have spent a big chunk of the funds since Drifter started the GFM. Not much left now. But, the rent in the duplex is paid (got the keys and we move in tomorrow), paid the deposit, got two tvs, a monitor, the stuff for my pc since all I grabbed was the tower but not the cables, speakers, keyboard, mouse, clothes, paid for almost a month of motel fees that took a big ol chunk even though Anne did pay for some of it. Eating from a motel room is expensive too cuz there is no way to cook, so maybe thats why I feel so sick food. But its cheap and I have been buying stuff as cheaply as I can. Also got the new tires and the starter fixed some weeks ago. In short...the help everyone gave us was gratefully used but its almost gone now. Gotta be even more careful now with what is left. Rent is more than at the other house and we are getting less for our money but...nobody, and certainly not us, thought we would lose it all in a damn fire.
Tomorrow starts a new beginning...and a cheap one at that. We gotta make this last grand stretch!

Gonna copy and paste this in the GFM thread so folks are updated that their kind donations helped us very much. :)
Is that you, Drifter? Or your sister?

Anywho...I am trying to be sleepy and no luck so far. And I had a mishap tonight. Er....last night since its now Monday morn. Poor Goldy. She has been thru the wringer and now I just messed her up even more :(.

I kinda wrecked the van. Not to where it's undrivable but enough to make me determined to never drive at night. I did tonight cuz I had to go get something to eat...and I didn't see the center divider cuz it was dark outside and my meltish headlight covers didn't pick up the curb that I drove over..which knocked my siderail off, which was rubbing against my new tire so I had to stop quickly and kick it loose as much as I could so I could drive it home so I could gell MrG I just fucked up the damn van. Gonna see if any other damage happened in the morning. I hope not. Damn.
And while I was at it, by pulling and tugging after kicking the damn rail...I sliced the hell out of my hand with a goodly amount of depth so now i have blood all over my jacket sleeve. Sigh.

Oh, and the duplex is still not ready. Which means more days at this motel. My brain is starting to get wonky. I keep forgetting things and I feel confused often. Maybe I am going :cuckoo: or sumthin.
Dang, Gracie! It seems like the fun just never ends for you, does it? Anything I can do to help?
Y'all have done enough and I am every so thankful. We have spent a big chunk of the funds since Drifter started the GFM. Not much left now. But, the rent in the duplex is paid (got the keys and we move in tomorrow), paid the deposit, got two tvs, a monitor, the stuff for my pc since all I grabbed was the tower but not the cables, speakers, keyboard, mouse, clothes, paid for almost a month of motel fees that took a big ol chunk even though Anne did pay for some of it. Eating from a motel room is expensive too cuz there is no way to cook, so maybe thats why I feel so sick food. But its cheap and I have been buying stuff as cheaply as I can. Also got the new tires and the starter fixed some weeks ago. In short...the help everyone gave us was gratefully used but its almost gone now. Gotta be even more careful now with what is left. Rent is more than at the other house and we are getting less for our money but...nobody, and certainly not us, thought we would lose it all in a damn fire.
Tomorrow starts a new beginning...and a cheap one at that. We gotta make this last grand stretch!

Gonna copy and paste this in the GFM thread so folks are updated that their kind donations helped us very much. :)
That's great that you get to move into the new place tomorrow. Nothing wrong with being careful and looking for more bang for your buck. I've been a scrounger now for many years. Building this place out-of-pocket often means finding less expensive options, pennies on the dollar. I don't think I've bought anything but work clothes for full price, preferring SA or Value Village. Christmas is a tough time to be short of cash, too. Once you get settled, let me know your address. I'd like to at least send a Christmas card. In the meantime, be good to yourself, you deserve it!
We found out today that if surgery is required we'll be going to the Sarcoma Center at MD Anderson in Houston TX, one of the three top Sarcoma hospitals in the nation. We should get a call in a couple of days. In the mean time we'll be heading back up to Albuquerque for the oncology OB appointment on the 20th. Apparently when they had the tumor board (MDs meeting) for the wife the doc said there were around 30 different docs (in person and via conference call) in attendance....... sarcomas are rare.......
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R for strength and confidence as she awaits impending surgery.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony 2018
We found out today that if surgery is required we'll be going to the Sarcoma Center at MD Anderson in Houston TX, one of the three top Sarcoma hospitals in the nation. We should get a call in a couple of days. In the mean time we'll be heading back up to Albuquerque for the oncology OB appointment on the 20th. Apparently when they had the tumor board (MDs meeting) for the wife the doc said there were around 30 different docs (in person and via conference call) in attendance....... sarcomas are rare.......

You seem to be doing a lot of travelling about the country concerning this issue? Must be stressful too?
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Does anyone know fun games you can play with a group of little kids that doesn't cost money? We've exhausted hide n seek. It's snowing so an indoor activity. Age ranges 5-9.
Okay, my turn...... No it's not cancer, saw my urologist today and he says I need a peter rooter...... Normal prostate is the size of a walnut, mine is the size of a lemon and I'm already on max drugs and still have urination issues. So my next step is to get VA authorization which means I have to go up to Albuquerque to see my primary for a consult, get an authorization number and if everything works out have my surgery next month. I'm looking forward to being able to pee normally again.
Okay, my turn...... No it's not cancer, saw my urologist today and he says I need a peter rooter...... Normal prostate is the size of a walnut, mine is the size of a lemon and I'm already on max drugs and still have urination issues. So my next step is to get VA authorization which means I have to go up to Albuquerque to see my primary for a consult, get an authorization number and if everything works out have my surgery next month. I'm looking forward to being able to pee normally again.

If you guys need a place to crash while you're here, you're welcome to stay with us. I think the back bedroom will be vacant for most of January. We are pretty full up for December though.
Okay, my turn...... No it's not cancer, saw my urologist today and he says I need a peter rooter...... Normal prostate is the size of a walnut, mine is the size of a lemon and I'm already on max drugs and still have urination issues. So my next step is to get VA authorization which means I have to go up to Albuquerque to see my primary for a consult, get an authorization number and if everything works out have my surgery next month. I'm looking forward to being able to pee normally again.

Glad its not cancer, I am sure you are very relieved.
We found out today that if surgery is required we'll be going to the Sarcoma Center at MD Anderson in Houston TX, one of the three top Sarcoma hospitals in the nation. We should get a call in a couple of days. In the mean time we'll be heading back up to Albuquerque for the oncology OB appointment on the 20th. Apparently when they had the tumor board (MDs meeting) for the wife the doc said there were around 30 different docs (in person and via conference call) in attendance....... sarcomas are rare.......
Rare? Just your luck. Are they relatively easy to treat and what do they think the prognosis will be. Good luck to your wife and you too.

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