USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hey. It's been a while since I stopped by. I bring good news.

I was approved for SSDI last week. Meaning, that for at least the next two years I will have a reliable income. Guess that beats being unemployed, though. Not a solution to my problem by any means, but at least I can get the people I care about Christmas gifts this year.

Fox, some hot cocoa for me here in the corner here.

Merry Christmas!

Sounds good TK. I think about you now and then and have hoped all was well with you. As with many of us, you have had to face some serious challenges that many do not fully understand.

But here is your hot cocoa. (That is one of my favorite comfort things this time of year too.) It's good to see you.

Hey. It's been a while since I stopped by. I bring good news.

I was approved for SSDI last week. Meaning, that for at least the next two years I will have a reliable income. Guess that beats being unemployed, though. Not a solution to my problem by any means, but at least I can get the people I care about Christmas gifts this year.

Fox, some hot cocoa for me here in the corner here.

Merry Christmas!

Did they tell you that you won't get your first check for 5/6 months AND you don't get those months payments? It is a mandatory 5 month wait, but since they pay a month behind it actually takes 6 months to get your first check...…….also its from the date they say you became disabled, not the date of application. The only retroactive pay is depending on how long it takes them to approve you and/or if they say you were disabled before your application date...….and it can take them up to a year before paying any retro $.

Sorry if you already knew all this, but hubs & I had to learn it the hard way and those 5/6 months were real nail biters with 2 teenagers and nobody able to work to pay the bills

Now that's my kind of gingerbread house. :04:

I tried to make one when my boys were small. I burnt the gingerbread, it kept breaking up and I used more frosting to hold it together that by the time I was done it just slid down into a blob of crumbly frosting
Saturday morning cartoon time!

The thing is, I wonder how many of our younger Coffee Shoppers remember Saturday morning cartoons as being one of the highlights of the weekend? I love them though. :)

I think I may be the youngest (somewhat) regular poster in here, and I certainly watched Saturday morning cartoons. :D

I'm one of the oldest posters here and I've been watching cartoons for over 70 years. The old cartoons from the 30s, 40s and 50s are my favorites.

I was a picky little shit when it came to cartoons. :lol:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R as both await impending surgery.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

This crochet Christmas tree in Italy was lovingly handmade by women of all ages from children to grandmothers and is both unusual and stunning.
Well, my latest painting is progressing, I have ups and downs ,and keep thinking its no good. I painted a nice background with the sun, and clouds, but then I messed up the angel in the foreground. I am hoping I can fix it, and if so I will post a picture of it.
Well, my latest painting is progressing, I have ups and downs ,and keep thinking its no good. I painted a nice background with the sun, and clouds, but then I messed up the angel in the foreground. I am hoping I can fix it, and if so I will post a picture of it.
It's always difficult to please one's self as an artist.
Dang it I missed Kat's birthday last Thursday. So since we're past mid month now and my schedule is so full through New Year's Day now, I'll just honor all our December birthdays at the same time: Sheila is a Christmas Eve baby and Pogo's is on the 29th.


Dang it I missed Kat's birthday last Thursday. So since we're past mid month now and my schedule is so full through New Year's Day now, I'll just honor all our December birthdays at the same time: Sheila is a Christmas Eve baby and Pogo's is on the 29th.



Why thank you Foxy :smiliehug: Gawrsh, you're my first. This year. Appreciate the poinsettia icing too. You know they're poisonous right?

So Kat is a Sagittarian eh? I was supposed to be a Sagittarian too. I was late, as usual. My Dad was sweating bullets, worried that he'd miss out on his tax exemption.

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