USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay, is that where you're from BULLDOG? But are you guys still under water?

Nope. It finally drained away. We've had floods in the past, but nothing like the last few years.

It has been frightful for sure. We have friends in Houston and Sugarland and family at Cleveland just northeast of the city and in Galveston. So far nobody has been flooded out but they've had some really close calls.

I'm lucky. My house is on high ground, but electricity was out, and my water well didn't work so I lost my pickup going through deep water trying to get some bottles of fresh water. I guess it could have been worse.

Well yes. But that was sure bad enough!
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

January 14 or the second Monday in January is National Clean Off Your Desk Day. Mine always looks like a recyling bin exploded on it but I think I'll give it a whirl. (This isn't my desk but it is a really good imitation of it. :) )

Just thought I'd throw this out there... to start, yes my eating and diet were horrendous, I'd pretty much given up, but a couple months ago I looked in a full mirror I have on a closet door and almost threw up. I was 221 lbs and didn't look good. So, I bought a gym, and I think I might have posted a picture of that already, but I also did a major diet make over, quit eating and drinking a lot of stuff, quit eating big meals, eating late meals, the works, and now I've lost 15 pounds. I think I might have lost more had I not been working out because muscle weighs more than fat, but I've put on some definition. Doubt I'll ever do much big bulking up being 63 going on 64, but, I feel a lot better, big time, I hit the gym just about every day and I'm about half way to my goal. I was around 195 just 12 years ago in Reno. I watched a couple videos from back then and freaked out how skinny I thought I looked. I'm going to look like that again. No way am I ever going to go back to the bad eating habits I had, and it is all about what and how much and when you eat.
My grades for the class I have that has gone past the Fall semester were posted today. I got a B on one assignment because I forgot to add one of the log sheets, everything else was an A. That gives me an A for the class and I should be officially done with my associate's in the next 2-3 weeks; however long it takes the school to process the grade.

I'm not sure I'll be trying to do coding anymore, but it's just about time to start putting out applications/resumes to find another job. I expect to be here for 2-4 months yet, so I'll be trying to find something with a schedule that allows me to be home when the little one gets home from school, but I have to get back into the real world. :(
My grades for the class I have that has gone past the Fall semester were posted today. I got a B on one assignment because I forgot to add one of the log sheets, everything else was an A. That gives me an A for the class and I should be officially done with my associate's in the next 2-3 weeks; however long it takes the school to process the grade.

I'm not sure I'll be trying to do coding anymore, but it's just about time to start putting out applications/resumes to find another job. I expect to be here for 2-4 months yet, so I'll be trying to find something with a schedule that allows me to be home when the little one gets home from school, but I have to get back into the real world. :(
My son got an Associates in Graphic Design and soon found out that didn't pay squat. Graphic Design people are a dime a dozen. So he looked into jobs that are in demand and decided to go back to school and somehow got the VA to kick in, and he got a B.A. in IT/Networking. He works at a local TV station now, unfortunately not making what he's probably worth, but for Wisconsin it's not all that bad a money, but he really enjoys his job. He likes it there and they like him, and he's worked himself into a position of being kinda indispensable now, been there over 3 years already, so I hope you're able to score the same thing Montro... computer tech is a hot job market so good luck with the job hunt!
So glad to hear things are going well Montrovant. You must love what you are studying, 100%. That's what it takes. Kudos!

I don't love it. :p I chose it for a few different reasons; I'm comfortable with clerical work, health information technology is expected to have good job growth over the next few years, it was a degree I could do primarily online; but not because of any particular love for the field.
My grades for the class I have that has gone past the Fall semester were posted today. I got a B on one assignment because I forgot to add one of the log sheets, everything else was an A. That gives me an A for the class and I should be officially done with my associate's in the next 2-3 weeks; however long it takes the school to process the grade.

I'm not sure I'll be trying to do coding anymore, but it's just about time to start putting out applications/resumes to find another job. I expect to be here for 2-4 months yet, so I'll be trying to find something with a schedule that allows me to be home when the little one gets home from school, but I have to get back into the real world. :(
My son got an Associates in Graphic Design and soon found out that didn't pay squat. Graphic Design people are a dime a dozen. So he looked into jobs that are in demand and decided to go back to school and somehow got the VA to kick in, and he got a B.A. in IT/Networking. He works at a local TV station now, unfortunately not making what he's probably worth, but for Wisconsin it's not all that bad a money, but he really enjoys his job. He likes it there and they like him, and he's worked himself into a position of being kinda indispensable now, been there over 3 years already, so I hope you're able to score the same thing Montro... computer tech is a hot job market so good luck with the job hunt!

The coding I'm talking about is medical coding rather than computer coding. I originally considered trying computer coding and took a few online classes for beginning coding in Java, Python, Ruby on Rails...but I was bored nearly to tears, and I've gotten the impression that computer coders may make good money, but job security is an issue. While I'm sure I'd like it, I don't need to make a lot of money. I am used to living cheaply. I'm not someone who does well with major life changes such as losing a job, though, so I'll take job security over risky but higher reward jobs. :)

I doubt I'll get a Bachelor's any time soon. I was able to get a Pell grant to pay for most of my associate's, but I don't have the money to pay for school on my own.
My grades for the class I have that has gone past the Fall semester were posted today. I got a B on one assignment because I forgot to add one of the log sheets, everything else was an A. That gives me an A for the class and I should be officially done with my associate's in the next 2-3 weeks; however long it takes the school to process the grade.

I'm not sure I'll be trying to do coding anymore, but it's just about time to start putting out applications/resumes to find another job. I expect to be here for 2-4 months yet, so I'll be trying to find something with a schedule that allows me to be home when the little one gets home from school, but I have to get back into the real world. :(
My son got an Associates in Graphic Design and soon found out that didn't pay squat. Graphic Design people are a dime a dozen. So he looked into jobs that are in demand and decided to go back to school and somehow got the VA to kick in, and he got a B.A. in IT/Networking. He works at a local TV station now, unfortunately not making what he's probably worth, but for Wisconsin it's not all that bad a money, but he really enjoys his job. He likes it there and they like him, and he's worked himself into a position of being kinda indispensable now, been there over 3 years already, so I hope you're able to score the same thing Montro... computer tech is a hot job market so good luck with the job hunt!

The coding I'm talking about is medical coding rather than computer coding. I originally considered trying computer coding and took a few online classes for beginning coding in Java, Python, Ruby on Rails...but I was bored nearly to tears, and I've gotten the impression that computer coders may make good money, but job security is an issue. While I'm sure I'd like it, I don't need to make a lot of money. I am used to living cheaply. I'm not someone who does well with major life changes such as losing a job, though, so I'll take job security over risky but higher reward jobs. :)

I doubt I'll get a Bachelor's any time soon. I was able to get a Pell grant to pay for most of my associate's, but I don't have the money to pay for school on my own.
Yeah the kid is still paying on student loans. He'd have never got through school without the money but, he'll probably pay until he hits the 25 year mark, and then evidently they forgive the remainder if you've been faithfully paying all the while. He's got a good 20 years yet to pay on it though.

The VA paid for me to go to MMI. The school wasn't really all that expensive and they paid for it all. I was really lucky since I'm a service connected disabled veteran, and that was the second college they paid for. I had a little dab of disability income that was just enough to live on while in school. Harley Tech paid me dang good. I made double what my son is making, with a B.A. Glad to be retired now though.
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My grades for the class I have that has gone past the Fall semester were posted today. I got a B on one assignment because I forgot to add one of the log sheets, everything else was an A. That gives me an A for the class and I should be officially done with my associate's in the next 2-3 weeks; however long it takes the school to process the grade.

I'm not sure I'll be trying to do coding anymore, but it's just about time to start putting out applications/resumes to find another job. I expect to be here for 2-4 months yet, so I'll be trying to find something with a schedule that allows me to be home when the little one gets home from school, but I have to get back into the real world. :(
My son got an Associates in Graphic Design and soon found out that didn't pay squat. Graphic Design people are a dime a dozen. So he looked into jobs that are in demand and decided to go back to school and somehow got the VA to kick in, and he got a B.A. in IT/Networking. He works at a local TV station now, unfortunately not making what he's probably worth, but for Wisconsin it's not all that bad a money, but he really enjoys his job. He likes it there and they like him, and he's worked himself into a position of being kinda indispensable now, been there over 3 years already, so I hope you're able to score the same thing Montro... computer tech is a hot job market so good luck with the job hunt!

Yes my granddaughter got her B.A. in graphic design and as you said, unless you know somebody and/or already have a foot in the door, there just aren't any jobs in that field. Montro's field, however, is wide open right now.
My grades for the class I have that has gone past the Fall semester were posted today. I got a B on one assignment because I forgot to add one of the log sheets, everything else was an A. That gives me an A for the class and I should be officially done with my associate's in the next 2-3 weeks; however long it takes the school to process the grade.

I'm not sure I'll be trying to do coding anymore, but it's just about time to start putting out applications/resumes to find another job. I expect to be here for 2-4 months yet, so I'll be trying to find something with a schedule that allows me to be home when the little one gets home from school, but I have to get back into the real world. :(
My son got an Associates in Graphic Design and soon found out that didn't pay squat. Graphic Design people are a dime a dozen. So he looked into jobs that are in demand and decided to go back to school and somehow got the VA to kick in, and he got a B.A. in IT/Networking. He works at a local TV station now, unfortunately not making what he's probably worth, but for Wisconsin it's not all that bad a money, but he really enjoys his job. He likes it there and they like him, and he's worked himself into a position of being kinda indispensable now, been there over 3 years already, so I hope you're able to score the same thing Montro... computer tech is a hot job market so good luck with the job hunt!

Yes my granddaughter got her B.A. in graphic design and as you said, unless you know somebody and/or already have a foot in the door, there just aren't any jobs in that field. Montro's field, however, is wide open right now.

007 just got overly graphic...
Oh, by the way, it seems I may be promoted to a career position soon. I think it is a paperwork process at this point. Probably take a few months....
Oh, by the way, it seems I may be promoted to a career position soon. I think it is a paperwork process at this point. Probably take a few months....

Good news. Career growth is a game with a lot of prizes. And game factor is a powerful drive to reach targets, you want :)
Is there anywhere in the US where it isn't snowing?

I just spent a few minutes watching Accuweather videos. . .

Airports shut down in Japan due to snow
Avalanche warnings in Austria
Massive snowslides (off roofs) in China
Huge snowball fight at the National Mall in D.C.
Six inches of snow in central Oklahoma
I-40 shut down due to heavy snow in the Texas Panhandle
I say we all move in with Ridgerunner for the duration. :)

Indeed. I was going to get onto that. I am in central Germany, and must be the only person on the planet not snowed in.......yet. Though it is mild, gloomy, and non stop rain.

I have a daughter in Cyprus, who has the electric blanket on in bed. It's freezing there, she says.

It freezes in Greece???? :dunno:

Even though it hasn't snowed here yet, it has been freezing overnight with sunny days for the past week. Before that it was rain, rain, rain.

It's nearer to Turkey than Greece.


I was there, at Greek part. Half of Cyprus now under Greek control, but half was occupied by Turkish forces and now under their control...
It's a good time of year, but too cold...Brrr


Looks like home to me. We've gotten a lot of frozen fog, which causes that white frosting on everything. Looks nice, but it will take down trees! Good to see you back again.

My friend, I glad to see you too! :) How are you, what's new? Does it seems to you, life is not only moves forward, but also have a spiral structure and periodically returns us to some life circumstances? :)
Is there anywhere in the US where it isn't snowing?

I just spent a few minutes watching Accuweather videos. . .

Airports shut down in Japan due to snow
Avalanche warnings in Austria
Massive snowslides (off roofs) in China
Huge snowball fight at the National Mall in D.C.
Six inches of snow in central Oklahoma
I-40 shut down due to heavy snow in the Texas Panhandle
I say we all move in with Ridgerunner for the duration. :)

Indeed. I was going to get onto that. I am in central Germany, and must be the only person on the planet not snowed in.......yet. Though it is mild, gloomy, and non stop rain.

I have a daughter in Cyprus, who has the electric blanket on in bed. It's freezing there, she says.

It freezes in Greece???? :dunno:

Even though it hasn't snowed here yet, it has been freezing overnight with sunny days for the past week. Before that it was rain, rain, rain.

It's nearer to Turkey than Greece.


I was there, at Greek part. Half of Cyprus now under Greek control, but half was occupied by Turkish forces and now under their control...

I've been there often.

Went through the checkpoint, manned by UN armed soldiers.

Drinking coffee under The Tree of Idleness was the best part.

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