USMB Coffee Shop IV


Last week the wife was contacted by her insurance company Patient Advocate, today she told the advocate what was going on in terms of the hospital and the dr's office having us agree to pay a certain amount by monthly payments....... Apparently they may have violated their contract with the insurance company, they're not supposed to do that and all those agreements may become null and void. Basically what the financial departments told us was no agreement, no treatment, essentially (in our humble opinion) a form of medical blackmail. The advocate told us to make no more payments until she and the insurance company has had a chance to investigate and get back to us.
Hey, how the weather at Hawaii? Is it possible to swim there now?

The weather here is as close to perfect as one can ask for... Almost boring at times... I grew up in the American Midwest and one could always count on the weather to slap you around on occasion... Winter time here now... High temps during the daytime hours now is low 80's and nighttime is low 70's and high 60's (Fahrenheit obviously)… It is tough to live here, but someone has to do it... And I am just the fellar to do it... :04:...


You mean the sun shines all the time?
Eh. Getting over a 24-hour bug by 2 pm, sewed on pieces to a small quilt starting when I felt better. Friend called for me to ride shotgun to a little town 44 miles north of here to pick up his farmer's pay for cows (he is undergoing chemotherapy and his relatives insist he have someone go with him when he drives till his chemo is over. Hopefully, he has only 1 or 2 more sessions if his tests says he still needs more. I don't know how those cowboys can still raise cows and undergo chemo. It takes all the sap outta folks, but it does get the cancer. Anyway, I got home and just dropped by here for a minute.

Hope all those undergoing treatments beat cancer into the ground, that all who are lonely have love in their lives right away or like me, engaged to sew quilts for fatherless kids and college scholarship fundraising, which keeps me too busy to think about bad stuff, that peace and joy come to every heart here with thanks to Ms. Foxy for her wonderful hospitality and encouragement and everyone who comes here to share bits and pieces with us here. Good night. I think I'm a lot better than last night when I got no sleep whatever running to the bathroom every 5 minutes to be sick for about 6 hours, So happy trails all, happy trails to you.

The advocate told us to make no more payments until she and the insurance company has had a chance to investigate and get back to us.

Ringel05 you seem to be a purty fart smellar er smart feller and I am sure you don't need me to say don't hesitate on getting legal council when dealing with an insurance company if things go south... Your beautiful bride's health is of utmost importance and not all Barristers are bad...
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The advocate told us to make no more payments until she and the insurance company has had a chance to investigate and get back to us.

Ringel05 you seem to be a purty fart smellar er smart feller and I am sure you don't need me to say don't hesitate on getting legal council when dealing with an insurance company if things go south... Your beautiful bride's health is of utmost importance and not all Barristers are not bad...

Couldn't something be done, government legislation or something, to curtail the bad practices of insurance companies?
The advocate told us to make no more payments until she and the insurance company has had a chance to investigate and get back to us.

Ringel05 you seem to be a purty fart smellar er smart feller and I am sure you don't need me to say don't hesitate on getting legal council when dealing with an insurance company if things go south... Your beautiful bride's health is of utmost importance and not all Barristers are not bad...

Couldn't something be done, government legislation or something, to curtail the bad practices of insurance companies?
It's the insurance company that's helping us out. It's the medical facilities that seem to want to hold us hostage.
Last week the wife was contacted by her insurance company Patient Advocate, today she told the advocate what was going on in terms of the hospital and the dr's office having us agree to pay a certain amount by monthly payments....... Apparently they may have violated their contract with the insurance company, they're not supposed to do that and all those agreements may become null and void. Basically what the financial departments told us was no agreement, no treatment, essentially (in our humble opinion) a form of medical blackmail. The advocate told us to make no more payments until she and the insurance company has had a chance to investigate and get back to us.

You may need a lawyer if it comes down to denying you any kind of treatment?
Last week the wife was contacted by her insurance company Patient Advocate, today she told the advocate what was going on in terms of the hospital and the dr's office having us agree to pay a certain amount by monthly payments....... Apparently they may have violated their contract with the insurance company, they're not supposed to do that and all those agreements may become null and void. Basically what the financial departments told us was no agreement, no treatment, essentially (in our humble opinion) a form of medical blackmail. The advocate told us to make no more payments until she and the insurance company has had a chance to investigate and get back to us.

You may need a lawyer if it comes down to denying you any kind of treatment?
Yeah I know but just to make sure everyone understands, it's the insurance company that's helping us out.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

January 16 is appreciate a dragon day and Fig Newton Day. I'm not real sure how we go about combining the two things into one cohesive observance though:
It freezes in Greece???? :dunno:

Even though it hasn't snowed here yet, it has been freezing overnight with sunny days for the past week. Before that it was rain, rain, rain.

It's nearer to Turkey than Greece.


I was there, at Greek part. Half of Cyprus now under Greek control, but half was occupied by Turkish forces and now under their control...

I've been there often.

Went through the checkpoint, manned by UN armed soldiers.

Drinking coffee under The Tree of Idleness was the best part.

:))) I know nothing about Tree of Idleness, I've only heared stories from local Greeks about war, and... and drunk a two or three tin of local beer between visiting the monastery (somewhere in mountains) and ours ship put on the sea to the another target of our travel :)

The north is occupied by Turkey. The Cypriots are not Greeks.

Yes, but they have Greek origin and Orthodox Church - so, they very close to Greeks ;)
It's nearer to Turkey than Greece.


I was there, at Greek part. Half of Cyprus now under Greek control, but half was occupied by Turkish forces and now under their control...

I've been there often.

Went through the checkpoint, manned by UN armed soldiers.

Drinking coffee under The Tree of Idleness was the best part.

:))) I know nothing about Tree of Idleness, I've only heared stories from local Greeks about war, and... and drunk a two or three tin of local beer between visiting the monastery (somewhere in mountains) and ours ship put on the sea to the another target of our travel :)

The north is occupied by Turkey. The Cypriots are not Greeks.

Yes, but they have Greek origin and Orthodox Church - so, they very close to Greeks ;)

They have a Greek culture and religion, but they are a mix of all the people who have crisis crossed that region over the centuries.
Hey, how the weather at Hawaii? Is it possible to swim there now?

The weather here is as close to perfect as one can ask for... Almost boring at times... I grew up in the American Midwest and one could always count on the weather to slap you around on occasion... Winter time here now... High temps during the daytime hours now is low 80's and nighttime is low 70's and high 60's (Fahrenheit obviously)… It is tough to live here, but someone has to do it... And I am just the fellar to do it... :04:...

Oh, pls, continue, I'll dream about such weather this evening...

But reality is not so bad too - Epiphany's frosts are coming! :) Frost and sun - why not?
The advocate told us to make no more payments until she and the insurance company has had a chance to investigate and get back to us.

Ringel05 you seem to be a purty fart smellar er smart feller and I am sure you don't need me to say don't hesitate on getting legal council when dealing with an insurance company if things go south... Your beautiful bride's health is of utmost importance and not all Barristers are not bad...

Couldn't something be done, government legislation or something, to curtail the bad practices of insurance companies?
It's the insurance company that's helping us out. It's the medical facilities that seem to want to hold us hostage.

I don't get that.

But I'm in a different system to yours.
Some people do wilt a bit under unusually heavy work loads and that can make things unpleasant for everybody. I always loved the challenge knowing it was only temporary. I haven't had many jobs in which you spent most of your time twiddling your thumbs, but I disliked every one of those I have had. I like to be busy.

It goes beyond busy. We were not fully staffed the whole season..

I understand. But again, I always loved the challenge in those situations. I wouldn't want a steady diet of it though.

Who knows, which brilliant God have for us behind the next challenge? :)

And sometimes not knowing is in itself a blessing. :)

I agree, knowing is a hard burden. But what we can do - humans are designed to multiply knowledges :))

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