USMB Coffee Shop IV

Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!
I had spinach quiche and panatone bread with banana cream pie..
My condolences......

My wife has a widowed friend who always wants quiche when she visits. I filled up on pie.
It was a joke..... I like quiche..... Maybe I'm not a real man? :dunno:

The banana cream pie on the other hand would tear me up, banana intolerant........
Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!

I got some country style ribs at Albertsons this afternoon--a huge package separated into four meals to go in the freezer. Really REALLY cheap. It will figure out about $1.25 an entre for us for each of the four meals. That isn't $1.25 for each of us, but a $1.25 for both of us. I haven't eaten something really good at those prices since the 1960's.
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And...I no longer have plans for a garden back there anyway. Why plan for something that will be taken away from me anyway? And soon as 2 months perhaps. Sigh.

I have to believe it will all work out Gracie. Because that's what I pray for every day.
Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!
I had spinach quiche and panatone bread with banana cream pie..
My condolences......

My wife has a widowed friend who always wants quiche when she visits. I filled up on pie.
It was a joke..... I like quiche..... Maybe I'm not a real man? :dunno:

The banana cream pie on the other hand would tear me up, banana intolerant........

Hombre likes quiche too and he's a real man. :) I make a pretty darn good Quiche Lorraine except I usually add some diced ham and/or bacon.
Yes, and all that is going to eventually come here. And we still have a leak in our roof and the roofers can't give us a firm date earlier than February 25. It wouldn't matter so much if we already had interior damage that we had to fix, but right now we don't. It hasn't brought down the sheetrock and paint in the ceiling. But by late February we'll almost certainly have the cost of interior damage to repair as well as the relatively minor roofing repairs. Frustrating. :(

We live on a hill, and had drainage problems for the first few years. mr. boe came up with this master plan of pipes and french drains which is a masterpiece. No more flooding in the basement. Without his project, I'd be cleaning up a giant mess right now instead of illuminating the interwebs. ;)
No basements for me, too many water issues. You're lucky you're on a hill that allowed your husband to install proper drainage, drainage that should have been installed when the house was first built, something most homebuilders don't do.

Well, we live in an old house - and it was clear when we bought it that attempts had been made to address the issue. We love the house - the bay view is so fabulous! mr. boe is an engineer - he knew he could solve the problem and he did. I'm so proud of him.

Plus - we love having a basement. It's a necessity for pack rats.
That's what garages are for..... We're learning not to be pack rats....... Working on selling off much of what we have carried around with us for five moves since 2012..........
And as we get older we find stairs are more and more of a pain, one level on a slab is our desired habitat.

We're a bit away from the Swedish Death Cleaning phase. I'm slowing going through closets to get rid of stuff. Our biggest issue is books. We have thousands...and if/when we downsize to a single level house, we certainly won't have room for them. It is really hard for us to get rid of books - feels like a sacrilege.

That was the hardest thing for me too, and some I just won't part with meaning we still have a LOT of books. But we did let go of hundreds--some to friends and family who wanted to read them and who then passed them on to others, some donated to the local library, and the rest to the local Humane Association that takes pretty much anything that has any use left in it and makes a little money finding good homes for it.
We live on a hill, and had drainage problems for the first few years. mr. boe came up with this master plan of pipes and french drains which is a masterpiece. No more flooding in the basement. Without his project, I'd be cleaning up a giant mess right now instead of illuminating the interwebs. ;)
No basements for me, too many water issues. You're lucky you're on a hill that allowed your husband to install proper drainage, drainage that should have been installed when the house was first built, something most homebuilders don't do.

Well, we live in an old house - and it was clear when we bought it that attempts had been made to address the issue. We love the house - the bay view is so fabulous! mr. boe is an engineer - he knew he could solve the problem and he did. I'm so proud of him.

Plus - we love having a basement. It's a necessity for pack rats.
That's what garages are for..... We're learning not to be pack rats....... Working on selling off much of what we have carried around with us for five moves since 2012..........
And as we get older we find stairs are more and more of a pain, one level on a slab is our desired habitat.

We put all our overflow into the garage but need to get two cars in there too so garage storage is somewhat limited. We are also paring down, getting rid of stuff that we have had for decades on the theory 'we might need that sometime. . ." I'm considering selling my sewing machine because I use it so seldom. But that is going to take a bit more emotional fortifying to do. :)
You put vehicles in a garage??!!! What a novel idea! :D

Absolutely, I thought, garages are only to play trash metal inside! :)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

I hope most of us could see the beautiful super wolf full moon tonight. The January full moon is called the wolf moon because the most striking reminder of the dead of winter to the Native Americans was the howling of the wolves in the night. It is one of three super moons we will have this year. And tomorrow night the moon will still be full for the last total lunar eclipse or super blood moon of this decade,. The full eclipse is visible in all of North America, but only a partial eclipse for our friends on the other side of the oceans.
Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!
I had spinach quiche and panatone bread with banana cream pie..
My condolences......

My wife has a widowed friend who always wants quiche when she visits. I filled up on pie.
But Hossfly, spinach is good fer ya! <giggle>
I do like a good spanakopita.

Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!

I got some country style ribs at Albertsons this afternoon--a huge package separated into four meals to go in the freezer. Really REALLY cheap. It will figure out about $1.25 an entre for us for each of the four meals. That isn't $1.25 for each of us, but a $1.25 for both of us. I haven't eaten something really good at those prices since the 1960's.

I like a foxy lady, good deal .. :)

I recall biking to the gas station on my banana seat schwinn to pick up cigs. for Mom, 19 cents for a gallon of gas, 21 cents for the cigarettes and hot dog . free coke .. 10 cents.

mmm ..Dang, I'm old ... :lol: .
Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!

I got some country style ribs at Albertsons this afternoon--a huge package separated into four meals to go in the freezer. Really REALLY cheap. It will figure out about $1.25 an entre for us for each of the four meals. That isn't $1.25 for each of us, but a $1.25 for both of us. I haven't eaten something really good at those prices since the 1960's.

I like a foxy lady, good deal .. :)

I recall biking to the gas station on my banana seat schwinn to pick up cigs. for Mom, 19 cents for a gallon of gas, 21 cents for the cigarettes and hot dog . free coke .. 10 cents.

mmm ..Dang, I'm old ... :lol: .
Lumpy! Good to see ya! :)
Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!
I had spinach quiche and panatone bread with banana cream pie..
My condolences......

My wife has a widowed friend who always wants quiche when she visits. I filled up on pie.
It was a joke..... I like quiche..... Maybe I'm not a real man? :dunno:

The banana cream pie on the other hand would tear me up, banana intolerant........

Hombre likes quiche too and he's a real man. :) I make a pretty darn good Quiche Lorraine except I usually add some diced ham and/or bacon.

"quinche" .!. this might be our first disagreement... :(

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