USMB Coffee Shop IV

My condolences......

My wife has a widowed friend who always wants quiche when she visits. I filled up on pie.
It was a joke..... I like quiche..... Maybe I'm not a real man? :dunno:

The banana cream pie on the other hand would tear me up, banana intolerant........

Hombre likes quiche too and he's a real man. :) I make a pretty darn good Quiche Lorraine except I usually add some diced ham and/or bacon.

"quinche" .!. this might be our first disagreement... :(

Not if you have MY quiche. So far I haven't found anybody who didn't like it. :)

You just haven't given it to the right people. :lol:

I'm certain you could make a quiche I'd enjoy, but I probably wouldn't like the way you would normally make it. :)
Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!
I had spinach quiche and panatone bread with banana cream pie..

Spinach quiche doesn't sound all that good to me. Can't remember if I ever had it. I like some spinach salads but we really just prefer our spinach cooked in water with some salt, pepper, garlic, and just a touch of vinegar.
I make a dish for the wife;
1 can or 1 package frozen spinach (as drained as possible)
2 cooked chicken breasts finely diced
1 can diced tomatoes with juice
2 tbsp olive oil
4 oz container of crumbled feta or 1/2 cup Parmesan
I use onion powder for her but a half a small onion diced would work.
1 clove garlic crushed

Cook onion and garlic in olive oil, add tomatoes and spinach cook for a few minutes stirring very frequently
Add diced chicken continue to cook till chicken is heated then add feta or Parmesan and stir in until well mixed.

It sounds good but you don't eat it yourself?
Nope, too much spinach, Not a really big spinach fan.
Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!

I got some country style ribs at Albertsons this afternoon--a huge package separated into four meals to go in the freezer. Really REALLY cheap. It will figure out about $1.25 an entre for us for each of the four meals. That isn't $1.25 for each of us, but a $1.25 for both of us. I haven't eaten something really good at those prices since the 1960's.

I like a foxy lady, good deal .. :)

I recall biking to the gas station on my banana seat schwinn to pick up cigs. for Mom, 19 cents for a gallon of gas, 21 cents for the cigarettes and hot dog . free coke .. 10 cents.

mmm ..Dang, I'm old ... :lol: .
Yeah those were the days, eh bro? There was this little shack of a place and this old guy that ran it, could barely seat 6 people in there, but he made the best malted milks I've ever had, and they were $.25. Sunoco 260 premo for the old 1967 SS Chevelle Malibu was $.38 a gallon, and if you got caught late at night hotroding around by the law, they'd tell you they were going to follow you home and you park the hotrod, and if you came out again, then they'd ticket you.

Boy how things have changed.
Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!

I got some country style ribs at Albertsons this afternoon--a huge package separated into four meals to go in the freezer. Really REALLY cheap. It will figure out about $1.25 an entre for us for each of the four meals. That isn't $1.25 for each of us, but a $1.25 for both of us. I haven't eaten something really good at those prices since the 1960's.

I like a foxy lady, good deal .. :)

I recall biking to the gas station on my banana seat schwinn to pick up cigs. for Mom, 19 cents for a gallon of gas, 21 cents for the cigarettes and hot dog . free coke .. 10 cents.

mmm ..Dang, I'm old ... :lol: .
Yeah those were the days, eh bro? There was this little shack of a place and this old guy that ran it, could barely seat 6 people in there, but he made the best malted milks I've ever had, and they were $.25. Sunoco 260 premo for the old 1967 SS Chevelle Malibu was $.38 a gallon, and if you got caught late at night hotroding around by the law, they'd tell you they were going to follow you home and you park the hotrod, and if you came out again, then they'd ticket you.

Boy how things have changed.

50's 60's 70's a golden time to be young in my opinion ..a lot less greed and a lot of fun on the cheap. Too many people squished in a box these days.

Nice seein Ya around double Oh .. :beer:
I always liked this Beach Boys one ..



I almost duck when I say it, but I have always loved the Beach Boys. :)

I remember them well, I had some of their albumsl. I have got unlimited access to the internet with my new fibre optic package, so I can play music from youtube all day. I have a list of Yes albums to play, here is one.

I saw Yes (great band) in concert along with Peter Frampton coming alive ..somewhere in the 70's (at the outrageous price of 15 bucks .. lol)..

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Over ate for dinner...... Oven BBQed country ribs with rice and green beans....... Uff da!!

I got some country style ribs at Albertsons this afternoon--a huge package separated into four meals to go in the freezer. Really REALLY cheap. It will figure out about $1.25 an entre for us for each of the four meals. That isn't $1.25 for each of us, but a $1.25 for both of us. I haven't eaten something really good at those prices since the 1960's.

I like a foxy lady, good deal .. :)

I recall biking to the gas station on my banana seat schwinn to pick up cigs. for Mom, 19 cents for a gallon of gas, 21 cents for the cigarettes and hot dog . free coke .. 10 cents.

mmm ..Dang, I'm old ... :lol: .
Yeah those were the days, eh bro? There was this little shack of a place and this old guy that ran it, could barely seat 6 people in there, but he made the best malted milks I've ever had, and they were $.25. Sunoco 260 premo for the old 1967 SS Chevelle Malibu was $.38 a gallon, and if you got caught late at night hotroding around by the law, they'd tell you they were going to follow you home and you park the hotrod, and if you came out again, then they'd ticket you.

Boy how things have changed.

50's 60's 70's a golden time to be young in my opinion ..a lot less greed and a lot of fun on the cheap. Too many people squished in a box these days.

Nice seein Ya around double Oh .. :beer:
Likewise, brother Lump, good seeing you. I hope life is treat you well my brutha from anutha mutha... :113:

I'm glad I'm as old as I am, because the world is definitely going to hell in a hand basket. That's why I happily reside in a small town on a dead end road. It's quite, no traffic, not a stop light in town. In fact if there's more than 3 cars at a stop sign, it's a traffic jam... :777:

I was quite the little rebel back in the old days though, a hoodlum, a hotrod, did things I shouldn't do, but thankfully I grew up and came to my senses.
I got some country style ribs at Albertsons this afternoon--a huge package separated into four meals to go in the freezer. Really REALLY cheap. It will figure out about $1.25 an entre for us for each of the four meals. That isn't $1.25 for each of us, but a $1.25 for both of us. I haven't eaten something really good at those prices since the 1960's.

I like a foxy lady, good deal .. :)

I recall biking to the gas station on my banana seat schwinn to pick up cigs. for Mom, 19 cents for a gallon of gas, 21 cents for the cigarettes and hot dog . free coke .. 10 cents.

mmm ..Dang, I'm old ... :lol: .

I refuse to be old. My body sort of insists some days, but I refuse to be old. :)

I just figure it is what it is and move on.. I do like to get crotchety and for some reason I really like ice cream lately.

What is it with old people and ice cream..?
Around here, ice cream makes the guys skinny and the gals fat.
I've learned not to like bluebell or else it's bluebelly.
/pardon my sexism, seems my slip is showin'. :lmao:

It's been fun, but I hafta go now. My brother is coming up from his home 100 miles away, and I have to get a steam shovel to clear a path to the back door...

That's funny. It seems to work that way here in New Mexico too. :)

As for Blue Bell, we play 42 each week with a couple--the guy is from Texas. Ironically he was born and grew up in a tiny west Texas about 40 miles from the tiny west Texas town where Hombre was born and did a lot of his growing up. Anyhow, our friend loved, loved, LOVED Texas Blue Bell ice cream and mourned when they shut down for awhile. I put him onto Tillamook ice cream which is really good and that had to suffice.

This past year he was thrilled when they retooled their plant and started making Blue Bell ice cream again. But it just wasn't the same. I checked the ingredients and instead of using plain old cream, sugar, eggs,etc. they used to use, they are using high fructose corn syrup, milk solids, emulsifiers, other processed stuff just like the cheap ice cream makers make. Our friend went back to Tillamook that uses real ingredients. We buy the cheaper Albertson brand that is also made out of real ingredients.

And life goes on.
I agree. It tastes like anybody else's bad ice cream, and it sits in my freezer until it needs to be tossed unless I have some smucker's chocolate coating which disguises the taste of the bluebell homemade vanilla I used to love.
Three words... LOTS OF SNOW!
br-r-r-rreeee! Baby it's cold outside! We got a little frozen air direct from Wyoming here last night and early this morning. Needless to mention, we've had rain for almost a solid 4 months now. It just started one day, and revisits two or three, takes off one afternoon, then it's back to raining for the rest of the week. repita, repita, repita… (that's all I remember from Spanish class in the mid-80s). Hi, BBD! freedombecki is back. :)
Got the final row on a windmill crib quilt for some small child when it gets quilted someday. Spent the afternoon after my brother left working on completing what was started on the little time-eater project. lol Now the outside rows have to be planned, fabric found, and deciding whether I want to put postage-stamp-sized pieces in the border of just put a fabulous child's print that matches the pale green sashes and green settings between colorful windmill blades so square. Miss piccolo has fallen asleep next to my computer. She's so nice when she's sleeping. lol
I always liked this Beach Boys one ..



I almost duck when I say it, but I have always loved the Beach Boys. :)

I remember them well, I had some of their albumsl. I have got unlimited access to the internet with my new fibre optic package, so I can play music from youtube all day. I have a list of Yes albums to play, here is one.

I saw Yes (great band) in concert along with Peter Frampton coming alive ..somewhere in the 70's (at the outrageous price of 15 bucks .. lol)..

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I saw 'Yes' live at a huge venue. Everyone was jumping up and down, enough to cause a small earthquake.
I always liked this Beach Boys one ..



I almost duck when I say it, but I have always loved the Beach Boys. :)

I remember them well, I had some of their albumsl. I have got unlimited access to the internet with my new fibre optic package, so I can play music from youtube all day. I have a list of Yes albums to play, here is one.

I saw Yes (great band) in concert along with Peter Frampton coming alive ..somewhere in the 70's (at the outrageous price of 15 bucks .. lol)..

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I saw 'Yes' live at a huge venue. Everyone was jumping up and down, enough to cause a small earthquake.

I haven't been to a concert since Pink Floyd's final American tour in the mid 90's, Oakland Coliseum, it was a giant bowl of pot smoke and happy people stumbling around aimlessly.... :lol:

I always liked this Beach Boys one ..



I almost duck when I say it, but I have always loved the Beach Boys. :)

I remember them well, I had some of their albumsl. I have got unlimited access to the internet with my new fibre optic package, so I can play music from youtube all day. I have a list of Yes albums to play, here is one.

I saw Yes (great band) in concert along with Peter Frampton coming alive ..somewhere in the 70's (at the outrageous price of 15 bucks .. lol)..

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I saw 'Yes' live at a huge venue. Everyone was jumping up and down, enough to cause a small earthquake.

I thought I was up on all the popular bands--those I like and those I can't listen to without cringing or grimacing--but I honestly don't recall Yes. Listened to your samples posted and really like them though.
It would have so exciting, being in Alaska back in those days. Now, even the most rural villages are "modernized". And, of course, we've had our share of "immigrants" from other states. I did hear a report a couple of days ago that this is the sixth year that the total of people leaving the state outnumber those coming into Alaska. Suits me.
Alaskan factoid: While Everest is the highest mountain based on total elevation, Denali is the single greatest land rise from base to summit, making it technically the tallest mountain on Earth.

You would have loved the beauty and majesty of white-capped mountains in the far distance, lovely, rushing mountain creeks flanked by trees with leaves on them that made a pleasant little shaking noise in a breeze, cool air and friendly people, who were wearing mouton-lined parkas of blue and red, catching a glimpse now and then of a mama moose with her huge but cute baby moose, often laying in a road, oblivious to humans who didn't dare disturb them or accept the consequences of a mad moose mama.

Maybe the moose don't do that anymore in the huge town Anchorage has become. Anyway, looking out the car window at the miles and miles of driving, there was something wonderful about seeing nature at her finest at every twist of the road that was flanked by a stream before the snows began. Surely there is a lot of that left out there in your area.
Funny thing about those moose, they still hang around town. At least one wandered into a nice downtown high-rise building lobby because the automatic door allowed it to gain access to the tasty plants there. Several years ago, a momma moose stomped some poor guy to death in front of the sports building at the main campus at UAA. Lots of stories like that. Driving to work, I've seen several these last few weeks and have miraculously missed hitting them.
People here are still friendly, but there are several different "breeds" of humanity now. And we do have our share of immigrants who diligently try to transform our wilderness into the same place they claim to be fleeing.

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