USMB Coffee Shop IV


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The US polar vortex has been reported on UK TV, despite Britain having severe weather problems of its own, planes not taking off etc. American people have been advised not to talk to each other when outside. The cold would harm their vocal chords.
I can take heat, but not the humidity. Desert climate is good for me,

The desert climate, especially high desert where we live, is good for a lot of people. The main problem is too much sun and dehydration so compensations must be made for that to stay well. And some don't handle the higher altitude well--the average here in the city is something over a mile (some neighborhoods up to 2 kilometers) above sea level. That's higher than the summit of some Swiss ski resorts. But even though we are pretty far south in the USA and we have all four seasons, we don't have humid, sticky weather and the climate here is rarely ever extreme heat or cold and pretty pleasant most of the year. (That is if high 90's in the summer is not considered extreme.)
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I can take heat, but not the humidity. Desert climate is good for me,

The desert climate, especially high desert where we live, is good for a lot of people. The main problem is too much sun and dehydration so compensations must be made for that to stay well. And some don't handle the higher altitude well--the average here in the city is something over a mile (some neighborhoods up to 2 kilometers) above sea level. That's higher than the summit of some Swiss ski resorts.

I heard it was good for people with arthritis and various bone and joint problems. Somewhere like Arizona?

The best one for me - so far - is the Canary Isles. I love those Atlantic highs.
I can take heat, but not the humidity. Desert climate is good for me,

The desert climate, especially high desert where we live, is good for a lot of people. The main problem is too much sun and dehydration so compensations must be made for that to stay well. And some don't handle the higher altitude well--the average here in the city is something over a mile (some neighborhoods up to 2 kilometers) above sea level. That's higher than the summit of some Swiss ski resorts.

I heard it was good for people with arthritis and various bone and joint problems. Somewhere like Arizona?

The best one for me - so far - is the Canary Isles. I love those Atlantic highs.

Yes, the climate here and Arizona is beneficial for some people with various kinds of ailments. You are far more well traveled than I am. Outside of the USA, I have only been to Canada and Mexico and some western Caribbean islands. Europe and some points in Asia, Africa, including Israel, have always been on my bucket list to visit but it always seemed that circumstances intervened in travel plans. So I am like Karen in "Out of Africa", a mental traveler exploring via atlases, National Geographic, and other such means. I do have a large standing globe near my desk to locate where various places are in relation to other places. Our daughter is very well traveled however with a lot of stamps in her passport.
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For those enduring the upper midwest deep freeze this week:


Thanks for the heads up as I have been considering moving south in the next couple of years...…...but maybe not :ack-1:
Ya have to go a little further south for that..... or Florida........

Here it's rattlers and scorpions but if you're in a fairly large metro area rattlesnakes are a rarity if ever. Scorpions supposedly are everywhere but we have yet to see any since we've been in the southwest.
the vast majority of wildlife we see are birds and antelope, antelope right up to my back fence........

Of course there is the summer heat but it rarely gets to 110........... :D

This looks like the Tularosa Basin near the Trinity site.

You ever see javelina or feral hogs? I understand the feral hogs are a real problem in some places.
For those enduring the upper midwest deep freeze this week:


Thanks for the heads up as I have been considering moving south in the next couple of years...…...but maybe not :ack-1:
Ya have to go a little further south for that..... or Florida........

Here it's rattlers and scorpions but if you're in a fairly large metro area rattlesnakes are a rarity if ever. Scorpions supposedly are everywhere but we have yet to see any since we've been in the southwest.
the vast majority of wildlife we see are birds and antelope, antelope right up to my back fence........

Of course there is the summer heat but it rarely gets to 110........... :D

This looks like the Tularosa Basin near the Trinity site.

You ever see javelina or feral hogs? I understand the feral hogs are a real problem in some places.
Not here that I've seen.
I can take heat, but not the humidity. Desert climate is good for me,

The desert climate, especially high desert where we live, is good for a lot of people. The main problem is too much sun and dehydration so compensations must be made for that to stay well. And some don't handle the higher altitude well--the average here in the city is something over a mile (some neighborhoods up to 2 kilometers) above sea level. That's higher than the summit of some Swiss ski resorts.

I heard it was good for people with arthritis and various bone and joint problems. Somewhere like Arizona?

The best one for me - so far - is the Canary Isles. I love those Atlantic highs.

Yes, the climate here and Arizona is beneficial for some people with various kinds of ailments. You are far more well traveled than I am. Outside of the USA, I have only been to Canada and Mexico and some western Caribbean islands. Europe and some points in Asia, Africa, including Israel, have always been on my bucket list to visit but it always seemed that circumstances intervened in travel plans. So I am like Karen in "Out of Africa", a mental traveler exploring via atlases, National Geographic, and other such means. I do have a large standing globe near my desk to locate where various places are in relation to other places. Our daughter is very well traveled however with a lot of stamps in her passport.

I think I'm well situated geographically to go either east or west. Or straight down to North Africa and beyond. Driving around different countries is also good. For example, I'm an hour from the French border. And train travel is excellent. I met an American couple from Hawaii once, who were travelling around Europe on a Euro rail ticket. And thoroughly enjoying it.
Oh, Wow! That was ugly. Partner started being an asshole. I'm tired of being the bad guy. Of course, he claims I am drunk. I've observed that I am more dissatisfied when sober. No difference...I'm drunk (by his evaluation). Long story short, he just stormed off and left. He has his uses, but I am not as bereft as he would like to think. Mostly, I leave him do things because it is less hassle than fighting that what he does is different than how I do things. His property is in town, under final notification. This is my property. He's already told me I would receive no profit when he sells that property. This is MY place. We'll see how this all comes out in the wash.

Sounds like he's feeling the stress of having to clean up his place(s). Addicts (hoarders are addicted) don't like having to change their ways cause they think they are right & everyone else is wrong and thereby take it out on those most convenient. Hang in there & buckle up cause it could get worse..

Of course he's stressed, so am I. So much of the mess he's clearing off the town property ends up out here. Come springtime and breakup, I'll be faced with collecting all the junk he's just tossed off the truck or trailer. How these things usually proceed if you don't get things cleaned up is they start fining you. Right now, there are three specific issues we need to address. We are threatened with $300/day until that gets done. Of course, the fines mount up quickly and most people will not be able to afford to pay them. That's when the city comes in, condemns the property and then seizes it. They'll then sell it to cover the fines although the owners are still responsible for paying the mortgage.
Saw a weather report for parts of America. They think the temperature will drop to minus sixty degrees. That's arctic temperatures. I hope you people will be ok.
It might get down to 60 here...... Have to break out the arctic parka.......

Is there anywhere that's warm in the US right now?
Alaska. Friday-Sunday, it was close to 40F, dropping to just below freezing at night. After a hefty snowfall Sunday-Monday, the temperatures have been at or just above freezing. Right now it's raining. The snow has compacted into an icy sheet that is absolutely treacherous.
For those enduring the upper midwest deep freeze this week:


Thanks for the heads up as I have been considering moving south in the next couple of years...…...but maybe not :ack-1:
Ya have to go a little further south for that..... or Florida........

Here it's rattlers and scorpions but if you're in a fairly large metro area rattlesnakes are a rarity if ever. Scorpions supposedly are everywhere but we have yet to see any since we've been in the southwest.
the vast majority of wildlife we see are birds and antelope, antelope right up to my back fence........

Of course there is the summer heat but it rarely gets to 110........... :D

This looks like the Tularosa Basin near the Trinity site.

You ever see javelina or feral hogs? I understand the feral hogs are a real problem in some places.

Hombre's cousin and his wife live on a farm/ranch just outside of Cleveland TX just northeast of Houston which is hardly desert. The feral hogs come late at night so they are mostly undetected and have destroyed much of their lawn, flower beds, vegetable garden at intervals. Their kids and grandchildren have staked out the place trying to catch them in the act and dispatch them with hunting rifles and/or shotguns, but they are extremely intelligent and wary. Very difficult to detect.

Here is a photo of some on somebody's lawn in the daytime which is pretty rare. These apparently just got there. They are not grazing on the grass but root under it for grubs or roots or whatever and leave it a plowed up muddy mess. They aren't like domestic hogs but resemble a cross between the domestic hogs and javelinas.

These are near the Trinity River in metropolitan Dallas

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For those enduring the upper midwest deep freeze this week:


Thanks for the heads up as I have been considering moving south in the next couple of years...…...but maybe not :ack-1:
Ya have to go a little further south for that..... or Florida........

Here it's rattlers and scorpions but if you're in a fairly large metro area rattlesnakes are a rarity if ever. Scorpions supposedly are everywhere but we have yet to see any since we've been in the southwest.
the vast majority of wildlife we see are birds and antelope, antelope right up to my back fence........

Of course there is the summer heat but it rarely gets to 110........... :D

This looks like the Tularosa Basin near the Trinity site.

You ever see javelina or feral hogs? I understand the feral hogs are a real problem in some places.

Hombre's cousin and his wife live on a farm/ranch just outside of Cleveland TX just northeast of Houston which is hardly desert. The feral hogs come late at night so they are mostly undetected and have destroyed much of their lawn, flower beds, vegetable garden at intervals. Their kids and grandchildren have staked out the place trying to catch them in the act and dispatch them with hunting rifles and/or shotguns, but they are extremely intelligent and wary. Very difficult to detect.

Here is a photo of some on somebody's lawn in the daytime which is pretty rare. These apparently just got there. They are not grazing on the grass but root under it for grubs or roots or whatever and leave it a plowed up muddy mess. They aren't like domestic hogs but resemble a cross between the domestic hogs and javelinas.

These are near the Trinity River in metropolitan Dallas
I understand that they've gotten so bad you can charter a helicopter and machine gun to hunt them down. I just hope that they retrieve those killed and dispatch those wounded. One of the guys at work is fascinated with this type of expedition. They look like Russian boars.
Hombre's cousin and his wife live on a farm/ranch just outside of Cleveland TX just northeast of Houston which is hardly desert. The feral hogs come late at night so they are mostly undetected and have destroyed much of their lawn, flower beds, vegetable garden at intervals. Their kids and grandchildren have staked out the place trying to catch them in the act and dispatch them with hunting rifles and/or shotguns, but they are extremely intelligent and wary. Very difficult to detect.

Here is a photo of some on somebody's lawn in the daytime which is pretty rare. These apparently just got there. They are not grazing on the grass but root under it for grubs or roots or whatever and leave it a plowed up muddy mess. They aren't like domestic hogs but resemble a cross between the domestic hogs and javelinas.

These are near the Trinity River in metropolitan Dallas


I saw a teevee program about feral hog hunting excursions in Texas... The way they have to go about it is almost like midnight sniping in a war zone.

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