USMB Coffee Shop IV

Oh, Wow! That was ugly. Partner started being an asshole. I'm tired of being the bad guy. Of course, he claims I am drunk. I've observed that I am more dissatisfied when sober. No difference...I'm drunk (by his evaluation). Long story short, he just stormed off and left. He has his uses, but I am not as bereft as he would like to think. Mostly, I leave him do things because it is less hassle than fighting that what he does is different than how I do things. His property is in town, under final notification. This is my property. He's already told me I would receive no profit when he sells that property. This is MY place. We'll see how this all comes out in the wash.
We started giving the cats probiotics a week ago and over the last couple of days they've been more active, especially Gizmo. Giz had been spending more time sleeping than anything else, suddenly he's bouncing around like a kitten again and even Jasper has more energy.
Any idea what was ailing them? Sometimes the four-leggers will suffer in sympathy with their two-legger family members.
Commercial pet food barely has the minimum nutrient/vitamin content and almost no probiotics. It helps keep them from barfing all the time and helps build up their immune systems, something both of them need.
Cats are particularly susceptible to commercial food.
I tried to give my cat some of that Blue Diamond, supposed to be the best, but she reluctantly ate it, and didn't eat as much as she does of the Science Diet. They say you shouldn't change a cats food once you get them on something.

I fed my other cat Friskies canned food with a dry food later in the day, and he was a healthy guy. Lived to be almost 20. Never sick a day in his life. The new campfire cat gets a little can of Fancy Feast Gravy in the morning and then some dry food in the afternoon. She seems happy and healthy.
BLue Diamond for dry food and Friskies for canned. They love the Friskies but will eat Blue Diamond
The feral barn cats got the cheapest dry food around and goat milk. Damned things started reproducing like rabbits (or cats).
For those enduring the upper midwest deep freeze this week:

We started giving the cats probiotics a week ago and over the last couple of days they've been more active, especially Gizmo. Giz had been spending more time sleeping than anything else, suddenly he's bouncing around like a kitten again and even Jasper has more energy.
Any idea what was ailing them? Sometimes the four-leggers will suffer in sympathy with their two-legger family members.
Commercial pet food barely has the minimum nutrient/vitamin content and almost no probiotics. It helps keep them from barfing all the time and helps build up their immune systems, something both of them need.

Pet foods/products have become a multi billion dollar business and has produced some inferior, sometime dangerous, products. People spend more on the pooch or kitty than we spent on our kids 30-40 years ago. Thirty years ago Purina was reliable to provide a good quality affordable product--they did the research and marketed good stuff. These days not so much though their premium stuff is probably as good as anybody else's. And according to our local vet--the one who take care of the mini doxie and shih tzu that stay here from time to time--even some of the premium expensive stuff is causing serious problems in cats and dogs, some life threatening. Some pet owners are resorting to making their own homemade pet food, but that is tricky to get the right balance of nutrients. Quality homemade is cheaper than commercial premium pet food though, and takes about two hours a month to make.

If we wind up with any permanent critter residents--we are the designated home for a lot of them out there if anything happens to their owners :) --I honestly don't know how I will decide what to feed them. But I'll do the best I can like we all do.

Here is a wonderful site that helps determine what foods and combinations needed to make a healthy pet food for both dogs & cats.....It's provided by a company that makes a product (BalanceIt) that would be used as an additive to the recipes in order to fill in the gaps of nutrients that may be lacking in regular foods and tells you how much to use. Make sense??? Kinda like a multi vitamin.. Sorry I'm terrible at explaining, but check it out and see for yourself.

The stuff is really expensive but gives you the peace of mind to provide a homemade diet tailored to your pets needs with regular people foods you may have on hand.

I haven't tried this or doing homemade foods exclusively for 2 reasons..1) it's really expensive and 2) even though the dogs would love it, the darned cat insists on store bought dry food. …...maybe I need to figure out how to make that as well. Maybe one day when I don't have other stuff to worry about,.
For those enduring the upper midwest deep freeze this week:


Thanks for the heads up as I have been considering moving south in the next couple of years...…...but maybe not :ack-1:
Ya have to go a little further south for that..... or Florida........

Here it's rattlers and scorpions but if you're in a fairly large metro area rattlesnakes are a rarity if ever. Scorpions supposedly are everywhere but we have yet to see any since we've been in the southwest.
the vast majority of wildlife we see are birds and antelope, antelope right up to my back fence........

Of course there is the summer heat but it rarely gets to 110........... :D

This looks like the Tularosa Basin near the Trinity site.

For those enduring the upper midwest deep freeze this week:


Thanks for the heads up as I have been considering moving south in the next couple of years...…...but maybe not :ack-1:
Ya have to go a little further south for that..... or Florida........

Here it's rattlers and scorpions but if you're in a fairly large metro area rattlesnakes are a rarity if ever. Scorpions supposedly are everywhere but we have yet to see any since we've been in the southwest.
the vast majority of wildlife we see are birds and antelope, antelope right up to my back fence........

Of course there is the summer heat but it rarely gets to 110........... :D

This looks like the Tularosa Basin near the Trinity site.


We do have rattlesnakes in Eastern Wa. and would see evidence of them when we were camping out in the middle of slither marks in the dirt, I carried a big stick to beat around to make noise in the hopes of scaring them off. Must have worked cause we never actually seen one.
Oh, Wow! That was ugly. Partner started being an asshole. I'm tired of being the bad guy. Of course, he claims I am drunk. I've observed that I am more dissatisfied when sober. No difference...I'm drunk (by his evaluation). Long story short, he just stormed off and left. He has his uses, but I am not as bereft as he would like to think. Mostly, I leave him do things because it is less hassle than fighting that what he does is different than how I do things. His property is in town, under final notification. This is my property. He's already told me I would receive no profit when he sells that property. This is MY place. We'll see how this all comes out in the wash.

Sounds like he's feeling the stress of having to clean up his place(s). Addicts (hoarders are addicted) don't like having to change their ways cause they think they are right & everyone else is wrong and thereby take it out on those most convenient. Hang in there & buckle up cause it could get worse..
Saw a weather report for parts of America. They think the temperature will drop to minus sixty degrees. That's arctic temperatures. I hope you people will be ok.
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Saw a weather report for parts of America. They think the temperature will drop to minus sixty degrees. That's arctic temperatures. I hope you people will be ok.
It might get down to 60 here...... Have to break out the arctic parka.......
Saw a weather report for parts of America. They think the temperature will drop to minus sixty degrees. That's arctic temperatures. I hope you people will be ok.
It might get down to 60 here...... Have to break out the arctic parka.......

Is there anywhere that's warm in the US right now?
Considering it really never made it above 40 today and it's 32 now though it's supposed to hit 70 on Thursday and stay in the high 60s, low 70s through Sunday...... :dunno:
It did hit 67 in Death Valley, 78 in parts of California today.
Saw a weather report for parts of America. They think the temperature will drop to minus sixty degrees. That's arctic temperatures. I hope you people will be ok.
It might get down to 60 here...... Have to break out the arctic parka.......

Is there anywhere that's warm in the US right now?
Considering it really never made it above 40 today and it's 32 now though it's supposed to hit 70 on Thursday and stay in the high 60s, low 70s through Sunday...... :dunno:
It did hit 67 in Death Valley, 78 in parts of California today.

Do you know what that is in Celsius?

I suppose I could google it.

California's the place to be, then?

I did escape the last two winters in the Canary Islands. Only a four hour flight for me. And no time zone change.
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Saw a weather report for parts of America. They think the temperature will drop to minus sixty degrees. That's arctic temperatures. I hope you people will be ok.
It might get down to 60 here...... Have to break out the arctic parka.......

Is there anywhere that's warm in the US right now?
Considering it really never made it above 40 today and it's 32 now though it's supposed to hit 70 on Thursday and stay in the high 60s, low 70s through Sunday...... :dunno:
It did hit 67 in Death Valley, 78 in parts of California today.

Do you know what that is in Celsius?

I suppose I could google it.

California's the place to be, then?

I did escape the last two winters in the Canary Islands. Only a four hour flight for me. And no time zone change.

Temps are running normal in the 40's and 50's fahrenheit for highs here, roughly 10 degrees warmer 4 hours east of us in west Texas where our son lives and roughly 10 degrees warmer than that on the California coast where our daughter lives. So we can't really complain.
Saw a weather report for parts of America. They think the temperature will drop to minus sixty degrees. That's arctic temperatures. I hope you people will be ok.
It might get down to 60 here...... Have to break out the arctic parka.......

Is there anywhere that's warm in the US right now?
Considering it really never made it above 40 today and it's 32 now though it's supposed to hit 70 on Thursday and stay in the high 60s, low 70s through Sunday...... :dunno:
It did hit 67 in Death Valley, 78 in parts of California today.

Do you know what that is in Celsius?

I suppose I could google it.

California's the place to be, then?

I did escape the last two winters in the Canary Islands. Only a four hour flight for me. And no time zone change.

Temps are running normal in the 40's and 50's fahrenheit for highs here, roughly 10 degrees warmer 4 hours east of us in west Texas where our son lives and roughly 10 degrees warmer than that on the California coast where our daughter lives. So we can't really complain.

My daughter has recently returned from Kuala Lumpur, where she said the heat and humidity were unbearable.
It might get down to 60 here...... Have to break out the arctic parka.......

Is there anywhere that's warm in the US right now?
Considering it really never made it above 40 today and it's 32 now though it's supposed to hit 70 on Thursday and stay in the high 60s, low 70s through Sunday...... :dunno:
It did hit 67 in Death Valley, 78 in parts of California today.

Do you know what that is in Celsius?

I suppose I could google it.

California's the place to be, then?

I did escape the last two winters in the Canary Islands. Only a four hour flight for me. And no time zone change.

Temps are running normal in the 40's and 50's fahrenheit for highs here, roughly 10 degrees warmer 4 hours east of us in west Texas where our son lives and roughly 10 degrees warmer than that on the California coast where our daughter lives. So we can't really complain.

My daughter has recently returned from Kuala Lumpur, where she said the heat and humidity were unbearable.
It is if you're not used to it.
It might get down to 60 here...... Have to break out the arctic parka.......

Is there anywhere that's warm in the US right now?
Considering it really never made it above 40 today and it's 32 now though it's supposed to hit 70 on Thursday and stay in the high 60s, low 70s through Sunday...... :dunno:
It did hit 67 in Death Valley, 78 in parts of California today.

Do you know what that is in Celsius?

I suppose I could google it.

California's the place to be, then?

I did escape the last two winters in the Canary Islands. Only a four hour flight for me. And no time zone change.

Temps are running normal in the 40's and 50's fahrenheit for highs here, roughly 10 degrees warmer 4 hours east of us in west Texas where our son lives and roughly 10 degrees warmer than that on the California coast where our daughter lives. So we can't really complain.

My daughter has recently returned from Kuala Lumpur, where she said the heat and humidity were unbearable.

I experienced some of that in the western Carribbean. I will take cold weather any day over that.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
Thanksgiving for Nosmo's mom.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

It is the dead of winter. May everyone enjoy warm fires and contented fur friends

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