USMB Coffee Shop IV

I now have a resident moose. She's been camping right next to the hay stack. It's a young cow, born in 1918 and I haven't seen any sign of momma, so she might be an orphan old enough to find food on her own. Still, she's as tall at the shoulder as a small horse. I went out last night to turn off the generator around midnight and she didn't get up out of my path until I was close enough to touch her.
The first picture she's standing next to my front porch (notice the snow on the roof), the second picture she's standing in front of a 5' stack of hay with about 12" of snow on top. And this is a moose that was probably born last May!
View attachment 246527 View attachment 246529

Wow. That is major league snow. I'm sure you meant the moose was born in 2018. If she was born in 1918 I would expect her to be much bigger. :) Is a moose a danger to your livestock or dogs? I have heard of them attacking Iditarod teams.
Oops! Typo... Yeah, she was born in 2018 and should be with her mother at least another year. Still no sign of momma, either. She might be a danger to the little house dog but the other Pyr is in a pen with goats. I had a few goats loose this morning and the moose was watching them closely but I doubt she'll pose any kind of threat. They are ruminants, just like she is, and probably smell "friendly".
Yeah, this is the most snow we've had in about 6-7 years. After the slow start to the season, remember I was telling about how little snow we were getting? Guess you should be careful what you wish for. Right now it's just above freezing and things are getting wet and messy.
I now have a resident moose. She's been camping right next to the hay stack. It's a young cow, born in 1918 and I haven't seen any sign of momma, so she might be an orphan old enough to find food on her own. Still, she's as tall at the shoulder as a small horse. I went out last night to turn off the generator around midnight and she didn't get up out of my path until I was close enough to touch her.
The first picture she's standing next to my front porch (notice the snow on the roof), the second picture she's standing in front of a 5' stack of hay with about 12" of snow on top. And this is a moose that was probably born last May!
View attachment 246527 View attachment 246529

Wow. That is major league snow. I'm sure you meant the moose was born in 2018. If she was born in 1918 I would expect her to be much bigger. :) Is a moose a danger to your livestock or dogs? I have heard of them attacking Iditarod teams.
Oops! Typo... Yeah, she was born in 2018 and should be with her mother at least another year. Still no sign of momma, either. She might be a danger to the little house dog but the other Pyr is in a pen with goats. I had a few goats loose this morning and the moose was watching them closely but I doubt she'll pose any kind of threat. They are ruminants, just like she is, and probably smell "friendly".
Yeah, this is the most snow we've had in about 6-7 years. After the slow start to the season, remember I was telling about how little snow we were getting? Guess you should be careful what you wish for. Right now it's just above freezing and things are getting wet and messy.
I was wondering about a 100 year old moose.......
Watched George and the Dragon last night, it's full of stars and is sooooooo intentionally campy it's bad. So bad it's actually kinda good..... :lol:

Foxfyre, hope you get the 2 inches of snow and not the 6 inches...... Either way shovel slowly. :thup:

Thanks Ringel. We were upgraded to a winter storm warning this afternoon and just picking up on the style and persistence of the weather forecasters all day and this evening, we probably should plan on the 6 or more. I hope not. Supposed to take my aunt to her bone doctor tomorrow and I don't relish doing that on ice and snow.

Good night all you darlinks. No change in the vigil list.
Aaaaaaand good morning all. We had such high winds overnight no way to gauge exactly how much snow on the ground but at least three inches and its still coming down and will likely continue through most of the day. Albuquerque does not have the equipment to deal with it because snowstorms are so infrequent here, so it is enough snow to pretty well shut down the city. The city offices are closed, schools are closed, the University of New Mexico just announced it is closed. My aunt cancelled her doctor's appointment, thank God, or I would have gotten her there. Hombre and I just laugh because being from the Texas Panhandle/northern south plains and then north central Kansas, this little dab of snow wouldn't have closed down anything. And as a kid in Santa Fe, I often waded through four to six inches of snow to get on the school bus, equipped with chains. The schools didn't close for anything under eight inches or more.

Ah well. The winters were more severe back then and people were tougher it seems like. And I'll have to admit I am grateful that I don't have to get out in this today.
Aaaaaaand good morning all. We had such high winds overnight no way to gauge exactly how much snow on the ground but at least three inches and its still coming down and will likely continue through most of the day. Albuquerque does not have the equipment to deal with it because snowstorms are so infrequent here, so it is enough snow to pretty well shut down the city. The city offices are closed, schools are closed, the University of New Mexico just announced it is closed. My aunt cancelled her doctor's appointment, thank God, or I would have gotten her there. Hombre and I just laugh because being from the Texas Panhandle/northern south plains and then north central Kansas, this little dab of snow wouldn't have closed down anything. And as a kid in Santa Fe, I often waded through four to six inches of snow to get on the school bus, equipped with chains. The schools didn't close for anything under eight inches or more.

Ah well. The winters were more severe back then and people were tougher it seems like. And I'll have to admit I am grateful that I don't have to get out in this today.
You saw the pictures of the snowfall we got over the weekend. We've gotten the drive and the road up to it cleared well enough to get the Dodge in now. I managed to get the Lexus through Sunday afternoon but only because the trail was just wide enough and that damned little car handles heavy roads really well. The Dodge is a wheel's width too wide and gets mired down in the deep, soft snow along the sides of the trail.
I found the tom turkey. He's hiding out on the backhoe and hasn't come away yet. He's looking slightly...plucked. Dog must have grabbed him by his tail and it must have hurt to tear loose. Still looking for a turkey hen, though.
Our little cow moose shows no sign of moving on. She comes right up to the porch and sampled the chicken food earlier. We won't feed her "people" food (carrots, cabbage, other things they like) but as long as she's foraging normally, she's welcome to a bit of hay. It's probably far safer for her to shelter here rather than get out on the road. As long as she doesn't become aggressive, she's a guest.
Decided to apply for SSDI for the wife, found a free legal service in Albuquerque that deals specifically with cancer patients. The attorney called yesterday, got some information over the phone while we get some more information together. She told me that the type of cancer the wife has is an automatic approval for SSDI though for whatever reason the government waits 5 months before paying it out.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

Hope everybody got a chance to see tonight's super moon. February's full moon is the snow moon and if you lived in central or northern New Mexico today, it seems the perfect name.

Just snow, snow, snow and MORE SNOW here in Wisconsin. I can't be more thankful that I have that big ole John Deere with the snowblower attachment now. Didn't use it hardly at all for the last three years but WOW, winter cut lose with a vengeance this year.

I've been hibernating and working out on the gym, and of course, bought more stereo gear. Had to have decent tunes in the back room with the gym for working out so I bought a Yamaha stereo integrated amp, and WOW... just can't put in words how GREAT this thing sounds coupled with my Bowers & Wilkins DM-604 S3's moved in from the shop, just awesome. I haven't been wowed like this for awhile, but this did it. Don't know why I have never owned a Yamaha before, but I was so impressed with this I bought another Yamaha Aventage RX-A3080 home theater receiver for the front room. My old Denon AVR-4810 was showing it's age and doing funny things with it's biamping processing so, it had to be replaced, it was time.

But for anyone that likes just STEREO, I HIGHLY recommend this Yamaha integrated amp. It has built in DAC's so it can process direct digital streams and other inputs, and it won't break the bank, just a BEAUTIFUL little integrated amp... high current... clean... very articulate and punchy...

Nothing finishes a man cave as nicely as a good stereo system. Do you live alone, no one to be disturbed when you crank the tunes, yanno?
I've lived alone for 32 years now. Don't have any neighbors near enough for loud music to bother either, and I do play it loud, often... ;) ... :lol:
Yup, I can relate. I live out here on my teensy spread, just short of 200 acres. The nearest neighbors about a mile North on their 100 acres. Dogs barking, loud music, generators, nothing really disturbs anyone else.
Sorry it takes awhile to get a reply going, pard, but it's winter and we just can't get a break here in Wisconsin. Seems as though the last three years where we had zip for winter got all backed up and it's all hitting us now. I had 37 below one morning, which considering I'm almost happy with because they say that cold will kill insect eggs that otherwise will survive winter, and we've had an abundance of BUGS for awhile, but the snow, holy cow, it's like the storms are on a SNOW HIGHWAY and WE'RE ON IT. Wisconsin has been ground zero for the snow storm track. We're buried in snow now and it's snowing AGAIN, NOW. I was starting to wonder if having my John Deere with the snowblower on it was overkill... aaaahh... NO... now I'm thanking GOD I have it.

Yeah 200 acres... that's so AWESOME brother. There's lots of open country around here too with all the farms and such, and one of my best buds with his brother owns their old family farm up on the ridge here, 480 acres, we go up there and deer hunt, shoot the guns, whatever, it's REALLY nice to have a good buddy that owns so much land. It makes my little acre and a quarter seem like a garden. But, here in the township, my little acre and a quarter is worth a nice chunk of change. A half acre is going for $25,000, unimproved, a bare lot, or trees and not cleared.

Yeah I'll have to add this, because I AM an incurable audiophile. I seem to have no compunction about spending money when it comes to audio gear. I bought the above Yamaha integrated amp, and it's so good it makes me dream of owning it's big brother...


... and I shouldn't be thinking about such things... but I just can't help it. The amp I bought was only $850, it's big brother here is $7,000 retail from Yamaha. Of course there's better deals to be found, but, IDK... maybe... :lol: I just can't believe how good they sound. I never owned a "separate" before. A component designed for one thing only, and in this case stereo listening. The great part is it's an "integrated amp," meaning it isn't JUST an amp, it has a built in Sabre, 32 bit DAC, which is just awesome stuff, so it will decode a digital stream from whatever you want. An amp alone won't do that because it doesn't have built in DAC's.... "digital to analog" converters, an amp alone needs a preamp. Most home theater receivers have Burr Brown 24 bit DAC's, so there ya go, not even as good as the Yamaha integrated stereo amps. This is just such nice stuff, my hats off to Yamaha. Had I known they sound so good before I'd never have waited this long to buy one. Crank it up and enjoy... sounds like you have a live band in your house... providing you have decent speakers. I'm running my Bowers & Wilkins DM-604 S3's with it, and yes, I have droned on for quite awhile about this, but it doesn't take much to make me do that... :lol:

Yamaha A-S3000 High-Performance Integrated Amplifier BRAND NEW 27108945491 | eBay
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Just snow, snow, snow and MORE SNOW here in Wisconsin. I can't be more thankful that I have that big ole John Deere with the snowblower attachment now. Didn't use it hardly at all for the last three years but WOW, winter cut lose with a vengeance this year.

I've been hibernating and working out on the gym, and of course, bought more stereo gear. Had to have decent tunes in the back room with the gym for working out so I bought a Yamaha stereo integrated amp, and WOW... just can't put in words how GREAT this thing sounds coupled with my Bowers & Wilkins DM-604 S3's moved in from the shop, just awesome. I haven't been wowed like this for awhile, but this did it. Don't know why I have never owned a Yamaha before, but I was so impressed with this I bought another Yamaha Aventage RX-A3080 home theater receiver for the front room. My old Denon AVR-4810 was showing it's age and doing funny things with it's biamping processing so, it had to be replaced, it was time.

But for anyone that likes just STEREO, I HIGHLY recommend this Yamaha integrated amp. It has built in DAC's so it can process direct digital streams and other inputs, and it won't break the bank, just a BEAUTIFUL little integrated amp... high current... clean... very articulate and punchy...

Nothing finishes a man cave as nicely as a good stereo system. Do you live alone, no one to be disturbed when you crank the tunes, yanno?
I've lived alone for 32 years now. Don't have any neighbors near enough for loud music to bother either, and I do play it loud, often... ;) ... :lol:
Yup, I can relate. I live out here on my teensy spread, just short of 200 acres. The nearest neighbors about a mile North on their 100 acres. Dogs barking, loud music, generators, nothing really disturbs anyone else.
Sorry it takes awhile to get a reply going, pard, but it's winter and we just can't get a break here in Wisconsin. Seems as though the last three years where we had zip for winter got all backed up and it's all hitting us now. I had 37 below one morning, which considering I'm almost happy with because they say that cold will kill insect eggs that otherwise will survive winter, and we've had an abundance of BUGS for awhile, but the snow, holy cow, it's like the storms are on a SNOW HIGHWAY and WE'RE ON IT. Wisconsin has been ground zero for the snow storm track. We're buried in snow now and it's snowing AGAIN, NOW. I was starting to wonder if having my John Deere with the snowblower on it was overkill... aaaahh... NO... now I'm thanking GOD I have it.

Yeah 200 acres... that's so AWESOME brother. There's lots of open country around here too with all the farms and such, and one of my best buds with his brother owns their old family farm up on the ridge here, 480 acres, we go up there and deer hunt, shoot the guns, whatever, it's REALLY nice to have a good buddy that owns so much land. It makes my little acre and a quarter seem like a garden. But, here in the township, my little acre and a quarter is worth a nice chunk of change. A half acre is going for $25,000, unimproved, a bare lot, or trees and not cleared.

Yeah I'll have to add this, because I AM an incurable audiophile. I seem to have no compunction about spending money when it comes to audio gear. I bought the above Yamaha integrated amp, and it's so good it makes me dream of owning it's big brother...


... and I shouldn't be thinking about such things... but I just can't help it. The amp I bought was only $850, it's big brother here is $7,000 retail from Yamaha. Of course there's better deals to be found, but, IDK... maybe... :lol: I just can't believe how good they sound. I never owned a "separate" before. A component designed for one thing only, and in this case stereo listening. The great part is it's an "integrated amp," meaning it isn't JUST an amp, it has a built in Sabre, 32 bit DAC, which is just awesome stuff, so it will decode a digital stream from whatever you want. An amp alone won't do that because it doesn't have built in DAC's.... "digital to analog" converters, an amp alone needs a preamp. Most home theater receivers have Burr Brown 24 bit DAC's, so there ya go, not even as good as the Yamaha integrated stereo amps. This is just such nice stuff, my hats off to Yamaha. Had I known they sound so good before I'd never have waited this long to buy one. Crank it up and enjoy... sounds like you have a live band in your house... providing you have decent speakers. I'm running my Bowers & Wilkins DM-604 S3's with it, and yes, I have droned on for quite awhile about this, but it doesn't take much to make me do that... :lol:

Yamaha A-S3000 High-Performance Integrated Amplifier BRAND NEW 27108945491 | eBay
All that makes my Kenwood tower I owned years ago seem prehistoric. I was a great system in its day, though. Now, I make do with a small, battery-powered radio in the house. I have an old turntable stored away because I still have stacks of plastic in storage.
Our snow came all at once, it seems. I can use the snow blower but the stuff is so deep, I'm running out of places to put it. And the temps are all over the place, too. The past 2-3 days, it's been just around and slightly above freezing. Last night, we dropped to double-digit minus temps again, currently it's -16! I've been letting the wood stove die down at night I don't have to keep getting up to feed the fire and it gets too hot to sleep. I have to leave here early and will just leave the fire be for now.
Just turned on the news and they're calling for another huge storm for your neck of the woods. Good luck!
Just snow, snow, snow and MORE SNOW here in Wisconsin. I can't be more thankful that I have that big ole John Deere with the snowblower attachment now. Didn't use it hardly at all for the last three years but WOW, winter cut lose with a vengeance this year.

I've been hibernating and working out on the gym, and of course, bought more stereo gear. Had to have decent tunes in the back room with the gym for working out so I bought a Yamaha stereo integrated amp, and WOW... just can't put in words how GREAT this thing sounds coupled with my Bowers & Wilkins DM-604 S3's moved in from the shop, just awesome. I haven't been wowed like this for awhile, but this did it. Don't know why I have never owned a Yamaha before, but I was so impressed with this I bought another Yamaha Aventage RX-A3080 home theater receiver for the front room. My old Denon AVR-4810 was showing it's age and doing funny things with it's biamping processing so, it had to be replaced, it was time.

But for anyone that likes just STEREO, I HIGHLY recommend this Yamaha integrated amp. It has built in DAC's so it can process direct digital streams and other inputs, and it won't break the bank, just a BEAUTIFUL little integrated amp... high current... clean... very articulate and punchy...

Nothing finishes a man cave as nicely as a good stereo system. Do you live alone, no one to be disturbed when you crank the tunes, yanno?
I've lived alone for 32 years now. Don't have any neighbors near enough for loud music to bother either, and I do play it loud, often... ;) ... :lol:
Yup, I can relate. I live out here on my teensy spread, just short of 200 acres. The nearest neighbors about a mile North on their 100 acres. Dogs barking, loud music, generators, nothing really disturbs anyone else.
Sorry it takes awhile to get a reply going, pard, but it's winter and we just can't get a break here in Wisconsin. Seems as though the last three years where we had zip for winter got all backed up and it's all hitting us now. I had 37 below one morning, which considering I'm almost happy with because they say that cold will kill insect eggs that otherwise will survive winter, and we've had an abundance of BUGS for awhile, but the snow, holy cow, it's like the storms are on a SNOW HIGHWAY and WE'RE ON IT. Wisconsin has been ground zero for the snow storm track. We're buried in snow now and it's snowing AGAIN, NOW. I was starting to wonder if having my John Deere with the snowblower on it was overkill... aaaahh... NO... now I'm thanking GOD I have it.

Yeah 200 acres... that's so AWESOME brother. There's lots of open country around here too with all the farms and such, and one of my best buds with his brother owns their old family farm up on the ridge here, 480 acres, we go up there and deer hunt, shoot the guns, whatever, it's REALLY nice to have a good buddy that owns so much land. It makes my little acre and a quarter seem like a garden. But, here in the township, my little acre and a quarter is worth a nice chunk of change. A half acre is going for $25,000, unimproved, a bare lot, or trees and not cleared.

Yeah I'll have to add this, because I AM an incurable audiophile. I seem to have no compunction about spending money when it comes to audio gear. I bought the above Yamaha integrated amp, and it's so good it makes me dream of owning it's big brother...


... and I shouldn't be thinking about such things... but I just can't help it. The amp I bought was only $850, it's big brother here is $7,000 retail from Yamaha. Of course there's better deals to be found, but, IDK... maybe... :lol: I just can't believe how good they sound. I never owned a "separate" before. A component designed for one thing only, and in this case stereo listening. The great part is it's an "integrated amp," meaning it isn't JUST an amp, it has a built in Sabre, 32 bit DAC, which is just awesome stuff, so it will decode a digital stream from whatever you want. An amp alone won't do that because it doesn't have built in DAC's.... "digital to analog" converters, an amp alone needs a preamp. Most home theater receivers have Burr Brown 24 bit DAC's, so there ya go, not even as good as the Yamaha integrated stereo amps. This is just such nice stuff, my hats off to Yamaha. Had I known they sound so good before I'd never have waited this long to buy one. Crank it up and enjoy... sounds like you have a live band in your house... providing you have decent speakers. I'm running my Bowers & Wilkins DM-604 S3's with it, and yes, I have droned on for quite awhile about this, but it doesn't take much to make me do that... :lol:

Yamaha A-S3000 High-Performance Integrated Amplifier BRAND NEW 27108945491 | eBay
All that makes my Kenwood tower I owned years ago seem prehistoric. I was a great system in its day, though. Now, I make do with a small, battery-powered radio in the house. I have an old turntable stored away because I still have stacks of plastic in storage.
Our snow came all at once, it seems. I can use the snow blower but the stuff is so deep, I'm running out of places to put it. And the temps are all over the place, too. The past 2-3 days, it's been just around and slightly above freezing. Last night, we dropped to double-digit minus temps again, currently it's -16! I've been letting the wood stove die down at night I don't have to keep getting up to feed the fire and it gets too hot to sleep. I have to leave here early and will just leave the fire be for now.
Just turned on the news and they're calling for another huge storm for your neck of the woods. Good luck!

Our first electronics other than basic radios that still had tubes and a black and white TV was a stereo system with a turn table in a free standing cabinet like piece of furniture. We had strictly 45 and 78 rpm vinyl records in those days--cassettes probably hadn't been invented yet. We wore out a lot of records on that old stereo system and at some point it gave up the ghost and was replaced with much more sophisticated modern systems. But nothing we have had over the years could rival the terrific speakers in that old record player system--superb undistorted magnificent sound. Some things really haven't gotten better.
Today's puzzle. I counted at least 10 faces. . . .

I see 9 if you don't count the tiny mouse, octopus, and elephant. There seems to be an indistinct baby face looking away as the hat of two people on the right side, which would make it 10..
I probably did worse than on the pluses and times teaser. :)

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