USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just got back from the hospital and Mr. P is doing fairly well. He is also getting a bit stronger.
They are going to keep him for another couple days to make sure these new meds are working for getting rid of his water retention.
He still has to sleep sitting up, but it's one of those hospital medical type recliner chairs.
His doc. says he can come home when he can sleep comfortably lying down.

CHF? Careful with the diuretics. I had stage 3 kidney disease before my cardiologist bothered to check my kidney function.
I just got back from the hospital and Mr. P is doing fairly well. He is also getting a bit stronger.
They are going to keep him for another couple days to make sure these new meds are working for getting rid of his water retention.
He still has to sleep sitting up, but it's one of those hospital medical type recliner chairs.
His doc. says he can come home when he can sleep comfortably lying down.

CHF? Careful with the diuretics. I had stage 3 kidney disease before my cardiologist bothered to check my kidney function.
I'm so sorry, Bulldog. You're on my prayer list.
I lost my nephewMark today. He was only 41 years old. Yesterday, he had multiple seizures, today, all his vitals had to be fixed with machines, and he died at sunset. Please pray for this dear family son. It doesn't make sense. Last week when I visited them, he was fine. Now we're looking for a funeral home.

I'm so sorry, condolences for your loss. And after just seeing him well. :(
I lost my nephewMark today. He was only 41 years old. Yesterday, he had multiple seizures, today, all his vitals had to be fixed with machines, and he died at sunset. Please pray for this dear family son. It doesn't make sense. Last week when I visited them, he was fine. Now we're looking for a funeral home.

Awww I am so sorry, my condolences to you and his family :smiliehug:
I lost my nephewMark today. He was only 41 years old. Yesterday, he had multiple seizures, today, all his vitals had to be fixed with machines, and he died at sunset. Please pray for this dear family son. It doesn't make sense. Last week when I visited them, he was fine. Now we're looking for a funeral home.

So sorry Beautress. And so young. Certainly prayers for the family. Do they know what happened to cause this?
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Jackson for wellness.
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Beautress for wellness.
Gracie and Mr. G. for continued progress for solutions.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and stresses of caring for the animals.
Peach's Mr. P for continued progress, healing, and recovery.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Good results for Nosmo's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
For Beautress and her family in the loss of her nephew Mark.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back, and we rejoice when they do.

I lost my nephewMark today. He was only 41 years old. Yesterday, he had multiple seizures, today, all his vitals had to be fixed with machines, and he died at sunset. Please pray for this dear family son. It doesn't make sense. Last week when I visited them, he was fine. Now we're looking for a funeral home.

So sorry Beautress. And so young. Certainly prayers for the family. Do they know what happened to cause this?
I have no idea. I guess I spent the last 2 days in the hospital just stunned with other family members and friends. But now that I think about it, I heard the words "massive infection" coming from one of the nurses as why he was having seizures that severe. I don't understand it, because my nephew was always impeccable in matters of personal hygiene.
I lost my nephewMark today. He was only 41 years old. Yesterday, he had multiple seizures, today, all his vitals had to be fixed with machines, and he died at sunset. Please pray for this dear family son. It doesn't make sense. Last week when I visited them, he was fine. Now we're looking for a funeral home.
My condolences to you and your family.
I lost my nephewMark today. He was only 41 years old. Yesterday, he had multiple seizures, today, all his vitals had to be fixed with machines, and he died at sunset. Please pray for this dear family son. It doesn't make sense. Last week when I visited them, he was fine. Now we're looking for a funeral home.

So sorry Beautress. And so young. Certainly prayers for the family. Do they know what happened to cause this?
I have no idea. I guess I spent the last 2 days in the hospital just stunned with other family members and friends. But now that I think about it, I heard the words "massive infection" coming from one of the nurses as why he was having seizures that severe. I don't understand it, because my nephew was always impeccable in matters of personal hygiene.

Seven years ago Sandy, my first cousin closest to me both in age and spirit--my Aunt Betty's only child--was working in her yard on a Saturday morning. That evening she was in the hospital comatose and on life support. Monday we removed the life support because she was gone. And while not always fatal, it was that fast. The diagnosis was fungal meningitis and I understand that seizures can be part of that. So it isn't usually a matter of personal hygiene. It's just one of those terrible inexplicable things.

So hard on the family though.
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I just got back from the hospital and Mr. P is doing fairly well. He is also getting a bit stronger.
They are going to keep him for another couple days to make sure these new meds are working for getting rid of his water retention.
He still has to sleep sitting up, but it's one of those hospital medical type recliner chairs.
His doc. says he can come home when he can sleep comfortably lying down.

CHF? Careful with the diuretics. I had stage 3 kidney disease before my cardiologist bothered to check my kidney function.

Bulldog I thought last night you were citing history. But is this your current situation?
Today I attended a MEWPS course, my old MEWPS card ran out.
For you guys who do not know what MEWPS are here is a pic.:)
I got to use a JLG scissor lift while overseeing asbestos removal in Atlantic City. It was fun, but you really have to be careful.
Today I attended a MEWPS course, my old MEWPS card ran out.
For you guys who do not know what MEWPS are here is a pic.:)
I got to use a JLG scissor lift while overseeing asbestos removal in Atlantic City. It was fun, but you really have to be careful.
We use the boom lifts similar to that green machine to access components in the vertical stabilizer (tail) on our planes. They are scary if you are afraid of heights.

That's a cute pic and I had to laugh...….looks like the dogs are all ready for pulling some sled and can't wait for the call......then the cat looks like 'why me? It's cold out here, I just want to snuggle by the fire' :21:
Mushers often have a cat or two around their place. They are usually great animal lovers. And I suspect that my Sherman would just have to check out those dogs. He greets all the dogs that visit.
I do hope everyone is doing well, or atleast as well as can be expected in their own circumstances and hoping for the best of outcomes. :huddle:

Still having some tummy troubles, though it has improved. Been avoiding posting in the CS due to being out of sorts and not wanting anything said to be misunderstood and we all know when I open my mouth(or in this case, fingers) schtuff falls out that doesn't always go as planned. :04:

Anyways, I do peek in to try to keep up because I do care about everyone here and think of you all often, so never mistake my silence for absence...….well, I hope you know what I mean :love_ya4:
Hey you. We all have our days and we accept you in the bad and good. But yeah..I know what you mean. I tend to stay away too, when I'm grumpy. But, I also know I would be forgiven if I lapsed..which I havent so far. which is a blessing. :D
I, too, tend to be whiny and pitiful when I show up. But you guys always cheer me up and make me realize that there are folks who care about what happens to other people, even just on-line friends.
I just got back from the hospital and Mr. P is doing fairly well. He is also getting a bit stronger.
They are going to keep him for another couple days to make sure these new meds are working for getting rid of his water retention.
He still has to sleep sitting up, but it's one of those hospital medical type recliner chairs.
His doc. says he can come home when he can sleep comfortably lying down.
Seems to be good news, Peach. I'm still sending all the best for his continued healing, and your continued strength.
I lost my nephewMark today. He was only 41 years old. Yesterday, he had multiple seizures, today, all his vitals had to be fixed with machines, and he died at sunset. Please pray for this dear family son. It doesn't make sense. Last week when I visited them, he was fine. Now we're looking for a funeral home.
So sorry, beau. Will you be able to comfort the family?

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