USMB Coffee Shop IV

I had my knee replaced last year. Prayers up for your surgeon, you, and the anesthesiologist and nurses. May their hands be guided by heaven, and may your recuperation and physical therapy work wonders that bring you comfort and a new lease on life. Only good wishes. :thup:

I am getting the best surgeon in this part of Ontario, and he thanked me for my patience. When they started talking about "catching up" on the waiting list for elective surgeries, I feared getting stuck with one of the new teams they put together to do 24 hours of surgery, and reduce waiting times. No, I'll wait for the real orthopedic guy thanks.
I know Americans don't understand our triage system, but joint replacements, hernias, and "non-critical" surgeries are considered "electives". So you plan for them, and you get on the waiting list well before you really need the surgery. I had all my preliminary workup done in 2019, and our plan was for surgery was January/February 2021. My knee is hurting, in a mildly annoying way, and I'm not going for walks at the moment. This wasn't happening last year.

If I had wanted to do the surgery sooner, I could have gone for the first available opening anywhere in Ontario, but you have to travel and you don't get to pick your doctor.

Beautress, he said 6 weeks and I should be back on my bike. That's before Canada Day - July 1st. How was you experience? I remember you thinking the therapist was a sadist. My friend had her knee replaced around the same time as you and she said the therapy was no big deal, but she's a good 10 years younger than me, and age makes a big difference in recovery.
I am getting the best surgeon in this part of Ontario, and he thanked me for my patience. When they started talking about "catching up" on the waiting list for elective surgeries, I feared getting stuck with one of the new teams they put together to do 24 hours of surgery, and reduce waiting times. No, I'll wait for the real orthopedic guy thanks.
I know Americans don't understand our triage system, but joint replacements, hernias, and "non-critical" surgeries are considered "electives". So you plan for them, and you get on the waiting list well before you really need the surgery. I had all my preliminary workup done in 2019, and our plan was for surgery was January/February 2021. My knee is hurting, in a mildly annoying way, and I'm not going for walks at the moment. This wasn't happening last year.

If I had wanted to do the surgery sooner, I could have gone for the first available opening anywhere in Ontario, but you have to travel and you don't get to pick your doctor.

Beautress, he said 6 weeks and I should be back on my bike. That's before Canada Day - July 1st. How was you experience? I remember you thinking the therapist was a sadist. My friend had her knee replaced around the same time as you and she said the therapy was no big deal, but she's a good 10 years younger than me, and age makes a big difference in recovery.
Hombre had a good deal of pain for a week to 10 days and then it quickly subsided. By the end of the second week he was off most of the heavy pain meds and now almost seven weeks he's off all pain meds and walks without a limp though the knee/leg will need more rehab. But that was a hip which I hear is not as tough as the knee, but those I know who have knee surgery get through it in good shape.
Hombre had a good deal of pain for a week to 10 days and then it quickly subsided. By the end of the second week he was off most of the heavy pain meds and now almost seven weeks he's off all pain meds and walks without a limp though the knee/leg will need more rehab. But that was a hip which I hear is not as tough as the knee, but those I know who have knee surgery get through it in good shape.

I thought the hip was the worst. Once we're finished with the knee, it's time to get in line again for the right hip. He said 6 weeks to have me back on my bike, which would be nice. Just in time for summer.

On a positive note, all of this will cost me nothing. I will have to pay for rental/puchase of a walker, crutches and a cane. And for help at home for the first couple of weeks. The woman who lives across the hall will help me, but I don't expect her to do it for free.

My landlord continues to be a pain, but with the electrical working properly, I now have a microwave, I can focus on getting ready for the surgery. The County laid on a big work order as a result of their inspection, but
I recently learned that the Landlord is now collecting the rents in cash because of "some problem with his bank". He normally has us deposit directly to his bank account.

I had a law clerk friend pull the parcel page on the property and was stunned to learn that my Landlord took out a new mortgage on this property in early February of this year for $500,000. I surmise that the bank did its usual work order searches for a rental property and discovered the Electrical Safety Authority work order. As a result, they cancelled my Landlord's line of credit, and called his loan. Work orders are a serious default under the terms of the mortgage, and even worse, the Landlord had to have lied on the mortgage paperwork and told them the property was up to code. Oops!

The parcel register page told an interesting story. The property was free and clear from 2001 to 2007, when the Landlord took out a mortgage. That mortgage was increased in 2011, and a new mortgage registered. The 2007 mortgage was discharged when the new mortgage was registered, and the 2011 mortgage was discharged when the 2022 mortgage was registered. So he went from debt free to owing $500,000 on this property in 15 years.

This property isn't worth $500,000. Not even close. $350,000 based on the rents, if it was in tip top shape, which it is not. $250,000 with $100,000 needed to be spent to bring it up to code.

What did he do with the money? He sure didn't spend it on this place. He's still driving a same old grey pick up truck he's owned since the day I met him, and I've never seen him dressed in anything but coveralls. He seemed more like the type to have the first dollar he ever earned, than a man drowning in debt.

This is not ending well for this old fool.
We have a number of friends in Washington state who are getting significant snow the last few days. One posted this on Facebook this morning and I thought it too good not to share. :)

It's 64 F here right now, but my friends in the Midwest were talking about sleet and hail on Monday, and we usually get their weather two days later, so I'm bracing for a snowstorm tonight or tomorrow. I can't decide whether to leave the flannel sheets on the bed or change to the summer cotton sheets, and I have both long underwear and shorts ready to go as required.

Last year I would have said that once we have above 60 degree weather for a week, there is no further danger of snow. Last year we had a week of above 70 degree weather for a week, and then got 6 inches of snow. It was gone the next day, but it still created havoc for 2 days, and it froze the new flowers.

The best selling item on my website are boys black stretch skating pants. I keep one of every size on the rack and when I get an order, I ship it the same day, and then make another one to replace it. Last week I sold two pair. I cut them on the weekend and sewed them over the past couple of days.
It's 64 F here right now, but my friends in the Midwest were talking about sleet and hail on Monday, and we usually get their weather two days later, so I'm bracing for a snowstorm tonight or tomorrow. I can't decide whether to leave the flannel sheets on the bed or change to the summer cotton sheets, and I have both long underwear and shorts ready to go as required.

Last year I would have said that once we have above 60 degree weather for a week, there is no further danger of snow. Last year we had a week of above 70 degree weather for a week, and then got 6 inches of snow. It was gone the next day, but it still created havoc for 2 days, and it froze the new flowers.

The best selling item on my website are boys black stretch skating pants. I keep one of every size on the rack and when I get an order, I ship it the same day, and then make another one to replace it. Last week I sold two pair. I cut them on the weekend and sewed them over the past couple of days.

This time of year year here:

Last 2:months have been double digits below last yr and this one is more of the same. Still battling 30's here.
Drastic weather anomalies have always existed, but there seem to be a lot of them this year. And honestly we desperately need moisture in our part of the world--high winds most days this spring, constant red flag warnings, and we already have some big fires going in the state. Severe damage in and around Ruidoso with evacuations in progress. A big fire in the Belen bosque just south of us is about half contained now and they are allowing those evacuated there to return to their homes and businesses. A big fire in the mountains north of Las Vegas NM is only 10% contained but not threatening any private property yet I don't think.
Drastic weather anomalies have always existed, but there seem to be a lot of them this year. And honestly we desperately need moisture in our part of the world--high winds most days this spring, constant red flag warnings, and we already have some big fires going in the state. Severe damage in and around Ruidoso with evacuations in progress. A big fire in the Belen bosque just south of us is about half contained now and they are allowing those evacuated there to return to their homes and businesses. A big fire in the mountains north of Las Vegas NM is only 10% contained but not threatening any private property yet I don't think.
We should be in the Fifties......last couple days it was in the thirties. Farmers havent touched their fields yet
'Last night I dreamed I designed a space ship to Mars. I knew a rocket from earth could not carry enough oxygen for a year long journey. So I decided it would be assembled in space. It would have a ring of oxygen tanks around the outside.'

In the dream I drew a picture of the space ship, and I thought it was a good idea so I sent the above as a tweet to Elon Musk.
'Last night I dreamed I designed a space ship to Mars. I knew a rocket from earth could not carry enough oxygen for a year long journey. So I decided it would be assembled in space. It would have a ring of oxygen tanks around the outside.'

In the dream I drew a picture of the space ship, and I thought it was a good idea so I sent the above as a tweet to Elon Musk.
LOL. Not sure Elon Musk can afford Twitter and a spaceship but he's pretty rich. And who knows? Maybe your design is truly inspiration. He definitely shares my and many others' vision for the next great adventures that will first be interplanetary space travel and eventually, if we can develop the technology, an Enterprise type universe exploration vehicle. I probably won't be around to see it, but I sure would like to be on it. :)
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I am getting the best surgeon in this part of Ontario, and he thanked me for my patience. When they started talking about "catching up" on the waiting list for elective surgeries, I feared getting stuck with one of the new teams they put together to do 24 hours of surgery, and reduce waiting times. No, I'll wait for the real orthopedic guy thanks.
I know Americans don't understand our triage system, but joint replacements, hernias, and "non-critical" surgeries are considered "electives". So you plan for them, and you get on the waiting list well before you really need the surgery. I had all my preliminary workup done in 2019, and our plan was for surgery was January/February 2021. My knee is hurting, in a mildly annoying way, and I'm not going for walks at the moment. This wasn't happening last year.

If I had wanted to do the surgery sooner, I could have gone for the first available opening anywhere in Ontario, but you have to travel and you don't get to pick your doctor.

Beautress, he said 6 weeks and I should be back on my bike. That's before Canada Day - July 1st. How was you experience? I remember you thinking the therapist was a sadist. My friend had her knee replaced around the same time as you and she said the therapy was no big deal, but she's a good 10 years younger than me, and age makes a big difference in recovery.
Oh, Dragonlady, I hope all goes well for your surgery. I'm not familiar with medicine in Canada, but I hope you get the best care and an envious result. :huddle: Group hug!

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