USMB Coffee Shop IV

My Uncle was on the beach.View attachment 654570
My Uncle Otho was in the Army infantry and under Patton's command for at least awhile. All my other uncles were Air Force operating out of England or Marines assigned to the Pacific. Two friends of my parent's generation were on the beach. One came home. One didn't.
Birds…does anyone love to watch them? I get so much pleasure and relaxation from them. We have multiple feeders along our porch and it is bird central. There is a big rhododendron that seems to be the big social spot, especially for the gregarious finches. Then, there are the chippies who have their colony under the porch…but are busy eating all the spilled seed from the birds. Sitting out here, with a glass of whine, listening to all the chatter and the flutter of wings passing close is my idea of Heaven :)

This is my view (yes, porch needs a clean up as does garden…when I have the energy)…

Birds…does anyone love to watch them? I get so much pleasure and relaxation from them. We have multiple feeders along our porch and it is bird central. There is a big rhododendron that seems to be the big social spot, especially for the gregarious finches. Then, there are the chippies who have their colony under the porch…but are busy eating all the spilled seed from the birds. Sitting out here, with a glass of whine, listening to all the chatter and the flutter of wings passing close is my idea of Heaven :)

This is my view (yes, porch needs a clean up as does garden…when I have the energy)…

View attachment 656733
I do love birds and bird watching Coyote. When we lived out on the mountain we had hundreds of hummers visiting all summer plus many many other varieties coming to the bird baths and feeders. Since we've moved to town our yard is more great American desert and we don't put out the feeders any more. But numerous birds do visit the bird bath when I remember to fill it. Your back yard is beautiful by the way.
I do love birds and bird watching Coyote. When we lived out on the mountain we had hundreds of hummers visiting all summer plus many many other varieties coming to the bird baths and feeders. Since we've moved to town our yard is more great American desert and we don't put out the feeders any more. But numerous birds do visit the bird bath when I remember to fill it. Your back yard is beautiful by the way.
Many don't know but I go for cardiac walks around the Village every day. (Weather permitting). I got bored and 2 years ago started taking my camera with me. I take pictures of things you can see from the street but miss if you are driving by. Many times I get great shots of some of our local birds, Occasionally I get a great shot.


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Many don't know but I go for cardiac walks around the Village every day. (Weather permitting). I got bored and 2 years ago started taking my camera with me. I take pictures of things you can see from the street but miss if you are driving by. Many times I get great shots of some of our local birds, Occasionally I get a great shot.

Walking the rails... :thup::thup:
Expecting to be homeless by the end of the year.

Lost my job. Unemployment ends in August. Have not had one response to any of the resumes I've submitted since March when I lost my job.

Not old enough for SSI. Have tons of medical conditions, but none of them are deemed detrimental enough for me to get medical supplements or help with rent and bills......or even a fucking handicapped placard for my vehicle.

Will run out of money by October.

The really FUCKED UP thing about it is..............

If I don't work for a year, my Dr. can file an application for my SSI. And unemployment will start up payments again in February.

I'm too old for this shit.

Expecting to be homeless by the end of the year.

Lost my job. Unemployment ends in August. Have not had one response to any of the resumes I've submitted since March when I lost my job.

Not old enough for SSI. Have tons of medical conditions, but none of them are deemed detrimental enough for me to get medical supplements or help with rent and bills......or even a fucking handicapped placard for my vehicle.

Will run out of money by October.

The really FUCKED UP thing about it is..............

If I don't work for a year, my Dr. can file an application for my SSI. And unemployment will start up payments again in February.

I'm too old for this shit.

So sorry. It's tough out there. Your choices aren't easy. Either take a lesser job than you're qualified for or wait out the year which isn't a good option either. But will send up a prayer or two that you find something suitable more quickly than October. Meanwhile economize as much as is possible.
Expecting to be homeless by the end of the year.

Lost my job. Unemployment ends in August. Have not had one response to any of the resumes I've submitted since March when I lost my job.

Not old enough for SSI. Have tons of medical conditions, but none of them are deemed detrimental enough for me to get medical supplements or help with rent and bills......or even a fucking handicapped placard for my vehicle.

Will run out of money by October.

The really FUCKED UP thing about it is..............

If I don't work for a year, my Dr. can file an application for my SSI. And unemployment will start up payments again in February.

I'm too old for this shit.


As someone who is in a similarly precarious position with respect to housing, I recently stumbled across a local program which supplements the rents of those on a fixed income, unable to meet market rents. Rents in this country have gone up by at least 50% in the past two years, and that's if you can find a place to rent at all.

I've applied for "geared to income" housing but there's 5 year waiting list to get into any of those places. There's a new building going up in town but it's only 10 units, and it's no seniors only housing so families will get priority.

Check with your local government. Ours is the County. There are lots of programs to help people in your situation but you need to be proactive about finding them - and beware of scammers, offering free money. Only use actual government websites, not spoof sites. There's more scammers than real programs.
You ought to try looking at them with a pair of 10X or 12X Canon Image Stabilized binoculars.
My bird watching is usually impromptu and unplanned. I don't carry binoculars with me for most things and everybody depends on camera phones these days.

But welcome to the Coffee Shop toobfreak. Happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in here and keep right on joining in.

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