USMB Coffee Shop IV

When my blood sugar goes up, my neuropathy goes into overdrive, and my ankles disappear due to swelling and awful shades of blueblack with dull dark pink. Somebody should dream up a perfect cinnamon drink. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels. There's one other supplement that lowers blood sugar levels too, my favorites being Cinnamon and bitter melon capsules. Only best wishes to find out what works best for you. The nice thing about food helpers is that you have no side effects other than feeling good.
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginseng
  • Other herbs
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Probiotics
  • Plant compounds like berberine
  • Aloe vera
  • Bitter melon
Hot apple juice or cider spiced with pumpkin pie spice or any combination of nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon etc. works for me as well as spiced teas. Apple juice or cider is far less likely to spike blood sugar than say orange juice.
When my blood sugar goes up, my neuropathy goes into overdrive, and my ankles disappear due to swelling and awful shades of blueblack with dull dark pink. Somebody should dream up a perfect cinnamon drink. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels. There's one other supplement that lowers blood sugar levels too, my favorites being Cinnamon and bitter melon capsules. Only best wishes to find out what works best for you. The nice thing about food helpers is that you have no side effects other than feeling good.
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginseng
  • Other herbs
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Probiotics
  • Plant compounds like berberine
  • Aloe vera
  • Bitter melon
Found here: list of supplements that lower blood sugar - Bing
I’ve actually been taking cinnamon since the last time I had high glucose on a blood test. I looked at my results and my A1C is fine, so I’m not worrying too much. I’ll cut down on sugar, get more exercise, and see how things look in a couple of months.
When my blood sugar goes up, my neuropathy goes into overdrive, and my ankles disappear due to swelling and awful shades of blueblack with dull dark pink. Somebody should dream up a perfect cinnamon drink. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels. There's one other supplement that lowers blood sugar levels too, my favorites being Cinnamon and bitter melon capsules. Only best wishes to find out what works best for you. The nice thing about food helpers is that you have no side effects other than feeling good.
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginseng
  • Other herbs
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Probiotics
  • Plant compounds like berberine
  • Aloe vera
  • Bitter melon
Found here: list of supplements that lower blood sugar - Bing
Well I literally just joined the "club". Had labs done yesterday and saw my PCP this afternoon. Much to my surprise my glucose count was 13............ And I have a UTI.......
And I literally just picked up a gallon of vanilla ice cream and two bags of Pecan Sandies along with a container of whipped cream. That's all going bye, bye.
Prescribed me Metformin and I should be hearing from a diabetic specialist(?) soon.
Making some major changes, obviously then repeat the labs in a week or two to see if the count was correct or not. And I've lost 60 pounds.
Well I literally just joined the "club". Had labs done yesterday and saw my PCP this afternoon. Much to my surprise my glucose count was 13............ And I have a UTI.......
And I literally just picked up a gallon of vanilla ice cream and two bags of Pecan Sandies along with a container of whipped cream. That's all going bye, bye.
Prescribed me Metformin and I should be hearing from a diabetic specialist(?) soon.
Making some major changes, obviously then repeat the labs in a week or two to see if the count was correct or not. And I've lost 60 pounds.
60 is awesome. But yes, cutting back or eliminating refined sugar from the diet rarely causes any bad effect and can have some significantly positive effect. After our son's heart episode and they ordered a very low salt diet, I have been experimenting with ways to reduce or eliminate salt from my recipes and have had both good and not so good results. I demand that there be sufficient satisfying flavor to produce at least satisfaction if not pleasure in the food and when you've been a salt-o-holic all your life that isn't easy. But I'm gradually getting there.
Found a great browser extension that turns all your pages into dark mode...Even works on Yayhoo! fantasy, which removed their night game mode years ago....

Found a great browser extension that turns all your pages into dark mode...Even works on Yayhoo! fantasy, which removed their night game mode years ago....

I tried Dark Reader not long ago, waaaaaay too dark on too many pages. Besides most main stream browsers have a dark mode setting. No it doesn't work for every site but that's slowly changing also
Well I literally just joined the "club". Had labs done yesterday and saw my PCP this afternoon. Much to my surprise my glucose count was 13............ And I have a UTI.......
And I literally just picked up a gallon of vanilla ice cream and two bags of Pecan Sandies along with a container of whipped cream. That's all going bye, bye.
Prescribed me Metformin and I should be hearing from a diabetic specialist(?) soon.
Making some major changes, obviously then repeat the labs in a week or two to see if the count was correct or not. And I've lost 60 pounds.
Goodness, Ringel. Sorry to hear it. If you're taking Metformin I think the rule of thumb is to let go of homeopathic measures, and stick with the doctor who prescribed it. My prayers are for your good health and happiness, Ringel, along with all of us here in Foxfire's beautiful coffee lounge. I think of you all every day, and how fine it is to read opinions, laugh my backside off at Oddballs' Saturday cartoons, and hoping SFC Ollie keeps showing up and wondering what happened to some who never show up again. I adore Foxfire for this fine establishment where people become friends and love to hear when you get well, ahem, Mr. Ringel05. :thup: Best wishes, sir, for beating back Type 2. 'Night everyone. :huddle:
The news was definitely a kick in the gut. It would seem the more I work on getting healthy the more things go wrong. Right now I'm a bit on the depressed side with a main course of being rather pissed off.
I just did a grocery shopping and at least a third is going to get donated plus lots of what is on hand is going away because it all contains sugar. My current goal is to eliminate regular sugars and sugar alcohols from my diet.

My Doc was extremely worried when he saw my Glucose count. Literally said we needed to get it under control NOW or I would end up in the hospital.
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The news was definitely a kick in the gut. It would seem the more I work on getting healthy the more things go wrong. Right now I'm a bit on the depressed side with a main course of being rather pissed off.
I just did a grocery shopping and at least a third is going to get donated plus lots of what is on hand is going away because it all contains sugar. My current goal is to eliminate regular sugars and sugar alcohols from my diet.

My Doc was extremely worried when he saw my Glucose count. Literally said we needed to get it under control NOW or I would end up in the hospital.

It's a pain, there's sugar in everything it seems! Even worse is avoiding overdoing the carbs, IMO. I like to eat a lot of crackers, cereal, bread, and I've been trying to cut down on that, since it all gets converted to glucose. I'm also making sure to get on my exercise bike a bit each day since exercise is supposed to be helpful for blood sugar, and I spend most of my days sitting down, both at work and at home.

Hopefully you can adjust fairly quickly to get your glucose down!
It's a pain, there's sugar in everything it seems! Even worse is avoiding overdoing the carbs, IMO. I like to eat a lot of crackers, cereal, bread, and I've been trying to cut down on that, since it all gets converted to glucose. I'm also making sure to get on my exercise bike a bit each day since exercise is supposed to be helpful for blood sugar, and I spend most of my days sitting down, both at work and at home.

Hopefully you can adjust fairly quickly to get your glucose down!
I realized last night I wasn't getting severe dry mouth and woke up without severe dry mouth (a symptom of diabetes) so the medication they gave me appears to be working. I'm also feeling a little better over all. Yeah, my comfort food has always been simple carbs with salt and fats, primarily saturated fats........
Until very recently I was never much of a sugar eater. It would seem with the onset of diabetes I began craving sugary foods though I did try to limit them.
I did a little research and found out that the average sugar consumption in the newly minted United States was 6 pounds per person annually. With the advent of cheap forms of sugar our current annual consumption is 130 pounds per person...........
Well I literally just joined the "club". Had labs done yesterday and saw my PCP this afternoon. Much to my surprise my glucose count was 13............ And I have a UTI.......
And I literally just picked up a gallon of vanilla ice cream and two bags of Pecan Sandies along with a container of whipped cream. That's all going bye, bye.
Prescribed me Metformin and I should be hearing from a diabetic specialist(?) soon.
Making some major changes, obviously then repeat the labs in a week or two to see if the count was correct or not. And I've lost 60 pounds.
The pecans have a leveling effect in dietary stuff. Nuts are generally good for leveling off dietary stuff, and so does dark chocolate. We're so used to chocolate in candy, sweet hot chocolate, etc. that we do not realize it is one of nature's finest sources of antioxidants and minerals plus is associated with lowering blood pressure, in moderation, of course, because if your physician is giving you medicine to lower the blood pressure, then moderation is the only way to go. 7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

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I did a little research and found out that the average sugar consumption in the newly minted United States was 6 pounds per person annually. With the advent of cheap forms of sugar our current annual consumption is 130 pounds per person...........
I hope you read up on Dr. Gundry's research on Aspertame (Equal) and other sweeteners. He said something to the effect that Aspertame is the #1 worst compound causing early dementia and Alzheimer's. To find out the worst 5 compounds that will make people forget things, names, even relatives, Dr. Gundry has a great series of help for those who are starting to worry about forgetting stuff, I'll go see if I can find one of his videos with the hope it will help a few of our friends live with their minds intact into their 90s and beyond, if longevity runs in your family. He doesn't think well of butter-flavored popcorn, which has no dairy product in it whatsoever.

15 minutes later...

If you go to and search "Dr. Stephen Gundry" there are at least a dozen updated
youtubes that will help you know more about the importance of diet with brain and heart health. Some videos of Dr. Gundry go after little-known killer toxins that can harm you. All his warnings are updated since a couple of years ago due to advanced science of nutritional knowledge.
The first few weeks in the New Year is a good time to make changes so that next year your health will be better than ever.

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Just heard the forecast of the nation for the rest of the week. It was not good due to snow up north and flooding everywhere else.

So, please be careful on the streets from now through the weekend. i'm praying tonight that all here will be safe, and Love to all. :hands:
I hope you read up on Dr. Gundry's research on Aspertame (Equal) and other sweeteners. He said something to the effect that Aspertame is the #1 worst compound causing early dementia and Alzheimer's. To find out the worst 5 compounds that will make people forget things, names, even relatives, Dr. Gundry has a great series of help for those who are starting to worry about forgetting stuff, I'll go see if I can find one of his videos with the hope it will help a few of our friends live with their minds intact into their 90s and beyond, if longevity runs in your family. He doesn't think well of butter-flavored popcorn, which has no dairy product in it whatsoever.

15 minutes later...

If you go to and search "Dr. Stephen Gundry" there are at least a dozen updated
youtubes that will help you know more about the importance of diet with brain and heart health. Some videos of Dr. Gundry go after little-known killer toxins that can harm you. All his warnings are updated since a couple of years ago due to advanced science of nutritional knowledge.
The first few weeks in the New Year is a good time to make changes so that next year your health will be better than ever.

I get frustrated with Dr. Gundry's ads/videos though because they go on and and on until you've wasted 20 to 40 minutes to finally see what product he is pushing. I gave up watching those kinds of ads a long time ago.

I don't know if artificial sweeteners like aspartame cause dementia but I do believe the research that they do cause people to overeat and crave more and more sweet things that probably aren't all that good for us. The body does not recognize them as food and that causes a lot of unwanted side effects. And they may be a factor in some health issues.

But refined sugar is terrible too. So now I sweeten most things with raw unrefined honey or stevia or monkfruit and use refined sugar only when absolutely necessary for the chemistry of a recipe. I probably don't buy 10 lbs of sugar a year anymore and throw some of that out when it gets too hard to be usable. :)
The news was definitely a kick in the gut. It would seem the more I work on getting healthy the more things go wrong. Right now I'm a bit on the depressed side with a main course of being rather pissed off.
I just did a grocery shopping and at least a third is going to get donated plus lots of what is on hand is going away because it all contains sugar. My current goal is to eliminate regular sugars and sugar alcohols from my diet.

My Doc was extremely worried when he saw my Glucose count. Literally said we needed to get it under control NOW or I would end up in the hospital.
Vigil list? Could be a blessing in disguise but you already seemed to be pretty health conscious and not a sugarholic. But good to take care of it before it does real damage.

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