USMB Coffee Shop IV

Mrs. BBD told me this morning - about 1000 - that I could come out from under the bed because Halloween was over. Under the bed is the safest place in the world if you need a feeling of security. I didn't see a single spook, vampire or mummy at all the whole time I was under there.
Mrs. BBD told me this morning - about 1000 - that I could come out from under the bed because Halloween was over. Under the bed is the safest place in the world if you need a feeling of security. I didn't see a single spook, vampire or mummy at all the whole time I was under there.

Hope all is well, sorry I haven't been here in awhile. For some reason I lost interest in the changing of the forum. Its just not the same. :(
Good morning Coffee Shop crew. Woke up with a very painful right big toe due to an ingrown toenail. Very tender and very painful. Guess I will have to call the foot doctor and go in to get my hoof trimmed. In the meanwhile I shall have a shot of Jack Daniels and see if that makes the pain go away. Most likely it will not but you can never pass up a good reason to have a shot of Jack Daniels!
Sure it's not gout?

No, it's not gout. It's clearly an ingrown toe nail.

Hope you get it fixed BBD, that doesn't sound like something you want to endure for too long!
Well we've missed you and your adventures, Noomi, so hope you find a comfort level here soon. It isn't the same place but you do get used to it after awhile.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's student/friend Sean, his injured brother, and their family,
Tresha and hubby,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
All done with cleaning and doing laundry so now I'm relaxing with my blankie, listening to Coast to Coast and posting for awhile.

Right now:


Earlier today:



Partly Cloudy
Mostly Clear

I used to listen to Coast to Coast when I was working late nights or pulling an all nighter. It is such an eclectic program--kept me company and entertained for hours.

I subscribe every year and then stop listening for awhile. I used to listen to Sally Jessie Raphael back in the 80s when I worked night shift. Talk radio is fun overnight, it grabs your attention and keeps you from watching the clock too much. Helps the time go by.
Saw no snow in WV, just cold rain and not that much. Couldn't have been much of an inviting night for tricker treaters.

I just returned from Green Bank where I visited this guy...


Biggest fully steerable radio telescope in the world, almost 500' high. For scale that's a tour bus in front of it. Nice exposition center display and history in the main building. The observatory lies in the middle of the National Radio Quiet Zone, where electromagnetic radiation is strictly controlled. Didn't see cell phone signals for at least 20 miles on the way in. They keep it so quiet they have a technician in a van go into town if they detect something spurious like someone's microwave oven leaking. All their vehicles are diesel --even the lawnmowers-- because spark plugs would generate noise. It's kind of an electromagnetic wildlife preserve that way. :)

National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Wow! That is pretty cool! :) Did you get to climb on it?
Saw no snow in WV, just cold rain and not that much. Couldn't have been much of an inviting night for tricker treaters.

I just returned from Green Bank where I visited this guy...


Biggest fully steerable radio telescope in the world, almost 500' high. For scale that's a tour bus in front of it. Nice exposition center display and history in the main building. The observatory lies in the middle of the National Radio Quiet Zone, where electromagnetic radiation is strictly controlled. Didn't see cell phone signals for at least 20 miles on the way in. They keep it so quiet they have a technician in a van go into town if they detect something spurious like someone's microwave oven leaking. All their vehicles are diesel --even the lawnmowers-- because spark plugs would generate noise. It's kind of an electromagnetic wildlife preserve that way. :)

National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Wow! That is pretty cool! :) Did you get to climb on it?

Even if they were to allow that you couldn't pay me any amount of money to climb up there. :nono:

Acrophobia, you know...

Plus here's what happened to its predecessor...

(simple metal stress after outliving its predicted lifespan, but hostile alien zapping sells)
Saw no snow in WV, just cold rain and not that much. Couldn't have been much of an inviting night for tricker treaters.

I just returned from Green Bank where I visited this guy...


Biggest fully steerable radio telescope in the world, almost 500' high. For scale that's a tour bus in front of it. Nice exposition center display and history in the main building. The observatory lies in the middle of the National Radio Quiet Zone, where electromagnetic radiation is strictly controlled. Didn't see cell phone signals for at least 20 miles on the way in. They keep it so quiet they have a technician in a van go into town if they detect something spurious like someone's microwave oven leaking. All their vehicles are diesel --even the lawnmowers-- because spark plugs would generate noise. It's kind of an electromagnetic wildlife preserve that way. :)

National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Wow! That is pretty cool! :) Did you get to climb on it?

Even if they were to allow that you couldn't pay me any amount of money to climb up there. :nono:

Acrophobia, you know...

Plus here's what happened to its predecessor...

(simple metal stress after outliving its predicted lifespan, but hostile alien zapping sells)

Those aliens are not a very friendly bunch. Meanies! :biggrin:
Looking out of an upper floor window of the condo reveals a gray, gloomy sky (not pitch black because of CST now), wet chilly street, about 42 degrees the KSL site tells me. We may get to 45 or so.
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We had a light -- very light -- dusting of snow at dawn today here in northern south east West Virginia. :eusa_dance:

Will find out by evening what came down at home -- snow? Cat?
:lol: That cat is gonna be the death of you...

-- or vice versa :death:

You'd think at some point he'd get the idea that straight-up vertical ascent doesn't generally end well.
I'm convinced the capacity of a cat's memory is about ten seconds. :uhh:
We had two different cats each survive a 30 to 40 descent vertically out of pine trees. Neither ever climbed beyond eight feet after that.
We had two different cats each survive a 30 to 40 descent vertically out of pine trees. Neither ever climbed beyond eight feet after that.

I just don't get the reasoning. "Let's see, last three times I did this I was stranded up there for three, four days, had no food, no water, had to stay awake the whole time through rain, snow, bitter cold... yeah let's go up this tree and do it again".

I appreciate your cat's willingness to overcome his fear of heights Pogo.

About forty degrees yesterday, so finishing up my step son's shed roof was less than ideal. Going to add a few tie down straps, just because I don't like anything I build to have even the slightest weakness. Lots of raking for customers today too.

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