USMB Coffee Shop IV

Have you ever considered your legacy? How will future generations remember you?

If you could go back in time and impart some epic gift to mankind, what would you offer, and when would you offer it?

Would you crib Shakespeare and 'write' Hamlet fifty years before Shakespeare was born? Would you 'invent' the plow and make the deserts bloom? Would you bring electricity to the Romans?

It's fun to think about.

I think I'd invent the printing press in Ancient Greece. Think of all the knowledge lost to time and vandals! The more the merrier where books go. More libraries preserving more ideas.

Wow. What a question. Assuming I could get away with it with my head joined to my body, I think I would want to teach. Geography, philosophy, religion, nutrition, modern medicine, economics.
On the eve of Thanksgiving, there will be, no doubt, a lot of preparatory cooking going on. Around here, noodles will be rolled out, turkeys will be brined, dinner rolls baked, potatoes peeled and pies baked.

I must make the ham for tomorrow's feast, but I can do that in the morning. But my brother (the family gourmand) will be slaving away at stove and oven.

When the whole family; Pop, both sets of Grandparents, uncles and aunts would come to Thanksgiving dinner, my brother and I were sequestered in our rooms. We had a bad habit of being under foot during the climax of the preparations. But we were pressed into service to serve, clear the table and wash the dishes.

The dining room at the Big House used to feature red shag carpeting. And I do mean shag. The fibers were at least an inch and a half long. These were the days of Mary Tyler Moore flinging her tam into the Minneapolis wind, Nixon on the hot seat, lawn darts and Ford Pintos. And our dining room carpet accurately reflected the styles of the day.

But that long shag pile was, as it turns out, a significant trip and fall hazard, as demonstrated by my brother as he carried the bowl of sweet peas into the dining room. He staggered over the long pile of the carpet and the peas went airborne. They fell like little green hailstones and then sank deep into the carpeting. I do believe that the following New Year's Eve, we found the last of the forgotten peas from Thanksgiving.

Have a safe, fulfilling, joyous and thankful Thanksgiving everyone!
Loved the story! I never had big family gatherings. Mainly because it was majorly disfunctional.
I used to ride around on my bike on turkey day and look in the windows of big families gathered round. Not with my face pressed to the panes..from the street. When I got older, I used to drive around slowly and look inside at families having fun. I so much wanted to be part of those families.

The holidays don't have a lot of happy memories for me as a kid growing up either Gracie. But they are important to my husband and my kids so we developed our own traditions. I still don't get quite the kick out of it all that they do, but I don't dread them either.
I would go wayyyy back. Way. WAYY. And give them penicillin. Think of the lives that could have been saved.

Oh, and a few machine guns to some ornery apostles that were not pacifists. ;)
I am not too impressed with Turkey day. Xmas used to be my favorite but only when I was a really little kid. From age 8 and up...I got on my bike and looked in windows.
So I'm working on finishing up the last of my gelled salads for tomorrow and should be able to get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. Our houseguests have already retired and Hombre and I are unwinding in the office. Morning will begin with hot cinnamon rolls, coffee, and a flurry of activity to get the turkey in the oven etc. But all is well.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Tresha and hubby,
Mr. H and his friend,
strollingbones & hubby,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.​
Slept in this morning, need mo coffee, mo coffee, mo coffee!!!!
The wife didn't put the plastic shopping bags from yesterdays trip away, they were piled on the floor........... Boo had a wild hair last night, bags scattered all over the house.........
Got to get lots of stuff cleaned up, hit Stuff Mart one more time and get busy cooking.
Happy, Happy Oink, Oink everyone!! (We're having ham......) :D
Slept in this morning, need mo coffee, mo coffee, mo coffee!!!!
The wife didn't put the plastic shopping bags from yesterdays trip away, they were piled on the floor........... Boo had a wild hair last night, bags scattered all over the house.........
Got to get lots of stuff cleaned up, hit Stuff Mart one more time and get busy cooking.
Happy, Happy Oink, Oink everyone!! (We're having ham......) :D
My oldest daughter is hosting this years festivities and doing the turkey and various other dishes. All the extended families are bringing other food. I am doing the ham and a nice one at Costco, boneless. Brought one a while back and it was delicious. I do my yams with pine apple, brown sugar and browned marshmallows and everybody loves them..their more of a desert than a vegetable, lol.
Slept in this morning, need mo coffee, mo coffee, mo coffee!!!!
The wife didn't put the plastic shopping bags from yesterdays trip away, they were piled on the floor........... Boo had a wild hair last night, bags scattered all over the house.........
Got to get lots of stuff cleaned up, hit Stuff Mart one more time and get busy cooking.
Happy, Happy Oink, Oink everyone!! (We're having ham......) :D
My oldest daughter is hosting this years festivities and doing the turkey and various other dishes. All the extended families are bringing other food. I am doing the ham and a nice one at Costco, boneless. Brought one a while back and it was delicious. I do my yams with pine apple, brown sugar and browned marshmallows and everybody loves them..their more of a desert than a vegetable, lol.
Usually we do a Maryland Stuffed Ham but this time I'll make a pineapple, mustard glazed ham. It's just my wife and I so I buy the smallest butt portion I can find. We keep it pretty simple, mashed taters, green beans and rolls with a crustless pumpkin pie for the wife and a almond meal pie crust pumpkin pie for me.
Slept in this morning, need mo coffee, mo coffee, mo coffee!!!!
The wife didn't put the plastic shopping bags from yesterdays trip away, they were piled on the floor........... Boo had a wild hair last night, bags scattered all over the house.........
Got to get lots of stuff cleaned up, hit Stuff Mart one more time and get busy cooking.
Happy, Happy Oink, Oink everyone!! (We're having ham......) :D
My oldest daughter is hosting this years festivities and doing the turkey and various other dishes. All the extended families are bringing other food. I am doing the ham and a nice one at Costco, boneless. Brought one a while back and it was delicious. I do my yams with pine apple, brown sugar and browned marshmallows and everybody loves them..their more of a desert than a vegetable, lol.
Usually we do a Maryland Stuffed Ham but this time I'll make a pineapple, mustard glazed ham. It's just my wife and I so I buy the smallest butt portion I can find. We keep it pretty simple, mashed taters, green beans and rolls with a crustless pumpkin pie for the wife and a almond meal pie crust pumpkin pie for me.
Sounds good!

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