USMB Coffee Shop IV

On the eve of Thanksgiving, there will be, no doubt, a lot of preparatory cooking going on. Around here, noodles will be rolled out, turkeys will be brined, dinner rolls baked, potatoes peeled and pies baked.

I must make the ham for tomorrow's feast, but I can do that in the morning. But my brother (the family gourmand) will be slaving away at stove and oven.

When the whole family; Pop, both sets of Grandparents, uncles and aunts would come to Thanksgiving dinner, my brother and I were sequestered in our rooms. We had a bad habit of being under foot during the climax of the preparations. But we were pressed into service to serve, clear the table and wash the dishes.

The dining room at the Big House used to feature red shag carpeting. And I do mean shag. The fibers were at least an inch and a half long. These were the days of Mary Tyler Moore flinging her tam into the Minneapolis wind, Nixon on the hot seat, lawn darts and Ford Pintos. And our dining room carpet accurately reflected the styles of the day.

But that long shag pile was, as it turns out, a significant trip and fall hazard, as demonstrated by my brother as he carried the bowl of sweet peas into the dining room. He staggered over the long pile of the carpet and the peas went airborne. They fell like little green hailstones and then sank deep into the carpeting. I do believe that the following New Year's Eve, we found the last of the forgotten peas from Thanksgiving.

Have a safe, fulfilling, joyous and thankful Thanksgiving everyone!
Moki is doing just fine. He acts like no surgery was ever done! I am doing ok too, thanks for asking. :)
Been watching a lot of movies cuz its COLD outside. Winter came early.

And you?
Sorry it's been so long before I responded. I've been busy, as usual. I'm glad Moki is doing well. I am always amazed at the resilience of our fur-fam friends. I'm glad you're doing well, too. Just keep yourself warm, girlfriend!!
Cold? Not so much here. We're still hovering around freezing and no snow to speak of. Winter doesn't seem to be coming at all here.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Tresha and hubby,
Mr. H and his friend,
strollingbones & hubby,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.​
Foxy, Sean says his brother is recovering well and he's looking forward to seeing him over Thanksgiving. I'd still like to keep him on the vigil list, though. A firefighter injured executing his duties, such folks deserve every consideration we can send their way. Thanks to everyone who's been praying & chanting for, or just sending best wishes.
Morning, everyone. This weekend has been a great reprieve from the cold snap, with highs and lows in the 50's. Unfortunately, my hot water is way hotter than it should be, and I've noticed a very small bubbling in my faucet. Time to get under the house and look for the ruptured PVC pipe. :eusa_doh:
Ruptured pipe? Possibly or you could have "received" an air pocket feed from the main feed, if you don't find any pipe problems run all of your faucets for a few minutes and bleed the emergency pressure valve on the hot water heater (without scalding yourself..........)
As for where to look for possible breaks is any exterior hose bib feeds and any other line running close to the outside walls.

Good point, and anything that isn't a cracked pipe will be welcomed news for me. lol

We'll see though. The hot water line was partially frozen last week when the temp got down to 8 degrees. This house was originally a small 14 x 60 ft, 1 bedroom 1 bathroom trailer. My godfather added on to it over the last 15 years before I bought it, and its now a multi-section house, with the only trace of the original trailer being the metal frame under part of the house. He made all the plumbing and electrical very easy to access. One of my renovation projects will be to replace all the lines with PEX.

Before I bought this place from him, I lived by Ozark Lake in a house with PEX lines that froze multiple times during the asinine winter last year with no ruptures. I had an old trailer there that my brother lived in, and after all the steel pipes shattered, we gave it the PEX upgrade and he never had an issue again either. Definitely a fan. :)
I love PEX!!!!
(No Sherry, not Pecs....... :eusa_whistle:)

A simple solution would be to run insulation around the inside of the foundation assuming it's a crawl space and you have fairly easy access.

Oh man, EZ and I use to PM each other some amazing pec pix.:banana:

Uh....eewwww! Now I'll got bleach my eyeballs.
If she bought it from Best Buy, they will charge her a restocking fee...which means it will be the same price if she keeps it since thats how they gouge people.
Yeah. That's why I won't buy anything at Best Buy. Once, I bought a laptop that turned out to be defective (a big minus in the first place) and they wanted to charge me a re-stock fee when I took it back. After pressing the point that they should probably not re-stock defective merchandise, and after their techie confirmed I had not bugged the laptop myself, they finally gave up and refunded my money, without charging their stupid re-stock fee. I will still not buy from them ever again. There are plenty of other options.
I cheat with my soups, I use the canned soups as a base. Take "potato" soup;

1 large can cream of potato soup
1 large can cream of broccoli soup
2 cans cheddar cheese soup
1 or 2 small bags of frozen broccoli (depending on taste)
2 cups diced potatoes (the frozen hash browns work great)
1/4 small onion, diced
2 cups diced cooked ham or chicken
1 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp Dijon mustard
1 to 1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)
Mix everything together except the shredded cheese, cook on med low for two hours stirring frequently, add shredded cheddar cheese in the last 5 minutes of cooking and blend well.
Halve the recipe for smaller amounts. Leftovers can be stored in containers for up to one week.

I have a simpler one that we enjoy a lot for a quick hearty hot supper. I call it 1 x 4 soup:

1 lb hamburger well browned, drained, seasoned to taste with salt & pepper
add 1 can minestrone soup
add 1 can pinto beans
add 1 can rotel tomatoes (we use the one with green chile)
stir together and heat
serve with crackers or cornbread

serves two or three with generous portions
just double for a bigger group (but then you call it 2 x 4 soup)

We haven't found anybody yet who doesn't like this and we feed some very picky people

The only ingredient I like is the hamburger. I don't eat minestrone, any beans but green beans, and almost always avoid tomato. Hell, I don't even like cornbread. :lol:

I hate beans except green beans too! I even leave them out of my chili and substitute red peppers instead. :D If I have chili with beans, there is a big pile of beans at the bottom of my bowl when I'm done.

The amazing thing is that I wouldn't eat any of those ingredients in the 1 x 4 soup by themselves. But together, something magic happens. You don't taste the minestrone soup. You don't taste the pinto beans. You don't taste the tomatoes. You don't taste the hamburger. You taste 1 x 4 soup that is absolutely its own thing. When my sister-in-law first served it to us up at the cabin, I was highly skeptical as you all are. But I was really hungry and there was nothing else to eat at the time, so I tried it. And loved it. As has everybody I've ever served it to since.
On the eve of Thanksgiving, there will be, no doubt, a lot of preparatory cooking going on. Around here, noodles will be rolled out, turkeys will be brined, dinner rolls baked, potatoes peeled and pies baked.

I must make the ham for tomorrow's feast, but I can do that in the morning. But my brother (the family gourmand) will be slaving away at stove and oven.

When the whole family; Pop, both sets of Grandparents, uncles and aunts would come to Thanksgiving dinner, my brother and I were sequestered in our rooms. We had a bad habit of being under foot during the climax of the preparations. But we were pressed into service to serve, clear the table and wash the dishes.

The dining room at the Big House used to feature red shag carpeting. And I do mean shag. The fibers were at least an inch and a half long. These were the days of Mary Tyler Moore flinging her tam into the Minneapolis wind, Nixon on the hot seat, lawn darts and Ford Pintos. And our dining room carpet accurately reflected the styles of the day.

But that long shag pile was, as it turns out, a significant trip and fall hazard, as demonstrated by my brother as he carried the bowl of sweet peas into the dining room. He staggered over the long pile of the carpet and the peas went airborne. They fell like little green hailstones and then sank deep into the carpeting. I do believe that the following New Year's Eve, we found the last of the forgotten peas from Thanksgiving.

Have a safe, fulfilling, joyous and thankful Thanksgiving everyone!
Loved the story! I never had big family gatherings. Mainly because it was majorly disfunctional.
I used to ride around on my bike on turkey day and look in the windows of big families gathered round. Not with my face pressed to the panes..from the street. When I got older, I used to drive around slowly and look inside at families having fun. I so much wanted to be part of those families.
Have you ever considered your legacy? How will future generations remember you?

If you could go back in time and impart some epic gift to mankind, what would you offer, and when would you offer it?

Would you crib Shakespeare and 'write' Hamlet fifty years before Shakespeare was born? Would you 'invent' the plow and make the deserts bloom? Would you bring electricity to the Romans?

It's fun to think about.

I think I'd invent the printing press in Ancient Greece. Think of all the knowledge lost to time and vandals! The more the merrier where books go. More libraries preserving more ideas.
I cheat with my soups, I use the canned soups as a base. Take "potato" soup;

1 large can cream of potato soup
1 large can cream of broccoli soup
2 cans cheddar cheese soup
1 or 2 small bags of frozen broccoli (depending on taste)
2 cups diced potatoes (the frozen hash browns work great)
1/4 small onion, diced
2 cups diced cooked ham or chicken
1 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp Dijon mustard
1 to 1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)
Mix everything together except the shredded cheese, cook on med low for two hours stirring frequently, add shredded cheddar cheese in the last 5 minutes of cooking and blend well.
Halve the recipe for smaller amounts. Leftovers can be stored in containers for up to one week.

I have a simpler one that we enjoy a lot for a quick hearty hot supper. I call it 1 x 4 soup:

1 lb hamburger well browned, drained, seasoned to taste with salt & pepper
add 1 can minestrone soup
add 1 can pinto beans
add 1 can rotel tomatoes (we use the one with green chile)
stir together and heat
serve with crackers or cornbread

serves two or three with generous portions
just double for a bigger group (but then you call it 2 x 4 soup)

We haven't found anybody yet who doesn't like this and we feed some very picky people

The only ingredient I like is the hamburger. I don't eat minestrone, any beans but green beans, and almost always avoid tomato. Hell, I don't even like cornbread. :lol:

I hate beans except green beans too! I even leave them out of my chili and substitute red peppers instead. :D If I have chili with beans, there is a big pile of beans at the bottom of my bowl when I'm done.

The amazing thing is that I wouldn't eat any of those ingredients in the 1 x 4 soup by themselves. But together, something magic happens. You don't taste the minestrone soup. You don't taste the pinto beans. You don't taste the tomatoes. You don't taste the hamburger. You taste 1 x 4 soup that is absolutely its own thing. When my sister-in-law first served it to us up at the cabin, I was highly skeptical as you all are. But I was really hungry and there was nothing else to eat at the time, so I tried it. And loved it. As has everybody I've ever served it to since.

I'm sure it's delicious, just not something I would normally choose to eat. :)
Sweetie, Thanksgiving isn't until tomorrow. :)
Okay, but it is the same situation. I haven't lived in the States in 11.5 years and do not celebrate Thanksgiving, so I guess I got mixed up on the date. Tomorrow, Thursday, it's the same issue. Cannot take a leave day off work; it would not be allowed.

I'm working tomorrow too. I don't get holidays off unless I request for it 30-45 days in advance. I usually just work on Thanksgiving and take Christmas day off.

I'm just having my Thanksgiving dinner at around 6:00 p.m. is all.
If one is sentimental about family and holidays, it can be tough. If you don't mind, it's a good way to earn some overtime. I just get my regular salary, of course, but if you are in the States, you should get double time or something.

I'm considered a subcontractor of sorts, so I never get paid OT. I only get straight time no matter what, which kind of sucks. I'm a medical transcriptionist and instead of getting paid on a salary-type basis, I get paid by lines typed, so my job is a little different than a lot of peoples' jobs. :) If I had decided to take Thanksgiving day off, I could use "paid time off" (which I earn by working (say 15 minutes of PTO time for an hour of work, just as an example), to get paid for the holiday.

I did data entry from home for 9+ years. It was the same for me; technically I was a sub-contractor, self-employed and paid by how much work I did, not by time worked. But it was work I did at home, so it was still nice. :)

It's nice in some ways and not so nice in others. :)
Just got back from Colorado Springs, a drive and some shopping, I'm a tired......
Had lunch at Extreme Pizza and dessert at Cold Stone, now if we could just get them to deliver down here in Podunk.......
Have you ever considered your legacy? How will future generations remember you?

If you could go back in time and impart some epic gift to mankind, what would you offer, and when would you offer it?

Would you crib Shakespeare and 'write' Hamlet fifty years before Shakespeare was born? Would you 'invent' the plow and make the deserts bloom? Would you bring electricity to the Romans?

It's fun to think about.

I think I'd invent the printing press in Ancient Greece. Think of all the knowledge lost to time and vandals! The more the merrier where books go. More libraries preserving more ideas.
I'd know where to buy land....... cheap...... What businesses to get into and when to get out......... :eusa_whistle:
Have you ever considered your legacy? How will future generations remember you?

If you could go back in time and impart some epic gift to mankind, what would you offer, and when would you offer it?

Would you crib Shakespeare and 'write' Hamlet fifty years before Shakespeare was born? Would you 'invent' the plow and make the deserts bloom? Would you bring electricity to the Romans?

It's fun to think about.

I think I'd invent the printing press in Ancient Greece. Think of all the knowledge lost to time and vandals! The more the merrier where books go. More libraries preserving more ideas.
I'd know where to buy land....... cheap...... What businesses to get into and when to get out......... :eusa_whistle:
Ringel the Land Baron! You could place bets on all the future Kentucky Derby winners or put a bundle on the '69 Mets.

But those are gains for you, unless you decide to out do Andrew Carnegie.
Have you ever considered your legacy? How will future generations remember you?

If you could go back in time and impart some epic gift to mankind, what would you offer, and when would you offer it?

Would you crib Shakespeare and 'write' Hamlet fifty years before Shakespeare was born? Would you 'invent' the plow and make the deserts bloom? Would you bring electricity to the Romans?

It's fun to think about.

I think I'd invent the printing press in Ancient Greece. Think of all the knowledge lost to time and vandals! The more the merrier where books go. More libraries preserving more ideas.
I'd know where to buy land....... cheap...... What businesses to get into and when to get out......... :eusa_whistle:
Ringel the Land Baron! You could place bets on all the future Kentucky Derby winners or put a bundle on the '69 Mets.

But those are gains for you, unless you decide to out do Andrew Carnegie.
I'd start "company stores" and charge everyone 3 times what everything is worth....... Ya think Boss Tweed left a legacy.........? :D

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